How can I save web pages I visit so I can view them when I'm not online? For example, right now i'm writing an essay for school and have like 10 web pages saved on my Google Notebooks. Obviously this isn't an issue when I'm connected to the internet as I can simply just go to my notebook and link to the sites again. But there are times, like yesterday when I had a few hours to kill, no where near any internet but had my macbook with me in my car and could've typed away. But needed the info on the web pages. How can I save/cache those sites so I can open them up when I'm not connected to the internet? If it matters I use Firefox mainly/online. BTW, I realized it takes like 80% less time for me to complete an essay if i'm using my macbook than a PC from my university.
I am looking for a program to download websites for later offline viewing. I am spending tomorrow with my grandmother and she doesn't have the internets but I'd like to download some free programming manuals for later viewing. Unfortunately they don't have a PDF. Internet Explorer for Mac had a really nice feature where you could download a site for later offline viewing. I haven't seen a comparable feature in any other browser.
What has happened to video downloads in YouTube? In the Activity window I used to be able to option double click on the video file and it would download so that I can view offline. Now I notice that video files are broken into 1.7MB pieces and have an expiry time (I think(?)). Is this YouTube's attempt at controlling piracy?So how can someone download these videos for offline viewing? I don't do this to pirate anything.
Its simply that its more convenient to have it on my disk for a short period of time so that I can view it when offline or want to have much quicker access to the video e.g. I have been following some tutorials on playing the guitar. Often I need to start and stop and search through the video for a particular segment. If I have to wait for the video to load from YouTube it takes some seconds or minutes which can be quite frustrating.
Info: iMac Intel, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac (late 2010) Core i7 16GB RAM
On a couple, but not all, of my financial institutions webpages, I can't download the statements and save them as pdf. When I click the pdf link, a page opens showing the statement, but to see it all, one has to scroll the screen. When I try to print it, by clicking File on the toolbar, the pulldown menu gives me only the option of Print Largest Frame which prints only what is visible on the screen in the window. When I try to save by going to File, then Save As, a window opens for print options giving me two format choices: Page Source (html) or Web Archive, but no pdf. The statements never download, nor open as pdf.
What is odd, is that this issue is not common to all financial institutions. On some, the statements read, load, save, and print as pdf just fine. I have updated the Adobe Reader, and all software on my Mac.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Safari 5.1.3
When I right click to save a picture online, it doesn't give me the opportunity to save something as a JPEG. I instead have to save it as a preview and then export it to JPEG. This seems like something relatively new.
After the security update I can no longer save or save as in Adobe Illustrator. The program has become useless. I tried the Rosetta Fix to no avail. How can I fix this?
If I do not use Time Machine, and open a new document in Pages, and type for ten minutes, and close the document, and click "Don't save" by mistake, is there any Auto Save or Versions of that document or just 100% out of luck? url...but I don't get any clear yes or no from it.
I have been unable to save or save as in any of the programs, when I try and save which ever application I am in, crashes. I have not had this issue happen before. I have googled it and I get results relating to print spooling ( on pc). I would like to know how I can set print spooling on macs.
Since upgrading to Lion, I can't save changes or even save new documents in Pages on my laptop. When I try to save, I get the dialog box: "The document “Untitled 2” could not be saved as “Untitled 2”. Permission denied" I can't find anything in Pages preferences or in the System preferences where this setting can be changed if it is a setting.
I handle all the maintenance for three macs. My own mac Pro, my wife's Macbook Pro and my mother's iMac, all intel and purchased within the last year.
All are running OSX 10.5.8, except my mother's which is at 10.5.5. My mother lives in another state and she only has dialup.
Downloading a 60MB file takes all night when I'm there. Last update I did took me a week to download and I don't like tying my mother's phone up all night in case she needs to call an ambulance.
Is there a way I can download updates using software update and my cable modem to my Mac Pro and then burn them to DVD and install them on her machine?
A lot of the times MSN shows me as offline to other people. It happens on Adium and aMSN, and sometimes IM+ on my iPod Touch. It doesn't seem to happen to my sister, I don't think. Does anyone know what could be causing this? It is quite annoying.
I'm having trouble with people at my workplace spending too much time on non-work related websites (MySpace, YouTube, etc...). Ideally, I'd like to be able to do the following, but of course, this is a Mac. I would need it to work for both Safari and Firefox
code:Prank your friends by redirecting there favourite site into something there not expecting! NOTE: Heres the written tutorial because i forogot to put audio onto the video... ;( Written Tutorial: STEP 1. Find a website that your friend would NOT like to go to... STEP 2. Go to the site:
[URL] STEP 3. Type in the URL you would like to direct in the "Enter a host name for Forward DNS Lookup:" box STEP 4. Press look it up, and copy the IP address down. STEP 5. Click on "Start" ---> "Run" and type in "notepad cwindowssystem32driversetchosts" STEP 6. On the last line paste the ip address, press tab and type in the URL your friend will visit STEP 7. Save and test Once he goes to the website he wishes, it will redirect into the website you set it to Hope this prank goes well!
