OS X Mavericks :: Unable To Start Parallels Desktop 7 Since Upgrading On IMac
Sep 7, 2014
I am unable to start Parallels Desktop 7 since upgrading to Mavericks on my IMac. The error messages tell me that visualization support is disabled, unable to load Parallels driver and unable to start the virtual machine.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I just got a Parallels desktop 7 and I try to install it but the cd doesn't start when its inserted. The macbook pro I just got it few days back so its the last version.
I have installed parallels 5 desktop onto my macbook pro and am trying to set it up to run win XP. All goes well untill it gets to the part of the windows installation that highlights "installing windows" the everything just stops, and stays stuck on "setup will take approximately: 36minutes" At the very bottom in the grey area it says: "Parallel tools are not installed, when I click to install these, nothing happens!
I have an iMac 27" w/ 4GB. I was looking to upgrade to 8GB. When adding more GB, do they have to be the same MHz? For example, my iMac has 1067 MHZ in it. If i get one that is 1333 MHz, will that still work with the 1067 MHz?
I'm trying to fix a friend's G5 desktop, 1st generation. 1st LED comes on, 2nd LED comes on when I press start button. Power supply voltages are correct. Hard drive runs, but fans don't come on. I have power to fans. 5 and 12 volts. No beeps. Pressed SMU button as well, and nothing changes. Don't see any bulging caps. Someone else changed a few before I got it. Also jiggled RAM chips.
i'm abit ocd with stuff on my computer, so stuff like this really bothers me. i had parallels one my computer for a little while whilst i needed windows. now i don't i got rid of the partition and uninstalled parallels. but, .exe files and some other files still show the parallels logo, as if it wants to open them in parallels.
is there any way i can change this? i've removed everything i can think of in preferences, application support, startup items, receipts, etc to do with parallels but to no avail.
I'm getting my Mac in a week and I would like to know it I can drag files from my Leopard desktop to my Parallels desktop. All input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I have a Macbk pro w/10.6.8 & I want to upgrade to 10.7. However, I avoided this because I do not know how it will affect my Parallels (Build 6.0.12106 Revision 692267)? I have many screen prints filed in files on my desktop (lots of genealogy) & I have read that nothing much transfers to Lion.Â
One of the reasons I am ready to make the jump is because iphoto does NOT work. After an automatic upgrade, every time you open it, you get the most basic framework (no words or data)of iphoto but the circle (the gray slats one not the color spinning wheel) just sits there & spins forever & never loads. We took it in under hardware warranty & they replaced the SD card & USB slots & whatever they are attached to, but that did not solve the problem [it just solved the problem of the slots not being recognized]. Even the guy @ apple support couldn't help & we tried to rebuild it, but NOTHING! It just spins!!! I have seen so many people w/that same problem--if it was their update that screwed up iphoto, they should have a patch to fix it!Â
But, I digress: I have Quicken on the Windows side & it get's backed up often, but over the years it is a nightmare each time I have to restore it from external hd or the cloud...much time & tears trying to get it back to the way it should be. Can anyone tell me what to do in order to protect my parallels before I upgrade?
Just installed OS X Mavericks for my iMac last night. Wanted to do it because it was the only way for me to continue playing this game.Took awhile to install, but checked this morning and it finished and it said "Restarting computer" after the completion of the installation.
I pressed the power button and booted it up like usual, but whenever I start it up, no log in screen pops up whatsoever. I pressed keys, clicked everywhere with the mouse but nothing. All it shows is a plain, grey screen and at the moment, there's no possible way for me to log in and get on. I searched up some methods and tried to "safe boot" it which I did but it did not work. It could've possibly worked but i can't tell because my iMac screen display is broken so I'm using dual monitors but nothing shows up on my second monitor. I tried turning it off and back on, but still did not work.Â
I am having boot up problems on my imac 27-inch. I pressed the power button and press and held the Option key, I chose the Recovery disk, but the Recovery disk did not start, instead I have the grey Apple logo and it keeps running but will not start.Â
The imac 27-inch was bought refurbished in late 2010. I also have imac apple care from 2010 never used. First time problem. On pressing the Option key during startup, Mach Hard disk and Recovery Disk 10.9 is displayed.
Choosing mac hard disk does not boot up the OS instead I get a big Zero sign with line through it or a big flash question mark sign. Choosing the Recovery Disk 10.9 does not boot up Disk Utility, instead I get the grey Apple logo.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), mac hard disk and Recovery 10.9disk
How do you turn off Show Desktop (Push All Windows Aside) on a iMac when using a mouse, I know how to do it on a MBP but I can't find anything in preferences on an iMac
This situation began when I put my Imac on sleep. After, the screen turned on in black whit the cursor but I couldn't do anything.
Then to rebooted the machine, the apple logo and sound began fine but the screen turned off, so moving the mouse the screen turned on in black with cursor.Â
I'd tried many ways, resetting the PRAM, SMC, repairing the disk and permission, analyzing hardware, repairing fsck files.
