OS X :: Limiting Particular Computer Connection Speed On Network
Jul 10, 2010
My home network consists of three computers connected via a Linksys wired router. Is there any way to limit (or disable) the connection speed to a particular computer? I'd like to be able to selectively limit/disable the connection, without having to remove the ethernet connection on said computer. I can access the router status and enable/disable the connection for the entire network, but I can't seem to selectively limit/disable a particular connection.
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Apr 9, 2008
I saw an interesting post today by pgharavi who says he is using SMCFanControl to set the max speed of his fan to 4000RPM:Quote:From the terminal:
/Applications/smcFanControl.app/Contents/Resources/smc -k F0Mx -w 60e0
(that's the default 6200 RPM)
/Applications/smcFanControl.app/Contents/Resources/smc -k F0Mx -w 3e80
(That's 4000 RPM Max)
I obviously gain a few degrees C when limiting to 4000, but at least my MBA shuts up.Not to question his knowledge but have others tried this and does it really work? might not go so far as to set the fan to 4000 (but I might). Given all the thoughts on Coolbook, what do you all know/think about this? Safe and effective relief from fan headaches?
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Jul 13, 2009
Is this the right place to see my network connection speed? I've never seen it go past 130 or below. Our PCs are at 270.
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Jan 5, 2009
I've been posting quite a bit lately as to suggestions as to how to speed up my network. Whatever I do, I cannot get to my iMac to connect to my network faster than 5-10 Mbits/sec. If I step 6 inches out of the room with the iMac, I get 70-100 Mbit/sec. I've finally come to the conclusion that there is some type of interference in the room with the iMac and no matter what I try, I'm not going to be able to get good wireless network speeds in that room.
Since the room is on a different level than my wireless router, a direct wired connection from my Time Capsule is out of the question. But, what if I bought an Airport Express, put it right outside the room with the iMac and ran an ethernet cable from the Airport Express directly into my iMac? Would that have any positive effect?
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Nov 7, 2009
I am a new Mac user. I bought a 27" iMac today to replace a dead PC. My download speeds are AWFUL on the Mac. While using the PC, my maximum download speed on a 6 mbit connection was over 850kb/sec. Now, with the mac, I can barely manage 250K/sec downloads. I am using all the same equipment and cables as before (not using the wireless, and I have it disabled), and if I plug in another PC into my router, it will get the 850+kb/sec download speeds, no problem at all. Is there a setting somewhere that I can change to get things working properly? Poor speeds occur no matter what program I am downloading from, whether it be Safari, FTP, or whatever. I just installed parallels, with windows, and I can download at my old speeds. How do I do it in native Mac mode then?
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Mar 16, 2012
The internal modem in my PowerBook Pro (mid 2010) shows up as "not connected" in the Network pane of system preferences, but I can't figure out how to get it to connect. When I enter my phone number and click the connect button, I get an error message: "Network Connection The communication device selected for your connection does not exist. Verify your settings and try reconnecting." Say what? It says it exists in the System Preferences, shows it in the list on the left. How can it not exist?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access?
MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram
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Dec 31, 2010
I have Alltel Mobile Broadband. Up until the other day, it's been working fine. I'd set up a network on my macbook after connecting to the Alltel network, then I'd enable internet sharing. Then my iPod Touch, iPad, etc would all be able to go online.
The past couple days, however, the connection just won't share.Anyone have any idea what could be doing this and how to fix it?
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Jan 7, 2011
I've searched and don't see anybody else with this problem. I tried to set up an ad hoc network on my MBP so I could use TouchAble with my new iPad. But now I can't get my MBP (or iPad) to see my home wifi network.
(TouchAble is a music performance app on the iPad that controls Ableton Live on the MBP. It works on an ad hoc network so the combo will work on gigs without depending on local wifi.)
I set up a new network ok, with a password. The iPad saw it, but before I tested it further I wanted to make sure I could reinstate my regular network. So I tried switching back to the regular wifi. No dice! The MBP sees the network, but I can't log in. It acts like the password is wrong. Same on the iPad.
Yes, the network works. I didn't make changes to the settings in my router, and my iPhone still sees it with the same password.
I tried a tip I found online and deleted the network preferences file (com.apple.smb.server.plist) and rebooting. No dice. (The system didn't write a new one, as I had expected; I had to reinstate it from the Trash). I rebooted a few times, both MBP and iPad. Nope.
What's going on here? 1) How can I get my MBP to see my network, so I can switch back and forth from the ad hoc to the local network. 2) Ditto for the iPad.
MBP is new. All systems and versions are up to date. No other funny stuff with the network--it's been stable for two years. Everything is stand-alone; this is in my home office. I'm the admin. (But I'm not a techie, so if you start talking about IP addresses and subnet masks, please be clear what I should try.)
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Jul 29, 2010
Two computers in the house MacBook and iMac, running on an Airport Extreme network, which includes an Airport Express plugged into the stereo.
A brief power outage the other night (perhaps unrelated), and in the morning, the network was wonky: the iMac was only getting two or three bars, streaming radio to the Express kept flickering on and off. When that happens, rebooting the Airport base station, the router, and the Express usually takes care of it.
Since the reboot, the iMac hasn't been able to keep a connection to the network, and often can't find it. It may start off, but then loses the connection and then times out trying to reconnect. Or the network doesn't even appear in the list. Read that launching Network and running Diagnostic will fix problems and it sometimes does, but never for long.
All this time except for one brief bit where it suffered the same problem the MacBook has had no problem connecting to the network and the Internet.
