OS X Mavericks :: Finder Window Automatically Jump To The Top When Move A File Out Of It
Jul 1, 2014
When I have a folder open, say downloads, in a list view, and I delete a file, the scroll bar will automatically jump to the top of the list. It's absolutely non-sensical. One of the most annoying things ever when your trying to organize a long list of files. Happens in 10.8.5 and in Mavericks on two separate computers. It's worse in 10.8.5 as sometimes it will glitch out and do it even when I am scrolling down the list. . Kind of thing that makes you want to switch to windows.
I was dragging some files from one folder to another inside the (Snow Leopard) Finder and accidentally dragged them up into the top bar of the Finder window itself. How do I remove them from this position? I can't drag them off because as soon as I click on them, they open.
Every time I try to move a file from my application folder and move it somewhere (e.g. desktop) it makes an alias of the file(or folder) rather than letting me move the file. I rebuilt permissions and all the other Voodoo.
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Early 2008
I've got this problem that I need to try and solve for a client at work. They've got us to design a sort of media player application in Flash that allows the user to select any of their project videos to watch.
Now, the problem. They want this application to be distributed on a USB stick. They also want the application to automatically run when the USB is plugged in. Now, on Windows machines, this is easy enough. My problem is that I have no idea how to do this on a Mac.
I'm aware that Macs don't have the same AutoRun capabilities as Windows does. What I'm wondering, in the absence of being able to run the application automatically, is it possible to have Finder automatically open up a new window to the directory where the app is stored? Or, better yet, is it possible for Finder to automatically open up some sort of customized window (similar to the ones that pop up when you run an installer package), that just provides a shortcut to the application?
Obviously I need the solution to be common across multiple computers (so any solution that involves changing system settings or the like isn't really useful for me).
Is what I'm trying to do even possible? My knowledge is limited on the matter. I'm actually a video editor. Don't ask me why I've been put in charge of doing this, because I'm sort of wondering that myself.
When attempting to move a file that will need administrator authentication, the authentication window to enter a password does not populate. Thus, I am unable to move the file.
my iMac doesn´t allow me to move or paste things, i mean, before this, with the mouse, i click in a folder, or a file, and i can move it like that, clicking it, but now, i can´t, and it doesn´t allow me to paste text, or words?
Every time I turn on my Macbook, a Finder window opens (the OS file actually). It randomly started one day, and I am wondering if others have this problem and is there a solution?
I have my documents folder in my dock. But I don't like the view choices that are provided. I want my documents folder to open in finder automatically. I would prefer not to scroll down to find that option and click on it. Is there any way for my docs folder to automatically open in the finder when located in the dock?
Info: OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 16 GB, 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5
I am not sure how to 'title' my exact problem, so I'll explain it as best I can. I've also attached an Illustration of the problem which might explain it better.
I currently have the items in my folders displayed as 'columns'. When I open a new folder, the folders contents are displayed in the next column to the right. So after going a few folders in, the scroll bar on the bottom of the finder window is somewhat large. This is normal.
However the problem is, whenever I drag a document from my desktop into the most recently opened folder, finder resets the scrollbar to the position on the left side, forcing me to drag the window over again every time. This it a rather large annoyance, since the way I work I pull and replace lots of files from the same series of folders.
I just recently upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard (finally), and ever since then I have noticed this strange issue with Finder. It did not happen in Tiger or Leopard.
Is this something that Snow Leopard now does by default now, or am I the only one experiencing this?
OS 10.9.3. This morning the Finder keyboard shortcut Command-W stopped closing windows and instead opened a folder burried fairly deeply in my Home folder. I moved that folder and managed to get Command-W to stop opening it, but it will still NOT close a window in Finder. Nor will it close windows in applications. What does happne is that the frame of the window flashes (but it remains open).
I have an external HD full of music and whenever I want to play one, I just search for it in finder and drag&drop it to iTunes. However, I'm having issues with it on my new MacBook Air. Whenever I search the drive for files, they appear normally, but I can't drag them! Highlighing works OK, so does double-clicking or cmd+O, but I can't move them to a playlist. It's the same with any files, not just .mp3s - they cannot be dragged out of the finder window. Scrolling is also wonky, but moving between files using arrows works fine.
note that this works perfectly fine when searching the computer's HD.
