I tried to upgrade my MacBook from 10.4 to 10.5 but the CD has a problem. The installation failed halfway through and now I can't remove it. I pnly get a blue screen and nothing else. I want to restore 10.4 but can't get the CD out to reboot with 10.4. I'm new to Mac, now on my PC
I went to install Windows XP via bootcamp as I no longer have a windows XP machine, but still need windows XP for a few things work related. The install failed, the CD I used was kinda scratched and it missed a few of the files during installation so I skipped them (usually not an issue as they were driver files and such). Well the installed failed and cannot complete. Now I'm stuck in a vicious loop where it wants to try and complete the install every time it boots. I'm using a non-apple keyboard, when I try to hold down what would be the equivalent of command+option+O+F it does nothing and either starts the windows installation all over or tries to continue and finish the current install. No matter what, no luck getting the windows disk to eject.
I have two partitions on the hard drive of my white MacBook. On the first partition I installed Tiger with no problems but when I install Leopard on the second partition the installation is stuck at 1 hour and 8 minutes remaining and there is no disc activity and all I hear is the CPU fan. It has been stuck for half an hour now I have never had problems with the Leopard Upgrade DVD before. Before the Leopard installation I did the DVD consistent test and it appeared fine. I don't understand why the DVD is stuck.
I just tried to update my 2008 Macbook from Leopard to Snow Leopard. Install went fine but all of the sudden I got an error message, accompanied big yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark telling me that the install has failed without any further info. I rebooted and Snow Leopard was trying to install again. I thought 'why not' and continued. Then, when I had to pick a disk to install on, my Macbook harddrive couldn't be found. I thought 'screw this I'll stick to Leopard' and rebooted. After that it just stuck on the grey screen with the Apple and the loading animation. How I can fix this or at least save my files?
I put the install disc in and went threw the windows, it started installing so I left it for a while, when I come back it has the gray apple and the spiny boot up screen, I thought no problem its just restarting after the install. Now its been like this for almost an hour. Anyone have any ideas, I'm afraid to push the power button fearing it might screw up the install.
I just tried to upgrade my iMac to snow leopard (10.6.3) from cd.It remains stuck on the start page since hours : white page with grey apple logo and no spinning wheel or progression bar.Â
I have an application called AppFresh, which basically scans the apps I have for available updates, then it's supposed to update the ones that are available. However, every time I try to update an app, I get this response: "Download Successful. Installation failed (Bundle ID's don't match)." What does this mean, and how can I fix it? It'd be a handle little app if I could get it to work right.
I got wiped out by a lightning strike to my cable, and had to re-install Leopard. The first three attempts failed. After about five minutes into the installation, I would get a pop up saying INSTALLATION FAILED, COULD NOT COPY. I took the disc out and noticed there were some small dirty, greasy looking spots that had somehow gotten onto it. It might have been dirty fingerprints, I dunno. So, if this happens to you, clean the install disc first, before looking for other troubles.
So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?
I was running Bootcamp with Windows Vista smoothly until I decided to install Parallels 4.0 on my Mac 10.5.8. After installing Parallels, it loaded my Bootcamp installation which sort of freaked me out and so I closed Parallels without doing too much. When I booted Vista today, I tried running games that requried Direct X or enhanced graphics and they are not working! These games used to work fine before I had installed Parallels! I even tried fixing the Bootcamp installation by repairing the drivers through the installation cd that came with Leopard, but I still get the same problem!
I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu
I have done the following: 1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)
2. Installed rEFIt I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)
3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.
4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.
5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)
So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".
6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.
Problems occur right here: Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"
Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?
I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.
I have been given a 1.6 Dual G5 running 10.3. I tried to upgrade to 10.4, the first disc installed but crashed several times on disc 2. I had run DU previously to check there were no problem. Each restart took me back to disc 2 which failed to install. I then tried to install 10.5 (Leopard) booting directly from the disc, it started then crashed leaving a black screen with the following promt: local host:/root* (a hash not an asterisk!)
Anybody offer any suggestions as to what I should do?
I got a new Macbook today, and installed the Mac OS X 10.5.6. It stalled so I shut down, and when I logged in again Finder and Spotlight doesn't work. Though my hard drive says is labelled Mac HD: Mac OS X 10.5.6 , I am continuously prompted that Spotlight closed unexpectedly. And when I try to reinstall the Mac OS X, the DVD no longer appears on the desktop and Finder too, cannot be opened for me to locate the DVD.
