Windows On Mac :: Direct X Failed After Parallels Installation

Aug 27, 2009

I was running Bootcamp with Windows Vista smoothly until I decided to install Parallels 4.0 on my Mac 10.5.8. After installing Parallels, it loaded my Bootcamp installation which sort of freaked me out and so I closed Parallels without doing too much. When I booted Vista today, I tried running games that requried Direct X or enhanced graphics and they are not working! These games used to work fine before I had installed Parallels! I even tried fixing the Bootcamp installation by repairing the drivers through the installation cd that came with Leopard, but I still get the same problem!

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Windows On Mac :: Using The Same XP Installation On Parallels And Bootcamp

May 8, 2009

So I installed XP on Parallells recently, but I also want to set up Bootcamp.

Is there a way i could use the same XP I installed on Parallels also for Bootcamp so I wont have to use up space installing XP again?

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Applications :: Single Windows 7 Installation For Boot Camp And Parallels?

Jan 26, 2010

I just recently purchased a 13" MBP Unibody and I'm thinking about installing Windows 7 (64-Bit) on it. If I install Windows with Boot Camp, and then install Parallels, do I need to make another Windows partition, or will it use the partition created in Boot Camp? Should I install Windows using Boot Camp first and then Parallels, or the other way around?

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OS X :: Bundle ID Not Matching - Installation Failed

Dec 15, 2010

I have an application called AppFresh, which basically scans the apps I have for available updates, then it's supposed to update the ones that are available. However, every time I try to update an app, I get this response: "Download Successful. Installation failed (Bundle ID's don't match)." What does this mean, and how can I fix it? It'd be a handle little app if I could get it to work right.

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OS X :: Leopard Installation Failed - CD Stuck

Jun 20, 2009

I tried to upgrade my MacBook from 10.4 to 10.5 but the CD has a problem. The installation failed halfway through and now I can't remove it. I pnly get a blue screen and nothing else. I want to restore 10.4 but can't get the CD out to reboot with 10.4. I'm new to Mac, now on my PC

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Software :: Get A Pop Up Saying - Installation Failed Could Not Copy

Dec 31, 2009

I got wiped out by a lightning strike to my cable, and had to re-install Leopard. The first three attempts failed. After about five minutes into the installation, I would get a pop up saying INSTALLATION FAILED, COULD NOT COPY. I took the disc out and noticed there were some small dirty, greasy looking spots that had somehow gotten onto it. It might have been dirty fingerprints, I dunno. So, if this happens to you, clean the install disc first, before looking for other troubles.

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Windows On Mac :: Triple Boot Installation - Stuck At Windows Installation

Sep 19, 2010

I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation
triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu

I have done the following:
1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)

2. Installed rEFIt
I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)

3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.

4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.

5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)

So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".

6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.

Problems occur right here:
Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"

Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?

I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.

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Mac Mini :: XP Installation Failed / Stuck - Cannot Eject CD

Jan 8, 2010

I went to install Windows XP via bootcamp as I no longer have a windows XP machine, but still need windows XP for a few things work related. The install failed, the CD I used was kinda scratched and it missed a few of the files during installation so I skipped them (usually not an issue as they were driver files and such). Well the installed failed and cannot complete. Now I'm stuck in a vicious loop where it wants to try and complete the install every time it boots. I'm using a non-apple keyboard, when I try to hold down what would be the equivalent of command+option+O+F it does nothing and either starts the windows installation all over or tries to continue and finish the current install. No matter what, no luck getting the windows disk to eject.

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Power Mac G5 :: Failed Installation Leaves Black Screen / What To Do?

Dec 13, 2007

I have been given a 1.6 Dual G5 running 10.3. I tried to upgrade to 10.4, the first disc installed but crashed several times on disc 2. I had run DU previously to check there were no problem. Each restart took me back to disc 2 which failed to install. I then tried to install 10.5 (Leopard) booting directly from the disc, it started then crashed leaving a black screen with the following promt:
local host:/root* (a hash not an asterisk!)

