OS X :: Share MacBook Pro's Wifi Internet Over Ethernet To Windows 7 Laptop?
Nov 4, 2010
I've got an ethernet cable and i thought i'd share my internet connection through 'sharing' under network preferences, to allow the windows 7 computer to get online as well.
the windows laptop cannot connect to the internet. I've managed to do this before with no problems when i was sharing a USB 3G dongle's connection over wifi.
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Mar 15, 2009
I was wondering if it is possible to connect a desktop and laptop computer using apple share or bluetooth to share an internet connection that is connected through an ethernet port on the desktop. My internet company is crap so I need to find a way to cut out the router, which I have to reset all the time to get a normal internet speed.
Desktop is a Mac Pro bought last April, and the laptop is a 12" Powerbook G4. Both have bluetooth, airport, and the newest operating system.
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Apr 26, 2008
I have an ibook with Leopard installed and its connected to the internet through airport. What I'm trying to do is share the internet connection to my xbox via an internet cable but i cant find any settings in system preferences to do that.
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Mar 19, 2012
I've been trying to connect over internet sharing from my Macbook pro to my i-pad 2 and am having some issues I hope someone can adress. I go to Settings>Sharing from ethernet then to wifi. I name the network choose a channel then add a password from there I get this error message.Â
Are you sure you want to turn on Internet sharing? Â
If your computer is connected to a network, turning on Internet sharing may affect the network settings of other computers and disrupt the network. Contact your system administrator before turning on Internet sharing.Â
MacBook Pro
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Jun 26, 2010
the xp laptop cannot access the wireless internet and the router is too far away to use.Therefore i'm wanting to share my mac's internet with the xp laptop via an ethernet cable.I've searched for hours and I cannot find the correct way to do this.
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May 17, 2012
I have an unsecured wifi network at home and need to easily share photos between computers. I have an iMac and a couple window based computer.Is ther an easy way instead of using a thumb drive?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 3, 2009
Ive got a pretty fast internet connection at home and I have just realised that when I plug my iBook and desktop pcs into my wireless router ethernet (LAN) ports I get a much faster internet connection speed compared to the wifi.I.e. 12-17mbps when through ethernet and when I connect to the wifi I get 2-4mbps. My computers are all located in the same room no more than 5 metres away from the router.
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Jul 25, 2010
I have a first gene iMac g5 at work that does not have wifi. I found a USB wifi adapter on amazon for $15. If I use that, can i share my Internet connection over wifi just like i can with a built in airport card in my macbook pro?
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May 28, 2012
After switching to a new provider and getting a new dsl modem (a fritz!box fon 7390) I tried to setup my homenetwork again. Now the weird thing is: my Mac Mini running OSX Lion Server doesn't seem to be able to connect to the internet over its ethernet port, only when using a WiFi connection...When it's connected with ethernet it can reach the dsl modem without any problems, but it can't ping/telnet or anything else through, only over WiFi... As long as I use the mini servers WiFi connection everything works fine, but that doesn't make any sense to me.I've checked the servers setting and the Fritz!box settings and I can't seem to find anything obvious. Of course I could just go on and use the WiFi connection...
ps: all the other computers can connect fine using either wifi or regular lan connection... I even tried the exact same cable with another laptop just to make sure...
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Jun 29, 2012
I am on a Mac Mini connected to the Net via a FON wireless router and Ethernet directly to my broadband modem. I have had problems with both the modem and an Airport Extreme, which eventually died, but I am back up again with the modem via the FON router.The odd thing is that I can't get Ethernet to work over a direct connection to the modem. Diagnostics tells me that the ISP and Internet fails. I can connect to the modem over Ethernet, however, change its settings etc. in my browser. There are solutions mentioned here involving changing the etc/authorization file, but wouldn't that also affect the WiFi if that was the problem?Â
In short, Ethernet connection to modem works. WiFi connection to FON router and then to the ISP and Internet works. But the Ethernet configuration does't go that last bit, it only works locally. Using that route, I can't connect to the outside world. I have restarted the modem, the computer etc., but that should not be the problem as both works over WiFi, using the same settings for the modem. How do I best troubleshoot this? I am getting an AirPort Express, perhaps it will work better with the modem that the computer itself, but I doubt it.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a Late 2013 MBP Retnia. I have WiFi access via a captured portal. I have other WiFi and Wired (Ethernet) devices that can not authenticate to a captured portal.Â
1) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then become a WiFI hotspot with the other band (say 5)?
2) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then share the Internet connection to the Thunderbolt Ethernet connector?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Oct 10, 2009
I have a 500gb Time Capsule setup in another room. The problem is though that my DSL modem is in my office connected via ETHERNET to the iMac. I am trying to setup the Airport via Wifi to share my internet.
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May 28, 2010
after reading a lot manuals and threads I'm now completely lost and can't get it run.
This is what I'd like to do:
1. I have Linksys router set up as wifi hotspot
2. My iMac accesses internet via wifi via linksys
3. I'd like to hook time capsule via ethernet cable to my imac
4. i want time capsule to use my iMac's internet but extend at the same time the wifi internet access
a. Can I backup from iMac to time capsule via ethernet?
b. Which settings I have to do on my iMac and which on time capsule to get my scenario run ?
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Jul 7, 2009
I just got a new MacBook and have been copying files via Ethernet from my pc. One thing I noticed is that whenever an Ethernet cable is plugged in nad hooked up to the router, the Internet stops working on both mac and pc. However, my torrent client on my pc continues downloading so it's not actually stopping, the browser is just failing to connect as is the official network status. Why is this?
