OS X :: Unable To Install 10.5.8 / Configuring Installation And Gets Stuck
Sep 4, 2009
I have a Macbook running OS X 10.5.5 with Safari, I'm trying to update to 10.5.8 using the Combo Update. As I start the install it displays "Configuring Installation" and gets stuck there. I've left it running for hours and nothing....
Early in the upgrade progress bar, where it says: "Configuring Installation", with less than 3 or 4mm of progress on the progress bar (18" screen, 1280x1024), it just hangs. It sits there and does nothing more. Both on my PowerMac G5 and my brand new Mac mini. If I wait for forever, and then power down, and restart, it starts right back up in to 10.5.5, and software update will tell me it wants to install 10.5.6.
Just bought a new aluminum MacBook 2.0 GHz with the stock RAM from my local Apple Store on Saturday for my Girlfriend. I tried to update the software the first night on Dial up and the next morning the progress bar said, Configuring Installation. It was at the same point when I returned later in the afternoon. Today we had high speed internet installed and after I set up the AirPort base station I tried the update and it did the same thing. I repaired permissions through the disc utility and had the TechTool Deluxe CD give it a look over and no issues were found. I used the disc utility from the installation disc to be sure. The same update went just fine on my MBP.
My brother got an iMac and yesterday he tried to install windows xp with boot camp. But unfortunately he made a mistake and the iMac shut down. Now the mac is stuck with a windows xp in it, and when he tries to start up the computer, it says "the start-up sound" and just stays with white screen. It sounds like the mac reads from the xp cd when it starts, but I can't get the cd out.I have looked everywhere and tried everything:
Hold down the primary mousebutton while it's starting, Hold down "fn" and the "eject" button while it's starting, and hold down "alt" while it's starting
I can't find any "pin-hole" to a paperclip or something.
I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu
I have done the following: 1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)
2. Installed rEFIt I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)
3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.
4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.
5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)
So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".
6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.
Problems occur right here: Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"
Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?
I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.
I tried to upgrade my MacBook from 10.4 to 10.5 but the CD has a problem. The installation failed halfway through and now I can't remove it. I pnly get a blue screen and nothing else. I want to restore 10.4 but can't get the CD out to reboot with 10.4. I'm new to Mac, now on my PC
I have two partitions on the hard drive of my white MacBook. On the first partition I installed Tiger with no problems but when I install Leopard on the second partition the installation is stuck at 1 hour and 8 minutes remaining and there is no disc activity and all I hear is the CPU fan. It has been stuck for half an hour now I have never had problems with the Leopard Upgrade DVD before. Before the Leopard installation I did the DVD consistent test and it appeared fine. I don't understand why the DVD is stuck.
I have been trying to install mpkg files. All the packages use authentication while installing. The system doesnt do anything after authenticating. I have tried it with all the installers. Somehow the screen gets stuck at authenticating. After authenticating, it does nothing. I am not able to add new user accounts as well. The same thing happens with authentication. Each time, it asks for password and then does nothing. I am not even able to unlock the System Preferences.
SO I tried to partition the disk - 50% for Windows & 50% for Mac Use. On trying to install the Windows 7 Premuim DVD software, it comes up with a message that the correct drivers cannot be found. My main issue is that it wont release/eject the DVD anymore. I inserted but it wont eject at all.
When I shut down or cancel the installation then it does shut down but when startup reoccurs I am unable to eject & it then goes straight into the windows 7 software trying to install it again - only for it to repeat the same cycle where it cant find the drivers & if I cancel installation it just shuts off without releasing the disc. Its my 1st mac so I am a novice except for all the other gear like the ipad, ipod etc
I'm trying to install OS X mavericks but I have to install Lion first to install mavericks later, Here is it, I startup at disk utility, could never fix it, but it tells me to install Lion instead of mavericks, so I go ahead and try to install Lion, The Progress bar shows it's at the end and its done, but the time goes to atleast 2 minutes, then jumps back to 30 min or more, I kept it over night, still nothing, how can I fix that?! I also tried USB Didn't work, and no I don't have the CD if I did I would've used it.
