OS X Mountain Lion :: Where Are Files In Trash Located On Hard Drive

Aug 31, 2014

IMac is not booting up and I need to copy all content before reinstalling operating system. I have connected iMac to MacBook via FireWire and can see the hard rive. I have copied important files, but need to copy files in trash as well. I can not find the root to the trash on the dock when going into users or anywhere else. How do I copy files from trash  across to the laptop without being able to get them out of the trash from the dock?


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OS X Mountain Lion :: Hard Drive Space Is Dramatically Low?

Jun 23, 2014

I have a MacBook Air with 251 GB of hard drive space, yet I only have 3 gigabytes free. I checked all my folders and they certainly do not add up to 248 GB, so where is all of this coming from? I checked my activity monitor and there is nothing that drastically large neither.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Cannot Install On New Hard Drive 2011 Mac Pro

Aug 19, 2014

for some reason I bought the infamous 2011 mac pro, and the hard drive kept having IN/OUT problems and after it destroyed half day of work, I decided to get a new hard drive, *blue WD 500g" but i have tried EVERYTHING and i just cant install mountain lion on it.

1.- i tried forcing the recovery mode so It would connect to the internet and download mountain lion but after 10 min or so i trows the -2002f error at me

2.- I tried to use the old hard drive that i put on a external hard drive reader so I could get the recovery partition but i just keep restarting the installation no reason given

3.- downloaded the mountain lion and tried to installing it on the system hard drive of the laptop trough a computer running snow leopard but dosn't let me.

4.- tried the same thing on target mode without success

5.- using the recovery partition I used disk utility to se of the partition was locked but it was not

6.- created a different partition to see if it would install it  there didn't work. 

Mac Pro, iOS 6.1.6

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Reformatting IMac Corrupted Hard Drive

Sep 6, 2014

l I now have to completely wipe, re-format and re-load OSX onto my iMac's internal HD, My iMac is a late 2009 27" and at present has OSX 10.8.5 loaded, ( loaded but with many miss-functions ). Prior to the problem the iMac was running OSX Lion, what version though I can't remember.I installed 10.8.5 the other day to see if that would fix things, but it hasn't. It was not a "clean install", just regular one from downloaded OSX 10.8.5.

I have run Disk Utility and TechTool Pro' 7 to try to make repairs to address the problems so far to no avail. Main problems are that my most used applications, FCP-7 Studio, Aperture and Photoshop CS5 amongst others, open but then immediately crash. I've reloaded the troubled applications, de-installed them properly with de-installation app's then clean re-installed them, but that's made no difference. They will not mount.

I reckon there must be a fault or corruption on the HD, probably caused during the Optimisation as everything was functioning well before I did that.  So, the only OSX install disks I have are the original disks that came with the iMac, OSX 10.6.2 and a Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD OSX 10.6. I do have the downloaded copy of OSX Mountain Lion that I pulled from the App Store the other day and that copy is now on an external USB / Firewire 800 HD. 

As I said I would like to be able to clean off the iMac's internal 2tb drive completely and install a fresh newer OSX. If I first have to load OSX.6.2 then upgrade via the App Store that's fine, but I'd rather just go straight to Mountain Lion if possible. Whatever works best. Getting rid of any corruption on the iMac's HD is the prime motivation. 

All my applications and files are backed up to a 2tb LaCie external drive.The iMac has approximately 900 gb's of content onboard and the rest is free / unused space.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Unable To Eject External Hard Drive?

Sep 8, 2014

I am having problems ejecting the external hard drive that I use to back up my laptop.  It is a 2012 MacBook Pro running Mountain Lion OSX 10.8.5.  My external hard drive is a WD 2 TB My Book Studio.  I use it to back up my laptop with Time Machine.  Every time I try to eject my disk now I am told that "The disk (Diskname) wasn't ejected because one or more programs may be using it."  I have tried some solutions like to stop Spotlight from indexing the disk and to try and turn off TimeMachine, but neither of these worked.  The only thing that has worked so far is to log out of my user name and log back in with a guest user and eject it from there.  This takes up a lot of time and is ultimately not really a sustainable way of working on my computer. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5) USB External Hard Drive Not Showing Up

Aug 20, 2014

I have a Hitachi Touro USB 3.0 1TB external hard drive that has always worked on my Macbook. Formatted in FAT so it would work on both my PC and Mac. I can't remember exactly when it stopped working, but I think I had to reset my mac once as it stopped responding and the HDD was plugged in. After that it stopped showing up in Finder, but still appears in Disk Utility. It also shows up in Storage under "About This Mac".  I've tried resetting my computer, ran Apple Hardware Test, and have tested the hard drive on other computers and it works fine. Just doesn't show up in Finder on my mac!!

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 13" Late 2012 model

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OS X Mountain Lion :: WD My Passport External Hard Drive Is Not Showing Up In Finder

Aug 28, 2014

So a couple of days ago it was fine and today it does not show up in finder, or utility disk 

I am about to upgrade to Mavericks now

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Hard Drive Full - How To Recover Missed IMessages

Sep 3, 2014

My daughter's hard drive on her macbook air became full and she was unable to iMessages sent to her. I cleaned up the HD and it now has more room. How can she recover those messages she missed the HD was full? Possible? When the HD is full do the messages still live in the "cloud?" 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: External Seagate Hard Drive Just Changed To Read Only?

