OS X :: Forgot My Apple Mail Passord / Can I Create New
May 6, 2010
Dopey me. I bought a new Mini today, and eveything's up and running except Apple Mail. I can't configure my account correctly because I can't remember the old password I was using. (It was different from my OSX administrator password.) Can I can create new one?
I don't know why but a recently I've been asked to enter my icloud password related to my iCloud e-Mail address. stupidly, I've forgot what my password is. is there a chance to reset it somehow?Â
To explain the situation a bit better and what I've tried already, here a short discription of the situation:Â
- I do have a appleID that is called firstname.lastname@gmail.com the related password is appleID_Password1.
with this combination I also conduct my purchases in iTunes and the AppStore. But to rule this possibility already out: It doesn't let me access my iCloud eMail account in Apple Mail. Funny enough, though, when visiting iCloud.com this is the combination with which I log onto iCloud incl it's mail service within the web browser.Â
- the iCloud eMail address for whose password I am looking is called something like abcde@me.com. I have implemented it into my Apple Mail program running on Mac OS X Lion. Since setting up the account i've never ever been asked to enter my password. But now, out of a sudden, I was. And, of course, I couldn't remember it anymore. Hence, I don't receive any eMails sent to abcde@me.com anymore on my mac.Â
Can somebody tell me how to fix it, if it is not the password for my appleID??
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I try to use .mac mail, it asks for a mail.mac.com password but I don't remember the mac Mail password I gave when I set up my MacBook. How can I find it or reset it so I can use my mail (I've been using mail through my provider all this time).
I'm fairly new to Apple Mail and what not. So I'm going to refer to what I used to do on my PC to handle some important email's that I received. This was while I was using the built in Windows Mail program. What I want to do and use to do is. While in the mail program I created an "Important" folder for the mail program and I would move important emails that I did not want lingering in my inbox and that I didn't want to delete or anything. Is there some way to create folders in Apple Mail to save some important emails like this? I have 3 email accounts in Apple Mail [Gmail, MobileMe, & Comcast POP].
I just upgraded to MacOSx 10.9.3 (Mavericks) from Mountain Lion. Apple Mail can no longer create a reminder by dragging an email into the reminders icon on the bottom app bar. This was a great function. Was it discontinued in Mavericks, or is this a flaw that I can fix by changing a setting somehow?
I have the advantage of having my own server for mail at Media Temple. So I can create a number of account stemmed off my central domain. The problem iswith my limited knowledge of Apple Mail, I have to create an account for each one. Time consuming and somewhat unnecessary..What I would like to do is have an account that downloaded from the server more trhan one account:Â Example url...Can I do this in Apple Mail with one account?
Info: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Macboo Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB RAM, GeForce 8600M GT
Still working on late brother in law's computer. Was able to reset password but now can't access any data based protected by apple id number, e.g. itunes, and other rhings.
I'm migrating the admin side of my life to my iMac. I am using Mac mail for my mai, this includes a Gmail IMAP account and a POP3 account for my meandering ISP. The IMAP one loads up fine with the IMAP folders there under a sub set of folders for the account.But the POP3 account won't let me create folders within it nor does it have a subset like the Geekwolf one you see below.What do I need to do to get it to have folders, I need to be able to sort incoming mail, but at the moment, I can't.My ISP does have an IMAP setting, but I don't want to have the mail sat about on a server.Â
Not quite ready to upgrade to lion but cant get mail in snow leopard to set up an account to download my icloud .me emails.Im on the latest version of snow.Is t me or mail? surely its just an IMAP account at the end of the day?
I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail (Optonline.net). Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.
It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.
Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.
I've been married for over 5 years but my Apple ID is my maiden name. Can I create an Apple ID with my married name and somehow transfer all the information from my first account over to the new one? I don't understand why I can't create a new account and merge the two, erasing the first one.
With all the talk about gaming at Apples keynotes and the upcoming valve release, do you think that Apple is going to create a gaming platform like the PS3 or Xbox 360?
I am looking to create an Apple Script to search through the console log for a certain string of text, but am not having much success. Specifically, I would want the script to search through the system log, and if it finds a string of text it would use the say command to say that it found the string. Conversely, if it does not find the search string it would use the say command to say it didn't.
Apple tells me because of their move to iCloud the iWeb function on my MacBook will no longer be able to publish my website. I can create a site with iWeb but not publish it. I will need a third party. I like managing my website myself. What are people doing in my situation? I haven't moved to iCloud yet but am told I will have to by June 30. All I'm seeing in the forums is how much trouble people are having with iCloud.
I highlighted about 23 songs from an album, and clicked on create apple lossless version. I now have two copies of each song. Shouldn't it have asked me if I wanted to delete the original version? I guess I need to delete each one individually?
i just bought a second hand ibook G4 power pc 933mhz mac os x 10.3.9 recently, the problem start when i can't create a new account for the Mail. Once mail application has loaded but i can't click to preferences as most of the function do not highlight.
I'm running 10.7and I'm trying to create an applescript to install printers. I'm able to run the first command without issues but the other two keeps giving me error messages in applescript. I assume its because the other two commands have spaces? These are the commands I run when in Terminal:Â
Since updating Safari recently to 5.1.5, if I choose the Mail Link to This Page command, instead of opening Mail.app with a new email with the link pasted in, it launches Google Chrome and, in Chrome, goes to the email login page for Google webmail. If I choose the Mail Contents of This Page command, I get an error message stating: "Safari can't create an email message because Google Chrome.app doesn't support sending webpages from Safari. You can use the Mail application included with Mac OS X to send webpages." Safari is set as my default browser. This behavior started immediately after the 5.1.5 update.I use these commands pretty regularly and, through many version of mail.app and Safari, there has never been a glitch. Any ideas, folks? Or is this a bug introduced by 5.1.5 or some other recent Software Update? (Software updates are completely up to date and on 10.7.3.)