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Jul 25, 2009
I just bought a cheap (crappy) PC Laptop for my wife to use to browse the internet and so we can take along on vacations.I am trying to connect to the internet via my iMac's WiFi but cannot get it to work. I can be connected "on teh laptop" to my iMac's WiFi but the connection stops me from getting online.can grab another connection of someone else's wifi but i want to use mine.Not sure the proper steps to doing this.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have an older G5. Running Ethernet cables across the hallway is not going to work. Is there a Wi-Fi card, chip, usb solution? Or can I share an internet connection with my MacPro in the same room?
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May 7, 2012
I know the other way around is easy - lots of how to on how to access your PC's drive from a MBA ... But my PC Laptop's drive is broken I need to use my iMac's DVD Drive ... Is this possible? I also have Win XP installed on Bootcamp if saring only works between Windows...
Info:Pages 09, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 13, 2010
I just installed the Home Edition of Windows XP (from 2002) via Boot Camp. I'm having trouble getting online in Windows. Most of the Internet options seem to revolve around modems, which I don't have. I use a router connected to my computer via Ethernet. There's also a wireless function, which I can use in a pinch.How would I get the Windows side to connect to the Internet via Ethernet? I don't intend to spend much time online on the Windows side (due to viruses), but I'd like to be able to go online if necessary.
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Sep 27, 2009
I'm going to tether my Samsung Omnia phone with my laptop, but I want my iMac to connect to the laptop to use the tethering wirelessly. How do I do that?
Basically it will be set up like this:
Verizon 3G network > Omnia > Windows laptop [Vista] > iMac
I know how to get tethering set up and everything, but I don't know how to connect my iMac to my laptop through wireless.
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May 14, 2012
How can I share my internet connection with my windows network
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 1, 2010
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
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Mar 13, 2009
I have been using my airport card in my iMac to share internet wirelessly with my iBook. However, I am unable to share the internet wirelessly with a friend's windows laptop. Her computer sees the network but does not ask for a password and fails to connect.
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Aug 16, 2009
I just recently picked up the macbook pro 13"; trying to transfer files from my ethernet hdd to the laptop... How do i find the hdd on my network?
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Apr 26, 2012
How do I do to configure my MBP to prefer wired ethernet (when available) over wifi without disabling Airport?In other words: avoid switching to wifi when activate Airport.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 10, 2011
also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
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Mar 24, 2012
Last time i buy a maxis broadband so my friend teach my to share to another people so how did i know who useing my wifi on macbook pro .
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Mar 16, 2010
My mac book air pro book laptop won't connect to the Wifi or via ethernet in my hotel room.Although yesterday, we were in another hotel and it connected fine.
My other HP Pavilion belonging to my fiance's laptop works fine in the room.
The technician tested the in room connection but was not authorized to help me with my Mac individually.It sees the connection under the wireless networks, it connects to the network but upon trying to gain access to a web page, it appears as if I am off line or not connected.
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Jul 3, 2012
The harddrive became unbootable, so I re-formatted it from Recovery HD and now I need to reinstall Lion, which requires an internet connection to do so.Â
I've connected my Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet adapter but it isn't picking up an IP address according to the Network Utility within Recovery HD. Do I have to use wifi?  It's a 4 GB download. Wifi will be slow.  When I plug the same ethernet cable into the ethernet port on a MacBook Pro, Network Utility there picks up an IP, so I know that the ethernet part is working.  Â
Here's a picture of the screen of Network Utility within Recovery HD detecting the Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter but not detecting an IP:Â Â
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Windows 7
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May 22, 2012
For specific reasons, I needed to connect my Synology DS211 NAS to my iMac directly via its ethernet port. I discovered that if I share my wireless internet connection (coming from my cable modem/wireless router) from wireless to ethernet, then the NAS would get the IP stuff it needed to show up. did that, voila, NAS is acting like a glorified external hard drive. BUT, when I did that, I lost all internet connectivity on my iMac. Still have full wireless signal. preferences pane says I'm fully connected to my network with an IP address, but safari always fails to pull up any webpages, saying I'm not connected to the internet.As soon as turn off the ethernet PORT, it all starts working again. And to make it even crazier, I discovered that if I leave sharing my wireless internet via my ethernet port ON, but turn off the ethernet port (in pref pane), I can STILL access the NAS just like before. That makes no sense - I'm sharing my internet via a port I have turned off, but it works? Anyway, why would Iose my airport wireless internet connection when the ethernet port is on - configured manually?
eMac 1.25GHz & iMac Intel 2.0GHz Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 80GB external FW, 1GB RAM, Superdrive(DL)
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Jul 24, 2009
When you get home at your desk, put your MBP on the table plugging it to an external monitor or not, do you keep it running on WiFi or do you plug in an ethernet cable for your notebook? I am on a 25mbps line in my home and i find that when i plug in the cable my internet connection is more stable, faster and doesn't drop out sometimes. Because, sometimes on Wifi, websites take a little longer to load or it seems to not load at all. While on the ethernet cable everything is just speed of light instant.
I have also noticed that using vmware when i go away from the computer and puts windows to sleep, when i get back, it takes a while for windows to recognize the airport vmware driver and connect back to internet, while with the ethernet cable it is just instant (again). Noticed this while running windows live messenger and the time it takes to connect back. I also noticed that transferring files from my windows vista desktop computer to my macbook was alot faster on ethernet cable than on the wifi connection, even though my router supports 54mbps wifi. So are you guys satisfied with your wifi? Or do you use an ethernet cable for stability? Or am i the only one with minor wifi problems?
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