Dec 4, 2014

my External Seagate Hard drive just changed to read only on its own?

I went to get info and scrolled down to the  Sharing and Permissions

But there is nothing there but a greyed out : You can only read

There are No boxes to check or uncheck, No options to change to read and write, No name of owner or ignore ownership box. NOTHING ELSE IS THERE

I have recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and am having other problems as well

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Cannot Unmount Or Erase Partitioned External Hard Drive

Jun 21, 2014

I replaced a 1 TB external drive partiotioned in 2 with a 3 TB extrnal drive run/store my corbon copy cloner back up and time machine.

The 3 TB drive was successfully partitioned through the disk utility and both back ups are installed and the initial back up is complete.

My question is about the 1 TB drive.  I want to completely erase all data from the drive in order to use it for a different use. 

Using disk utility one of the partitions deleted without incident when following the same protocol the second partition produced error messages.

Volume erase failed 

Volume Erase failed with the error:

Couldn’t unmount disk.

If I try to eject the disk

It says it will not eject becaus e a program may be using it...

The only program that utilized this partition is Carbon Copy Cloner which is not being utilized on the new 3TB drive.

I do not see where there is a option to have more than on disk chosen for this purpose so am unsure why the disk utility is seeing the old partion as still in use.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Restore Failed External HD To New Hard Drive From Time Machine?

Sep 11, 2014

Since the harddrive of my IMac was full, I added an external harddrive to the system for my photos. I use another external harddrive for time machine back-ups (backing up both the IMac and external harddrive with my iPhoto libraries). Recently the EHD with my photo libraries crashed. I now want to restore it from time machine onto a new external harddrive, but am not quite sure how to do this.

iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Time Machine Won't Exclude Hard Drive From Backup / Grayed Out

Jun 23, 2014

I am backing up my data from my mac book pro for a second time. I plug in my external, and it says it doesn't have enough memory to back up my computer. I have 1 TB hard drive and used about 650 MB for the first back-up. Obviously I don't have enough to back up everything for a second time. I just want to back up the new stuff. When I go to exclude the current external from the new back up, it's grayed out. Do I have to delete the contents of the hard drive and re-back up the entire computer?

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Reformat Hard Disk Drive To Be Compatible With Time Machine?

Jun 5, 2014

I have a question which I am quite unsure. I am shopping for a HDD drive (Western Digital My Book 3 TB) and was told that it cannot be reformatted to be compatible with TIme Machine.

I would like to verify if it is true.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Where Are The Software Update Files Located

Jun 12, 2012

I am trying to figure out where the files are located that are downloaded when you go through the "Software Update" function of OS X. I updated the software on my MacBook Pro this morning and I need to update the same files on my iMac and would prefer to copy the files from the MacBook to the iMac but I don't know where they are located, if anywhere .... 

Yes, I could d/l them again on the other machine but I live out in the middle of nowhere and have satellite internet service, which if you aren't familiar, satellite internet is marginally better than dialup - at least compared to "city" internet options. The other issue, besides speed, is data allotment, I only get 475 mbytes in a 24 hour period with an exception from between 2:00 AM and 7:00 AM - during that time there isn't a bandwidth restriction. So, I can get up at 2:00 AM and start the d/l and go back to bed but I'd rather just copy them from one computer to the other, if that is possible. 

13" Macbook Pro i5, iMac i3 27", Mac OS X (10.6.7), Airport Extreme (2) and Airport Express (3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Move Files To Trash From 2nd Internal Drive

Apr 1, 2012

I have waht appear to be a profile specific issue that prevents me from moving files from a 2nd drive in my machine to the trash when using my standard profile. 

I to to my 2nd internal drive and when I drag a file to the trash it asks me "Are you sure you want to delete "xxxxx.jpg"  The item will be deleted immediately, You can't undo this action. If I click OK the item is delted and does not do to the trash. It aks liek is is an external drive, not an internal drive 

But when I delete a file from my Macintosh HD drive the item goes to the trash as it should.  

If I log into my Admin account, the files from the second internal drive moves to the trash normally. I have set my normal login from standard to admin and it stil has the issue, I also have run disk utility and disk warrior and rebuilt the directory, but it has not changed the problem 

MacPro 2.0 Quad, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Recover UN-emptied External Hard Drive Trash?

Mar 14, 2012

It seems I have accidentally deleted a 500gb external hard drive (formatted as OSX Journaled), but the trash has not been emptied so the drive is still very full. When the hard drive is mounted, OSX previews these deleted files in the systems main trash folder. How can I restore these files to the hard drive? I can just drag them out, becuase that is like copying.... and the drive is full.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), .Trashed

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OS X Mountain Lion :: How To Stop Copies Of Composing Emails From Loading Into Trash

Jun 26, 2014

I am using OSX 10.9.3 on mid 2011 Macbook Pro. I am working in Apple mail and e-mail thru a google account and a pop3 account.

