OS X Mavericks :: Hanging When Switching Between Programs?
Jun 5, 2014Is there a solution to programs hanging when switching between one program to another?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Is there a solution to programs hanging when switching between one program to another?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
We've upgraded to Mavericks and Abobe CC in one time, so I'm not sure this is a Mavericks or an Indesign problem..Switching between 2 programs is very very slow now.f.ex copying text between Word and Indesign takes several seconds - if I copy too soon, I still have the previous text loaded.
Also opening several Indesign files, and switching between them is a problem: it takes time to preview correctly, text "dissapearing" for a few seconds, or only re-appearing when toggling between views..I work on a iMac mid 2011, 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 with 8 GB memory. how I can get the same spead back as before?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
My Intel-based imac keeps hanging my programs like Word and Excel, Chrome, Firefox, etc. I force quit, then try to re-start, but get spinning wheel. I try to shut down and desktop clears, but won't actually shut down unless I push the button. It's doing it every day, almost every time I go to use any of my core programs.
I got a RAM upgrade, and an OWC Mercury Elite Pro HD to take the back ups.
Oh - I also record a moderate amount of music in Garage Band - could this be clogging up everything?
My new mac pro, about 3 weeks old is not starting up. I get the chime, gray screen and Apple logo and the spinning gray wheel. That's it. Can't get past that.Â
Tried holding down the shift bar and got a loading bar at one attempt then just the same spinning wheel and left if for about 10 minutes but nothing.Â
Tried removing all peripherals as well. Still no restart
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 30" apple monitor
File Upload Page now keeps hanging up every time I want to do an attachment in Gmail. This problem only started yesterday. Was fine before that.Â
I have done a Virus scan with ClamX and removed x3 Phising files and also a Malware scan and removed something called 'Genieo' omnibar.safariextz These are now all in trash.
I had to upload new driver for my Fuji Printer yesterday. Also was trying to do an online form for a Credit File firm who requested and online application. It was when I was trying to upload attachments to send to them for ID Documents and also their application form that this problem started and has now continued.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
New MacBook Pro. Created test user account for apple to debug a problem. Problem fixed, I tried to delete account, but it just hangs sating deleting account. Trying to quit fails saying System Preferences is busy. Â
Can force quit, but account is still there. Â
I was wondering if there is a keyboard short cut to swtich language input of the keyboard than manually clicking to swtich language. I'm an English user, but sometimes use Korean keyboard. i tried to look in keyboard --> shortcuts but don't see that option nor understand how you can manually set up that short cut like in windows.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have a neat scanner connected to my mac via USB. My wife and I both use the scanner and have separate accounts on the same machine. The issue is that the scanner gets "connected" to either one user or the other. Let's say the scanner is working fine for user A. User B can't use the scanner properly. It seems like first come first serve. When user B pushes the scan button on the device and user B is the active account on OSX. User A's account still gets the popup window responding to the scan request. I guess I am looking for a terminal command, or some procedure, so that user B can come in and gain access to the scanner without logging out user A.Â
MacBook (13-inch), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I'm verifying such an annoying problem, mostly at startup that appears to solve automatically after OS Mavericks is running. Â
Sometimes my iMac boot until the login windows in 45 seconds which is very good, but most of times I have to wait 30-40 minutes for the login windows to appears
and everything is running so slowly then. Â
Using the following command in Terminal:
syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA(|timed? ?o' | tail | open -efsyslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA(|timed? ?o' | tail | open -efÂ
This is the result:Â
Jun 15 20:39:51 localhost kernel[0] <Debug>: [IOBluetoothHCIController][handleACLPacketTimeout] -- Disconnecting due to device not responding (ACL Packet timed out) for connection handle 0xc
Jun 15 20:40:00 localhost kernel[0] <Debug>: [AppleBluetoothHIDKeyboard][waitForHandshake][35-20-ab-11-07-cd] Timeout waiting for handshake
--- last message repeated 8 times ---
Finder freezes every time when switching to another tab or folder, or renaming a folder. I really don't know why Here two logs from the console.Â
1. LogÂ
Jun 1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager[1607]): Exited with code: 1
Jun 1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Jun 1 16:26:26 B***s-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: revoking trust for process 1594
2. LogÂ
Jun 1 16:30:45 B***s-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[105]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
Jun 1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager[1660]): Exited with code: 1
Jun 1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