Anybody offer any suggestions as to what I should do?

G5 1.6 Dual

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OS X :: Failed Installation - Finder & Spotlight No Longer Working

Aug 6, 2009

I got a new Macbook today, and installed the Mac OS X 10.5.6. It stalled so I shut down, and when I logged in again Finder and Spotlight doesn't work. Though my hard drive says is labelled Mac HD: Mac OS X 10.5.6 , I am continuously prompted that Spotlight closed unexpectedly. And when I try to reinstall the Mac OS X, the DVD no longer appears on the desktop and Finder too, cannot be opened for me to locate the DVD.

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Windows On Mac :: Parallels 3 To Parallels 4 - Data Stays Intact?

Aug 29, 2009

I have Parallels 3 installed, mostly to run MS Money. Last night I installed Snow Leopard, unaware that Parallels 3 is not compatible. It appears that I need to go out and buy Parallels 4 as that will work with Snow Leopard.

My question is will all my data within Windows remain if I install 4 or will it be a completely new Windows? And if so, how do I go in and retrieve my MS Money data as I can no longer access it with Parallels 3.

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OS X :: Running Parallels And Boot Camp And XP Installation

Mar 20, 2009

I have one program that I will have to run in boot camp. The rest of the time, I would like to run in Parallels. Will I have to install XP twice to do this and thus take up more hard drive?

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Windows On Mac :: Direct X 9 Drivers Don't Seem To Work

May 9, 2009

I've installed win 7 twice now, and I'm finding that when I first get it going everything works as I would expect it to. However when I load back into it my direct x 9 drivers don't seem to work. I'm not sure how to fix this. By the way have tried downloading drivers again but it doesn't work.

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Windows On Mac :: Direct 3d Acceleration Unavailable

Jul 30, 2009

Im running windows xp through vmware fusion... and i need to enable direct 3d acceleration

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Windows On Mac :: Safari 4 Direct Download Link

May 7, 2009

I'm trying to download the installer file for Safari 4 -- I need both the Windows XP and Vista versions. However, I'm on my Mac right now and won't allow me to download Windows versions, just the Mac version. Anyone have direct links to the downloads? (Or can point me in the right direction to finding them?

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Windows On Mac :: Direct X And The Windows Paradox

Aug 1, 2009

Since going with the Mac Pro about two years ago, I've enjoyed lots of PC games. I've installed a larger Nvidia graphics card and have enjoyed its improved performance over the stock card. I also have a copy of Windows Vista 64 bit sitting on my shelf. However I ask myself?why? Why do gamers even need Vista or Windows 7 for that matter? Most games are still written for Direct X 9.0c and Windows XP. I'm sure that will change over time, but very few games are coded for Direct X 10 with the advent of Vista.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Flash Player "this Installation Failed" On 10.7.3

Mar 22, 2012

Recently, i've been offered flash update, so I accepted and followed the process. It always ended at 5% with "This installation failed". I know, that is definitely an error message which says everything you need to fix it. Digging a little deeper, i found this: Flash Player Install Manager[447]: Unable to execute privileged task. Ok, so I started searching for users with similar issues. Every single advice was to do a permission repair which, apparently, didn't solve the issue.

So the next idea was to check if something is wrong with my user account. Creating a new account with admin privileges resulted in same install failure.Again, dead end. Unless using last resort which MUST work. Enabling direct root login and logging in finally allowed the package to install.  Something must have changed inside Lion with last updates. The package still asks for password when run as normal user, so it has to have all the privileges needed. Another possibility I was thinking of was that the process drops privileges too soon(so that's Adobe's problem then). 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Windows Via Parallels Or Boot Camp Partition / Memory Required?

Sep 15, 2009

I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.

Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?

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Software :: Burned Video DVD's In Windows Wont Play - Having To Boot Up Windows In Parallels ?

