My iMessage recently stopped working. When I attempt to log back in it tells me "your apple ID (email address) cannot be used to set up imessage at this time" then gives me a code to share with Apple support. (See screen shot).
How can I block other people from logging into my email or information on my computer?I believe Someone has access to my email account and information on my macbook . Any safety features to keep people from logging on to my email address?
I'm trying to setup mail on Lion Sever (7.3). The only way I can get it to accept incoming mail is to specify the whole FQDN of the server in the address. For example the domain name is and I have a user set up called john. Sending mail to works.
But sending mail to (which is what I want) returns an error: 554 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied (state 13).
For internal DNS, I have: - primary - alias - [URL] - alias MX record [URL]
I see references here to problems in mail on 7.3 but not this specific problem.
I must be missing something very obvious, but I can't seem to set Address Book to add all new contact info as "Work" entries. I have to edit every new entry and change all the fields from "other" to "work." This appears to happen when I "grab" phone or email info from an email message.
Info: MBP 2.4 Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.7.1), iPhone 3Gs, iPad 1 and 2
Gmail is my default email client. I'm trying to send an email blast to my groups in address book. When I right click on a group, and click "send to...", none of the email address show up in the TO field, only the name of the Group appears.Previously, I used mac mail and clicking "send to" group would result in all email addresses going right where they're supposed to go.I don't know how I changed the client to Gmail, but if I can't get it to work, I'd like to switch it back.
I've HAD IT with SPAM. My mailbox constantly fills with SPAM—I've had to install filtering software to even be able to see legit messages. My Vonage line receives 20 times the number of robotic SPAM calls than legit calls. And NOW I've started getting SPAM messages on the Messages app.Â
I had thought there was a way to tell Messages not to allow folks who aren't in my address book to send me messages, but I don't find any such option in preferences. Is there such an option? Even brain-deal AOL Messenger and Skype have this option.
Through the years I've clicked this, over and over: "If you prefer not to receive commercial email from Apple, or if you've changed your email address, please click here." I'm trying to detect a pattern. I suspect that every time our family buys a new apple product we are hit with advertisements. I recently bought a new iPod Touch. I wonder if this is why the offer from apple to leave me alone fails, over and over.
I have my "block pop-up windows" checked in Safari 7.0.6 and yet I am still getting a lot of unwanted pop-up ads and am getting very frustrated each time I use my computer. If I deselect "Enable JavaScript and Allow plug-ins" as suggested from a May 29, 2014 post, I can't utilize my online banking.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Safari problems with pop-up ads
I would like to send emails to all email addressess in one contact. It automatically chooses the first email in the card. Is it possible to choose all email addresses in one contact?Â
I want to take a list of email addresses from my address book on the mac and use them for another application. When I try, the mac automatically puts the person's first and last name in the address field, in addition to their email address. Is there a way to get rid of the first/last name so only the addresses come up?
A lot of websites I go to and click on Contact us or email us nothing happens and therefore I cannot find the email address. I have found a Way around that is plug in my Mouse and right click properties and sometimes I get the email address. However this is annoying as happens alot. Yes pop up window is turned off so if pop up should work. Example of webpage below [URL]. I click on there contacts email address and it just flashes but never see address. How can I see the email address?
Have any of you run across this annoyance after upgrading to SL? I had about 30 accounts that I call on that were listed as Company that all of a sudden showed up in my address book as either NoName or NoEmail. I found the solution to fixing this was to go to each address listed and tic the little box next to the word Company under First Last name. Luckily, I only had about 30 of these to manually fix, I feel sorry for those who have 100's of names to fix. You probably wonder why I did not have the Company box checked, well in all honesty, it did not matter whether you did or not under OS X Leopard, now for some reason some programmer thought it necessary to make it necessary to check the company box.
I have been getting other peoples mail for a little over 3 weeks now. Here is the deal: My Email Address: I Receive A Message To:
There are over 50 senders and it seems that it is a computer that is making these messages. There are huge misspellings and what's worse is that these emails are all sexually orientated. There are no pictures! But I didn't sign up for anything and I just started getting these emails all of a sudden. Each email sender is different (different address) and I have made over 30 rules in Mail Preferences to simply delete any mail from the sender(s) But I get a couple new senders every day. I' am going to have over 100 rules if this continues!
does anybody know how i can delete old addresses in my mac mail. for instance, when i type a name in the "to:" box i get a row of names appearing from which to choose from. however, i'd like to delete some of these addresses as they are no longer valid. how can i do that?