Applications :: ITunes - Create Apple Lossless Version
Sep 8, 2010
I highlighted about 23 songs from an album, and clicked on create apple lossless version. I now have two copies of each song. Shouldn't it have asked me if I wanted to delete the original version? I guess I need to delete each one individually?
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Mar 18, 2012
When I hit control click it offers option to create apple lossless version of this music. How can it create a lossless version when I ripped it at 128kbps? I don't understand.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 8, 2007
Is there a Mac program that will take FLAC and APE files and convert them into Apple Lossless (m4a) for import into iTunes?
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Jan 14, 2010
How to - Creating and maintaining Lossless and Lossy music libraries in iTunes 9
A forum member has asked for information on how to create a new library for his music collection and below is my attempt to help. Having done this myself and never finding a complete step-by-step guide, I?ve attempted to make one of my own. Many others have helped me along the way so this is my way of giving back. Unfortunately, I don?t have my MBP right now and won?t have a Mac around for about two months. Please feel free to add feedback, tell me where I?m wrong, what?s missing or offer other ways of accomplishing these tasks. Once I get MR member input, I will update this post to reflect the best current practices for creating and maintaining two separate libraries for your lossless and lossy music collection. At the bottom of the post I list a couple of known issues and have a couple of questions so please chime in.
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Dec 28, 2009
I still have a great number of AIFF files in my music library.
I'd like to convert them to Apple Lossless, as it's the same sound quality at half the space.
I know you can create a copy of any file in another format, but it sounds quite complicated. First you have to create a copy, and then you need to delete the "original" AIFF file.
Can't I just convert an existing file without a copy, keeping also the play counts?
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Mar 1, 2010
It used to work: You highlighted the songs you wanted to create an Apple Lossless version of, and they would show up underneath the AIFF version.
No longer.
iTunes 9 still could do this.
iTunes 9.0.3 loses them. It processes them, puts them into the right folder, but you can't see them in iTunes.
1. Can I downgrade to iTunes 9.0 where this bug wasn't present?
2. Or do I have to manually import into iTunes? (This would erase the playcount, I suppose)
Or is there any other way around this bug? (or isn't it a bug, but a feature that has been disabled by Apple for whatever reason?)
PS: I found a place where I can download iTunes 9.0.1 for OS X. Are there any possible problem when installing an older version over a newer version, e.g. in regards to the library?
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Aug 30, 2010
And what it is for?
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Mar 18, 2010
K...I have finally figured out how to convert FLAC to Apple Lossless and put them into iTunes...But is there a way to separate MP3 and Lossless files in iTunes?
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Apr 2, 2010
For some unknown reason, I can no longer choose 'Create MP3 version' from the right-click menu. I can still do it from the 'Advanced' menu, but why could it be gone from the right-click menu, all of a sudden? I have tried changing to AAC/WAV and other codecs, but it doesn't help.
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Feb 4, 2009
I just noticed something in iTunes 8. In the Advanced drop down menu, you can now create iPod or iPhone and Apple TV versions of the videos you have in iTunes. However, the only video I can import are already iPod ready.
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Sep 26, 2010
I have written the applescript below to duplicate my Apple Lossless iTunes library as a MP3 Library. I wanted the script to be able to do the following things:
1. For all Apple Lossless tracks in iTunes Library (at the moment the script is just set to work with a selection for testing purposes) check if track already exists in MP3 folder with more recent modification date and:
a If yes, do nothing
b If same track with earlier modification date convert and replace track (so that tag changes are transferred)
c If track doesn't exist convert track.
2. If there are any MP3 files in the target folder that aren't in the source folder (i.e. the iTunes Music Folder), delete these files. This is for the scenario when I delete files from my iTunes Library that I no longer want, and I want the equivalent MP3 file to be deleted as well. So once the script has finished running there should be an exact match between the Apple Lossless library and the MP3 folder.
The script below does everything I want it to do with the following caveats:
1. I am not sure how to go about deleting the MP3 files as in part 2. I guess it would have to be an additional section of script which compares each file by name in the folder/subfolder in the iTunes Music Library with the equivalent folders in the target music folder, deleting any files found in the target music folder that don't exist in the iTunes Music folders, but I'm not sure if this is the best/only method, and how I would go about scripting this.