Mar 26, 2009

I burned numerous dvd's with my old Toshiba laptop for all of my videos and such with Windows XP. Now after my Toshiba crapped out and I switched to a Mac I was wondering why when I put the DVD into the laptop (MacBook Pro Intel processor) why I can only see the name of the dvd and not the contents. I hope someone can help me since I hate having to boot up Windows in Parallels and then play using Windows or drag it to my mac partition since this takes time and I just really hate having to see Windows load on my Mac. Anyones help is greatly appreciated.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Parallels Tools While In Boot Camp Windows 7

Mar 2, 2009

I am trying to set up a Parallels 4 VM for a Windows 7 x64 Build 7000 boot camp partition, but parallels tools will not install. Half way through the process, a windows unsigned driver security box pops up, and when I tell it to install anyway, it still rolls back the installation process and I get the message "An error has occured while installing parallels tools, click OK to restart your computer and try again." or something to that effect. I have tried this about 15 times, and I have tried uninstalling/deleting the VM and re-creating the VM to no avail.

What I want to know: Is there a way to manually install Parallels Tools while running in the boot camp partition, just like installing any other application? I want to install it outside of Parallels, since for some reason it keeps screwing itself up when trying to set up the drivers as a VM.

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Work With Parallels / Windows Vista 64-bit Boot Camp

Apr 10, 2009

I was able to get Windows Vista 64 running on my 17" MBP, it is pretty slick. I set aside 32 GB for Windows, ran the install, loaded all the appropriate Boot Camp drivers and everything is working perfectly in Windows. I boot back to OS X to attempt to configure Parallels...

So I fired up Parallels and follow the guided instructions. However, when I get to step 2 Im not sure what I should be doing. I already have Windows on its own partition, but Parallels is asking me for a CD/DVD image. Im a little leery of putting the Win disc back in, I dont want Parallels to always want to boot from the disc. how do I tell Parallels to load Windows as a Virtual Machine off of the Boot Camp partition?

The partition Boot Camp created now appears on my Desktop in OS X as Untitled, I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to change that. If I eject that volume will I still be able to Boot to Windows? Will Parallel still work?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Vista Parallels/finding Network Drivers?

Apr 22, 2009

I recently installed Windows vista using going through parallels because my bootcamp failed a while ago. This partition also acts as my bootcamp. Well The internet on parallels works fine because it is using osx network, but when i boot into bootcamp the network drivers seem to be missing. I cant figure it out, but it says the ethernet and network drivers are not there. I cant find the drivers on the internet anywhere and when i use the vista disk i have it still does not want to install them.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install Windows From .exe / Parallels Asks For A CD Or CD Image?

May 13, 2009

I have parallels 4 installed and I want to install windows XP. My school gives us legal copies of windows 98 and a windows xp upgrade. However, neither of these comes in the form of a CD image. They are both .exe files. Parellels asks for a CD or CD image. Is there a way to install windows 98 from an .exe in parallels?

And if so will I be able to use the windows xp upgrade once i have windows 98 installed? I haven't yet tried creating a CD image with the exe file on it. I don't know if this would work because it's all in one file and not a typical windows install disk.

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Windows On Mac :: First Time Windows Installing Boot Camp And Parallels?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a 15" MBP. Hardware in my sig.

I'm getting Win7 this week. I'm getting it free from school and unsure at this point whether it will be 32 or 64 bit. That said, here's what I want to do with my setup.

1: School. I have to use Office 2007 for my classes. Office 2008 for Mac is not supported, because some of the formulas that you create in 2008 won't convert correctly into 2007 format and I can't have that. I will also use IE due to the fact that neither Firefox nor Safari will play my Mediasite classes correctly in Silverlight. Only IE allows me to speed up the playback. I am going to use Parallels 5 for this.

2: I game, but not much. The one game I love and will definitely put on my Mac is Morrowind. I want to use Boot Camp for this reason.

