OS X :: Flash Drive Not Shown In Finder - Not Removing Correctly
Aug 11, 2009
I have a flash drive that I purchased yesterday. The first time I stuck it in it was read like expected. I ejected it correctly, everything was fine. Now when I put it in, it doesn't show up on the desktop or in the finder. However when I unplug it I get the message saying it was not removed correctly.
I have a 1gb flash drive that i've connected to my macbook. There are no files on the flash drive yet it shows that there is only 97mb's available on the flash drive.
This is so odd to me, but am sure i'm not the 1st person to come across such a situation.
I recently purchased a 500gb LaCie hard drive to use as as extra storage for media, not necessarily for back up purposes. I cannot seem to find it either under disc utilities or in the finder window. Has anyone had this issue with a hard drive and if so any suggestions?
I have a Macbook (blackbook) running OS X 10.5.3 and a 160GB Firelite HD that connects via USB. It use to show up and run just find but lately it hasn't been showing up on the desktop or in Finder. However, it shows up in Disk Utility, which shows that nothing is wrong with it. How do I get it to show back up on the desktop/finder?
I have a lot of icons in my macbook. when I search through spotlight for finding special icon, it shows images of the all icons same although when I click and preview, it shows the correct icon image. I don't know why it shows the icons incorrectly. please help me what can I do.
My cursor was moving over the flash drive icon in Finder. I clicked on the icon. I think Finder believed I was trying to move the icon elsewhere. The icon vanished in a puff of smoke. Now I cannot see it on Finder.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), logo vanished in a puff of smoke
This has been bugging me for a long time. Using 10.5.8, when I plug in a flash drive, the sidebar is the same as any Finder window. Maybe there's no way to change that - out of the box I mean, not by the user.This came up again when showing someone the procedure for coying to the flash drive. "Can I click on 'documents' over here?" (in the sidebar)"No, that's not the one you want.""Why not?" "Good question."
Wouldn't it make more sense for there to be no Places listed in the flash drive window, or to be able to assign Places that are actually on the flash drive rather than having those take you to, well, places on the hard drive? I'm I the only one annoyed by this?
5870 Mac Edition, I was considering flashing a PC 4870 or 4890. I had been browsing through Cindori's first post in the 4870/4890 flashing thread, and noticed that the cards shown in the pictures are becoming very hard to come by.
As a new Mac user and as the result of my machinations in the iMac Lion OS, I managed to wind up with an extra PC showing in the Shared section of the Finder Sidebar. I show my wife's PC and Time Capsule but I have an extra PC named Gerry581e of which I have no idea. I would like to know how to delete it from the list.
Occurring starting about last month, this has gone from a seldom, to all the time situation. plugging in any USB memory device either directly to the computer, or with cables, will allow the files to be accessed/changed/deleted by programs, but the device with it's files will not show in finder. The device shows in System information. I have set Finder to show everything, but they no longer apear. Before failing entirely, I would sometimes have the device show for a short time, then get an "Improper removal" error, without touching the device, after a few moments. All these memory devices still function properly when used in external devices and when direcly accesed by software. Not being able to use finder to modify content is a significant problem.
My time capsule shows up in finder under shared devices but when I click on it and it tries to connect it says 'connection failed' this is annoying. As I would like to access the external hard drive that I have connected to it. I am having no problems at all doing scheduled backups to the TC via time machine.
I have a macbookpro. I use Aperture and Iphoto. When I connect any camera to the Mac it does not open it as a device in Iphoto, Aperture or in Finder. It use to work but just stopped.How do I load my pictures to either iPhoto or Aperture?
When I connect an external harddrive to my Macbookpro it does not show on Finder, Diskutil (but the hdd disk starts). USB works fine. If I plug in FW when computer is shut down or sleep it works fine. Cant find out why. Tried with different cables and disks.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is there a way to see the number of items in a folder shown in finder?
Seems to me that in earlier versions, if you had a folder with 100 items (e.g., photos) in a folder in a finder window, when you clicked on the folder, something like "100 Items" would appear at the bottom of the finder window. I don't see this now in Lion.
