IMac :: System Not Booting At All From Any Media

Jan 3, 2011

I have a 20" Intel Imac that will not boot, not even from a CD.Interestingly I never get the chime on boot up, I hear the hard drive and the combo drive spinning, and just wind up with the spinning wheel of death. I've tried unplugging for 30 minutes, all the different various ways to boot (safe, CD, clearing PRAM). Could it be the PRAM battery causing this?

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IMac :: Volume Too Loud On My System When Booting?

May 15, 2010

I boot the iMac, the volume of the single note that it makes when starting up is very loud. I've turned the volume down but when it reboots, it goes back to the original loud setting.

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IMac :: Cancel Sound Plays When Booting Up The System?

Nov 2, 2010

This is a bit of an old one I know. When I turn my Mac on it goes through the boot up process and as it about to come to the desktop image it selects the HD Mac as if I had pressed it with the mouse and then starts the cancel sound bonging away until I press the escape button on the keyboard.This normally keeps it at bay. Although on occasion it suddenly selects it again and starts playing the cancel sound again. When I unplug the keyboard it doesn't make that sound at all. I hate the wireless keyboard but wonder if I buy another wired one will it start making the same noise again?

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Mac Mini :: Using System As Media Hub?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm considering getting the base Mini and using it as a media hub to replace my AppleTV. I've hacked my AppleTV to run Netflix, Boxee, etc., but playback in Firefox can be slow. The only issue is the lack of Blu-Ray in the mini which would mean getting a Blu-Ray drive and cracking the mini open. Seems like a lot of work but it could replace my Sony Blu-Ray DVD player leaving only my Denon receiver, Cable box and Mac Mini.

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Mac Mini :: Using System As Media Center?

Sep 21, 2010

Just wondering how many of you guys here have been using the new Mac Mini as a Media Centre mac, and what your general opinions of it are? I'm fairly sure there is HDMI, but is the media playback up to par, and how easy is it to use from the couch?

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MacBook Pro :: Using Second System As Media Center

Jun 10, 2010

I have a quick question for all of you with two Apple notebooks (I've seen in many peoples signatures that they have two or more notebooks). I brought a 15" MacBook Pro last week and finally set it up on Monday, the idea was for it to replace my 2007 13" White MacBook! But now i've had a change of heart and don't really want to get rid! I'd like to keep it of I can find a use to justify doing so! Just wondering what everyone else uses a second notebook for?! I was considering using it as a media center and for around the house/coffee shop browsing (My new MacBook Pro's base gets to 40 degrees so can't see myself using it on my lap unfortunately)!

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Hardware :: Mac G4 Not Booting From System Install DVD

Dec 18, 2009

I just got a Mac G4 tower from a doctor I work with. He needed me to delete the whole hard drive before I took it. I booted off the OSX tiger DVD and wiped the drive with no problems, (I even booted it off the DVD the next day, to show my friend that the drive was wiped), but now that I have it home I am unable to boot from the OSX DVD. It shows the apple screen with the apple logo and the spinning... whatever you call it..... but then the screen just goes black after a minute or two. Have ejected the DVD, and retried, Zapped the PRAM by using control opt P+R and by unplugging the G4 and pushing the PMU button next to the battery.

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MacBook Air :: System Not Turning On After Hardcore Media Conversion?

Sep 20, 2010

I sold my MacBook Air to a co-worker some months back. Turns out he wanted it so he could do some hardcore media conversion - I'm talking Handbrake and DVD ripping and the whole nine. Upon finding this out, I cautioned him that there was a chance he could kill the lil bastid, he didn't listen, now he says it won't turn on. I advised him to bring it to me so I could take a look at it. Symptom is that the power button does nothing, apparently. Before I get into it, what do others think it might be? Inverter?

