I recently bought myself a Macbook Pro 13-inch model and I've been loving it so far. One thing that really bugs me is how bad the menu navigation is in OS X. I just read this on Macrumors and the only way to access menu from keyboard is by using ctrl+F2 key for which I have to press ctrl+fn+f2 key since F2 is a secondary function. Also, there is no way of going directly to the middle of the menu by keyboard shortcuts, right? If that is true, Mac OS X is still not polished enough for laptops. is there are a better way to control the menu items?
I have a late 2009 Mac Mini running 10.6.2 with an occasional odd problem. I'll go up to the menu bar at the top and discover that its not the appropriate menu bar for the application I'm in. I might be in Safari (responsive in the window), but it says "Finder" in the menu bar - or Quicktime or some other open app. I can cycle through the windows without a problem, but the menu bar doesn't change. Then all of a sudden, everything is fine.
I seem to have lost my Applications folder from my User menu under Places in Finder. It is still present however, in the Macintosh HD menu under Devices. So I thought I would just drag it to my User menu where there was one before, however it started to copy the folder there. Is this the correct way to get it back there, should it in fact be copying the Application folder? Seems like a waste of nearly 11GB to simply have a copy there.
Do you know these 2 icons on the right, one for apps and one for docs? How fast are your animation before it shows up the menu wiht all apps inside? Mine seems a bit slow, like on a pc with an old or not updated video card. My MPB is 1 month old. i'm sure it was faster with fresh MACOS installed. More icons in it = slower?
Recently when the iTunes application is active, I no longer have an iTunes menu bar, and the dock on my iMac does not appear. To switch applications I have to use command Tab and cannot change via the dock.
Info: iMac G5 (17-inch Ambient Light Sensor), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
-Import files one at a time into 3rd party application using Automator. Challenge: -The application has no way to program a key command for edit > insert > file (that I could find)Failed tries with Automator:Recorded a "watch me do" sequence using the mouse. Sometimes it works and sometimes it glitches badly; the cursor moves very slowly in places I never recorded and the script runs for several minutes until I press the restart button. I believe that nothing changes on the machine between attempts - very peculiar.Recorded a "watch me do" sequence using 'control' + 'function' + 'f2' to highlight the apple in the menu bar at the top of the screen then navigated to edit > insert > file using the arrow keys. Unfortunately it doesn't work when run. In the workflow,"'control' + 'function' + 'f2'" is shown as"'control' + '(a symbol I don't know - see attached screenshot line 1 of the workflow)'"The arrow keys pressed are then not recognized at all. (Line 2 in the workflow is from pressing return.)A seemingly simple task is really perplexing me. I'm sure there's a simple solution though.
how to create a bootable backup of my Macintosh HD on a LaCie 500GB USB external HDD which is 2-3 years old. I formatted the drive with a GUID partition table scheme, with the volume formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled), which I believe is the correct setup.
However, when I try to boot from the external HDD by holding down Option key during startup, I do not get the boot menu, instead the computer freezes at a blank grey screen and doesn't boot anything. If I remove the USB drive and do the same, the boot menu appears with Macintosh HD as the only choice (as would be expected).
How would i achieve to create a context menu on a folder, just like dropbox. I tried using Services menu but it sets my menu system wide. I need to have my specific menu only for a specific folder? How to achive this functionalily?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6), Need sample code (if any)
I use Macbiff to check my email. I guess you'd say it's a background app; it has no dock icon or cmd-tab icon; it resides solely in the menu bar. To check email, I have to click its menu bar icon and select Check Now from the drop down menu. I have created a keyboard shortcut for "Check Now", but I can't figure out a way to give the app focus in order to use the shorcut, aside from clicking the icon, which obviously defeats the purpose. FN-ctrl-F8 gets me to the menu bar, but not to Macbiff...this only works for OS based menu bar items, not 3rd party apps. Aside from a 3rd party keyboard app, is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? 3rd party apps don't see Macbiff as a running application anyhow.
I've switched to mac very recently and have the following "beginner" question. I was not able to find an answer in any of the guides.
In OS X the Menu Bar is always on the top left. Now, I don't know all the shortcuts yet, so I have to click with my mouse on e.g. "history" (in safari) to find out that "shift" "cmd" "H" brings me back to home.
Now, I don't want to click with my mouse on "history" in order to view the menu. Just as in Windows I want to be able to open the "history" menu with a short cut. In Windows if I pressed "alt" it would underline the letter I would have to press in order to open a certain menu (e.g. "alt" + "f" for file menu).
I'm creating an AppleScript application bundle that relies on a separate application. I want to add this application to my bundle and then call it via "tell application xyz ... end tell"
So far I have been unable to make AppleScript see this application, except when I gave it the absolute path of where it is located. Obviously, as soon as my application bundle is moved to a different directory this will not work anymore so is not a solution. Tinkering with "path to me" and thus creating the current path to the bundled application also does not work, when saving the script, ScriptEditor tries to find the application and see if the commands I want to tell it exist btu fails and consequently does not save.
I tried putting the application into the Contents, Contents:MacOS, and Contents:Resources folders, all without success.
I've just set up a FW800 SSD to use as an external boot drive for my 2011 iMac (mainly to speed up start-up).
I wanted to find out if I can direct the external boot to access the program files on the internal HD as a default. Or do I need to reload them all again on to the new partition/drive? My main concerns are that some are 1-time registration programs, plus I don't want to fill the smaller SSD too soon...
Does anybody know how i can get the "Keyboard viewer and character palette" option in menu bar back with the country flag and not the ugly "character palette" icon? sounds ridiculous but under Leopard that was difference.
I wanted to use the Keyboard & Character Viewer, but it just wouldn't get displayed in the menu bar. I went to system preference, and the box Show Keyboard&Character Viewer in the menu bar is chacked, but nothing is actually displayed.
I'm using a new iMac (OS 10.7.4) and was wondereing if it possible to stop my machine from constantly changing the input menu from "Britsh" to "U.S.". This is the item with the small national flag icon in the Finder menu.
Is there a way of removing one of these options permanently, in my case remove the U.S. option?
I am unable to fully access an application or even open a folder. If I press F10, I can see the folder for example but I cannot click on it. I have shut the system off and restarted and still no change.
I will soon be getting a new macbook pro ret (soon) and will leave my macbook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) in the office where I am situated in university. I am looking to ensure that I can leave one at office and one at home. Yet keep access to both, I have seen "logmein pro" and seems to look good except one problem. It says to wake from sleep you need a computer on network running logmein. This I cannot guarantee as it is a university network. It also says that it will need to be linked to the network through cable to wake from sleep.
I will also need to close the lid of the laptop (or leave it open and risk trashing it) and have a password/login lock incase someone decides they want to be naughty. Anyway, I need a program that i can use over wifi (not highest priority) that WILL wake my macs from sleep (highest priority) and WILL (essential) allow me to have full remote access to computers including drag and drop. I dont care about accessing from my mobile as have drop box.
Other than opening Displays System Preferences panel, is there a way to change resolution settings on a MacBook Pro? I have a new MBP with a Retina screen and I'd like to be able to more quickly switch display settings.