OS X :: How To Share Leopard Internet With XP Computer Via Ethernet Cable
Jun 26, 2010
the xp laptop cannot access the wireless internet and the router is too far away to use.Therefore i'm wanting to share my mac's internet with the xp laptop via an ethernet cable.I've searched for hours and I cannot find the correct way to do this.
2010 i7 15'' MBP. I've been connected to the internet wireless with my Airport Extreme from day 1, but today I wanted to give the ethernet port a try and it just didn't work. The ethernet cable is recognized, but it says there is no IP. I do not know my IP settings or any of that. What do I do?
I know the steps for internet sharing airport card's internet access to another computer via ethernet cable, but how do i set it up to share it with a router via ethernet cable?
I'm here at university and the wifi here sucks! it is so slow, it is working.However there is an ethernet port and I did connect to it this morning. But, this evening I tried connecting again and it wouldnt let me!At my university they require you to put in your student ID and pw in order for you to use the internet for both wi-fi and ethernet. But when i tried this evening it dint ask for my student ID or password. I went to settings and it did say that there was a connection and that "Ethernet has a self-assigned IP address and will not be able to connect to the Internet"
i dont understand how come now it isnt working. I aksed my classmate nextdoor if his internet port was working through the ethernet port he said it was.... i am not that tech savy so keep vocabulary to something simple lmaooo.
I have an ibook with Leopard installed and its connected to the internet through airport. What I'm trying to do is share the internet connection to my xbox via an internet cable but i cant find any settings in system preferences to do that.
I connect to the internet mainly through an ethernet cable, connected to my own base for ethernet connections (Might be a router, but doesn't connect directly to the internet) which is connected to the main Linksys router on the other side of my house, which even has a wireless connection.
Regardless, this setup has worked without issue for a long time now, but all of a sudden now, I cannot connect to the internet (On my Mac).
I have tried unplugging the routers, for extended periods of time, plugging them back in, but I cannot connect to the internet. Whats awkward, is that when I check the Network settings in the System Preferences, it says clearly is that the Ethernet Cable is connected (Which it is), and as a backup, I have even connected to my Wireless Network through AirPort (Which says it is connected), but I cannot connect to the internet through Firefox, or any instant messaging service.
On the main computer, with the main router, the internet works fine. When I try to load Firefox on my Mac, it sometimes takes a long time loading (On a blank screen), and never loads usually (With occasional loads, but usually does not connect).
I just got the new macbook, with snow leopord, and is running on 10.6.2. My internet is really slow when I connect it to my linksys router. It is a wrt54g router. And I am using a WPA2 password. The internet works fine with the three other laptops in my house. But is slow when I connect with wireless to the router. But when I connect to the router with a ethernet cable it works really fast.
I was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to share my LAN internet to an XBOX 360 using the Apple USB ethernet cable (for the Macbook Air) on my Macbook Pro 13"? I've tried several routers, and all have them have failed me giving me massive timeouts and sudden disconnects. I think this should be a good solution.
My father in law had a power failure at the house, and since then, he cannot connect to the internet via DSL Modem connected via ethernet cable. Being that he is 1000 miles away, I am trying to diagnose via phone. System Info: Imac 17", purchased new around 2006- Intel chip, running Tiger OS
Symptoms: - Cannot connect via ethernet - When searching system profiler, "Built-in Ethernet" shows up, but no MAC address - In Network settings, he can see the various connection ports, but cannot check the box on "Built-in Ethernet" to turn the port on... won't let him. - Wireless is not an option, I don't want to be 24/7 tech support
Diagnosis? I am thinking that the power surge may have fried the ethernet port on the motherboard.
Repair Solution: Planning on picking up the Apple USB Ethernet adapter. I know it doesn't have the correct drivers to run on Tiger, but found a driver online that claims it allows use of the usb adapter on Panther on up.
Questions - Does this sound like a fried ethernet port? Any other easy diagnostic tests I can do? Does the USB adapter sounds like a decent solution?
I have a MacMini (about 3 years old, running OS 10.6.8).
Ever since I got it I have connected it to the internet via WIFI (using an Airport Express connected to a switch - connected to a router). No problems.
But now I have pulled a cable to my office and want it connected via ethernet.
But as soon as I plug in the ethernet cable I loose my internet connection. The DSL light on my router (Zyxel Prestige) flashes a bit and turns off.
So there is no internet connection.
But the network works (i can connect my XBox to the MacMini - which are both connected to the switch)I have tried removing everything (Switch, Xbox and Airport) so it's just the the router with my MacMini connected to it. Still looses internet. The routers DSL light goes out, and I have no internet connection.
I just got a new MacBook Pro, but my wife uses my old 1.25GHz Alum. PowerBook. My MB pro flies, but unfortunately, the wireless ethernet on my old PB is slow as hell. I've got 11+GB of free space left on my hard drive and Safari or Firefox are the only applications I have open. I also have a cable internet connection with wireless through my 1st Gen Airport Express, yet it's still slow.
I just got a new MacBook and have been copying files via Ethernet from my pc. One thing I noticed is that whenever an Ethernet cable is plugged in nad hooked up to the router, the Internet stops working on both mac and pc. However, my torrent client on my pc continues downloading so it's not actually stopping, the browser is just failing to connect as is the official network status. Why is this?
i can't connect to the internet via my ethernet cable, but this is a weird case. What's weird about it is that all my settings are O.K. (appletalk on and set to ethernet, tcp/ip set to ethernet, dhcp) and my iMac is recieving a 192 address, but it still can't connect to the internet. The dhcp settings are correct, because they are the same settings used on all my other devices (at least those that use internet anyway), and they all connect to the internet just fine. Whether via an ethernet cable, or Wi-Fi.
