Limiting Resources To Apps In Mac OS X

May 23, 2012

To reduce the signal to noise ratio,please do not respond to this post asking questions of why I want to do this or with opinions about the validity of the task.I have a mid-2010 MacBook Pro Core i5 and I am consistently enraged that a computer this powerful is always lurching along when I am trying to do multiple things at once.I would like to limit the amount of RAM/CPU available to applications on a systemwide basis.All mobile OSes institute this policy (except for Android and its runaway memory munching) and this is what makes those system react so quickly.I know about nice and freezer but these solutions require constant tweaking for each process run. I would like a solution that is applied to every process, systemwide, if that is possible.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Core i5 2.53, 4BG RAM

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OS X :: Limiting CPU Usage To Programs

Jul 7, 2009

I have noticed that some of my programs when I run them take a massive amount of cpu usage and make my computer run very hot. This question seems like a stretch to me but is there any way to limit the amount of processing power a certain program uses? I don't really care if the program takes a longer amount of time to complete what it needs to do, I just don't want my computer overheating.

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MacBook Air :: Limiting The MAX Fan Speed Via SmcFanControl?

Apr 9, 2008

I saw an interesting post today by pgharavi who says he is using SMCFanControl to set the max speed of his fan to 4000RPM:Quote:From the terminal:
/Applications/ -k F0Mx -w 60e0

(that's the default 6200 RPM)

/Applications/ -k F0Mx -w 3e80

(That's 4000 RPM Max)

I obviously gain a few degrees C when limiting to 4000, but at least my MBA shuts up.Not to question his knowledge but have others tried this and does it really work? might not go so far as to set the fan to 4000 (but I might). Given all the thoughts on Coolbook, what do you all know/think about this? Safe and effective relief from fan headaches?

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MacBook Pro :: Limiting Size Of VM Swap Files Possible?

Jun 13, 2010

I have the new 15" with SSD (80 GB Intel) and HDD (500 GB). I have put System and Apps on the SSD, while the user's home directory is on the HDD. So far so good, performance is great. But I have run into the problem of getting the "Memory on the startup disk is too small" warning twice. That's a pretty unpleasant experience, with apps freezing etc. Of course, nominally my startup disk (the SSD) is far from full, since the apps occupy maybe 30 GB and the System maybe 15. I should have over 30 GB of available disk space. So what happened? I found out that the culprit is virtual memory. Somehow my system at some point thought that it needed a lot of VM (around 40 GB), and the VM daemon started writing swap files (up to 40 of them!) on the startup volume, until it got full. After quitting some apps, somehow the situation gets corrected and the system automatically reduces the number of the swap files again.

What are my options to keep this unpleasant problem from occurring again in the future? Here are the ones I can think of:
1. Move the VM directory to HDD. I don't like to do this because it would significantly hurt performance.
2. Create an additional partition (~10-20 GB or so) on the SSD, then move the VM directory to that partition. This way, I always know the max. size of VM and I won't be surprised. Disadvantages: I will need to repartition the SSD and re-install system and all apps. And I may be wasting precious space on the SSD.
3. The ideal solution would be an option in the VM daemon to limit the total VM size. I have perused the man pages, but I can only see an option to set the size of each individual swap file, not the overall VM size.

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OS X :: Limiting Particular Computer Connection Speed On Network

Jul 10, 2010

My home network consists of three computers connected via a Linksys wired router. Is there any way to limit (or disable) the connection speed to a particular computer? I'd like to be able to selectively limit/disable the connection, without having to remove the ethernet connection on said computer. I can access the router status and enable/disable the connection for the entire network, but I can't seem to selectively limit/disable a particular connection.

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ICloud :: Limiting Syncing To Selected Documents?

Mar 22, 2012

My understanding of Documents and Data in iCloud preferences is that when turned on, all of my iWork documents will be synced. I don't want to do that because some documents contain sensitive data. Is there a way to restrict syncing to a selected folder of documents? 

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MacBook Pro :: Limiting Applications In Parental Controls?

Sep 1, 2014

I set up a new user account for my daughter on my computer, an account running Simple Finder. I would like to restrict all applications, except one, because this is for homework.  

When I specify the application that is allowed in the parental controls, and then attempt to open it from her applications folder I get the message "You do not have permission..." I tried putting the application in the Shared Folder but that did not change anything. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Cannot Access Resources Using VPN On Mac

Sep 13, 2009

I am using Cisco's vpn client to connect to my work. It uses IPsec, UDP. Although I can connect to the VPN server at work, I can't access any other resources. I noticed that routing tables are not updated. I can continue to use internet and I think traffic is not being routed through the VPN connection at all. I tried adding a default route: route add default ( is the static address of the work place vpn server) Doing this, I only lose my internet connection but do not get access to work place resources.