Have rebooted everything multiple times in various orders, run Disk Utility, and even gone ahead and upgraded the iMac to Snow Leopard (laptop was recently upgraded).
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Jun 16, 2009
Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)
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Sep 30, 2009
My room is the farthest away from the router that we have in my house, and as a result, I get fairly slower connection than everyone else. Would a wireless router(if this wouldn't work what will) let me put that in my room(without plugging it in via ethernet) and show me an increase in speed?
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Jun 12, 2009
I have a really crappy connection at home, about 50 ~ 60 kpbs. LOL. Cheapest AT&T DSL, $19.95. I have a wireless router hooked up right now. Is it possible to utilize my WIFI and ETHERNET all at the same time to double my connection speed? If so how? I'm running 10.5.
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Jun 7, 2012
macbook air only connects at 130 M/Bits on a 5Ghz wifi connection, all other devices including pre unibody Macbook connect at 300M/bits ?
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Jul 5, 2012
I am having trouble with the ping speed on my internet connection; it is registering at 174 ms, which is too high. My iMac is a 2009 24inch model running Lion. Is this due to my wifi or is it the ip server?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 12, 2010
at what speed data is transfered to TC if IMac (Quad Core I5) is connected to it via ethernet port?
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Nov 4, 2010
Can anybody help me as my download wireless speed is only 250kb but upload is ok with 1MB? Wired all is fine and I don't know what is wrong?
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Apr 14, 2009
i want to buy an external HD and i was wondering what is the fastest connection speed i.e (Firewire 400/800, USB or eSATA or other things i don't know)
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May 5, 2009
I am using Windows right now. I never realized this but my download speed is supposed to be 768 Kbps. Though when I download something my speed is between 70 - 90 Kbps. Is this normal? I ran many virus scans and I am clean.Is there something that is slowing it down? I am also using wireless connection.
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Jan 7, 2010
Because i'm a web developer i was trying some bandwidth limiting with IPFW in the terminal to test how my web apps will work with a slow internet connection. After i was done i did "# sudo IPFW flush" and thought i was done�
But then i got a feeling that my internet connection was slow so i tried "sudo IPFW pipe show" to see if i forgot to flush some pipes. It gave me an error message: ipfw: getsockopt(IP_DUMMYNET_GET): No buffer space available
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Feb 26, 2010
i'm sharing my internet connection to other devices in my house, but I want to limit speed, because my connection speed is only 2 Mbps. Is there a way to limit speed? I'd like to leave 1 Mbps for me and 1 Mbps for other devices.
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Feb 15, 2008
I am a new user and I just got my first mac tonight (air) and I have a question. How do you figure out what the wireless connection speed is for the wireless network you are on? For example if i join a wireless network how can i figure out if it a g or n or b connection and the speed of the link?
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Jan 22, 2010
Is 841 MBPS possible? for a newtork. Its ISat widget.
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Jun 17, 2010
I live in a two-story apartment and my main connection is upstairs where the cable arrives and I have a time capsule to provide wireless connection. I can have connection even downstairs but in some places the level is very low so I have added a Airport Express. Now I have full coverage but the speed downstairs is very slow (perhaps less than half of the speed I have upstairs). Is there any way to tune the level of my connection? Any tool to verify there is the bottleneck?
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Apr 10, 2012
I am trying to download MediaWiki 1.18.2 and it is stuck downloading!
* I have all apps closed.
* The router/modem and computer are in range.
* The correct network is chosen (SkyCaptian)
* I can access the internet on my iPod without problems.
The internet speed is less than 1 mb/s, I am looking for a way to hack this speed?
iPod and iTunes, Mac OS X(10.6.2)
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Jun 12, 2012
I have an Imac i5 based, the connection spped over ethernet and wifi is very slow, at most 1Mb/s while my Sony Vaio Windows 7 wifi gives a 64Mb/s number, what to look for?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a wifi network running with two Airport Express units. One unit is an Airport Express "N" and one is a "G". The "N" is connected to my router and configured as the main basestation. My "G" is connected as a remote station and extends my network and I connect my stereo to it.I've noticed that my wifi network starts off relatively fast (speedtest from my Powerbook laptop is about 10-15mbs), however it soon slows down significantly (to about .2-.5 mbs). My line connection is fiber optic. My PC (which is connected directly to the router) gets very fast speeds (about 80mbs).
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Jul 7, 2009
I have noticed that some of my programs when I run them take a massive amount of cpu usage and make my computer run very hot. This question seems like a stretch to me but is there any way to limit the amount of processing power a certain program uses? I don't really care if the program takes a longer amount of time to complete what it needs to do, I just don't want my computer overheating.
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May 23, 2012
To reduce the signal to noise ratio,please do not respond to this post asking questions of why I want to do this or with opinions about the validity of the task.I have a mid-2010 MacBook Pro Core i5 and I am consistently enraged that a computer this powerful is always lurching along when I am trying to do multiple things at once.I would like to limit the amount of RAM/CPU available to applications on a systemwide basis.All mobile OSes institute this policy (except for Android and its runaway memory munching) and this is what makes those system react so quickly.I know about nice and freezer but these solutions require constant tweaking for each process run. I would like a solution that is applied to every process, systemwide, if that is possible.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Core i5 2.53, 4BG RAM
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Mar 24, 2009
My computer name always keep changing with a message like "computer name X already exist in your network and your computer name is now X(2)". I have to change the computer name back to X, or the computer will be rename to X(3), X(4) .... etc. I did not change anything in my network.Is there any way to stop this?
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