I also have another Problem: Every time, I restart my mac, the process "installed" goes wild and uses over 100% of the CPU. After a few minutes also my disk is full. It seems to write Gigs of data in private/var/vm.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have 2 monitors on my computers - 2 Mac Pros (2011) and an iMac. All are running 10.10.1. I have one monitor in each case that is the "home" monitor - with the dock and files on the desktop. All 3 of my computers keep switching the Dock to the other monitor. Once switched, the Dock stays on the other monitor until I use system preferences to change the arrangement. It started for me with OS 10.9
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), iPad, iPhone5, Mac Pro, MacBook Pro
It seems that Outlook 2011 Reminders switch the active screen (when using multiple spaces in OSX which I always do) when they pop. This seems to happen whether I have the reminders set to appear on all desktops or just the first desktop. This is hugely annoying when I am in a fullscreen app (e.g. parallels) and suddenly I'm warped over to the first screen again. I'm talking about spaces functionality in OSX, not multiple monitors. This feature. OS X Mavericks: Work in multiple spacesÂ
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust recently my macbook has began to lag when I swipe three fingers left or right to get to another desktop. I believe it happened after I used VMWare Fusion 5 but I do not believe that is the problem because I have used it before without any issues. I also tried reinstalling Mavericks OS X but that did nothing. The transition is just not a clean and pleasant transition from one desktop to the other.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
when I switch users on my mid 2007 iMac (with Mavericks 10.9.3), the background pictures resizes and the dock doesnt load. I've noted also that switching applications via command+tab doesn't show the icons of the applications, and when accessing "Notifications", it doesnt draw correctly on the screen (the area of the notifications center appears on the right of the screen, but an extension of the notifications is also drawn under hte desktops icons).
iMac 2.0
Where can I find "Programs" file on MacBook Air?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried to open iPages after upgrading to Mavericks. I was given a report that the current software could not be opened and to contact the developer. I have tried to download the new version from App Store. It won't do that since I have up to date software according to their record of purchase. I have now deleted and emptied the trash containing these old programs. Now I still can't download new versions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iMac will not boot normally only in safe mode and then all programes keep flashing.Safari and mail continuously flashing grey lines..Reset the PRAM and it worked but turned the computer off and on again and its gone back to same problem...It's an iMac 27" late 2013 3.2 ghz
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am running OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 on an iMac 27" mid 2011. If I run OS X Recovery on my system just to wipe everything clean and start fresh. Will I also loose all my other Apps and installed software like MS Office, Adobe CS6, etc. etc.? If so, how can I do a system recovery without losing all my current apps or programs. I don't have any of the original disks.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 27"
Why does the red button in windows' top left corner have different functionality in different programs? For instance in Messages, it closes the window but leaves the program running. In Reminders, however, it closes the window and the program and the same happens, for instance, in Disk Utility. Â
I am surprised that OS X-specific programs behave differently like this.Â
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 2x3TB 2xSSD+Sonnet TempoPro ACD 23"
I have a question about using my new samsung tv as a monitor for my macbook. I have all the cables and such and my TV reads the computer. It actually shows the desktop background, mouse, and the toolbar on the tv...
BUT....when i try and open a program such as safari or itunes it does not display the program on the monitor but rather on my macbook screen. It shows the program open on the tv monitor but it shoots off the screen and then opens on the macbook screen.
Also the mouse disappears from the tv monitor screen on the left side only, and when it does it becomes visible back on the macbook screen! Any tips or suggestions on how to get the programs to show up on the monitor instead of the macbook screen?
Messages keeps switching the conversation view from "Show Names and Pictures" to just "Show Pictures". This is in the menu under: View > Messages > Show Names and Pictures. I have to change it multiple times a day, including every time I open the app from a closed state.
This is very confusing in group iMessage conversations where all the iMessages are coming from the same grey silhouette icon. The issue is only happening on my Mac mini. It's not happening on my MacBook Air. Both are running Mavericks 10.9.3...So I keep changing the setting here, but it somehow just switches back to Show Pictures only:
Firefox has been prompting the spinning beach ball a lot lately and forcing me to use force quit, has anybody else noticed this and does anyone know why ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedRunning OSX 10.9.2 on a MacPro (2x2.26 GHz QuadCore; 32 gig 1066 MHz). In the last few weeks TextEdit will open and work once, but when I go back to it later in the day it's spinning and I have to Force Quit it, reopen, to get it to work (again, only once). I can't find an update to it anywhere - what can I do? I use it a lot to reformat text.