I recently have recieved an ibook with osx 10.3.9 that doesnt have any wireless internet. Since i have a wireless adapter, i decided to install it on so i can use this computer for internet. Since the driver for the installer is only for newer osx versions i decided to upgrade my os. I knew that my cd-rw/dvd-rom drive isnt working so i booted disk1 of the cd-installation from my old ipod. Now it wants disk 2 and when i put in my ipod with the second disk it wont continue installation.
I went to install Windows XP via bootcamp as I no longer have a windows XP machine, but still need windows XP for a few things work related. The install failed, the CD I used was kinda scratched and it missed a few of the files during installation so I skipped them (usually not an issue as they were driver files and such). Well the installed failed and cannot complete. Now I'm stuck in a vicious loop where it wants to try and complete the install every time it boots. I'm using a non-apple keyboard, when I try to hold down what would be the equivalent of command+option+O+F it does nothing and either starts the windows installation all over or tries to continue and finish the current install. No matter what, no luck getting the windows disk to eject.
I put the install disc in and went threw the windows, it started installing so I left it for a while, when I come back it has the gray apple and the spiny boot up screen, I thought no problem its just restarting after the install. Now its been like this for almost an hour. Anyone have any ideas, I'm afraid to push the power button fearing it might screw up the install.
I just tried to upgrade my iMac to snow leopard (10.6.3) from cd.It remains stuck on the start page since hours : white page with grey apple logo and no spinning wheel or progression bar.
The power mac g5 starts up with the question mark folder thing. When I put in the installion disc in and hold down c, It has the apple logo and it gets stuck there forever.
When I try and use software update, it will display "checking for new software" and go about 80% of the way in the bar, then freeze. The bar stops animating, I get a spinning wheel when I mouse over it, etc.
I also cannot force quit software update when it does this, and not even "killing" the application does anything. It also hangs on shutdown, so if I want it to go away, I have to do a hard reboot.
I decided to download the 10.5.7 combo updater, and use that.
So I did.
However, the combo updater hangs at "configuring installation" for over an hour. I can force quit that, however.
I don't know much about mac troubleshooting, I have repaired my disk permissions plenty of times, and also ran verify disk, and it believes the disk is fine.
I just downloaded a .dmg file for my macbook pro, newest model, and tried to install it, but when I click on it to open the installation file, it wont open. Installation unable to run
I have a Macbook Pro Intel Core Duo (first generation of MacBook Pro released). I run OSX 10.6.5. My disk utility has detected a problem and says I need the install disks that came with the computer. Called apple and they said I could reboot from snow leopard or the upgrade.** Problem is that I don't have any disks with me except those that came with my brand new iMac. Can I use those to reinstall the system? Is there any other way?
**They also said that after 2007, the install disks that come with computers are keyed to that specific computer so I "might" not be able to use the disk to repair.
Additionally, and I don't know if this makes a difference but I have the airport/time capsule which backs up my computer for easy restore.
I'm trying to install Windows 7. I have a Macbook Pro running 10.6.x (I forgot the last number).
I started BootCamp assistant, and it prompted me to partition. I set up a 32Gb partition for Windows.
Then..it said to put in my Windows CD and hit start. I did that...and it started loading Windows. Everything went fine...until Windows told me to choose a partition to install to.
None of the partitions were NTFS so Windows couldn't be installed.. So I held down the power button, and tried to boot back into OS-X. But...it booted back into Windows...now it won't boot into OS-X.
It keeps being stuck on the "Starting Windows" screen.
I am in desperate need of some help. I own a MacBook running OS X Leopard, I love the mac but I prefer the Windows for its compatibility.
I have a Windows XP Pro disk (But it is a copy) and I partitioned a space on my hard drive. I inserted the disk and it rebooted. Now here is the problem.
When Leopard boots up with the welcome tune, it stays at a grey screen. Only after a while the apple sign starts and it doesn't do anything from there. I left it on for a whole night and still, nothing.