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Software :: Finding FCE 4.0 Resources?

Dec 10, 2009

What/where is a good resource for learning how to edit HD video via FCE 4.0. I am having my difficulties and end up back in iMovie, but I made an investment in the FCE and want to learn to use it.

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OS X :: Printer Drivers Using Almost All Resources

Dec 7, 2008

I recently installed the widget iStat Pro. When i did, i discovered that the (what i presume to be) drivers from my printer are using up all of my processes. In the processes tab, it can go anywhere from 90% to +100%. I have nothing in my login items but iTunes helper and absolutely nothing in the start items. I don't know what to do about this.

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OS X :: Mail Is Using All The System Resources

Dec 21, 2008

When I'm running mail my fan started continuously running on high. I search google and found out that mail was using close to %100 of the system resources.

I can not find out how to correct this issues. I'm using a gmail account via pop.

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OS X :: What System Resources Does Spaces Use

Aug 22, 2009

Is Spaces actually creating a larger virtual desktop or is it just a single desktop and hiding/showing apps based on the selected space?

What resources are being consumed, if anything, by adding spaces? Main memory? Video ram? Nothing?

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OS X :: Leopard Or Tiger (Less Resources) Better For Pro Audio?

Mar 11, 2009

I'm picking up two laptops next week and am wondering if there will be much of a performance difference between leapord and tiger. One Laptop will be a G4 1.33ghz with 1gb of ram. I hope for this to run the midi tracks to control lights on stage and the backing audio tracks(roughly 15 audio files running at once). The other will be a macbook pro 2.0ghz (core duo) with 2gb of ram. This will run the live VST synthesizers(no more than 2 at a time) through my sequencer (cubase or maybe a mac alternative). I'm thinking it would be easier to just have leapord on both machines but I may need to squeeze everything I can get out of the G4. Is their a performance difference or does one OS take more resources?

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OS X :: Finder Hogging Resources On My Mini?

Oct 19, 2009

I have a new mac mini, 1gig ram, 2ghz processor, and finder is consistently using 65+ percent of cpu percentage, i checked my buddies computer and his finder uses 1%. Also my computer crawls and i assume this is the reason.

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MacBook Pro :: Second Screen Or External HDD Use Resources?

Dec 14, 2009

So I've been helping this guy do stuff with his mac (MBP 3,1, 2.4GHz dual-core, 2GB DDR2 RAM w/667 bus) and lately he's had a problem where his computer freezes totally and you have to reboot. I was working with him today and it froze while I had address book (which had stopped responding) and finder open. He always has a second screen (one of the big apple monitors that uses the video port, a USB, and a firewire 400) and an external Firewire 800 harddrive, with external power-source, for backup always plugged in.

The machine is only like 2 years old and he has over 70 GB left on his harddrive. Is it possible that always having the external monitor and external disk is draining resources and making the computer run slower? If this is the case, will this model MBP hold more than 2GB, and if it does, does it come with two 1GB modules, or one 2GB module? The next time I see him I'm gonna install MenuMeters to see if his resources are being used a lot with the stuff plugged in.

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OS X :: Connecting Macs To Share Resources?

Jan 27, 2010

My friend was having some issues with an old mac of his, so he bought a new one. He said that when he connected the two macs to move files from the old one to the new one, something weird happened. Te new one found the processor and ram from the old one and used it as its own resources.

I have lost contact with this guy so i have no way to find out how this was done. I think he said he used a firewire cable between the two macs but am not sure

does anyone know how to do this? I dont think it was xgrid cause it worked with all programs and could see the processors in activity manager. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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OS X Mavericks :: Kernel Task Is Using Many Resources On Mac

Sep 2, 2014

I was working on my Mac but is coming very slow sometimes so I found the problem is the kernel task. 

Lex I already use the Clean My Mac and since the first time I delete a lot of things I don't even remember how many. Should I format my drive? 

About the iCleanMemory so the system will clear the RAM by it self or should I do something different or use another program? 

So here is the report: EtreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52)Report generated 2 de septiembre de 2014 16:58:23 GMT-4 Hardware Information: ?  MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013) (Verified)  MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro10,2  1 3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 2 cores  8 GB RAM Video Information: ?  Intel HD Graphics 4000 - VRAM: (null)  Color LCD 2560 x


MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: Limited To Amount Of Memory Resources

Mar 18, 2009

I have the 2.2 blacbook, 4gb ram, 320gb hdd. Now when I first bought my macbook, I did not use Illustrator or Photoshop CS3 (for both). Now 1.5 years in, I am using Illustrator and I noticed that when I am working on both (either at the same time, or with one program closed) I sometime get the message in Illustrator "Not enough memory" or "Not enough ram" or when I am saving an image for web and devices "an unknown error has occurred"

BUT if I use Illustrator and Photoshop CS3 (for both) on Vista via bootcamp none of these errors occur. I just don't want to imaging what will happen when I use CS4. Is this due to the way Leopard is setup? I am also looking to upgrade...So do you guys think the new macbook or macbook pros would be better? I mean, my current macbook is holding up well...but I just hate these errors. I prefer to work in Leopard than Vista.

