OS X :: Programs Keep Hanging And Imac Won't Shut Down?

Feb 2, 2010

My Intel-based imac keeps hanging my programs like Word and Excel, Chrome, Firefox, etc. I force quit, then try to re-start, but get spinning wheel. I try to shut down and desktop clears, but won't actually shut down unless I push the button. It's doing it every day, almost every time I go to use any of my core programs.

I got a RAM upgrade, and an OWC Mercury Elite Pro HD to take the back ups.

Oh - I also record a moderate amount of music in Garage Band - could this be clogging up everything?

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OS X Mavericks :: Hanging When Switching Between Programs?

Jun 5, 2014

Is there a solution to programs hanging when switching between one program to another?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Intel Mac :: Programs Still Operating When Trying To Shut Down

Feb 16, 2012

programs still operating when trying to shut down iMac. how do I fix ? I just purchased this mac last week


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MacBook :: Can No Longer Send Reports When Programs Shut Down By Themselves

Apr 24, 2012

When a program closes by itself and the window pops up asking to send a report to Apple.when I click on the send button I can no longer send these error message.

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Safari Kept Hanging - IMac Won't Boot Up

Nov 21, 2010

My wife's iMac MC508 is 2 weeks old, I had to re-install it after 1 week because Safari kept hanging. It was working ok yesterday lunchtime when I used it but last night my wife switched it on and just got the white screen with logo, then a blank progress bar then the circle thing before it shut itself down. We have tried all the key combinations that we found online but no change. The only thing I have not done is put the install disk back in for fear of not being able to eject it. Has the hard drive packed up? Does this mean a trip to an Apple store?

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IMac :: System Hanging And Will Not Always Bootup

Dec 8, 2010

I have a iMac 20" 2.4ghz 2gig RAM. For a few weeks now been having problems with it running slow hanging and programs doing all sort of things like losing history in programs. But the other day it hang and had to turn it of by holding the button when tried to turn it on again it would only load till the grey screen and it had a flashing folder with a ? Tried for ages to get it to bootup but nothing so left it for a day turned it on and it booted up ok but still with the other problems. Now it hangs all the time and it wont always bootup.

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Safari :: IMac Hanging Caused By It?

Jul 1, 2012

Have been having problems with my iMac hanging which I think is caused by Safari. Safari (5.1.7 )will be working OK and then hang with the spinning wheel. Am then unable to quit and finder hangs in turn and I end up doing a restart with the power button. Have 1 external hard drive attached which is partitioned for Time Machine backup and iTunes library.In attemt to address problem I have previously erased my iMac and reinstalled all software (from new rather than from Time Machine backup) and then reinstalled user files (but not application library files in case any of these were corrupted. Problem is common to all users. 

Last log looks like this: 01/07/2012 16:39:31          SecurityAgent[1525]          User info context values set for ian01/07/2012 16:39:31          SecurityAgent[1525]          Login Window Showing Progress01/07/2012 16:39:31          SecurityAgent[1525]     Login Window done01/07/2012 16:39:31          /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow[15


iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: I7 Randomly Hanging - Need To Hard Restart

Apr 26, 2010

Recently, my iMac 27" i7 has begun hanging in the most bizarre fashion. It usually seems to happen when I wake the computer from sleep or screen saver, but that isn't always the case. What will happen is that when I get to the computer, Mail will show symbology that indicates it is not connected to the Internet or Safari, upon booting, will not open a webpage (it sits on a white screen rather than delivering an error). I'll go to quit one of the offending programs, and it will not quit and beach balls instead. I then right click on the dock to trigger a force quit, and the force quit does nothing and the dock beachballs. I try to restart/shut down, and nothing happens. Thus I am forced to hard restart.

Conversely, I am sometimes able to get an offending program to force quit, but the rest of the computer (anything I click locks up) beachballs leaving me to hard restart. I find when this happens, my first instinct is to click system prefs and go to networking, where when I click networking, it locks up. Then I have to hard restart. Finally, there are times when it does respond to a restart request. It will go through the restart process up to the blue screen at the end, where the little spinning doohickey will appear and stay there indefinitely, forcing me to hard restart. It didn't seem to happen before I got my iPad but happens about every other day now.

At first it seemed to happen after I had my iPad charge from my computer, but now it seems to happen regardless. One time it hung while syncing with my iPhone and required me to restore it since the phone got messed up. I've done everything I can think to do to get to the source of the problem and I can't figure it out. I've looked through logs and didn't see problems (granted, I don't know if I'm looking at correct logs or if I'm looking for the right events). I have repaired permissions, and that seemed to help but not fix the problem. I bridge my iPad to my computer through Internet connection sharing, since I have an Ethernet internet connection. I created Automator work flows to turn it on and off (and AirPort) as I never leave it on when not using it.