Does anyone know how I could go about removing the blue 'screen' or flash I get when my display setup changes?
I have my HDTV setup as another monitor and whenever I turn it on or off the displays all flash blue, OSX resyncs the setup it would seem. Is there any way to prevent this? or override it?
Recently I noticed icons of mp3 files are no longer as used to be in finder. Previously I had a dark music note icon and when i hover my mouse there was a play button. Now I only see itunes icon in mp3 files. "Show Icon Preview" option is enabled, and i can preview image and pdf files in finder. But something happened to the mp3 files. get back the good old icon preview for mp3 files.
I'm running 10.9.4 on a Macbook Pro 2.9 Ghz Intel Core i7 with 8GB RAM. Finder has stopped drawing windows correctly. If I am in Finder and chose New Window in the Archive Meny, a new Window opens, but I don't see anything. Well, I can see something, I see the outlines of the window, the icons at the top and stuff in at the left of the window like favorites, drives, shared network drives, but the I don't see the actual files in the newly opened window.Â
The windows opens, but I only see what's behind the Finder window. For instance, If I open a new Finder window (like Documents) on top of Safari where I write this post, I'll not see documents but this text I'm writing. I've tried restarting the computer to no avail. I have tried resetting NVRAM/PRAM without success. Thinking if there perhaps is a plist file for this, but I don't know.
I recently purchased a Mac and downloaded my iPad apps to the Mac. The files are all shown in Applications in Finder but I cannot access them.. The files do not open and I've tried everything. I would like to use my apps on the Mac.
How do I remove shortcuts in the sidebar of the Finder? I tried to drag them out of the Finder to let them 'poof' and go away outside the pane, but this doesn't seem to work in Lion.
I have got some email, folder and question mark icons on my Finder Task bar. I can't clear them using preference or right clicking. I can't drag them off ether.
I have a (newly) mixed network - Mac OS X 10.3 and Win XP Pro. I have two internal hard drives in each machine. After downloading SharePoint I was able to see the second Mac HD from the XP machine. I can't for the life of me find any reference to accessing the D: drive on the XP machine from the Mac box. It seems to me that using "Finder->Go->"connect to server" forces you to log on as a user and then only gives you access to user level and below. In other words you can't get to "My Computer" to access other drives. Links don't appear to work so I can't set a shortcut (tried the "nethood" folder under the user account but they are only links and didn't get me anywhere). I have all sharing turned on. Can access the user folder no problem. Just can't get to upper level resources.
I was thinking of removing my DVD Superdrive and adding a SSD drive. Will I be able to put the DVD drive in an enclosure and use it as an external drive?
I have successfully connected a couple of times to a firewire external hard drive connected to my dad's iMac over the internet (AFP server) for the purpose of backing up some files, but now it doesn't show up at all as a volume when I connect to his iMac through finder/go/connect to server. I don't believe that any settings were changed, so don't understand why it isn't showing up. Currently when I get info on the drive 'shared folder' is checked, everyone has permission to read and write and 'ignore ownership on this volume' is checked and file sharing is enabled in system preferences/sharing.
I have a Western Digital External HD and am using an emac computer. I left my hd plugged into another mac for a week while I was on vacation, it was working fine. When I got back it was not showing up on the computer, and would not show up after I unplugged it, restarted, etc. I thought maybe it was the computer, but it will not show up on mine either. I cannot be sure the hd was not dropped, but I was told that it was not dropped. Anyway, it turns on when plugged in and makes noises like it's working, and the lights are on. It just does not show up on my computer. My friend said this is probably a case problem, but I don't know what to do in general about it.
I have a lacie firewire external hardrive. It's not showing on my mac when I plug in the firewire cable. When I put the usb cable in it shows right up. Now, when i connect the firewire cable to a friend's mac it shows right up.
New member. Just got myself a new MacBook pro i5 15' to replace my old MacBook. I noticed when I opened the system profiler under ATA it said no hard drive was present or selected or something to that effect. Everything is running beautifully on the machine but I was just curious why nothing showed up. Any ideas?