2. Because I need to specify the conversion twice (once if no file exists in target folder and once if it does but with an older modification date) I am wondering about using a subroutine method here. I tried doing so, but no conversions happened even though some should have happened. I wonder if this is because the relevant variables aren't picked up properly by the script when it's a subroutine. I can leave things as they are, just thought it would be good to make the script neater.
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Sep 29, 2009
I was wondering if anyone knew why ITunes takes forever to make an "ipod/iphone" version of a movie from the advanced menu? It seems like when i use mpeg stream clip or another video converter it is much quicker.
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Apr 6, 2009
For years I've used iTunes' "Create AAC version" .mp3 to .m4a feature in the advanced menu, primarily to reduce the file size of my many thousand mp3 songs.
Since the latest update to iTunes, whenever I do this now, the AAC version file size created by iTunes get larger, and makes the .m4a significantly bigger than an .mp3.
I understood the very point of an AAC/.m4a was to be a smaller sized file of an equivilent .mp3 while keeping a similar quality.
I know large artwork affects the file size, but this still happens regardless of artwork.
Does anyone know what's changed re this feature in this latest update?
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Feb 25, 2010
I currently purchase TV shows for the kids and rent movies (Apple TV) but until the Apple iTunes store offers the choice of lossless files (like other online music stores).. I'll continue to purchase CDs.
Chris Jacob is correct the "LP" series should be ALAC - Apple Lossless.
Its an interesting article, published last year;[URL]
If Apple really wants to recreate that "feel" of buying a record, I have to feel like I'm buying something that isn't just higher quality, but also permanent. If I buy a lossy AAC file from the iTunes store today, not only do I know that it's inferior to the same $15 CD, but also that I'll have to chuck it once AAC is put out to pasture.
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Apr 13, 2012
I've downloaded a few movies from iTunes, and one was able to be put on my iPhone, but the other two will not. I never looked too far into it- just figured it was a bug- but I recently have purchased a movie I want on my phone and found out I can use the "Create iPod or iPhone" capability in the advanced menu. The only problem is... I can't use it. It's un-clickable. My iTunes is up-to-date and I made sure i'm selecting the movie I want to convert, but it still won't make itself an option to click.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6
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Mar 19, 2010
K...So I downloaded XLD to convert my FLAC files to Apple Lossless...But for some reason it is not transferring the whole album. Does anyone have any ideas on why this would be happening?
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Apr 21, 2012
I recently decided to sync my entire iTunes Library to my iPod instead of managing it all manually. I use the option "Convert higher bit rate songs to 256 kbps AAC", since most of my library consists of CD rips. At the end of each sync, I receive the following message:
"iTunes could not copy "Stage Start" to the iPod because the file could not be converted"
I took a look at the tracks in question, and couldn't find any good reason that they would not convert. They are ALAC files that I ripped from CD, and there are other tracks on the same album that converted with no problems. As a test, I changed the Import Settings to AAC@256kbps, right-clicked on the file and chose "Create AAC version", but received this message.
I'm not sure why it would say the file format is not valid, when it is lossless like all the rest and plays fine. I checked the file(s) in Finder and it has the .m4a extension like all the rest. The only thing different I noticed is that the album art thumbnail doesn't show up for these particular tracks.
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Jul 28, 2010
I'm fairly new to Apple Mail and what not. So I'm going to refer to what I used to do on my PC to handle some important email's that I received. This was while I was using the built in Windows Mail program. What I want to do and use to do is. While in the mail program I created an "Important" folder for the mail program and I would move important emails that I did not want lingering in my inbox and that I didn't want to delete or anything. Is there some way to create folders in Apple Mail to save some important emails like this? I have 3 email accounts in Apple Mail [Gmail, MobileMe, & Comcast POP].
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Jul 27, 2004
I listened to a few U2 songs encoded with AAC and Apple Lossless. Listening through the standard ipod ear buds, I honestly could not tell the difference.
Has anyone been able to notice a discernible improvement with Lossless? If so, what type of music/speakers were you using?
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Dec 31, 2009
As the main title says I am trying to find out why Itunes adds a folder for each new song that I add to Itunes it very nice if you have a few albums but when you intend to add a few thousand songs it could becoming a House Keeping problem.
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Mar 26, 2009
Am I the only one who feels that iTunes has become far too bloated and heavy on system resources for such a simple task as......playing mp3s? Theres no reason for iTunes to be taking up 70+ mb of ram. And why is still called 'iTunes' when its more of a media central application, seeing how it combines iphones, ipods, apple TV, ringtones, tv episodes, etc. Its become way too broad to be called iTunes.