Failing that, is there a simple way of just blocking websites from the OS and only allowing administrator access to bypass these?
This is very annoying - and it's probably MSN's fault. Everything works fine in Adium, apart from all of my MSN contacts say I'm offline when Adium clearly says "Available".
I've attached a picture to show what I mean (sorry for all the painting lol) but at times when I'm on MSN Messenger for Mac I always appear offline but people still start convos with me which is very annoying.
A couple of days ago, I thought I'd try a 3rd party firewall to beef up security on my 2008 MBP running 10.6.2 on an ethernet connection using a router (nothing changed there).
I installed Little Snitch, tweaking its settings (don't remember what I tweaked) to customize it to my preferences as I went thru two 3-hour demo periods. Then I uninstalled it (using its own uninstall). I also tried Noob Proof to see if a free program might serve, but wasn't happy with that one, and uninstalled it using AppCleaner.
At some unknown point during this 24 hour period, I lost my internet connection, and I can't get it back.
Things I've tried:
-Ran network diagnostics several times - it says I've got a good connection, and Activity Monitor shows small amounts of data being sent and received.
-Turned Mac's firewall off & back on a few different times. Can't get online even when the firewall is off.
-Turned on the guest account and logging into it. Can't get online thru the guest account either.
-Re-installed Snow Leopard just in case it might re-set whatever is wrong.
-Looked at LOTS of logs (including Little Snitch's log) to see if I could find the source of the trouble, but while no dummy, I'm also not an expert at reading logs.
-I've also tried connecting to Software Update for a direct connection, thinking maybe it was a browser issue, but can't get connected to anything, anywhere, anyhow.
I can't print anymore on my Canon i850 printer. It worked flawless previously. Now it keeps saying 'printer is offline'. The printer is connected through USB. I connected the printer to my old PC. Initially there it also says 'printer is offline' but after a few seconds the printer starts working. So the printer works on my PC, but not on my Apple. So why won't it work on my iMac anymore? I have a feeling it could have something to do with recent software-updates I installed, but I'm not sure.
I thought replacing the old brother printer with a new hp laserjet would fix the problem with the printers going offline everyday. It still does the same thing, they will print fine until the imac goes to sleep and when we try to print again we either have to power down a printer or restart the computer. Sometimes just pausing the printer and resuming will work too, or maybe pulling the usb cable and plugging it back in. We have a 24" intel core i3 with 10.6.8 version 3.06 Ghz and 4GB memory. The printers are and HP laserjet 1536dnf as default printer and an Epson Stylus NX115 for the occasional color print and a Primera Bravo se disc publisher for printing on cd discs.
This started occuring very suddenly for the past week or so. I especially cant load anything related to google. Not even youtube. No matter the connection, wired or wireless, different networks, or the web broswer. How do I fix this!?
I'm basically looking for a program like WGet to save a lot of webpages. I want to be able to point it at a site and have it save all the pages for offline use. Is there a way to this that doesn't require me going to each site and saving it for offline?
I was wondering if anyone knows of a good app for the Mac that will monitor a given web page for any changes in content and immediately send an email or other alert letting me know. I don't care so much about the particular changes, just the fact that a change was made.
I was looking at Web Secretary, but it's a *nix app that doesn't have a GUI and I'm not entirely sure it would do what I need. I would rather have something a bit more user-friendly anyway, and preferably free.
I have a MacBook running OSX 10.4, and I'm using Firefox 3.0.9. For nearly every webpage that I open, the error log gives me an error like "Expected (blank) but received (blank). Declaration dropped." This isn't a problem for some webpages, as they'll load fully, but for others, they won't load at all. This is a really frustrating problem, and it just started all of a sudden yesterday. I didn't install a new web browser or any new extensions, and I've done virus and malware scans, and I can't seem to find the problem. Could it be a problem with extensions, or with my system, or perhaps my Internet connection?
I am a mac newbie.Webages that include youtube videos were loading fine. I upgraded to Safari 5 and also installed VLC player not long after.Now there is a blank space where videos would be on a web page.Is this a flas issue? How do I correct?
I am a new MAC owner. Being curious , I click on stuff I should not. I use a particular bingo game site. Lately the window appears at more than 100% in size. I lose the bottom part of the page where important information is like the options box, chat area, full gameboard and my points information. I tried discussion forums on the apple web site, but the answers do not quite apply to my situation. I searched for a manual for safari (my Internet explorer). I am on a dial up connection and it would take me a few days to download a manual. I hope you can help me. Other sites I visit like my Yahoo are fine . Only my bingo site.