View 1 Replies View RelatedRandomly i turned my computer on today and my macbook did some funny things and is slowing downing and hanging up on simple things. What are some things i could do to make sure everything is in working order and i'm running as fast as possible?
ps, i have 117 gb's free so that's definitely not the problem!
Safari 4.01 keeps on hanging,not crashing as such but wait for ages and may or may not come to life after that,reported the bug several times to Apple.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI replaced my 200gb 5400 hard drive in my 15" Macbook Pro, Early 2008 model, with a WD Scorpio Blue 500gb 5400 hard drive. I cloned the drive with Carbon Copy Cloner and everything seemed to go smoothly. But after I began using the Macbook in earnest, I noticed a delay in response at certain times. If I type in a word processing program, I will type five to six words, the cursor won't move, then I'll get the rainbow spinning wheel. After five to six seconds, the line will appear quickly, letter by letter, until it catches up. If I keep typing, everything is fine, but once I stop for 20 seconds or more, the same thing happens. Being more observant, I began to notice hiccups in other programs as well. I'll give a trackpad input and the spinning wheel appears, then the program catches up.
I then began to listen closely to the hard drive. After 20 seconds of activity, it sounds like it slows down, even going to sleep--although I'm not sure if that's truly what it's doing. It's only when the hard drive seems to slow/stop that this lag in input happens. If I keep giving inputs before the slowdown, everything is fine. Here is what I've done to troubleshoot. Perform a verify disk from disk utility. No issues detected.
I've unchecked "put hard disk(s) to sleep when possible." Still have same problem. I've booted from the old 200gb HD which I encased in a disk enclosure and the lag time doesn't occur when using it. Is there something else I should have done with the BIOS or something else when installing? Also, I bought the HD from Amazon. If the HD is defective, does anyone have experience to know whether WD will send me a new HD or do I have to go back through Amazon to get a new one.
I have 2008 microsoft office running on my Macbook Pro. I was wondering why microsoft word keeps on hanging. I was guessing this is unreasonable and very strange because of the very small file I was working on, 20 pages of pure text only. When an error was encountered it says something like "Microsoft word encountered a problem and it needs to be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience." Also, sometimes it says something like "low memory". It was shocking coz how did this problem occur since I have 4GB MB.
View 15 Replies View RelatedMy UbMBP 13 inch becomes completely non-functional from time to time - and won't work until I do a manual reboot by switching it off and turning it on by pressing the power button.
View 14 Replies View Relatedi am having problems with safari shutting down when using. it first started on my later model with snow leopard and i posted [URL] and did all the replies. it seemed to stop hanging up. now it is on my husbands older model the bubble computer ver. 10.4.11 (tiger)  i have tried doing everything suggested with the first computer but no luck. the one problem i had was when i moved the safari.plist out i could not get safari to open. it says no network connection. then i moved that same plist bsack and i got the connection with internet.Â
imac, ibook, airport extreme, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
Recentlly I removed my OpticDrive and installed a Crucial m4 SSD. I activated TRIM for it and formated it into Mac OS X Plus (Journaled). Then I downloaded Lion from the App Store and proceeded to install it into the SSD. After al the process I booted from the SSD, selected that as my default boot drive, and waited for Spotlight to index all the files.
When it finished, I restarted. Then I ran software update and got everything updated; installed JRE and after that restarted again.The problem is that since I installed the OS, apps hang out all the time; the spinning beach ball appears as If I had a 5 years-old mac and 1Gb ram; I check Activity Monitor and it shows that from time to time the apps are hanging out and the they return to functionality; this happens with Safari, Mail, Finder, even Launch Pad and Spotlight.
When I check the disk usage, it shows that on those moments when apps hang, it stops showing read/write data. Then when apps stat to work it shows again the reading and writing. I have booted from my "main" Snow Leopard HDD, erased the SSD and repeated the process of installing and all the previous stuff, and the problem lasts. When I restart sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds, but in other cases it takes almost 60 seconds.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)