This is one thing that bugs me. Some of us prefer not to use such a proprietary based digital audio player like the ipod/iphones and have more common sense by using UMS based players which dont require software, and therefor have no need for all the extra features of it. And seeing how theres really only itunes for mac thats worthy of being used, im pretty much stuck on iTunes. Basically, I *ONLY* use iTunes for mp3 playback on my mac. If this was the case on windows side, I'd have a plethora of choices (im expecting blind apple sheep to start screaming at me for that one). Each time I setup iTunes with a new installation or new login account, i turn off ALLLL the features. The only one that stays is internet radio.
Basically: iTunes has become far too bloated and broad. There should be something lighter for such a common, simple, everyday used task as playing mp3s.
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Sep 17, 2009
I'm so confused by iTunes 9. I can't figure out how to a) identify songs which are eligible for ringtones (remember the little bell column that used to designate ringtone availability) and b) how to create the ringtone once I choose a song.
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Sep 2, 2010
If I download the new version of iTunes, is there an option to opt out of, or switch off ping?
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Sep 19, 2010
I hope this is in the proper section...I bought an album on iTunes yesterday and today I realized it was the clean version. Does iTunes offer some sort of exchange for mistakes like this?
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Apr 20, 2009
Does anyone notice it takes a few seconds longer for iTunes 8 to load, or am I the only one with this issue, it seems to take forever.
Does anyone know a way to fix this?
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Mar 27, 2009
If I buy a music in iTunes and want to create a ringtone from it in iTunes... Do I have to buy the ringtone? How can I create/save it?
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May 13, 2010
I am a DJ, using all vinyl records. I would love to create an iTunes library that would catalog my entire vinyl collection, thus allowing me to create playlists of songs, genres, etc that I can refer to on my iPhone when I am out on a gig. I do NOT want to bother with converting my vinyl collection to mp3's. All I want to do is to create dummy albums in iTunes for each of my vinyl records. Is there any way to do this? I just want to type in the artist and album title and have iTunes fill in the rest of the info. Yes? There are other applications that have been created to catalog record collections, but then they do not allow me to create playlists with individual songs, which is important for my needs.
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Dec 19, 2009
What was the first version of iTunes that can plat AAC radio streams? I use a very old G4 500 MHz powermac to listen to iTunes streaming internet radio, but more and more stations are switching to AAC streams, which the old 10.3 compatible version of iTunes doesn't support and won't play them. The current version of itunes' minimum system requirements is a 1 Ghz G4, so I can't use the current version of iTunes. If I upgrade this machine to OS 10.4, will I be able to install a version of iTunes that plays AAC radio streams?
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Jun 1, 2010
I've been wanting to create a digital archive of all my music. I want to accomplish two things
1. Put all my CDs in their original quality on my hard drive and regularly back it up. Hopefully, once this is done, I can discard all of my CDs or put them away in a hard to reach box, thereby reducing clutter.
2. Have all of my songs easily accessible via a iPod/iPhone/etc. I have only about 150 CDs.
I'm a PC user, but am thinking about getting a Mac Book Pro. As of now, it looks like iTunes and Windows Media Player would let me accomplish #1, but since I want to get #2 as well, I've decided to use iTunes. But I have a ton of questions and am hoping to get get some answers. Right now, I just pop the CD into the drive, and get iTunes to Import the CD with the only changes to the default being that I ask it to import to WAV (which is not the default). However, I use the default WAV settings.
Am I doing the right thing with respect to importing for best quality? Why does iTunes offer additional configuration for importing to WAV files? There are settings for sampling rate and such, although I'm just using the defaults for those. Would there be any difference at all between a rip using Windows Media Player and a rip using iTunes? I have enabled error correction in the "import settings". Is there a way to tell if there were no errors, if an error was encountered and corrected, or if an uncorrectable error was encountered, while importing a CD? For many of the CDs that I've imported so far, Apple does not seem to have the artwork. Is there a recommended place to get artwork for iTunes and what would be the procedure for adding artwork? After I have imported a CD in WAV, how do I convert that to something smaller that I can then download to an iPod? Is it possible for iTunes to keep the song in multiple formats?
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Sep 17, 2009
I have a issue with iTunes 9: basically every time I download a new episode of a podcast it creates a new folder instead adding the episode to the existing one.
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