OS X :: G5 IMac Not Booting At All Running 10.4.11
Dec 24, 2009
Have a G5 iMac (non Intel) that was running OS 10.4.11 that now won't boot. I get the chime and the Apple then blue screen where it hangs. It won't even boot from an install CD/DVD (same routine) to blue screen. I had wanted to do an archive and reinstall but couldn't get the disk to boot. I have been able to Safe Boot and view files. In Safe Boot, I've verified the hard drive (no problems detected) and Repaired Privileges, but still won't boot (blue Screen). I've tried an install disk with same result (no boot and blue screen).
I've hooked the G5 to another G5 iMac, booted the bad G5 in Target Mode. The hard drive appears on the second G5s desktop. Using CCC have cloned the hard drive to an external hard drive (now have a backup of I don't know what. During the cloning, Norton AntiVirus detected and Quarantined a virus. I've run DiskUtility from the second iMac and again found no problems with the hard drive or permissions. Should I erase the bad hard drive, reinstall system software (using an interim user). The try to migrate all the old applications and files from the clone? If not what should I do next?
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Nov 7, 2010
I am on 10.6.4. I have learned that I can boot up in 32-bit mode by holding down the 3 and 2 keys while starting up. Is reverting back to 64-bit mode as easy as holding down the 6 and 4 key? If not, then what?
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May 22, 2012
MacBook Pro running Lion won't boot. Grey screen with universal no sign (circle with slash through it).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 2, 2009
Had a quick question. I'm on my third 27" stock 3.06Ghz imac that was replaced yesterday. The good news is that so far it doesn't seem to have any of the problems of my previous two 27" imac's. There is one thing though. A couple of seconds after pressing the power button to bootup there is a brief mechanical sound from the dvd drive like a quick ejecting sound even though there is no cd in the drive. My first 27" imac dvd drive made the sound but the second imac 27" Imac I had didn't. Is this sound normal? Would be curious to know why two out of the three 27" Imac's I had make that noise.
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Nov 15, 2009
I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.
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Apr 23, 2012
I have a IMAC g5 PPC based machine.It was working fine before several days.Leopard 10.5.8 is intalled on it.Currently i am not able to boot OS.Whenever I power on the machine is stops at brown screen(with apple logo). I have tried to start in safe mode as well as single user mode. I am able to start it in single user mode but after 1-2 mins automattically it shows an error like this. "ioatacontroller device blocking bus" And after that system got stuck. I dont have any OS bootable disk. From where can I download the source of OS which I can install on IMAC g5 PPC based machine.
MAC os X, Mac OSX (10.5.7)
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Mar 14, 2009
I just bought a new iMac (2.93) today and every time I turn it on it makes a weird zzzZZ noise. Same thing happens when I wake the computer up from sleep mode. It sounds like its coming from the disc drive area. IDK if this is normal or what to do to fix it
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Aug 4, 2009
a neighboor in my buiding has found in the streets an imac indigo that isn't functionning and asked me to help him. Being skillfull on pc, despite I own an apple II, eons ago, I don't know anything about mac computers nowadays.
Searching the web, I found this might be an imac G3 with cd tray loading. When powered on, a folder with a question mark shows off.. I read that this might indicate a disk failure.
I tried powering it on with the C key down, it showed me a screen with 2 buttons: an cycling like arrow and an arrow to the right. Inserting the disk1 of panther gives me a icon in the middle of the 2 previous one with a mac osx Disc1 label. Clicking on the arrow to the right, the watch pointer revolves a bit and nothing more.
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Apr 3, 2010
I have seen discussion about booting up in 64 bit configuration. I have read that you hold down the 6 and 4 keys during boot up. Didn't work for me with my I7. How does one really check on this? My understanding Snow Leopard is 32 bit on boot up by default.
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Jan 3, 2011
I have a 20" Intel Imac that will not boot, not even from a CD.Interestingly I never get the chime on boot up, I hear the hard drive and the combo drive spinning, and just wind up with the spinning wheel of death. I've tried unplugging for 30 minutes, all the different various ways to boot (safe, CD, clearing PRAM). Could it be the PRAM battery causing this?