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Power Mac G5 :: System Not Booting - Only Gets To Apple Screen

Nov 25, 2007

I have a 2005 G5 PowerMac. It has been locking up lately. Tonight it will not boot. Everytime I turn it on I get to the apple screen and the circle keeps going round and round. I then followed the directions to reset the PMU and I disconnected the second hard drive. Now it will still not boot and gets to the apple screen, circles a couple of times then locks up. I have disconnected everything except the monitor, keyboard and mouse and still have the same problem. The largest issue is the CD drive will not open so I cannot attempt to reload the OS or anything else that requires the CD drive. I do not know if there is a manual way to open the drive. I have searched the help forums and only see the keyboard as an option. I have read many posts that the 9800 video card is a problem - we have an ATI 800 XT and I have not read anything hear about that card being an issue.

PowerMac G5 1.8g Dual-core
Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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Windows On Mac :: System Booting Without Option To Select OS

Sep 8, 2010

So I was trying to install windows on my Imac using bootcamp, and everything seemed to be working fine. I put in my Windows CD and pressed continue, it then loaded me up to the windows installation page and it told me that I could not use the Bootcamp partition to put my windows OP on, because the partition needed to be NSF or something like that, so I highlighted the Bootcamp partition from the menu, and then clicked the partition button, after I had done that, it was then able to install windows on that partition. After the installation was complete, my Imac now only boots up the windows operating system without any option to what operating system to be booted. What do I do?

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MacBook Pro :: System Going To Sleep While Booting To Windows?

Jul 6, 2010

Does OS X supports a feature (I think it's called S3) that allows the computer to write everything into the the HDD before sleeping and can wake up from a complete power down? I switch between Windows and Mac very often, for games mostly. But I don't want to shut down Mac every time I want to play a game. I don't want VM or any kind.

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Power Mac :: Not Booting - Disk Repair Through System CD Fails

Apr 9, 2012

My Power Mac froze, and won't boot. I'm running 10.4. No recent changes, downloads, or updates. Safe mode won't work. freezes on grey start up screen. System CD in drive, won't boot from holding down "c" held down option and selected CD and finally got to disk utility.

Now, when I try to run utility to repair permissions, I get an error stating "disk utility has lost its connection with the disk management tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch disk utility" happens over and over.

When I try to repair disk, I get a red line saying "reserved fields in the catalog record have incorrect date, keys out of order. The volume could not be repaired". Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972). 1 volume could not be repaired.

powermac G5 2.5g ram 23 flat screen, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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PowerPC :: IBook Booting - Gray Overlay With With Little Box Saying To Restart System

Apr 6, 2008

I started up my iBook today and it took me all the way through sign-in to my desktop before giving me a grey overlay with a little box saying that I need to restart. So I did and then it took me to my desktop again before scrolling code across the screen in a very messy, un-mac-like way. I tried getting into safe boot (restarting and pressing shift from after the tone until the apple and wheel show up) and it just ran the apple and wheel grey start-up screen for a while before kicking back into a normal restart and giving me the earlier results. So I went and got myself into single-user mode and ran the fsck -yf command. It told me this: Checking Catalog file Invalid extent entry (4, 190) Volume check failed Is there any way to fix this, to save my computer? I don't know anything about code or computers. My general mode of operation has been "I bought a /mac/. I shouldn't ever have to look at code."

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IMac :: Imac 27" Brief Mechanical Ejection Sound From Dvd Drive When Booting Up

Dec 2, 2009

Had a quick question. I'm on my third 27" stock 3.06Ghz imac that was replaced yesterday. The good news is that so far it doesn't seem to have any of the problems of my previous two 27" imac's. There is one thing though. A couple of seconds after pressing the power button to bootup there is a brief mechanical sound from the dvd drive like a quick ejecting sound even though there is no cd in the drive. My first 27" imac dvd drive made the sound but the second imac 27" Imac I had didn't. Is this sound normal? Would be curious to know why two out of the three 27" Imac's I had make that noise.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: System Doesn't Restart When Booting For DVD For Disk Repair

Feb 25, 2012

I ran a disk check on my MacBook Pro which told me to run disk repair. Since this was my boot HD, I took out my Installation DVD, put it into the running system and started the installation file then selected that I wanted to reboot and start utilities. The system then rebooted, the "chime" came, and then, silence, gray screen with apple logo, nothing is happening. What do I need to do, to get further and repair my hard disk?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: Media Folder Location Moved - Deleted All Media?