Lately, my Lion operating system had become a little buggy, so much so that it eventually wouldn't allow applications like iTunes or safari to open, they would just sit there frozen upon launch. I've had my computer for about 3 1/2 years now and it's accumulated quite a bit of junk over the years, so I wanted to go back and perform a clean install of snow leopard (I'm not sure that I want to go back to using Lion at the moment).I've backed up all my files on an external, and then wiped my hard disk. Now, when I use the white snow leopard install disc, the installation will nearly complete itself and then I get an error saying "Installation failed".I've gone back with disk utility to verify and repair the disk but disk utility told me that there was nothing wrong and that no repairs were needed.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6)
I have been trying to install mpkg files. All the packages use authentication while installing. The system doesnt do anything after authenticating. I have tried it with all the installers. Somehow the screen gets stuck at authenticating. After authenticating, it does nothing. I am not able to add new user accounts as well. The same thing happens with authentication. Each time, it asks for password and then does nothing. I am not even able to unlock the System Preferences.
SO I tried to partition the disk - 50% for Windows & 50% for Mac Use. On trying to install the Windows 7 Premuim DVD software, it comes up with a message that the correct drivers cannot be found. My main issue is that it wont release/eject the DVD anymore. I inserted but it wont eject at all.Â
When I shut down or cancel the installation then it does shut down but when startup reoccurs I am unable to eject & it then goes straight into the windows 7 software trying to install it again - only for it to repeat the same cycle where it cant find the drivers & if I cancel installation it just shuts off without releasing the disc. Its my 1st mac so I am a novice except for all the other gear like the ipad, ipod etc Â
I'm trying to install OS X mavericks but I have to install Lion first to install mavericks later, Here is it, I startup at disk utility, could never fix it, but it tells me to install Lion instead of mavericks, so I go ahead and try to install Lion, The Progress bar shows it's at the end and its done, but the time goes to atleast 2 minutes, then jumps back to 30 min or more, I kept it over night, still nothing, how can I fix that?! I also tried USB Didn't work, and no I don't have the CD if I did I would've used it.
I recently have recieved an ibook with osx 10.3.9 that doesnt have any wireless internet. Since i have a wireless adapter, i decided to install it on so i can use this computer for internet. Since the driver for the installer is only for newer osx versions i decided to upgrade my os. I knew that my cd-rw/dvd-rom drive isnt working so i booted disk1 of the cd-installation from my old ipod. Now it wants disk 2 and when i put in my ipod with the second disk it wont continue installation.
I have a Macbook running OS X 10.5.5 with Safari, I'm trying to update to 10.5.8 using the Combo Update. As I start the install it displays "Configuring Installation" and gets stuck there. I've left it running for hours and nothing....
Recently, i've been offered flash update, so I accepted and followed the process. It always ended at 5% with "This installation failed". I know, that is definitely an error message which says everything you need to fix it. Digging a little deeper, i found this: Flash Player Install Manager[447]: Unable to execute privileged task. Ok, so I started searching for users with similar issues. Every single advice was to do a permission repair which, apparently, didn't solve the issue.
So the next idea was to check if something is wrong with my user account. Creating a new account with admin privileges resulted in same install failure.Again, dead end. Unless using last resort which MUST work. Enabling direct root login and logging in finally allowed the package to install. Something must have changed inside Lion with last updates. The package still asks for password when run as normal user, so it has to have all the privileges needed. Another possibility I was thinking of was that the process drops privileges too soon(so that's Adobe's problem then).Â
Question: I already have snow leopard installed on my iMac. But can I still do a CLEAN snow leopard installation onto my imac even though snow leopard is already installed?
I tried it just now like twice but I got the spinning wheel of death. It wouldn't go pass the apple sign and spinning wheel.
I don't know about you, but Snow Leopard's aurora is so much cooler. I used a program called "Desktop 2 Login" to change the default wallpaper for the login screen to a different wallpaper. Using this same program I changed it back to L's Aurora. (Still in 10.5). When I upgraded to snow leopard, the login wallpaper did not change. It is still stuck on L's aurora. I have used about every method besides Terminal, and it won't change.
Lately, my MacBook's been popping-up window after boot that says, "Connection failed. The server may not exist or it is not operational at this time." I don't know what server my Mac is trying to connect to. How/where can I look to see what's trying to connect, and to shut it off from trying at boot?
Having tried to initiate a hardware test by inserting a Mac pro system disk and holding the "D" key down, I lost my usb sockets on the rear of the machine so the sysem hung trying to find the mouse and keyboard.
I managed to break out of this loop by connecting both to the front usb sockets and the machine is running as before. Is this permanent damage or is are the rear usb's retrievable ??
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3), 3.0 dual with 4 gig ram
I have a desktop Mac that I used Migration Assistant to transfer my user setting etc. prior to selling my MacBook. All works well, except that everytime I try to print a document it pauses while looking for a shared network volume for a while before coming back saying "Connection Failed to MacBook". I deleted all printers and resent printers from preferences to add them back manually and repaired permissions however the problem is still happening everytime I try to print a document. Its as though its looking for the old MacBook.
