PowerPC :: Booting A G5 IMac Via Ethernet?
Nov 15, 2007
I'm sure I've heard somewhere that it's possible to turn Macs on via ethernet, I've looked around on google and the forums here but haven't found a thing saying how to do it. Is it possible merely I imagined this?
I want to boot a G5 iMac, connected via ethernet through an AirPort Extreme, (802.11n 100Gb model).
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Nov 4, 2009
I purchased the last generation iMac G5 when it came out a few years ago and I recently tried to sell it. I sent the item to the buyer and he said it would not start. The Apple logo or for that matter anything would not come up. He brought it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and they said it was an issue that would most likely cost over $500 in repairs. I just got the computer back in the mail and all that happens when the power button is pressed is the white light on the front lower right hand corner comes on for a second, then the machine shuts down. You can also hear the machine begin to start for about two seconds, then it shuts down. Any ideas as to the problem and whether it is fixable without expensive repair costs?
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Nov 24, 2009
I've been looking around on a few forums, and I've tried to reset PMU, hold the programmer key, take out battery let it be, external screen,... None of it worked for me. I have tried to install Os X Jaguar without upgrading firmware, so it told me that it needed to upgrade. But I can't do that since it doesn't boot anymore. I tried disconnecting the harddrive and boot it without it, it still turns off. [URl]
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Jan 18, 2010
I have put a brand new hard drive in the machine. I took off the plastic bezel to the power cord, to make sure it's plugging in all the way. I turned the computer on while watching the LED's on the logic board. All 3 stayed on, and the 4th never came on.
I have unplugged it, left it unplugged for a few minutes, plugged the cord back in while holding the power, then turned it on (forgot what that was supposed to accomplish). No change.
I have reset the PVRAM (or whatever) 3 times in a row by holding command-option-p-r until I heard 3 chimes after the initial boot. No change.
I can get into open firmware, but have no idea what I could even try in there (other than ejecting the DVD).
I hold down "C" while booting, it chimes, it goes to a blank grey background, then proceeds on to the white screen with the apple. It sits there for a few seconds, then starts spinning the circle for a while, then shuts down. I hear the optical drive spin up, but it does nothing.
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Oct 12, 2010
I was wondering how I could file share, or make the whole Hard Drive (HDD) accessible to another computer. The two other computers I have are a Toshiba Laptop with Ethernet and USB, and a iMac Intel with Firewire, USB, and Ethernet. Putting these to use along with:Three Ethernet Cables Now how do I get the whole HDD visible to the others computers (either/both) and be able to write to it? Also, I do not want to use CDs and have no CDs that came with the computers. I want to put Xubuntu on the eMac and Debian on the iMacs and erase the rest of the Hard Drives. The computers getting this are the iMac G3s and the eMac G4 in my Signature.
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Mar 12, 2008
Yesterday I installed Ice Clean and ran a few of the maintenance procedures. This morning when I tried starting my laptop, it started with grey screen and apple symbol, then black screen with white text stating:
Mar 13 08:02:44 launched: can't exec /bin/sh for single user: no such file or directory.
I tried contacting Ice Clean, they claim it is not related. I checked my system profile and I thought I had 1gb of RAM it only says 512gb. Could a RAM failure cause this problem? Have started using target disk mode with my old faithful G4 and everything on the hard disk is still intact. Ran disk utility and all ok!
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Jun 11, 2008
I have a PowerMac G5 dual 1.8ghz running leopard. It worked flawlessly since the day I bought it.
Then as of last week whenever I booted the computer I would get the gray screen with a black box saying to reboot the computer (in 5 different languages). I would reboot the computer. Same screen.
Is there some way to check what is wrong? Is this typically a hardware issue or an operating system?
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Sep 19, 2008
I was installing Tiger using FireWire from my Powermac G4 and it was nearly done when my Powerbook (target) died due to lack of battery... When the Powermac was rebooted, I get only a question mark and flashing smile.
I tried to test the C and T keys holding them down during boot up but only get the smiley face every single time... I even disconnected the secondary drive to no avail.
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Sep 22, 2008
Please could you help me with this problem that i've got with my Powermac G5.
Spec is
Dual G5
2gb ram
I'm trying to boot from the Mac OS cd (tried 10.4 that it came with and 10.5) and both get to the grey screen with the Apple Logo and that's as far as it gets. No spinning loading wheel.
Tried the following..
PRAM reset
Swapping Ram out
Is there anything else i can do. It's a really good machine so i hope it's not needing a Logic Board repair!
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Oct 18, 2010
I recently came into possession of an iBook G3 (Clamshell) model M6411. Unfortunately, I believe it had a cactus HDD - it shows up in Target Disk Mode on my current model 13" MBP but refuses to format or read - locks Disk Utility/Finder up when accessed. The iBook also has NO CDROM drive in it, either (removed by previous owner, reasons unsure). I'd just like to get it to boot to see that everything else works ok. I have a retail install of OS 9.2.1 as well as an iMac G3 OS X 10.1 install CD, and a 10.3 retail disc too.