I've got an ethernet cable and i thought i'd share my internet connection through 'sharing' under network preferences, to allow the windows 7 computer to get online as well.
the windows laptop cannot connect to the internet. I've managed to do this before with no problems when i was sharing a USB 3G dongle's connection over wifi.
I was wondering if it is possible to connect a desktop and laptop computer using apple share or bluetooth to share an internet connection that is connected through an ethernet port on the desktop. My internet company is crap so I need to find a way to cut out the router, which I have to reset all the time to get a normal internet speed.
Desktop is a Mac Pro bought last April, and the laptop is a 12" Powerbook G4. Both have bluetooth, airport, and the newest operating system.
Two days ago my iBook G4 1Ghz started to have a big problem in turning it on: when I pushed the power button the fan started to whirl speedier than usual and nothing happened. The monitor stayed turned off and the startup "Boeing" did not sound. I tried to reset the PMU and the PRAM several times and the iBook finally turned on (I still don't know why!). I did a hardware test and no problems were detected.
Then, I connected my connection Ethernet cable and the computer crashed down. Now I am in the same situation that I've just described: I can't turn the computer on anymore and the fan starts wheeling. I also showed this problem to a local Apple center and they told me that the motherboard is dead. I am still not convinced, because one time I have been able to restart the iBook. Is the motherboard really broken?
I know that it's possible to share a wired internet connection from one mac to another computer through wireless, but I was was wondering if it's possible to do the reverse: share a mac's wireless internet connection through the ethernet port.Ideally, the setup I want is to have my iMac connected to wifi and have my xbox 360 connected to the iMac with an ethernet cable.
I was wondering how I could file share, or make the whole Hard Drive (HDD) accessible to another computer. The two other computers I have are a Toshiba Laptop with Ethernet and USB, and a iMac Intel with Firewire, USB, and Ethernet. Putting these to use along with:Three Ethernet Cables Now how do I get the whole HDD visible to the others computers (either/both) and be able to write to it? Also, I do not want to use CDs and have no CDs that came with the computers. I want to put Xubuntu on the eMac and Debian on the iMacs and erase the rest of the Hard Drives. The computers getting this are the iMac G3s and the eMac G4 in my Signature.
I was just wondering if any other macrumorsmembers have been in the situation where there's no wifi, no decent 3G, but ethernet ports available to use, but you don't have a computer handy? Would it be possible that you could create an ethernet cable one end, dock the other, and literally connect e.g. an iPhone into the ethernet? At my place of work, there's no signal (dodgy GPRS/flakey Edge), some wifi, but in halls of residence, you get 1 ethernet port, and you can't put a wireless router onto it. It would seem that it would be an interesting solution, if it was possible.
I currently have MacBook 13" and iMac both running on Snow Leopard. I have no problem connecting to the internet via Airport Express wifi but if I have to connect directly to internet from Ethernet port using Ethernet connection I can't connect to it. The Internet and Server lights are showing "amber" in the network diagnostic tool.
The modem is the DLink DSL 302G. I have used to ensure the username and password of the ISP are correct. What I don't get is if it works via Apple's Airport Express router why wouldn't it work with straight Ethernet connection from the modem?
I don't know what happened, but a connection that I use frequently has suddenly stopped working on my 4-year-old MacBook (10.5.8). I have tried some of the fixes suggested for wireless connection problems, but none have worked. I live in a place where wireless is not always a viable option, so I need my Ethernet connection...
After stumbling across a few threads talking about not being able to share an ethernet connection over wifi in Snow Leopard and I'm trying to figure out if this is isolated or just a glitch in Snow Leopard. Does anyone have this working?
For example my laptop hooks to ethernet, and I usually share my internet connection from my laptop to my iPhone via wifi (long story but its the only solution I have since iPhone has no ethernet port).
I need to make sure this is possible in snow leopard before my snow leopard equipped laptop comes.
I just brought a brand new IMac today but could not connect the internet with the cable though the cable does work with other computers. Do I have to change the settings or .....? Or its the problem of the jack?
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
For specific reasons, I needed to connect my Synology DS211 NAS to my iMac directly via its ethernet port. I discovered that if I share my wireless internet connection (coming from my cable modem/wireless router) from wireless to ethernet, then the NAS would get the IP stuff it needed to show up. did that, voila, NAS is acting like a glorified external hard drive. BUT, when I did that, I lost all internet connectivity on my iMac. Still have full wireless signal. preferences pane says I'm fully connected to my network with an IP address, but safari always fails to pull up any webpages, saying I'm not connected to the internet.As soon as turn off the ethernet PORT, it all starts working again. And to make it even crazier, I discovered that if I leave sharing my wireless internet via my ethernet port ON, but turn off the ethernet port (in pref pane), I can STILL access the NAS just like before. That makes no sense - I'm sharing my internet via a port I have turned off, but it works? Anyway, why would Iose my airport wireless internet connection when the ethernet port is on - configured manually?
Info: eMac 1.25GHz & iMac Intel 2.0GHz Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 80GB external FW, 1GB RAM, Superdrive(DL)
I have a crossover cable and I need to connect my imac to my macbook so I can download some of my files on my macbook to my new imac. I know I have to go to Preferences > Networks > and change the ethernet settings but I'm not sure what to do.
I have tried searching for a similar question but have not been able to find an exact match. I have a new MacBook, a PS3, a Virgin Mobile USB and an Ethernet cable and I thought putting them all together so I could use the PS3 online would be easy! Could someone please give me a step by step process of what I am meant to be doing.