My question is: How do I stop, copies of my (as I am) composing e-mail, from showing up in the mail trash. I can have as many copies in the mail trash as the number of words in my message. I have looked thru the mail, apple support (non fee based) and thru FAQ in communities.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Stop Password Request When Moving Items To Trash

Dec 4, 2014

Initially, the trash container worked as expected: Items would go directly to the trash and stay there until I emptied it. 

I don't believe I did anything to cause what it does now but I don't like it: If I move something to to trash, I am prompted to enter my password (which I really don't like) and no items are held in the trash (what I used to call the recycling bin--which I kind of liked having). 

As for troubleshooting, I have changed the preference settings under "Finder" and nothing changes.

iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Empty Trash And Icon Never Indicates Files Are In Trash

May 1, 2012

Despite having several files in the trash, its icon never changes (always shows an empty trash) and the "Empty Trash" option is dimmed (that is, cannot be used). OnyX ws the only solution but it's temporary. What's the fix I should apply to Mac OS X? Also, why is it that every time I want to move a file to trash I must enter my password? It's annoying to say the least.Please help me as I don't want to go through the royal pains of installing everything again, Windows-style. I think Mac OS X should be better than that.

MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Yahoo Emails From Trash Folder In Outlook Reappear In Inbox

Jun 3, 2014

Using Yahoo in Outlook on OS X Mountain Lion - deleted emails repeatedly reappear in in-box after a minute or so, but when I delete them from the Trash they no longer reappear. This has been going on for weeks

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook :: Restore Files To New Hard Drive / Transfer Files Via Hard Drive Enclosure?

Oct 2, 2009

I bought a new 500GB WD hard drive for my Late 2008 MacBook to upgrade from my 250GB drive. I have a hard drive enclosure, but I was wondering if when I install my 500GB hard drive, would I be able to use the enclosure to transfer files from my 250GB drive? I hope this was specific enough to get a clear response. If not, I'll try re-wording my question.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Can't Copy Photo Files From Mac Pro To The External Hard Drive

Apr 15, 2012

Why can't I copy my photo files from my Mac Book Pro to my External Hard Drive?

iPad 2, iOS 5

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Moving Movie And Video Files To External Hard Drive?

Mar 14, 2012

I'm running Lion on my mac mini and would like to move my movie and video files to an external hard drive. What is the best way to do this.

Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Accessing Files On An External Hard Drive?

May 25, 2012

I backed up my iMac desktop at work onto an external hard drive.  I can see the files, but they are all locked.  When I go to open, I receive the following message "The folder (whatever the name is) can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents."  I understand that the system I want to transfer to is different, but is there -- shouldn't there be an override asking for the password. 

Since I am the administrator to both systems, I would hope I could see the documents that I created. 

Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes :: Play Media Files From Connected Hard Drive Without Transferring To Mac's Hard Drive?

Jun 3, 2012

How do i play media files from my external hard drive without transferring the files to my mac hard drive?  I have a lot of media files and want to be able to play them soley from my external hard drive. 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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Applications :: If I Delete Files Off My Internal Hard Drive, Will It Still Be On My External Hard Drive

Nov 12, 2009

if i delete files off my internal hard drive (Macintosh HD), will it still be on my external hard drive or will it just add to it?

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Looking At Files On The Capsule?

Jul 1, 2014

how do I find files on my time capsule

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OS X :: Unable To Put Back Trash Files On Snow Leopard / Files Sent To Trash

Dec 5, 2009

I was trying to delete one file , so i dragged to trash, then all of a sudden I realize my entire Drobo (3TB Huge) was highlighted and deleting to my trash! So now I have a trash folder full all my Drobo's content and I can't figure out how to get it all back to "put back"! I'm afraid that I am going to inadvertently empty trash and lose my entire Drobo's contents! I need to figure out how to undo or put back ... come on Apple. Why'd you make this so difficult?

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OS X :: Itunes Music Files Cannot Be Located?

Dec 12, 2010

Ok so yesterday I logged into my account on my computer and clicked itunes to open it. Instead of going to my library it said It cannot find my music library and told me to locate it. I clicked "Locate" and it went to my finder. We have had an external drive for the the past 6 months and I had been storing all my itunes on the external drive AND on the normal hard drive. So when I clicked the locate button, I chose the itunes library in my external library. Now my library is setup like it was about 2 years ago, complete with ipod nano games, playlist, and songs I have deleted. when I click a song to play it says "Cannot locate file." If i go into the finder and find the normal hard drive, and go into itunes media, I can double click the songs and play the songs in itunes. So I have no idea why all this happened but Is the only way to get all my songs back, to delete all the songs that cannot be l0 located and drag my whole library thats stored on my normal hard drive into itunes?

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Applications :: Where To Program Files Located?

Mar 7, 2005

however I am new to Mac's so cut me a break. Where are the Program Files located? The actual files that make up the program?

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