I am using Mail 4.5 and I am experiencing a difficulty when I am trying to create a signature adding the logo in jpeg or pdf file and send it. The recipient if is not using Mac Mail receives the signature always as an attachment. I am using rich text format message since there is no html in Mac and I drag and drop the jpg to the signature creation window. I have also activated Send Windows -Friendly attachmend but the recipient keeps receiving the logo as attached and not inline.Â
My Mac Mini loses connection with my Onkyo receiver NR-609 after turning off the receiver then back on. The only way to reistablish the connection is to unplug then replug the HDMI cable to the Mac Mini. There's no effect if I unplug then replug the HDMI to the receiver.
Info: Mac mini, I don't know my OS number it's Lion
Recently I start looking for job and send CV by iCloud (online) everyday. But some of the employers told me they can not get my attachment or sometimes they received 2 emails (one email with content and the other was attachment).Â
I tried to send the email to myself (hotmail and gmail) and all of the them work fine.Â
I have a signature set up in Apple Mail with an image. When I send an email to a PC user, they do not see my signature in the body of the email. The signature is viewed as an attachment. Is there anyway to resolve this in Apple Mail? I know if I set the signature to plain txt instead of rtf this works, but then I can't have a fancy image signature. If I move across to Entourage, will this solve it? Is it a limitation on Apple Mail's side?
When I surf the Internet I always have a Facebook.net cache cookie in Safari. I already have installed Glimmerblocker, Facebookblocker, AdBlock, Ghostery, and Facebook Disconnect plugins all with strict filters but nothing works. The option to block third-party cookies is enabled, of course. I don't see Like buttons on webpages anymore but the cookie comes again and again. How can I ban that terrible Facebook from my computer?
I've set my monitor (Dell S2409W) to portrait mode by setting it to 270 degree rotation in System Preferences/Display, and everything is fine but during boot the gray screen with Apple logo is shown in landscape orientation (so the apple "bite" is pointing to the top) and also not filling the whole screen (i.e. the gray screen is properly aspected at 9:16 as if to fill the screen in portrait mode but the whole thing is rotated 90 degrees).
Sometimes, when I turn on my iMac (10.6.2), the system will not load, you can see the grey screen but empty, no apple logo there. I have to force a shutdown pressing the power button and when I turn it on for the second time it will work properly.
It only happens once in a while but I cannot understand why, since nothing changes.
PS.- I have verified my disk with the disk utility and everything seems fine.
Anyone point in me in the correct direction to stream my iTunes music either thru my AV receiver or PS3?
I'm going to install and set up my Airport Express. Do I need to connect from AE to receiver via mini-stereo to rca cable/toslink cable or can I somehow connect wirelessly to my PS3 and go from there?
I have a Mac Mini Server running as a Home Theatre PC (HTPC) and it's been working great for the last couple of years...(Mac Mini has HDMI output). I recently upgraded my receiver to one that has HDMI switching (Denon AVR-3312CI). I took advantage of this and plugged in my Mac to my receiver and I'm having some problems. I am running a few "Media" type applications (EyeTV and Plex) - some of which (EyeTV specifically) can launch when no one is watching the TV (i.e. to function as a "TiVO" type device. When (let's say) EyeTV launches in the background and the TV and the Receiver are OFF, the Mac believes that it has no monitor attached...which is (I believe) a critical detail...Â
What ends up happening is when I "connect" the monitor (by turning on the receiver) the screen resolution "sets" (or more specifically the refresh rate) and the video I am attempting to watch is really jumpy until I quit and re-launch the offending application (again - let's assume EyeTV)...which is then silky smooth... The way I came to this conclusion is by VNC'ing into the Mini while everything is off and looking at the display settings and the resolution is there, but there is no refresh rate available... I've also noticed that if EyeTV isn't open when I turn everything on and then launch EyeTV, it comes up smooth...Â
is it possible to "fake" an attached monitor - or to retain the settings when it appears to the computer that the monitor has been disconnected...?? I've come up with a workaround for the time being - to delay EyeTV launching until everything is up...but when primetime TV comes back on, I'll be in trouble...Â
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Snow Leopard Server
Received an email attachment jpg (777 KB) which was clearly visible in the message window as well as when I opened the attachment itself -so no problem. However I needed to have some alterations made to this file (business card) I duly received two consecutive attachments, which were the alterations to my business card (the 777 KB file. These two files were now 1.3 MB and 1.4 MB in size, they appeared in the message window as large black images (nothing visible) which I was unable to open.As I did not know the problem, suggested to the sender to perhaps reduce the file size, as I was able to open the original file. The sender re-sent the re-sized file now reduced to 744 KB, similar in size to the first one, again appears as a large black image.Now we are at a stalemate, the sender says he has four computers and the images appear fine on all four
The default signature in outgoing messages from iCloud is "sent from iCloud". I can change that on a new email but that will work only once; in the next email the signagture is again "sent from iCloud". Is it possible to create a new default signatute? Is it possible to create this new signature in color?
I have followed all directions from the "help" menu. It is there under signatures but not linked to the email server that I use, nor will it allow me to add anything. In the email the pop up menu allows me to edit the signature, but not to ad it to the email.
I have an issue emailing MS-Office documents that I can't figure out.- I have two systems, 24" iMac and 13" unibody Macbook both running SL.- I have both Office 2004 and 2008 installed on both.- I have two user accounts on each machine. (Mine and the wife's)- When I attach Ms-Office documents to an email from my account on either machine, PC users can open them fine.- When my wife attaches MS-Office documents on either machine, PC users cannot open them.- We are both in school and often upload documents to our school's website. The same behavior is noticed.
I received a email with a ".wpl" attachment which I am unable to open. I do have "Flip4Mac" but no luck anyone have any ideas. Frankly I have never seen a .wpl before so what is it?
When I forward an email to my bookkeeper through mail, it always comes in as an attachment on her PC. She says this happens to another person as well who is using a Mac?
The attachment uploader no longer works, either with Mac Mail, or on Google Chrome or Safari. When trying to upload, the grey area with the folder names moves all the way to the right, obscuring the white area with any files I could upload. When I clear the cache completely in Chrome, I can upload a file if it is on the desktop, but if I move to any other folder the same problem happens again, and I again have to clear the browser to have a chance at uploading something. I can still drag and drop files into the attachment window, but it's rather annoying that I can no longer upload things in the normal fashion.
For work, I need to send photos to my editor via email. In Mail, the jpgs automatically become embedded in the body of the the email, but my editor would prefer to receive them as attachments. Is there any way to send photos as attachments in Mail, rather than embedded email itself?
I have encrypted my macbook pro hard drive with FileVault and now find powerpoint files attached to emails are rejected by some recipients, with the following bounceback message:"An email you have sent has been blocked.This email has NOT been delivered to its destination as it contains an encrypted or password protected attachment. Please resend without the password protected attachment and it will be delivered to its destination"Other file types (jpeg, pdf, word) seem to get through and resaving the PowerPoint file as PowerPoint 97 let it go through. The presentation is not locked or password protected.