OS X Mavericks :: IMac Freezes Momentarily

Sep 7, 2014

My iMac has recently begun freezing momentarily. First it will freeze for a few seconds (while still allowing the mouse to move). It will resume, and then a minute or so later it will freeze again for a slightly longer duration. During this time, I can move the mouse, click on things, but nothing responds. Music and videos pause and then resume, websites stop loading, not able to type, etc. In fact, it just happened while typing that last sentence. 

Here is my Etre: EtreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52)Report generated September 7, 2014 at 10:17:19 AM CDT Hardware Information: ?  iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011) (Verified)  iMac - model: iMac12,2  1 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 4 cores  12 GB RAM Video Information: ?  AMD Radeon HD 6770M - VRAM: 512 MB  iMac 2560 x 1440 System Software: ?  OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) - Uptime: 5 days 18:36:51 Disk Information: ?  ST31000528AS disk0 : (1 TB)  S.M.A.R.T. Status:

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: IMac Slow After 10.9.4 Update - Freezes Up

Jul 1, 2014

Last night I updated my iMac to Mac OS X 10.9.4. Whenever I'm using my computer, it freezes up. How can I make it fast and smooth again? I have a most recent Time Machine backup before I updated. If there is a way to gain my computer's speed again? If not, can I possibly go back to 10.9.3?

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IMac (Intel) :: Mavericks Freezes At Login Screen?

Jun 2, 2014

My iMac started freezing at the login screen. I power up, the apple logo comes up (sometimes the blinking globe comes up for some reason) and then the apple logo flashes as if it restarted or something, and the loading indicator shows up for a few seconds. Then at the login screen everything looks normal (my picture is there and correct name of account is shown) when I type the incorrect password, the text box shakes appropriately. When I type the correct password, the loading indicator appears, the mouse turns into a beach ball, and it hangs until I hard shutdown. 

I know it's not a hardware issue because I just booted from the recovery partition and was able to view all my files in terminal. I would rather not reformat the hard drive. Is there a specific file that may be corrupted that I could delete and mavericks would automatically rebuild it?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Before IMac Freezes / Get This Error - Logic Pro Caught Burning CPU

Jun 23, 2014

When i start and work with Logic Pro, it freezes after a while and there is no other way, but to force shutdown.I searched for some crash reports but i couldn't find one so i made screenshots of the terminal..I read on the internet some people had the same problem but with other programs, so i'm pretty sure that "Logic Pro caught burning CPU" is the problem. I got this problem since Mavericks 10.9.3, didn't have this with Snow Lion. 

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OS X Mavericks :: Frequent White Screen Crashes / Restart Freezes On IMac - 10.4.9

Aug 25, 2014

Since the last itunes update (May be a co incidence) , my 27" Mac keeps crashing with a white screen and flickering   It then wont restart most times, even when using boot up options such as option, Cmd P+R. even removing power!waiting and restarting etc on most restarts wont work its a white screen.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Mac Pro :: Bootcamp Using A GTX 570 SC - Boot Into OS X Momentarily?

Mar 8, 2012

I have a Mac Pro (early 2009) 4,1.  I run Windows Bootcamp using a GTX 570 SC and I can only boot into Windows because of my graphic card. I would like to boot into OS X momentarily and I have an old GPU from Powermac G5.  It is the 9600XT. Would it be a problem to plug in the 9600XT as a helper card to get me into OS X briefly? 

Mac Pro 2009, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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Software :: Whole Computer Pauses Momentarily?

Jan 29, 2008

i'm worried, i just repaired my hard drive with diskwarrior yesterday, because the directory graph was a mess. after the rebuild there were still a few spots on the graph that were out of place. now when i'm computing i have moments where everything freezes for less than a second including my itunes music that is playing. its happening ever 5 minutes or so.

mac pro 2 x 3ghz quad core
with 4 gigs or ram
my audio card is a mbox

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Is ITunes Changing Desktop Picture Momentarily

Jun 30, 2012

I am running a clean install OS X, including my third-party applications, and this five-year-old machine has never run better. However, an anomaly has arisen. Whenever I push play (iTunes) my desktop picture disappears briefly, replaced by a neutral gray screen, before reappearing. As I write this, I quit and re-launched iTunes and the problem still exists. I am loathe to restart my computer as I am in the middle of some pressing business. I will check back if a restart resolves this issue, otherwise, feel free to comment. 