Soooo, I have been told that if I'm going to install Windows under Boot Camp that I should do that install first. Then install Parallels. I'm really not sure how to do any of this. I understand that I will only need to install Windows a single time and that it should work under with Boot Camp or Parallels.

i have the Boot Camp install PDF from the Apple site, but I'd love some tips, tricks, help, advice, words of wisdom, etc., from this forum. Please tell me what you think about which to install first, what approach to take, how much HDD space I should partition when I install under Boot Camp, etc.

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Windows On Mac :: Windows XP Version 2002 Via Parallels 5 - List Of Things?

Feb 28, 2010

I have spent many hours now trying to get on the internet from Parallels. I read several threads on this forum, searched Google, and poked around my computer as described below, but to no avail.I am using a MacBook with an Intel processor and OS 10.5.8. I am running Windows XP version 2002 via Parallels 5.A list of things I have tried:1. Open Internet Explorer, receive message saying "web page is not available offline; to view click Connect," click Connect, see popup labeled "Dial-up Connection" which is of no use whatever.

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Windows On Mac :: Uninstalling Partial Install Of Windows Through Parallels?

Aug 28, 2010

I got a copy of Win7 from school and started installing it on my wife's computer (I have my own Win7 copy). I need to uninstall it...don't ask. I just need to know how to get a partially installed copy of Windows uninstalled. Each time I put the disc in and launch Parallels it wants to continue the install, which I can't do (faulty product key). Anyone know how to uninstall at this point??

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Windows On Mac :: Parallels Created Two VMs - Boot Camp & Windows 7

Sep 3, 2010

I bought my first Macbook Pro 15? and I installed Windows 7 64-bit using bootcamp without any problem. Thereafter, I used Parallels 5 to create a virtual machine for Windows 7 and be able to run Windows 7 within the Snow Leopard OS and be able to move back and forth between the two operating systems. However, Parallels 5 created two virtual machines, one called Boot Camp and one called Windows 7. When I was installing Parallels I chose to create the Windows 7 virtual machine but never asked Parallels to create the Boot Camp virtual machine. Where this other virtual machine is coming from? Am I able to delete it without creating any problem or conflicts? Moreover, I have two shortcut icons on the Mac pointing to either of these two partitions. Similarly I have two windows folders on the right side of the Mac dock. What should I do to have only the Windows 7 virtual machine without creating any problems or conflicts?

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Windows On Mac :: Got Windows With Parallels Installs But Also Want Boot Camp?

Oct 13, 2010

Right now, I got Parallels with Windows 7 installed on my mac. But I also want to add bootcamp, so I can open Windows when booted. Is it possible to add the current Windows 7 system files and personal files to a bootcamp? If so, what should I do?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Works On Parallels But Not Boot Camp

Mar 29, 2009

I have the latest build of Parallels 3.0 (build 5636). I use Windows Vista Basic through the Boot Camp partition. Parallels launches Windows with no problems. However, when I try to boot Windows Vista Basic through Boot Camp, the black screen with the green bar and the Microsoft Corporation copyright appears, and then before it switches to the next screen, I get a split second blue screen of death and then the computer reboots itself. I video taped the incident, but since the blue screen of death scrolls the message onto the screen, the computer rebooted before it could tell me what specific file may be corrupted.

I've already tried the following:

1. Booted the computer with the Windows installation DVD to do a "start up" repair attempt.
2. Created a new virtual machine.
3. Done a system restore to before the new version of Parallels was installed.

There was a time when Parallels froze and I had to "force quit" it. That could have corrupted something with the Boot Camp partition. Could that be the case?

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Windows On Mac :: Can Parallels Work With An Existing Windows Partition?

Apr 29, 2009

I used Boot Camp to put XP on my iMac. If I get Parallels, will it be able to give me access to the files that are on the currently existing XP partition?

Or will I have to re-install XP onto the Mac partition and transfer all my files from the old Boot Camp XP to the new Parallels XP?

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