Apr 24, 2012

I recently changed the iTunes Media Folder default location to a different area on my drive. I waited a couple minutes and the files did not move. I was unaware you had to go into your settings and also select to consolodate files. Since the files didn't move I reselected my default location and kept trying to go back and forth a couple times. After letting it sit for a couple more minutes I noticed over 200 GB's of files were missing. I looked in each folder I tried to change the default Media Folder location to but they were not in either of them. I have also ran multiple system file recover programs and been unable to find them. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac PPC :: OS Is Not Booting On G5?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a IMAC g5 PPC based machine.It was working fine before several days.Leopard 10.5.8 is intalled on it.Currently i am not able to boot OS.Whenever I power on the machine is stops at brown screen(with apple logo). I have tried to start in safe mode as well as single user mode. I am able to start it in single user mode but after 1-2 mins automattically it shows an error like this. "ioatacontroller device blocking bus" And after that system got stuck. I dont have any OS bootable disk. From where can I download the source of OS which I can install on IMAC g5 PPC based machine. 

MAC os X, Mac OSX (10.5.7)

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Windows On Mac :: Integrating 7 And Media On IMac

Sep 24, 2010

I just got myself a new iMac 27" i5. And I want to use Windows 7 (64-bit Ultimate Edition) alongside OSX Snow Leopard. The best way to do is I think with BootCamp, as I will be using it for a few hours straight. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Btw is 64-bit version of Windows 7 better suited than the 32-bit?

I want to transfer all my existing files from my laptop to my iMac, including iTunes account and data.What is the best way to do so?

And lastly, is it posible to make a separate partition with all documents and movies/music etc. to be usable it both operating systems? If so,

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IMac :: Best Software For Burning Media?

Dec 14, 2009

I just downloaded the toast titanium and i'm impressive. it seems much better than nero. is there any better options?

i like because i can work with video ts folders and compress them. very nice, i was looking for this kind of software.

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OS X :: G5 IMac Not Booting At All Running 10.4.11

Dec 24, 2009

Have a G5 iMac (non Intel) that was running OS 10.4.11 that now won't boot. I get the chime and the Apple then blue screen where it hangs. It won't even boot from an install CD/DVD (same routine) to blue screen. I had wanted to do an archive and reinstall but couldn't get the disk to boot. I have been able to Safe Boot and view files. In Safe Boot, I've verified the hard drive (no problems detected) and Repaired Privileges, but still won't boot (blue Screen). I've tried an install disk with same result (no boot and blue screen).

I've hooked the G5 to another G5 iMac, booted the bad G5 in Target Mode. The hard drive appears on the second G5s desktop. Using CCC have cloned the hard drive to an external hard drive (now have a backup of I don't know what. During the cloning, Norton AntiVirus detected and Quarantined a virus. I've run DiskUtility from the second iMac and again found no problems with the hard drive or permissions. Should I erase the bad hard drive, reinstall system software (using an interim user). The try to migrate all the old applications and files from the clone? If not what should I do next?

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IMac :: Noise When Booting Up?

Mar 14, 2009

I just bought a new iMac (2.93) today and every time I turn it on it makes a weird zzzZZ noise. Same thing happens when I wake the computer up from sleep mode. It sounds like its coming from the disc drive area. IDK if this is normal or what to do to fix it

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OS X :: Imac Indigo Not Booting?

Aug 4, 2009

a neighboor in my buiding has found in the streets an imac indigo that isn't functionning and asked me to help him. Being skillfull on pc, despite I own an apple II, eons ago, I don't know anything about mac computers nowadays.

Searching the web, I found this might be an imac G3 with cd tray loading. When powered on, a folder with a question mark shows off.. I read that this might indicate a disk failure.

I tried powering it on with the C key down, it showed me a screen with 2 buttons: an cycling like arrow and an arrow to the right. Inserting the disk1 of panther gives me a icon in the middle of the 2 previous one with a mac osx Disc1 label. Clicking on the arrow to the right, the watch pointer revolves a bit and nothing more.