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Software :: IMac Hanging And Finder Not Responding

May 18, 2008

I am running the following system:

Apple Macintosh (Intel)
PROC 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

The hanging appears to have been caused when I accidently moved about 40GB of old photo's onto my desktop. Almost immediately I tried to cancel but all that happened is that the system has hung. Processer can be heard working in the background.

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Software :: IMac Hanging - Stop Process At Start Up?

May 21, 2008

I am running the following system:

Apple Macintosh (Intel)
PROC 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

The hanging appears to have been caused when I accidently moved about 40GB of old photo's onto my desktop. Almost immediately I tried to cancel but all that happened is that the system has hung. Processer can be heard working in the background. Being new to MAC I am pretty stumped. Have tried the obvious forced restart using the power on/off button but no luck. Is there a way I can get in and stop this process say at start up?

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Mac Mini :: Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My IMac Without Losing Data On IMac

Sep 11, 2008

The Mini Has Some Great Software On it, Could i Use Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My iMac Without Losing My Data On My iMac? Or is There Any Other Way?

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IMac PPC :: G5 Will Not Run Programs

Apr 15, 2012

I recently picked up a G5 20 inch iMac  1.8 PPC  1.5 ram (gonna go pick up another gig today.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  I actually really like this thing.  Anyways, when I picked it up, it was supposed to have 10.5.8 on it and it only has 10.4.11  No real biggie just need to get a hold of a 10.5 disc.  Anyways, here is the issue.  Programs will not open.  If it is a preinstalled program, it runs fine.  If it is a program that I have downloaded, it will not run.  Case in point, I use FILEZILLA ALOT.  I downloaded the PPC version, go to open it, and the icon pops up in the dock, then closes with nothing else.  No crash report, no bug no nothing.  Pops up in the dock then disappears.  Does this with any program that I download.  I already repaired permissions to no avail..

iMac, G5 20 inch iMac

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OS X :: Cannot Shut Down IMac

Jan 26, 2010

I was unsure where to post this as it could be either OSX or hardware that is the problem. I am currently unable to shutdown my 2008 Alu iMac. Everytime I shut it down, it restarts instead.

After a little bit of searching the forums/google, I understand that this may be something to do with a driver or application that is refusing to close properly - but have no idea how to try and identify what may be causing it.

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IMac :: How Can Keep Programs But Wipe Everything Else

Dec 5, 2010

I have an application that WILL NOT DELETE! I move it to the trash it does nothing. It stays there. I took my iMac to the Apple store and they said I would need to wipe my computer clean... I am fine with that but I have some expensive programs... i.e. Photoshop Lightroom etc. how can I keep those programs but wipe everything else?

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OS X :: IMac Won't Auto Shut Down?

Feb 13, 2009

I have my iMac scheduled to shut down everyday at 12:30 am. Sometimes it will shut down and sometimes it won't. I've only had my iMac for about a month, but am I missing something here? Why won't it shut down automatically.

I had it scheduled to shut down at 12:30am, and I was already asleep. I woke up about 3am to get a glass of water and I checked my iMac and I was able to wake it up. What am I doing wrong, why won't it auto shut down?

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OS X :: Imac Freezes On Shut Down

Aug 6, 2010

i have an imac with 500gb hdd 3.06 ghz and 4gb ram, im running os x 10.6.4 snow leopard. every time i go to shut down the whole computer freezes i cant click anything, all i see is the wallpaper and nothing is running when i click shut down.

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IMac Freezes When Do A Shut Down

Mar 23, 2012

My iMac won't shut down completely any more.It gets to a white screen and then freezes, and I have to hold down the power button to get it to shut down.I have also been getting intermittent kernel panics, maybe one every 3 or 4 days.I went through all of the troubleshooting steps to try and figure out the cause, with no luck. Did a new install of Lion and everything seemed OK for a few days, and then started having problems with programs not responding, not being able to shut down, and now getting kernel panics again.Considering completly formatting the drive and starting fresh with everything, but not sure if that would solve the problem either.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac PPC :: Any Programs Similar To Animasher?

Apr 3, 2012

are there any programs similar to animasher


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IMac PPC :: Delete Programs Off The G5 Osx 10.5.8 Completely?

Jun 26, 2012

My imac g5 osx 10.5.8 is running slow and getting froze alot some programs just take forever. If someone knows how to remove programs safely could you please help me. I don't want to make a mistake that's unfixable. Like, i.e ( operating firefox now ,but i have a safari app. Do i need safari ? Am i even running that at all ?) Also i have 4 dvd players-imovie,dvd player,mac the ripper and front row do i need all them ?And quicktime but running bit torrent.

iPod touch, 8 gig ipod touch

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Intermittent Shut Down?

