This is very annoying - and it's probably MSN's fault. Everything works fine in Adium, apart from all of my MSN contacts say I'm offline when Adium clearly says "Available".
When someone logs off of Facebook, their name still appears in my buddy list. It's grayed out, but still there. I usually have to go to File > (My Facebook Account) > "Refresh Buddy List" for their name to disappear.
Is Adium a good application?... I don't want to have wierd things going around in my computer so I want to know how Adium works for those who have it installed...
I downloaded Adium last night and everything worked fine. I tried to sign in this morning and is just keeps asking me for my password for both my MSN and AIM accounts. I have tried both passwords multiple times and they are both correct. I have no idea why it doesn't want to sign in.
I've had no issues with adium every since i downloaded it (5 months long?) but suddenly, i cannot connect to it. I've tried msn messenger and aMsn and neither does those 2 work. The only thing that is working for me now is msn's webmessenger.
For some reason, whenever I connect with Adium it has my name as "David" even though in my preferences I have it as something else (Trinimini). David was just some random name I picked when I made my email and I don't want my username to be it. However, it seems as though I am constantly having to switch my name to Trinimini whenever I log in, even though my preferences says that my display name is Trinimini. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
A friend of mine recieved her Macbook this morning, and is alrady having some isues with it. She's unable to get a connection with Adium or MSN over her wireless network. In Adium she's tried both an MSN and GoogleTalk account, both of which try and connect for a bit, then give a error that there is no connection. Safari and Skype work flawlessly over the same wireless connection. And when plugged straight in with the ethernet, Adium can connect.
The internet is running through a Zoom ADSL wired moden, to a iMac G4 (running 10.4, I believe) with an Airport wireless card. And the problem isnt specific to her Macbook. Her father's Macbook is also unable to connect to MSN over the wireless network.Since it works wired, it must be something with the wireless. Any ideas on what specifically might be causing the issue? Any ideas on solutions?
On my MacBook, Adium used to sit in the dock where I would position it, then one day it jumped to the end of the dock so I moved it back, 5 seconds later it jumped back again.
When i first got adium and logged in my name was 'matthew beech', my full name. I changed it to 'matt' but my friends says it still shows as 'matthew beech'. Anyone know how I can change it?
Adium keeps getting rid of my custom away messages and putting in the "away" default. I have to become available and put up a custom message every time I want a custom message to stay up. Then after i go idle and come back to my computer Adium has the damn default away message up again. Is there some preference where once you go idle for a certain time it automatically defaults the away message? I know this might be a silly problem but it's very annoying. my custom messages are all saved and appear on the list they just dont stay up after a while.
I've been having some issues with my itunes AND adium...for some reason they won't launch, they load for a second and then immediately go to the "....quit unexpectedly" message, when I try to send an error report, it fails as well...I feel like I'm being hacked or something... Has anyone experienced this, more importantly does anyone know how to fix it?
I can't display my username as I would like.Up to the status(Available, Away, etc) it shows the name I want, but, on the contact list, it keeps showing my e-mail! I've already changed:Adium > Preferences > MSN account > Edit > 'Personal' tab > Display name. (it has the name I want).Adium > Preferences > Personal > Name. (it has the name I want).Adium > Advanced > Messages > Checked 'Custom name format' > Choose user name.What could be wrong?
This has been happening recently. I get an error message from Adium, saying I have been "Signed on at another location". First thing I do is change my password. 2 days later, i get the same message!! I have again changed my password. The strength of the passwords are "strong". My original one was "Strong" in the first place. I honestly hope this is a bug or something, because I don't want a hacker on my hands...I haven't signed on MSN on anyone else's computer recently either.
I have had a macbook air for about 6 months and I downloaded Adium so I could IM my myspace friends. The problem is, I don't know how to add all my friends at once. I have tried it individually by entering their ID # in, but they don't show up.
I handle all the maintenance for three macs. My own mac Pro, my wife's Macbook Pro and my mother's iMac, all intel and purchased within the last year.
All are running OSX 10.5.8, except my mother's which is at 10.5.5. My mother lives in another state and she only has dialup.
Downloading a 60MB file takes all night when I'm there. Last update I did took me a week to download and I don't like tying my mother's phone up all night in case she needs to call an ambulance.
Is there a way I can download updates using software update and my cable modem to my Mac Pro and then burn them to DVD and install them on her machine?
A lot of the times MSN shows me as offline to other people. It happens on Adium and aMSN, and sometimes IM+ on my iPod Touch. It doesn't seem to happen to my sister, I don't think. Does anyone know what could be causing this? It is quite annoying.
one day i open adium, pass 10 seconds and quit's now happend all the time i download adium again and the same thing happendseems when i connect my facebook account to adium, Crash, here it's the report of the crash
I have been wondering this for awhile. I know that I can join someone else's group chat in Adium, but I can't seem to figure out how to make one. Is it possible?
I've been using Adium for the past month or so for IM, and as of the past couple of days, no matter what I do, I can not make the contact list visible. I've tried deactivating and reactivating it via the Window menu, I've tried changing the settings on when it's supposed to appear, and I've even tried reinstalling the application once, but nothing is working. Does anybody have an idea how to fix this, or should I just stick with iChat for now?