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Nov 15, 2007
I'm sure I've heard somewhere that it's possible to turn Macs on via ethernet, I've looked around on google and the forums here but haven't found a thing saying how to do it. Is it possible merely I imagined this?
I want to boot a G5 iMac, connected via ethernet through an AirPort Extreme, (802.11n 100Gb model).
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Nov 30, 2008
A couple of nights ago, my iMac randomly turned on in the middle of the night, so I held the back power button to shut it off. Later that morning, I tried to turn it on and was left with this screen (see attachment). I was very confused. After trying to boot into target mode, safe mode, the assorted...I restored the computer. It seems to work fine now, but I'm still wondering...what the happened?
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Apr 28, 2009
My Intel MacBook is in the shop, and I swapped out my hard drive before I sent it in and put it in a USB enclosure. I was able to boot my friend's MacBook Pro from the drive, but my G4 Mac Mini is not seeing it as an option (upon startup or otherwise). I can read files from it, but I really need to boot from the drive for some other things (cookies, passwords, and especially the ability to sync my iPod touch).
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Sep 6, 2009
When I turned my iMac on this morning (iMac G5 PPC 10.5.8) it went through all of the "normal" steps (gong, grey screen, apple logo, progress wheel, blue screen) and stopped at the blue screen. Thinking it was just a fluke, I shut the machine down and restarted, only to have it stop at the blue screen again.
After disconnecting everything going into the iMac except the keyboard and mouse, I attempted to boot into safe mode but it stopped at the blue screen again. I tried single user mode too but I didn't get any further than the blue screen.
Next, I flashed the PRAM (big gong, single quieter gong) and afterwards it came to the blue screen.
I reattached my external drive and selected to boot from a 2-day old backup. Using the backup I was able to log into both my regular account and my "test" account (without login items).
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Nov 4, 2009
I purchased the last generation iMac G5 when it came out a few years ago and I recently tried to sell it. I sent the item to the buyer and he said it would not start. The Apple logo or for that matter anything would not come up. He brought it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and they said it was an issue that would most likely cost over $500 in repairs. I just got the computer back in the mail and all that happens when the power button is pressed is the white light on the front lower right hand corner comes on for a second, then the machine shuts down. You can also hear the machine begin to start for about two seconds, then it shuts down. Any ideas as to the problem and whether it is fixable without expensive repair costs?
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Nov 24, 2009
I've been looking around on a few forums, and I've tried to reset PMU, hold the programmer key, take out battery let it be, external screen,... None of it worked for me. I have tried to install Os X Jaguar without upgrading firmware, so it told me that it needed to upgrade. But I can't do that since it doesn't boot anymore. I tried disconnecting the harddrive and boot it without it, it still turns off. [URl]
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Mar 2, 2010
I have a friends Flat panel 17inch iMac (The volleyball one).She only wants to run 9.2.2 on it for her business but it is dual booting 10.2 on there as well, 10.2 will not boot. I've been getting the message you need to reboot your computer by pressing the power button message. What I would like to know is, is it possible to remove 10.2 while keeping 9.2.2 intact, meaning not having to reinstall 9.2.2
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Aug 8, 2010
The last time I used my imac I had a picture disc in it and shut it down properly. Now it will not boot up. I get the screen with the apple and the turning wheel and nothing past that. A disc is stuck as well. Any ideas on either, to get me my computer back?
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Dec 19, 2010
I am guessing that is because I did something stupid.. i changed the "Sharing & Permissions" section in my Macintosh HD Get info window. To be more specific, I changed the Everyone's permission to "no access". I tried booting with the Mac OS install disc and doing the HD recovery from the Disc Utility but it didn't changed anything. In fact there is an error every time I am trying to do "Repair Disc Permissions", while the action "Repair Disc" is completed with no problems.
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Jan 26, 2009
First, I have a mid-2008 Aluminum iMac, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 Ghz, 2GB Ram, running OS X 10.5.6. So two days ago, it started hanging on me. Prior to this I have never had any problems with it. I had mail open, a browser window and a chat window. Started getting the spinning beach ball of death. It finally totally locked up on me and I have to force it to shut down.