I updated to leopard and mail did work (in and out) until May 16, 2012.Now, nothing comes in (out still works) and my password in not being recognized.yes, I did check the preferences.Yes, I checked the pw by logging into the cloud.
I recently received an iMac as a "gift"... turns out it has some problems. I am unable to reinstall the default OS (Mountain Lion) because I have yet to be able to partition the HDD correctly. The error I keep getting is:Â Partition failed with the error: Wiping volume data to prevent future accidental probing failed.At this point, the default Macintosh HD isn't showing, so it must of been erased/deleted.Â
I tried installing Leopard on my iBook G4 and it did not succeed. Now, my computer has a half-installed upgraded OS that doesn't work. I was told at the Apple Store that my computer would run better with Tiger anyway since my processor is not up to snuff to handle Leopard (my iBook is from Jan 2006) and that I should erase the hard disk and re-install Tiger.
So now I'm trying to reinstall Tiger but when I insert the disk, start up the computer holding down the C key, the start stalls at the apple logo gray screen with the little cog spinning around. Nothing happens after that.
I was running 10.5.8 on both my white MacBook and Intel iMac 20," then I finally received the copy of Snow Leopard which I bought from Amazon. I decided to install it on my MacBook first to make sure the install would be successful before I upgraded my iMac, which has my important work stuff on it. The install was a success on the MacBook and after it was fully upgraded and updated, I simply opened "About This Mac" to verify the installation, opened Safari, browsed around for a minute, then proceeded to check out the new dock and airport menu features. After just a few minutes of playing around with it, I decided it was a legitimate installation, closed the MacBook, left it plugged into the power source, and walked to the other room to begin the upgrade onto my iMac. I left home for about an hour and once I had returned, the iMac installation was complete and it was running like a dream. After messing around on the iMac for a little while I decided to make sure the MacBook was still good to go. When I opened the Macbook up, all I saw was a blank screen. I assumed it was some sort of power-saver issue, because sometimes the screen doesn't like to come on right away when I open it up. My first instinct was to move my finger around on the trackpad and press some keyboard keys, which always wakes it up when this happens. Nothing seemed to be working, so at this point I pushed the power button and it proceeded to boot. As it began to boot I heard some sort of CLICKING from the HD, followed by a flashing folder with a question mark on the screen.
I assumed it was some sort of HD failure so I booted to the Snow Leopard install disk, ran Disk Utility and Startup disk, and my Mac COULD NOT FIND the HD - all it showed was the CD-ROM drive and Network Startup. I tried to reboot a few more times and almost gave up. It kept clicking at startup and I was thinking about the little magnetic arms in the HD. I thought they might be jammed in the HD for some reason. At this point, I didn't know what to do. So, as it was booting up again with the plain grey backdrop, as a last resort, pretending I was the Fonz or something, I physically whacked the area on my MacBook near the power button where the sound of the clicks was coming from. AS SOON as I did that, the clicking stopped and a few seconds later the APPLE ICON appeared... instead of that dreaded question mark folder icon! The MacBook started booting up back to it's upgraded self again! Finally I was back at the desktop, and with a sigh of relief, began typing this forum. Now, my question is WHAT THE @#$% HAPPENED?? And how on Earth did smacking it one actually fix it? Is this problem related to the recent installation of Snow Leopard or just my MacBook dying? (It is 2 years old) If anyone has any ideas as to what caused this, and how I can prevent this situation from happening in the future.
This is my first mac; were this a PC I would have fixed everything with flying colors by now. I have a PowerBook G4, 800mhz, that had Panther on it. I bought Leopard and went to install it, using the LeopardAssist program to be able to install it. I'm installing, everything is dandy, then about 10% through I get, "Install Failed". So I reboot and it refuses to reboot, staying at the gray loading screen for all eternity. I rebooted again, this time from the disc. Since Panther seems to have disappeared from my computer, LeopardAssist was no longer available as a program, so while it booted up I went into Firmware and entered the command line manually. But when it starts up, despite having entered (properly, I believe as I saw the "ok" message after each line in Firmware) the hack to run Leopard, it says Unable to install.
To fix the initial failed install problem I ran Disk Utility, but it simply said on verifying permissions, "Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit." So I ran fsck and got the OK and did it again, then rebooted and got the message on disk utility telling me it was "unmountable." Basically I cannot boot from Panther as it were--Panther is not listed when I try to choose where to boot from. And it came with Panther installed, so I don't have that install disk. I think at this point I need to figure out how to get my computer to install Leopard as it was doing; or at least to Verify and Repair the disk on Disk Utility so that I can Archive and Install, which--as it appears in the other forum questions--is the way to go.