With iTunes running, pushing Play starts the song and one-second later my desktop picture disappears briefly. Pushing the button (Pause) again stops the song but nothing else happens.  I am currently listening to iTunes DJ and just now the O'Jays started playing and without my doing anything, the desktop picture disappeared and reappeared. I have iShowUHD and will make a recording of it, if it continues. 

24-inch iMac 2.8GHz (early 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Unable To Download Aynthing / Page Momentarily Loads But Nothing Happens

Oct 22, 2009

Ok, I had this problem for quite a while but lived with it, now it's becoming a real issue. Any time I click on a "download" (using Safari) button or the like, nothing happens. The page momentarily loads but that is all. This is on ALL websites that have any download links, except Rapidshare, which still seams to work for me. Any time I had to download something that wasn't on rapidshare I used my download manager (JDownloader) to download it, which doesn't encounter this problem. But a lot of sites aren't supported by JDownloader so I'm bummed

I've tried running hardware and system scans on my comp, with no results. My internet test shows nothing wrong, my internet speed is quite good actually (20 Mbs/sec download, 5 Mbs/sec upload). I've reseted Safari/airport extreme and router numerous times without effect. I would try a different internet browser but I can't download it

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Software :: Mouse And Keyboard Work Momentarily - Suddenly Stop Responding

Jul 26, 2008

I have a PowerMac Dual G4 @ 500mhz that has issue with waking up from sleep. Running Tiger 10.4.11 with a fresh install of it on there. 512mb memory populating all 4 slots. I've verified permission, verified the HDD via disk utility. I've also run MacOSXmemtest that I purchased and that came up clean. I've also reset the PMU. When I wake the computer up from sleep it will usually wake up to a display and then the mouse and keyboard work momentarily (USB MS keyboard and Logitech Mouse) and then I'll get the beachball of death. The mouse and keyboard will then stop responding completely. I have to manually restart the computer but it seems to work great if it doesn't go into sleep.

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MacBook Pro :: Displays Screen Turns Blue Momentarily When Turn On From Sleep Mode

Dec 3, 2014

I recently had my screen replaced because of a crack. Now I find when I open the laptop to use, after being on sleep mode. It momentarily turns blue, sort of flashes/glitches then works normally. Should I be concerned?

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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OS X Mavericks :: New MacBook - OS Completely Freezes

Jun 30, 2014

I just got a MacBook last week, and am running 10.9.3.  Twice so far, I've been using the computer and the UI ceases to respond:  no response to keypresses, no response to the trackpad.  The only way out seems to be a hard reset of the computer. This is a brand-spanking new Mac, although I have installed QuickSilver and Firefox.  Have there been any issues with freezing on 10.9?

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OS X Mavericks :: Installer Freezes After Download Is Done

Aug 28, 2014

Instantly says not responding the second I try to run it. I deleted the install file and tried to re-download, but I get the same problem. This is the error it was giving me in console when I would try to run it and it would stop responding.  

"8/28/14 11:36:08 AM    Install OS X Mavericks[1902]    Error loading /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStor age:  dlopen(/Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStor age, 265): Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib

  Referenced from: /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStor age

  Reason: image not found" 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010)

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OS X Mavericks :: Importing Messages Into Mail Freezes At 349 (out Of 10,000)

Aug 28, 2014

I have just upgraded my MacBook Air to OS X Mavericks. When I try and import messages into the new version of Mail for the first time the importation freezes at 349 messages (out of 10,000). The point where it freezes is always the same being "recovered messages" in one of my email accounts.

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OS X Mavericks :: GPU Failing Macbook Usually Freezes During Start Up?