However, upon reboot, it would not get past the white screen with the apple logo and the spinning gray gear icon. I'm talking like 10-15 minutes. I forced it to shut down (probably not a good idea) and this time on reboot I got the folder icon with the question mark as if firmware could not locate the booter file. I loaded the install DVD that came with the mac and ran Disk Utilities.................
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Sep 10, 2009
I've just had two kernal panics. The second time it was during start up. Now it won't start up at all. Gets to the White screen and tells me to restart. I bought this 8 months ago and have had nothing but trouble.
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Jan 7, 2010
I didn't realize that SL automatically boots in 32 bit, even on the new iMacs. I have a core i5 with 8 gigs of RAM. Assuming I boot in 64 bit mode today, will my computer now utilize all 8 gigs? Was it only using 4 gigs in 32 bit mode? Also, will some applications not run if I boot 64 bit?
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Mar 11, 2010
Nothing else was running, there have been some issues with running netflix and the image freezing but audio would continue, and the only way to get to undo was to hold the power button until it turned off.
Well I did it this last time and now the computer asks for a bootable disk
What could have happened from this situation, and how to fix the booting situation? Is netflix the culprit?
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Mar 29, 2010
I started up my 24" iMac today and it just got stuck on the grey screen before the apple logo appears. I reset the PRAM and I tried using the OSX disc and holding down C. I got to the disk utility and it freezes. I am stuck using my bottom of the line laptop untill I can work around this.
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May 15, 2010
I boot the iMac, the volume of the single note that it makes when starting up is very loud. I've turned the volume down but when it reboots, it goes back to the original loud setting.
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Jun 22, 2010
When the on button is pressed The fans start, but the screen doesn't even turn on. The Optical Drive still takes in Disks.
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Jul 29, 2010
I have a 10.4 iMac. Recently when using it the screen starts to pixelate with large random squares and effectively makes the computer useless. Either that or I get moving multicoloured flashing squares (very psychodelic)Also on booting up the grey screen with the apple logo has dark grey sqaures and then when it goes to the blue screen has a series of smaller squares top and bootom. The booting up stops at this point.
I have ran the disk doctor, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.
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Mar 25, 2009
G4 DP 450 booting straight to firmware command line and I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Unable to boot from CD.
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Nov 2, 2010
This is a bit of an old one I know. When I turn my Mac on it goes through the boot up process and as it about to come to the desktop image it selects the HD Mac as if I had pressed it with the mouse and then starts the cancel sound bonging away until I press the escape button on the keyboard.This normally keeps it at bay. Although on occasion it suddenly selects it again and starts playing the cancel sound again. When I unplug the keyboard it doesn't make that sound at all. I hate the wireless keyboard but wonder if I buy another wired one will it start making the same noise again?
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Nov 20, 2010
I have a 2007 Intel 24" iMac (Last of the white plastic editions) and I've recently had troubles with the 7600GT Graphics card. The computer would get strange artifacts all over the screen, before crashing. Unfortunately, it is out of Applecare, so I took it into a shop and had the card replaced. Upon receiving it back, they told me that they replaced the graphics card, but still found problems with it booting up inconsistently. After some testing, they realised it was the Hard Drive controller at fault, and put my harddrive in an external USB enclosure and booted it off that instead. This was an easier solution than replacing the entire logic board, they told me. (and they gave me the enclosure for free).
Now I've brought it home, and set it all up, only to find that the HDD fans are constantly spinning at 5600 RPM, which is deafeningly loud, even so over my room fan. I presume this is because there is no longer any hard drive controller/hard drive in there. I've installed SMC Fan Control, but to my dismay you can only set the minimum fan speed, and not the max. If possible, i'd like to set the max fan speed at a much lower rate, without needing to open up the iMac. So my questions are:
Is there a way I can set the max fanspeed for the HDD, or disable it since there isn't one in there anyway? And is there a better solution for booting my iMac OS onto an external HDD? (i.e. Should I look into buying a firewire 800 drive enclosure instead of this USB 2.0 one?)
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