Nov 13, 2006

I have one of the 20" iMac G5's covered by the warranty extension for the intermittent shutdown problem. The problem is that I am out of the country, and where I am has very unreliable Apple service. It would be gone for weeks and weeks. I am considering flying back home to get my computer repaired. The computer shuts down multiple times a day without warning.

What are the chances I can find an AASP in the DC area who can do the repair in a day or two. I have read that the repair is only a power supply swap and can be done in 15 minutes. What do y'all think?

My other option is to just buy a new computer and worry about repairing this one in a year or two, which is a $2,000 hassle.

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IMac :: Option To Shut Off The Screen?

Nov 17, 2009

I know this has been discussed before, but I cannot stand that there is no option to shut off the screen. I know the Shift-ctrl-eject (not sure if I got this right, I'm at work now) works to turn off the screen, but I'm facing another issue.

At night, I frequently record shows on Eye-TV and export them to iPhone, so I can watch them during the morning commute. When the show begins, iMac's screen wakes up. When the export to iTunes begins, the screen wakes up. I tried few utilities where the brightness dims 100%, but it's not the same as turning it completely off.

Has anyone found a solution where you can turn off the display completely? Since my iMac is in my bedroom, this is a huge problem for me. I miss my Mac Mini....

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Get IMac To Shut Down Without Turning It Off

May 4, 2012

Whenever I need to shut my computer down from the apple menu it hangs. It does the same thing whenever I try to restart it. It's annoying. The only way I can get results is to physically shut it off.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.06 Ghz Intel Core Duo

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Imac Running 10.7.3 Won't Shut Down?

Jun 3, 2012

I have a new imac 3.4ghz - i7 with 16gbs ram that won't shut down unless I hold in the power button. I checked the Console logs but that did not give me any indication of what might be hanging it up. I also, have a Macbook Pro running 10.6.8 and it has no trouble powering down.  

I am running AVID Symphony which is not qualified for 10.7.4 yet so I am not going to do the update yet.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Safari Does Not Allow Shut Down

Jun 4, 2014

safari does not allow shut down why.? I get a tab that says to quite  safari and i do, but it still does not allow it to shut down why.?

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IMac :: Is There A Way To Chip Off CPU Usage From Other Programs That The Computer May Be Using

May 20, 2009

I purchased my first Mac ever, the iMac with 3.06ghz, 8GB and 1T.


Now, I got this iMac to use Protools with plugins. Now I'm only using 3 tracks with virtual instruments and is already asking me to increase CPU usage or remove RTAS(virtual instruments).

Is there a way to chip off CPU usage from other programs that the computer may be using? Anyone has solution except removing some virtual instruments, I mean I got this iMac to work with music.

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IMac Intel :: Running Slow Even When No Programs Are In Use?

Aug 8, 2009

even when i dont have any programs actually running i get the stupid coloured spinning circle and i can hear the computer thinking like ive got 20 programs running at the same time , kind of like the windows CPU usage stuck on 100% problem.

intel core duo
Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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IMac :: Few Programs Starting With Computer By Default?

Jan 26, 2010

When I start my iMac, a few programs start along with the computer. I don't want any programs starting by default. I have reviewed the Preferences of these programs, and see nothing to uncheck regarding auto startup. And I don't see anything related to this in System Preferences. How I can start the computer without programs starting with it?

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IMac :: Multitasking Workflows - Audio Programs

Jul 28, 2010

Professional composer here. I want to get a computer for my brother to start learning the ropes and I was waiting for the new imacs to come out. The question is how will these computers respond to audio programs which are created to be multi-processor intensive.

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Software :: IMac Freezing When Running Few Programs?

Aug 27, 2009

I have a iMac(it is an older one but I forget when I bought it) it has OS X 10.4.11, and 1 GB ram. I have 30 GB of free HD space.

Normally, I run Aol Desktop, Firefox, iTunes and sometimes Microsoft Word. But recently while browsing the internet the Mac will stop working. The music will continue to play and the mouse will still move but everything else stops working. The only way I have been able to fix it is to hold the power button for a couple of seconds.

Also, while trying to zero out my free space the available HD space on my computer went to 0 and the Disk Utility said it would take something like 1 million hours to finish so I skipped that step and when it finished my memory was restored.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Is Imac OSX 10.6.8 Always Hesitating In Various Programs

Apr 9, 2012

Why is my imac OSX 10.6.8 always hesitating in various programs?Restarted and Zapped PRAM. Repaired permissions.

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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