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IMac :: Booting Up In 64-bit Configuration?

Apr 3, 2010

I have seen discussion about booting up in 64 bit configuration. I have read that you hold down the 6 and 4 keys during boot up. Didn't work for me with my I7. How does one really check on this? My understanding Snow Leopard is 32 bit on boot up by default.

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OS X :: Convert Mac System Drive To Regular Media Drive - Without Formatting?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a Mac OS X install on a hard drive which I've removed from my system due to installing a new SSD with a brand new install of OS X. I'd like to use the old 500GB drive as a storage/backup drive, but the file system/all my data is still intact on the drive. This could be useful as I want to keep all my data and would save me having to copy across to another drive, format the entire disk and then copy it all back.

I'm just a bit worried about what to do with the system files that were on there... can I just move all the files I want to keep out of the usual Mac home folders and then just delete all the system folders as if they were never there? Or do I have to re-format/re-partition to get the most out of the 'new' media drive?

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PowerPC :: Booting A G5 IMac Via Ethernet?

Nov 15, 2007

I'm sure I've heard somewhere that it's possible to turn Macs on via ethernet, I've looked around on google and the forums here but haven't found a thing saying how to do it. Is it possible merely I imagined this?

I want to boot a G5 iMac, connected via ethernet through an AirPort Extreme, (802.11n 100Gb model).

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IMac :: Randomly Turned On And Now Not Booting

Nov 30, 2008

A couple of nights ago, my iMac randomly turned on in the middle of the night, so I held the back power button to shut it off. Later that morning, I tried to turn it on and was left with this screen (see attachment). I was very confused. After trying to boot into target mode, safe mode, the assorted...I restored the computer. It seems to work fine now, but I'm still wondering...what the happened?

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IMac :: Booting From USB External HD From Intel On PPC

Apr 28, 2009

My Intel MacBook is in the shop, and I swapped out my hard drive before I sent it in and put it in a USB enclosure. I was able to boot my friend's MacBook Pro from the drive, but my G4 Mac Mini is not seeing it as an option (upon startup or otherwise). I can read files from it, but I really need to boot from the drive for some other things (cookies, passwords, and especially the ability to sync my iPod touch).

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IMac :: Booting - Cannot Get To Login Screen

Sep 6, 2009

When I turned my iMac on this morning (iMac G5 PPC 10.5.8) it went through all of the "normal" steps (gong, grey screen, apple logo, progress wheel, blue screen) and stopped at the blue screen. Thinking it was just a fluke, I shut the machine down and restarted, only to have it stop at the blue screen again.

After disconnecting everything going into the iMac except the keyboard and mouse, I attempted to boot into safe mode but it stopped at the blue screen again. I tried single user mode too but I didn't get any further than the blue screen.

Next, I flashed the PRAM (big gong, single quieter gong) and afterwards it came to the blue screen.

I reattached my external drive and selected to boot from a 2-day old backup. Using the backup I was able to log into both my regular account and my "test" account (without login items).

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PowerPC :: Using IMac G5 With ISight Not Booting

Nov 4, 2009

I purchased the last generation iMac G5 when it came out a few years ago and I recently tried to sell it. I sent the item to the buyer and he said it would not start. The Apple logo or for that matter anything would not come up. He brought it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and they said it was an issue that would most likely cost over $500 in repairs. I just got the computer back in the mail and all that happens when the power button is pressed is the white light on the front lower right hand corner comes on for a second, then the machine shuts down. You can also hear the machine begin to start for about two seconds, then it shuts down. Any ideas as to the problem and whether it is fixable without expensive repair costs?

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 - Not Booting (6 Sec Shutdown)

Nov 24, 2009

I've been looking around on a few forums, and I've tried to reset PMU, hold the programmer key, take out battery let it be, external screen,... None of it worked for me. I have tried to install Os X Jaguar without upgrading firmware, so it told me that it needed to upgrade. But I can't do that since it doesn't boot anymore. I tried disconnecting the harddrive and boot it without it, it still turns off. [URl]

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