Suddenly, when I entered in Verbose mode, mi imac brought into user choose screen and worked fine, but when I shut down and tried to start my mac in the next day, it didn´t work again.Â
Running mid-2009 iMac with latest Mavericks 10.9.4.Â
DVD Player has been performing perfectly in Snow Leopard until this update to Mavericks.Â
I've tried resetting SMC/NVRAM. Reinstalled Mavericks 3 times. Tried dumping the plist too. That did nothing. I've re-set SMC/NVRAM...done the Permissions using Disc Utility.Â
I can get a DVD to load selecting the Recovery Mode StartUp disk. Then I reboot and the DVD plays fine using the DVD controls. But ejecting and trying it again - it won't play. Â
I was trying to update my G5 to snow leopard from leopard 10.5.5 when it said it could not install. So I decided to quit installation and boot from 10.5.5. It started up and reaches the apple loading screen but goes off without reaching the log in screen. I have tried booting from the CD again and resetting the PRAM but it still wont work and continues to do the same
I have one hard drive that is readable and writeable on my mac desktop but read only on my mac air. I am trying to transfer all files from a couple external hard drives onto a new larger back up drive so I do not want to lose any information by reformatting.Â
I have an I Mac with OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) a black message bar appeared on my desktop - everything I type is replicated in the bar and my screen is not holding it jumps to another screen
My parents recently bought an iMac. Yesterday my mom was playing a game when the computer froze. Neither force quit or holding the power button was doing anything so in her frustration she unplugged the system. Today, after plugging in the system again, it won't turn on.
I press the power button on the side of the wireless keyboard and the green light on the keyboard turns on for about 3 sec and then starts flashing. No fans start up and the screen does nothing.
Information: iMac and Macbook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I'm sure it's not a virus but I'd like to prevent this episode again. -About 10 minutes ago I inserted my memory stick into my keyboard, and then connected to Cisco. -I then tried to connect to my school's server and while the progress bar was loading I opened InDesign. -The Indesign icon started doing it's little jumping thing but nothing was happening. I minimized my browser to look at the progress bar and it was still trying to connect to server. I waited about 2 minutes and when nothing happened I tried a force quit. -It said that InDesign was not responding so I Force Quit it and nothing happened. -I then tried to shut down the progress bar but I had that infuriating pinwheel going. -I decided on a manual shutdown. -I then turned the computer back on. -Repeated the same steps except that this time Force Quit said my Safari AND Finder was not responding. -I Force Quit Finder first. Then Force Quit Connecting to server but all of a sudden my desktop items disappeared as well as my toolbar at the top. -I tried another manual shutdown because I couldn't call up my Force Quit with my shortcut keys and waited a minute. -Turned my computer back on but the screen hadn't changed it was as if I had merely put my computer to sleep. I tried this twice. -Then I turned it off again and this time unplugged my computer and waited a couple seconds. -I am now on my third try and am afraid to connect to my school's server. I have only opened Safari to type this. I have an assignment due tomorrow!
I�m using parallels desktop 5 on my macbook pro with snowleopard. It works ok. I need it to connect to my company�s Active Directory and for running basic Windows programs like Outlook and office 2007.
I just ran my bootcamp partition for the first time on my newly installed Parallels. But when I ran it for the second time, the Win 7 loading icon no longer popped up. Instead, the Vista loading bars appeared and now appear each time I run Parallels, though Win 7 desktop will load up after the Vista loading bar.
iMac Currently using 10.7. Will not download 10.9 Maverick. I have enough memory--2 GB, and storage that is required. Why Maverick doesn 't load or do I need the 10.8 installed first?Â
My Windows XP virtual machine is 'stuck' in suspend. All items in the 'Virtual Machine' menu are greyed out except 'Suspend' which is ticked. The VM window itself is just black, and the VM list has a spinny gear next to the virtual machine. It's been like this for days.
I've used Time Machine to restore to a previous known good VM file, but that didn't work. So I'm wondering if it's a cache file or some such.
I desperately need access to this for my work. No point asking Parallels support, they don't speak English (I discovered after paying).
I'm using my first MAC, an mini, and trying to install Parallels Desktop 4.0 for the first time. I've installed the software and I was starting to create my virtual PC, but the screen came up with a message telling me it would allocate hard drive space and I got scared and stopped the installation. I'm worried about how much hard drive space it's going to take up. I was expecting to be able to tell Parallels to use 20 gigs of my hard drive (or something like that). But the last thing I want is for it to use all of the free hard drive space and then I'm out of luck. I've always been a PC user and since this is my first MAC, I sure don't want to screw it up.
When I have Safari running, and then launch Windows via Parallels Desktop, everything slows to a crawl. If I quit either Safari or Parallels Desktop, everything goes back to full speed. It seems like some kind of degeneration. I had this problem a while back. I created a new user account on my Mac and started using that and voila, Safari and Parallels worked fine together again. But over time the problem has crept into my new account.Â
I am unable to load web pages because the server says there is no data on my iMac running Mavericks 10.9.2 although there is no problem on my iPad mini.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I am running the 27" iMac with dual hard drives and have recently upgraded to Lion. Two things are happening.
1. On cold start / boot up, my system has no sound. And by no sound I mean - no sound. When I go to the Sound option in System Preferences, everything is greyed out and I can not adjust or access any of the controls. The only solution has been to immediately restart my computer. After restart, everything is fine.
2. On cold start / boot up, sometimes I receive a pop up telling me that TestGen is not installed properly and to please re-start. Of course, since I have no sound I'm automatically doing that.
Lastly, and I'm not adding this to the list because there is already a thread about it . . but I will mention it I am getting error messages trying to play certain videos "This video requires Quicktime which is not supported by this version of iTunes."The workaround is that you apparently have to delete the video from your Library -- DO NOT DELETE FILE FROM HARD DRIVE -- and re-add to your Library.