I am aware that PPC Macs cannot boot from USB CDROM drives, but they can using FireWire. So, I tried plugging it in via FireWire to my MBP, put the MBP in Target Disk Mode, put the CD in it, and held Option while booting the iBook. The iBook sees the CD on the MBP, I click on it to boot it, and it shows the Happy Mac (this is with the 10.1 CD). However, after about a minute, it shows a strange "broken folder" icon (a Mac OS 9 folder with a tear down the middle) on a grey background. It gets no further. If I use the 9.2.1 CD, it shows a Happy Mac briefly then switches to a floppy disk with a question mark. The 10.3 CD refuses to boot at all. One thing I forgot to mention is if I try and boot the iBook normally, it shows a Finder icon alternating to a ? in a blue Mac OS 9 folder.
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Jan 1, 2011
G4 won't boot. No startup chime. Power button light goes off right after I power it on. Fans go on and soon switch to high / fast mode.
Tried everything imaginable -- removing all cards, RAM swapping, PMU reset, bought a new 3.6v PMU battery... everything on this forum (I think) except buying a new power supply which I'm trying to avoid.
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Jul 6, 2007
I've had my iBook for about a year and a half now, haven't had any trouble with it until now. For some reason it won't start up. It's plugged in and the green light is on but it's just not booting up. why my iBook isn't working all of the sudden?
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Oct 28, 2007
my ibook 800mhz g3 isn't booting up. I just turned it on one day & it showed the apple logo as usual, it went to the Starting up screen, and then it just disappears and i'm left with a blue screen, and the mouse sometimes appears for about 10 seconds and then it goes away. i've tried formatting, installing an earlier operating system, using a boot cd, booting from an external hard drive, everything.
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Nov 12, 2008
My computer, a Powermac G5, Dual 2.0Ghz, 1st Edition Released Oct 2003, will just freeze. It usually happens within 5 minutes of booting into the operating system. I am also unable to boot from the Leopard or Tiger DVD's to try and install a fresh copy of the OS as they freeze during the install. This is what I have tried so far, but to no avail:
Resetting the RAM and Graphics Card
Resetting the Power Management (PMU)
Resetting the PRAM
Now this is the even stranger thing. I installed a copy of PowerPC Ubuntu Linux 8.04 and it works fine. This makes me think that it is unlikely to be a hardware issue.
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Nov 24, 2008
Hi I have a problem with my PowerBook
It boots to BSD (Command Line Interface) instead of OS X (GUI Aqua)
This Video shows more
Please note that the screen on the PowerBook is broke so I can only use it connected to an external monitor
When I try to reinstall the system, the picture does not get pushed across to the external monitor meaning I can not see what I am doing and thus can not reinstall
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Dec 5, 2008
I'm having a problem with my Powerbook G4. I kind of screwed up my drivers because I was an idiot and tried to get some Intel drivers to work on the computer through some cheat thing and now my computer won't boot up. I have an install disk but when I try to reinstall it keeps saying that I need Mac OSX Install Disk 2. I never had to use disk 2 before and I never had one to begin with.
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Mar 28, 2009
I know very very little about computer parts and things like that, but I hope to have provided enough information. When I boot up, both plugged into the power cord, and on battery, the powerbook will reach a white screen with an apple logo in the center. There also is a rotating disk below the apple logo. It will then shortly power down. I made a visit to the genius bar, and they told me something was wrong. I was like DUH!!! They said for $320 it would all be fixed, but I was hoping to be able to find out what was going wrong with it. Sadly I don't have the start-up disk that came with the laptop .
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May 25, 2009
I opened up my G5, to install more RAM, and saw that one of the hard drives was unplugged (I just got it used), and so I connected that, blew some compressed air into it, installed the RAM and closed 'er up. Then I tried to power on and it didn't work (No Chimes, just fans spinning, no video, not even the start up chime). So, I disconnected the hard drive, took out the RAM I put in, and closed it, and it still doesn't boot. Same thing. My keyboard is wireless, but the wireless dongle thing doesn't get any power when it is "powered on". The fans are spinning all the time. (Except when it's powered off, obviously)
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Oct 8, 2009
Have searched MacRumours and am unable to find a solution to my problem, so here goes: I've recently bought a "faulty" PowerMac G4, which would not boot, however all the parts inside were sold as working.
When I try to boot the G4 the light on the front flashes and the fans begin to spin but there is no characteristic Apple "bong" and nothing appears on the screen.
I know the screen's working because I use the same one with one of my Windows PC's. I've tried pressing the CUDA button and reseating the PRAM battery but to no avail. Does anyone know what my next step should be?
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Mar 9, 2010
We have a PowerMac G5 machine which won't boot at all. you can hear it turn on and everything (including the chime at bootup) but you won't see anything show up on the display.
Also after several minutes, you will hear a very loud noise come from the machine, the fan you can tell is extremely loud. Not knowing this stuff very well as i'm more a PC tech than Mac, what are some options to troubleshot?
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Jul 2, 2010
I am trying to do a clean install of OSX 10.5 on my old powerbook G4 15". I am using a 10.5 image file on my external. I partitioned the external using GUID, and restored the image file onto the external. (this method works when installing on intel macs). Unfortunately, I cannot boot 10.5 using this method on my powerbook. Is it because i am using a firewire 800 cable? Should I be booting it using a firewire 400? I know that PPC macs cannot boot using usb, so i am stumped.