I tried holding down the Option key when it booted up, now this is the only way I can start up on my Leopard OS. Then I tried booting it up from the Windows disk. The screen went black and it came up with this message:
"No bootable devise, please insert the disk and press any key..."
Am I doing something wrong? If I am please answer with a detailed response because I do need detailed steps to know what I am doing.
I tried to install Bootcamp (XP Pro SP3) on my Mac Pro (2.66GHz....) and it was not playing nicely.
I have OSX on one HD and I wanted to install XP on a 2nd internal HD. Everything started OK but the installation of XP just gave up on me so I decided to go back into OSX and start again.
No joy. Now when I boot my Mac Pro I got the 'bong' but nothing happens.
I have tried removing the HD that had XP on, still no joy. I tried booting off the OSX DVD, no joy.
My guess is that XP has screwed something on the boot loader (or whatever it uses). Is there anyway of doing a hard reset of that to get OSX back?
i recently got 2 updates in MAS and as soon as i tried to update, i got errors for both apps. It's saying unable to run installation: I tried to repair permissions but gettin the same error every time. What is the problem?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Crucial 8GB DDR3, Samsung 830 128GB
I have an old MacBook6,1 of 2009 (the white one), with a 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 2GB 1067 MHz DDR3 memory, 250GB of storage capability (100GB free), currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
I'm trying to upgrade to Yosemite 10.10 (my hardware and software are both ok to do the upgrade, I checked it). The download from the appstore went ok, but when I launch the installation app and I am asked to select the volume in which I want to install the OS, I'm not able to select my "Macintosh HD" unity (the icon is light grey), and if I try to click on it anyway, a message appears: "Impossible to use this volume to start the computer" (actually my mac is in italian so I reported the translation of the original message: "Impossibile utilizzare questo disco per avviare il computer").
I found out that some people had the same problem with the installation of Lion (OS X Lion: il programma di installazione indica "Impossibile utilizzare questo disco per avviare il computer" - Supporto…), but all the proposed solutions rely on the possibility of accessing "recovery mode", a functionality that is not enabled in snow leopard 10.6.8. And the only solution that doesn't rely on this feature (you can find it at the same link reported above), requests a redimensioning of the partition assigned to "Macintosh HD", that in my case is the only one that I have (I don't have any bootcamp partition), and even if l do it, it doesn't work.
A friend of mine got an iBook G4 14" with a 60GB HD that wasn't working, so he exchanged the HD, but now he is not able to get the iBook up and running because he doesn't have the installation DVDs for Tiger or any other OSX
My question is, could I use my OSX installation DVD (Tiger) in order to install Tiger to his iBook and get it up and running? I have my original installation DVDs and everything that came with my iBook, but I don't know if those will only work with my computer, or if they're limited to be installed in one computer at a time.
I did a fresh install of my iMac. Now I want to install the applications DVD but I recieve an installation error.I did a new install but I keep getting the same installation error.
Question: I already have snow leopard installed on my iMac. But can I still do a CLEAN snow leopard installation onto my imac even though snow leopard is already installed?
I tried it just now like twice but I got the spinning wheel of death. It wouldn't go pass the apple sign and spinning wheel.
My problem is that when I try to boot to the XP installation disk, I get the very fast, flashing, gray apple, followed by a question mark folder, followed by the ghostbuster symbol, without the ghost.
The disc keeps spinning, but the windows installation screen never appears.
i installed windows through bootcamp, but i think i changed the partition and picked the wrong way to format it without knowing. Now when i hold the option key, only a windows drive appears and no os x one.
How do i fix this, i dont mind if windows is gone entirely.
I am trying to install OS X Yosemite but its giving me error "Security Violation: OS X Yosemite installation has been blocked by IT until Cisco's applications and tools have been validated " although this device belongs to me and have installed Cisco Anyconnect but uninstalled it but no sucess and other thing is MDM Profile attaching the screenshot for reference.