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ITunes :: Can't View Some Videos From IOS Development Resources

Jun 27, 2012

(ex: Working with Core Data, Implementing Push Notification). Certain videos appear to download but when I try to play them, the download starts again. I have "downloaded" the same video 5 or 6 times, and it still won't play.  

Other iTunes video downloads from iOS Development Resources work without any problems (ex: Ingredients of Great Apps). 

Specifically: if I am in iTunes, and navigate to iTunes U, then select the iOS Development Videos category, I see a list of all the videos that are available. If I click the little "Get" button for many of the videos in the list, the download process seems to work perfectly (I see the progress of the download in the header section, and it all looks normal). However, as soon as the download is complete, the "Get" button reappears and the video listing looks just like all the other videos that have not yet been downloaded. If I attempt to play the video (select it, and click the Play button) the download starts all over again. I have found one video that actually downloaded, and can be played. 

Is there a setting that controls this behavior? I haven't been able to find it. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: How To Allocate More System Resources To Program

Jun 28, 2012

I have a large spreadsheet that is very slow. I wanted to allocate more of my system resources to enable it to crunch the data quicker. I have upgraded to 8G of Ram and have the highest CPU available.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule To Share XP Workgroup Resources

Oct 17, 2009

I run a windows XP workgroup network in my office and plan to use a mac mini as a file server, coupled with a Time Capsule to use as back up and to provide wifi access to several PC laptops. My question is, will the Time Capsule allow the PC laptops wireless access shared files and printers hosted by other PCs in the workgroup, as opposed to printers connected to the Mac Mini/Time Capsule?

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|Applications :: Safari Glutton With System Resources - Run Little Slimmer?

Dec 30, 2009

I absolutely LOVE Safari, despite the zippier speed of Chrome and the bells & whistles that accompany Firefox (both of which I now use from time to time, although Safari is definitely my MAIN browser). But why does each iteration of Safari seem to take up more system resources and run slower than the previous version? Especially if it's left on for a while- I had Safari use up to 700MB of memory (constant beachballing) for no apparent reason (no windows open) after I updated to the latest version. Anyone know why Safari is such a glutton with the system resources, and if there's a way to make it run a little slimmer?

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MacBook Air :: Background Processes Taking Up Huge CPU Resources?

May 13, 2012

I recently reinstalled Lion on my Air to clean up a few issues, but it seems to have created new ones. This is what I see at the top of Activity Monitor pretty much constantly now.  

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: Graphics Firmware Update -- Necessary Resources Are Missing, Corrupt

Nov 16, 2007

I did a software update last night and the firmware update attempted to install. Unfortunately, it errors out with the message:
Necesary resources are missing, corrupt, or do not have the correct permissions. Delete the iMac Graphics Firmware Update and re-download it and run again.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Printtool Is Taking Up Large Amounts Of CPU And System Memory Resources

May 7, 2012

Printtool is taking up large amounts of CPU and System Memory resources.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Unable To Create Disk Image - Resources Busy

Jun 25, 2014

error: Unable to create disk image resources busy. How do I fix this?

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Mac :: How Do Universal Apps Actually Compare In Performance As Compared To Intel Binary Apps

Jan 18, 2009

How do Universal apps, actually compare in performance as compared to Intel binary apps? Yeah, sure, they're "native" speeds, but surely there must be some erformance hit? I mean, it DOES contain two binaries.

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ITunes :: Unable To Download Apps, Upgrades Apps Or Sync With Macbook?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm unable to download apps, upgrades apps or sync with my Mac book. I've had no problems up until now.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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App Store :: Apps Are Missing And All Listed As Hidden But Can't Unhide The Apps

May 30, 2012

Under purchases I'm getting "you have not purchased any apps." Under Itunes in the Cloud all my apps are listed as hidden but when I click "view hidden purchases" it says I do not have any hidden purchases. I have three Macs and all are experiencing the same issue so this is an account problem and not a computer software problem. The funny thing is that it's still recognizing updates.Yes, I've tried signing out and back in to view my account with no luck. The only thing I did weird last night was I disabled the Itunes store and automatic downloading on one computer. This morning when I had the above problem I put all the settings back. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Can't Open Apps From Folder But Dock Apps Work?

Feb 21, 2009

I have no idea what happened. it was working fine last week, and then the other day I tried to open up iMovie and i get "The operation could not be completed / An unexpected error occurred (error code -10810)" This happens every time i try to open anything in my applications folder. the programs on my dock open up fine.

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