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Sep 10, 2010
I am getting a new mac and I would like to use my old one, Mac Mini, as a "media server" always on and has a big hard drive. Can I file share if I simply plug an ethernet cord INTO my mac mini and then INTO my iBook?
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Aug 29, 2007
I just moved into my college apartment today and my wired connection to my PowerBook is incredibly slow. I have a connection and can see other computers on the local network. However, the internet connection is so slow, it's practically unbearable. My friend's HP laptop is running just fine. Do you have any suggestions before I call the school's tech support tomorrow? I'm fine with changing settings here and there, if that's what it takes.
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Sep 6, 2008
so basically this powermac g4 quick silver 733mhz is giving me big problems connecting to the internet, its got built in ethernet and modem, also a ethernet card, and wireless usb dlink thing. so i install the driver for the dlink usb thing driver works etc, it says its connected but wont go to a page apple.ca (safari), so then i put the ethernet cord in the ethernet card lights flashing then goess to apple.ca so how can i just get the internet to work using usb only and ethernet only? im assuming the built in thernet isnt working on a case of that theres a card there i might just reinstall tiger off a imac g5 since i rember the internet setup was so much easier, wait nvm about the off a imac g5
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Dec 2, 2009
Had a quick question. I'm on my third 27" stock 3.06Ghz imac that was replaced yesterday. The good news is that so far it doesn't seem to have any of the problems of my previous two 27" imac's. There is one thing though. A couple of seconds after pressing the power button to bootup there is a brief mechanical sound from the dvd drive like a quick ejecting sound even though there is no cd in the drive. My first 27" imac dvd drive made the sound but the second imac 27" Imac I had didn't. Is this sound normal? Would be curious to know why two out of the three 27" Imac's I had make that noise.
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Oct 9, 2010
I recently acquired a G4 cube with no os. It came with the original disks, but the only problem is instead of booting from them a flashing question mark on a floppy drive is shown. I have tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM which hasn't worked.
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Dec 2, 2006
during startup, my powerbook will shutdown during the gray screen I've tried booting from an external drive. It goes to a gray screen without an apple logo.I've tried putting it in Target disk mode (to get my files off). But it won't mount on my desktop.Also tried resseting the pram as apple's troubleshooting suggested. nothing differen
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Dec 24, 2006
Yesterday I installed the latest security updates for my ibook via software update. I'm not sure if this is related to my problem, but I thought I might as well mention it. A few hours after installing the updates, I turned on my computer. Everything was running fine, however as I was listening to music and surfing the internet, my screen turned black. I checked the contrast and it was all the way up. The screen then turned completely off. Upon restarting the computer, my screen got to the loading page with the apple icon and the loading circle, and then turned black and flickered every so often with a screen of vertical multi-colored bars.
I held down the power button to turn the screen off, and the flickering increased, before becoming completely covered by the multi-colored bars and then shutting off. This morning I tried again and my computer actually booted up. However, after a few seconds the screen went black, paused for a few seconds, then went completely red, then green, then blue, then three shades of gray, and finally black again. It repeated this cycle twice before the screen turned itself off. Is this a virus, or hardware/software malfunctioning. I've had my ibook for two years.
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Jun 27, 2007
I've been given an iBook g4 (Late 2004 Model according to apple) and... It's completely dead! No lights come up on the Battery when I press the button. I've tried restting the PMU..But nothing yet. I dont have the offical Apple plug, its a replacement one. Can that make much of a difference?
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Jul 5, 2007
My girlfriend's eMac stopped booting successfully a few days ago. I thing the next step might be to reformat her hard drive ad re-install OS X, but I'm hoping there's some less drastic solution out there. I at least want to make sure I've exhausted all other options. Here's what I know: System is a G4 eMac. 1Ghz I believe (not sure). OS 10.3.9. 256MB RAM. The computer has worked flawlessly for her and her son since she acquired it several years ago. The hard disk was far from being full (around 41% used).The computer "bongs" normally, then goes on the grey screen with the Apple logo ad spinning "gears", then just sits there indefinitely. Some hard disk activity is heard at first, then silence. I started up with OS X CDs and ran DiskUtility. It reports the volume "repaired" successfully, but subsequent "verifications" still show some problems.
Started with "Option" key to see there is some bizarre startup volume selection, but as expected, the only volume shown is "Macintosh HD." Tried to start up in "safe" mode, but never saw any kind of "Safe Mode" indication. Only got as far as it ever does (grey screen, Apple logo, spinning "gears"). I started up in "verbose" mode. The last console message listed is "IP firewall loaded", and the machine just sits there. I started ip in "single user" ode, and ran 'fsck'. The result was the same as when I ran "Disk Utility." We changed the PRAM battery and reset PRAM/PMU. No effect. The computer starts up fine in "Target Disk Mode" and it looks like I can see the files on that hard disk just fine from another computer. As I said, my next step may well be reformat/install, but I want to make sure I haven't missed anything.
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