OS X Mountain Lion :: Yahoo Emails From Trash Folder In Outlook Reappear In Inbox
Jun 3, 2014
Using Yahoo in Outlook on OS X Mountain Lion - deleted emails repeatedly reappear in in-box after a minute or so, but when I delete them from the Trash they no longer reappear. This has been going on for weeks
I delete a large batch of emails from my inbox, empty the trash, and the deleted emails reappear in the inbox. This happens repeatedly. How do I get rid of these emails permanently?
It is possible to use the IMAP INBOX folder for sent emails in Mail.app? I configured Thunderbird on my Linux Machine like that, it is very useful to have this conversational view! Is it somehow possible to do that on MAC too?
Info: MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am using OSX 10.9.3 on mid 2011 Macbook Pro. I am working in Apple mail and e-mail thru a google account and a pop3 account.
My question is: How do I stop, copies of my (as I am) composing e-mail, from showing up in the mail trash. I can have as many copies in the mail trash as the number of words in my message. I have looked thru the mail, apple support (non fee based) and thru FAQ in communities.
Running mail with 2 email accounts, one old one that I could still receive emails from but not send any; the other is the main email that I use. I deleted the old account then could not send any emails. I spoke to my ISP and have fixed the sending problem, but now I seem to have lost a heap of emails, possibly all the ones that had been sent to the old account but also a long one that my wife had just written that was in drafts as it was unable to send. Essentially we want to recover the emails we received, and the one that was in drafts.
For some unknown reason, all my iCloud Mails that were in my inbox on my iMac, my iPhone, my iPad have disappeared without me actually deleting them. When checking on icloud.com the mails are not there neither. How can this happen all sudden? All my Mails in the Sent Folder are still there. I am using the latest software on all my devices.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion, 2.4GhZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB, 1TB
I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail (outlook.com) in conjuction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on outlook.com will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on outlook.com to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. BTW, we're allowed 25 gigs on outlook.com so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.
Some of my mail is not showing up in my inbox on my Mac but came through on my phone. Am using imap so it should not have deleted from the server...and I have never have had this problem before.Â
It seems to be working again now, but there are 5 or so emails that just will not come through to my Mac inbox even though I can see them in the inbox on my phone...important work emails....concerned this may happen again and something will slip through the net.Â
I recently lost all the emails from my INBOX folder one of my email accounts. Is there a way of syncing this account only with its time machine backup that I have on an external hard drive. Where do I find the folders.
Whenever I run Outlook Send/Receive, in addition to my new emails, I keep getting the same 8 old emails. Now they are starting to duplicate themselves. I had over 2000 the last time.
I get this message when opening an Excel doc from Outlook Email "This attachment was removed because it contains data that could pose a security risk". I know this doc is safe, how do I get to see it?
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.5), it is actually 10.8.5
I am new to Mac-have recently migrated from PC to a dear little MacBook. This may be a server problem, but thought I would ask. Suddenly my inbox filled up with 1500 old emails (3-4 months' worth all marked "unread"). Have I inadvertently done something?
I started my Mac mail application today (set to connect to my gmail accounts through IMAP), and all my mail that was in my inbox is GONE. I don't know if my gmail accounts were hacked or if their implementation of "Priority Inbox" just trashed all my messages older than 35 days. I've changed my password and disabled Priority Inbox. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can recover my e-mails?
after backing up some movie files, moved them to the trash bin and then emptied the trash bin. Sometime later (days or weeks) the files reappeared in the original 'movie' folder.
When I check multiple messages for deletion in my IMAP inbox on my iPad or iTouch, I get an instant screen message: "Unable to Move Messages. The messages could not be moved to the mailbox trash." The selected messages do disappear from the stack but what is this message trying to tell me?
I'm using MacBook Pro Early 2011 model with Mountain Lion (10.8.5).
I recently noticed that there was an application folder in my home folder (the folder with your username), but that application folder had been empty. I remember I used to be able to access to my applications from that folder, but not anymore.Â
Since the folder was empty, I deleted it before doing further research.Â
After deleting the empty application folder from the home folder, I looked up and some said the application folder in the home folder and the application folder in Macintosh HD are two different folders. I don't know what it means, but I would like to have an application folder with applications in my home folder. Is this possible? or should I just make an Alias folder and put it in my home folder?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
When I receive an e-mail that has pictures (photos, etc.) attached, these seem always to be displayed in the message. That means that if I print the message, all the pictures are printed, too. How can I prevent this?Â
I want to download the attached pictures separately, but to print just the text of the incoming mail.
I setup my macbook air 11" with a folder within the inbox in Apple mail. I set up a rule so that any email with a certain address [URL] went into that folder. However all my mail went into that folder for that particular email address.Â
Here this adds to my problem:Â
Having had issues I exchanged my 11" air for a 13" and apple moved everything across. The mail coming in from [URL] etc is still going into the folder but so is everything else for that mailbox - however when I go to preference > Rules there is only one listed called Apple (a default I think)Â
So how can I get my mail going back to the main inbox an then segregating the mail for the info@ into the networking folder? I am using Lion 10.7.4 13" air 1.8ghz intel core i7
I just recently decided to try iMap for my google mail so that I could more efficiently read my mail on my devices and computer. Since setting up iMap, I've had a strange problem. I will open a message and the message will not be from the person that the subject and headers say it is from. Example. I get a Kohl's email with headers from amazon and then in the Amazon email is my Kohl's message. They look fine if I access the emails online through a web browser, so somehow they are getting messed up after being downloaded into Mail. This did not happen when I was using the Pop method of accessing my email accounts.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), (27-inch Late 2009), 16 GB RAM
I have received an email in graphical HTML format — a series of venues and dates for a band in the form of a grid. It shows up beautifully in webmail, but in Apple Mail it shows uselessly as unformatted and unpunctuated text. Is there any setting in Mail prefs., or some other subterfuge, that would allow such emails to show properly in Mail?
Being a recent convert from Windows and Outlook, I'm struggling to keep track of my emails on my Macbook Air as related messages get grouped together and stored under a single item. Is this setting configurable in some way and, if so, how do I manage it?
IMac is not booting up and I need to copy all content before reinstalling operating system. I have connected iMac to MacBook via FireWire and can see the hard rive. I have copied important files, but need to copy files in trash as well. I can not find the root to the trash on the dock when going into users or anywhere else. How do I copy files from trash across to the laptop without being able to get them out of the trash from the dock?