Is this a glitch of some sort, or is the computer preventing me from doing it for some reason? I'm running 10.9.3 with all the updates; the HD is a 1TB Transcend, ExFAT formatted.
The default 'document' column is way too wide and forces you eye to track all the way across the screen to read info like "date modified', 'kind' or 'size'. Tried several times to create a narrower default 'document name' column with no results. Couldn't find anything in preferences or view options. Tried dragging column headers while holding the down the option key with no results. Every time I open a new finder window, all columns except the 'document' column affixed to the right side of the window. Also, when you grab the bottom right corner of a window to resize smaller, the lists become re-affixed to the right side of the window when opening the window back up. Experiencing the same problem in Mavericks 10.9.3 on an iMac and Macbook Pro Retina.
I want a game to play my favorite song when the game is supposed to be playing its own theme song. The theme song is in a sound file that is located on my computer's hard drive. The theme song sound file is in the same format as the sound file that contains my favorite song, so I don't need to convert any files. What is the easiest way to make the game think that the sound file I want the game to use is the sound file of the theme song?
Since some time I can't overwrite files in finder. When I try to copy a file from one to another window by dragging or cmd+v there should be a dialog window with the question if I want to overwrite them.
When I'm dragging a bunch of files, say in list view, from one open folder window to another, what is the purpose of their jumping around from one configuration to another as I'm dragging them? Is this supposed to make dragging easier? I've been trying to live with this for five months now since getting my new Mac and the purpose of this is still lost on me. I thought it was somehow supposed to make seeing what you're dragging easier in some way, but I find these constant acrobatics to be simply annoying. This never happened in the pre-Lion OS, and after giving it a lengthy and fair trial, I still can't see the point of it. It is distracting and makes it harder to see what I am dragging and where.
Try to open iChat window, version 4.0.8. in Time Machine. The TM window changes to a finder window. Is this normal for an application like TM? Trying to get back an open chat. not recorded.
I updated my circa 2013 Macbook Air 13" to OSX Mavericks and a strange issue has started. Every time I open Finder it takes literal minutes to load the file listing, and while it loads it freezes the section where the file listing loads with whatever background it was opened over. This happens all the time, and once it finally loads, it will do the same thing if I try to go to a different folder. This renders Finder essentially useless and I have had to add a third party (forklift) app to browse and manage files.
I have a problem that when selecting a file that is either an attachment in email or is in my finder, double clicking on it fails to load the associated application successfully. For example, selecting a pdf file results in the pdf reader logo appearing on the lower bar on the screen, bounces up and down as if it is doing something, but just continues to bounce. I have to force quit it, then go to my application folder to load reader directly, and from within the reader I can then go and select the file. This isn't an application specific issue (It does it with Excel, Word etc).
It only started recently. I'm using a MBP summer 2010 with Mavericks 10.9.4. Everything else seems to work.
Sometimes I simply cannot open a new finder window. If I use Command-N or if I choose New Finder Window in the Finder menu, nothing happens. If I am using Command-N, I can see the File heading in the Finder menu bar highlighting, and then after a few seconds the highlight goes, but no window opens. Also, clicking on my Downloads icon in the dock, the dialog opens showing all the files, but if I then click on Open in Finder, the dialog closes but nothing happens. Now that I am writing this message, it all works again! That's what I mean by 'sometimes'. This issue can last for tens of minutes. Secndly, and this is still a problem, my finder Preferences do not stick. So for instance, I don't want to see an icon for my hard disk on the desktop, so I untick this in Finder preferences. The icon disappears. If I now re-start, then it comes back. The same happens for removing the empty trash warning and all of the other Finder Preference tick boxes.
Now, when the first problem of not being able to open a finder window suddenly stopped being a problem, the icon for the hard disk suddenly appeared on my desktop. So the two issues are linked. This has been going on intermittently for a few days. I have verified my disk, and repaired permissions.