Sep 5, 2014

I have 2011 Macbook Pro (one of those that usually freezes during booting due to GPU failure). My Macbook will only boot if the GPU doesn't kick in during the start up. (When I'm very lucky the computer will get to the desktop and I can disable the GPU with gfxCardStatus). Sometimes I can boot the machine if I wrap it in a blanket to overheat it. Then it won't activate the GPU during booting if I'm lucky. 

This is my question: Can I update my OS X if I maybe have to reboot a frozen machine 50 times before I reach the desktop? This would very probably mean that the OS would install and then ask for a reboot. And then I would maybe have to power off and retry to reboot many many times. Would this FUBAR the system. or would it work when I finally got it up and running? 

Is the update installed 100% BEFORE the reboot, or are some of the updates installed AFTER the reboot? If that is the case, I would think it would have an effect if I had to power down the machine 50 times to get that one "lucky" reboot?

MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Freezes On Backup?

Aug 27, 2014

I am trying to back my imac up for the first time using Time Machine (10.9 Mavericks) however it keeps freezing at 15.17gb and won't move on from there. 

I am backing up to a Western Digital My Passport Ultra drive formatted to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and it's Partition Map Scheme is GUID Partition Table.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 21.5 inch, 2.7GHz mid 2011 version

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Pro Freezes When Connected To LCD Projector

Sep 3, 2014

it's running 10.9.4. every time I hook it up to the projector where I teach, it hangs and then eventually freezes entirely, prompting a hard reboot. I don't understand why it is doing this to me. I just used it at a conference in March and it didn't do this. But suddenly at this new school, it cannot deal with the projector.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: Apple Mail Frequently Freezes?

Jun 23, 2014

and needs to be force quit.  Running Mavericks on my MacBook Air.

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Freezes When Switching Tab / Folder

Jun 1, 2014

Finder freezes every time when switching to another tab or folder, or renaming a folder. I really don't know why Here two logs from the console. 

1. Log 

Jun  1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager[1607]): Exited with code: 1
Jun  1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Jun  1 16:26:26 B***s-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: revoking trust for process 1594


2. Log 

Jun  1 16:30:45 B***s-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[105]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
Jun  1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager[1660]): Exited with code: 1
Jun  1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds


I also have another Problem: Every time, I restart my mac, the process "installed" goes wild and uses over 100% of the CPU. After a few minutes also my disk is full. It seems to write Gigs of data in private/var/vm.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Air :: Freezes When Watching A Video - OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Sep 3, 2014

I got a brand new Macbook Air yesterday, and everything was working wonderfully. Now, I noticed when I go onto Youtube the computer freezes for about 5-10 seconds as soon as the page loads. This just started happening about an hour or 2 ago. This is also happening when I'm listening to iTunes radio, and an advertisement commercial comes on. If the advertisement plays a video, and iTunes is maximized on my screen my screen will freeze for about 5-10 seconds.  

I am brand new to using a Mac so I don't know where anything is or how to use it 100% yet.  

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: ITunes Freezes When Plug IPhone / IPad

Sep 4, 2014

After successfully upgrading to OS X  Maverick, iTunes freezes everytime i plug my iPhone 5s or iPad mini. I

Computer specs:

-27-inch, Mid 2011
-2.7 GHz Intel i5
-8 GB ram
-1 TB Hd

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), imac was purchased Nov 2011

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) Trackpad And Screen Freezes Randomly

Sep 10, 2014

I got a new Macbook Pro Retina (mid-2014) a few weeks ago and the trackpad and screen randomly freeze even when the only thing I have open is Safari. In other words, it doesn't feel like my computer has a 2.6 GHz Processor and 8 GB 1600 Mhz Memory. My downloads folder also constantly has the loading bar under it; it goes away when I remove it from the dock and replace it, but appears again after downloading one thing.

This is really frustrating when I got a new Macbook so that I wouldn't have to deal with these types of problems. They're all issues that I never encountered with my Macbook Air (mid-2011).

OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: AdMedic Downloaded - Safari Won't Load Some Websites Or It Just Freezes

Sep 9, 2014

I downloaded AdMedic yesterday and now my Safari won't load some websites or it just freezes.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Print Scan In Preferences  Freezes - HP Photosmart 7520

Jun 30, 2014

Since I upgraded to Maverick the Scan Print in System Preferences freezes when I try to open it. I repaced my old Canon printer, because there was not a driver update available for it. My new printer is a HP Photosmart 7520. I downloaded the newest driver and software for it , but when I try to open HP Utilities it also freezes.

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OS X Mavericks :: MacbBook Pro Frequent Hard Freezes With Rainbow Wheel

Jun 23, 2014

Ive been getting this issue on my macbook quite frequently now; dont think its hardware related and occurs randomly at any time up to 3 times a day where the computer will slowly begin to freeze. 

It (usually) begins by my browser not being able to access a website (just a white screen in browser section), at this point im able to alt tab between apps for some time but eventually everything will hard freeze, same with the cursor which will turn into a rainbow wheel and also eventually freeze.  

Can only resolve this by power button for 6 secs (good thing it starts up in 5 seconds) 

MacBook Pro

Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013

Processor  2.4 GHz Intel Core i5

Memory  8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Software  OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)

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IMac :: IMac Freezes When Connecting External Monitor?

Apr 8, 2008

I have a newer iMac 24" bought in 11/2007. I have the mini-dvi to vga converter and when I connect it to a external tv capable of 1024x768, the iMac freezes and does nothing. I disconnect and the screen turns blue and the flickers back on and everything works. I have made the connection then booted up, and I have tried every resolution all the way down to 640x480, same thing it just locks up the screen, but again as soon as I unplug the mini-dvi to vga cable from the iMac it flicks to a blue screen and everything comes back. I have reviewed dmesg nothing, and revieiw /var/log/messages. Is there any troubleshooting I can do. I am old school unix/linux guy just converted my family to Apple and would like to use the display on my tv to watch my iTunes movies.

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Freezes And Won't Relaunch When Attempting To Backup Using Time Machine

Jun 6, 2014

I have been backing up for years using Time Machine (TM) which uses a hard drive connected to my Time Capsule on my network. I use an external drive connected to the Time capsule.Every night, my MBP is scheduled to backup which it has done for years. The last successful backup was 4 days ago. It stopped working and when I tried to click on TM starting manually, it hangs up and freezes Finder. I try to relaunch Finder and it freezes the computer by taking all icons off my desktop. I can use mail and other programs but FINDER will not work. I have used disk utilities to check the drive AND repair permissions.

The only way I can shut down is by holding the on/off button and then restarting. The computer starts up fine and works UNTILL I try to back up to TM again. The whole thing happens again. My O/S is regulary updated and I checked that too.

THere must be something corrupted or screwed up with the TM / Finder links.

Mac OS X (10.7.1), plus IOS on iPhone 5S

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OS X Mavericks :: Applications Freezes When Choose Desktop As Destination To Import / Export Files

Sep 2, 2014

My problem its pretty simple. When I choose "Desktop folder" as destination to import/export in my applications, the entire app freezes.

For example: If i want to open a photo which are in "desktop" with photoshop with the "Open..." option, the "choose destination" pop-up window that appear freezes and I have to Force Quit. If i choose another folder, nothing happens. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Freezes very Often Imac

Apr 10, 2012

freezes very often imac

iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: IMac Freezes On Restart

Jan 6, 2011

I have a 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo iMac with Snow Leopard. It is completely up-to-date and has always ran beautifully. I have not installed any new programs lately. Recently, when I go to APPLE > Restart (maybe after an update or just because I like to restart my computer on occasion) the bar at the top disappears, my dock stays up on the screen, and the computer just sits there and freezes up on me. I am forced to hold down the button on the back to get my computer back. Here are the things I have tried:Re-install of the latest update using Combo Update Reset PRAM Repaired Permissions Booted from disk and ran a Repair Disk Complete zero-out of the HD, clean install of Snow Leopard, and reinstallation of everything from a Time Machine backup Nothing has worked...The other problem is that it only happens when my computer is on for several days. If I restart daily, it doesn't happen. So, it makes it hard for me to log-in as a different user for that long to initiate the problem. I think it has something to do with a program that I may open and close throughout the week but I have no way to pinpoint what program it is.

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