When booting, after Login, finder is continously starting and quitting, never showing any desktop icons or sth. like that.
Issue appeared after installing new Safari Update. -> deleted hdd, overwritten with nulls -> recovered with time machine backup (i had serveral some small other issues, and thought it would be a good idea) (Tried two different backups, one even 2 months old, when this issue surely doesn't came up, but had the same problem) repaired permissions, repaired hdd without problems from leo dvd.
I recently added a NAS with four main partitions (recognizes them as drives). Now, when ever I start up my mac, finder opens four panes, one for each drive. Is there any way I can prevent finder from automatically opening?
mac mini running 10.4, iomega network drive attached to linksys wireless router.
I was working on my iMac (last year's model) today and the finder hung up (beach ball spinning). I force quit the finder, but it then refused to relaunch (although I could use other programs as before). I then tried to restart the computer but couldn't, and had to force the power off by holding the power button for a few seconds. Now when the computer starts up, it gets to the point where the "loading wheel" (with external spokes) starts turning, but then this "wheel" freezes. I put in my TechTool Pro 5 disc to start it up from that, but the same thing happens (yes, I have been holding down "C" when it starts to make sure that it uses it as a start-up disc). I am at a total loss, and live far from any computer repair store.
Since installing Leopard the Finder window pops up automatically after staring my Mac. This didn't happen any time before (from System 1 to 10.4.10!). I hate it but I don't know where to change that setting.
Have got an Ipod touch, so when i plug it in it opens up itunes as you would expect but it doesn't show up in finder. I have ticked the box in preferences to allow it to and it still wont show up.
one day i open my mac, the right side of the screen where i use to have some folders the i create is gone and the applications or the finder is not open. the top of the screen have the apple sign, Finder, file, edit and view all of the thing on the top of the desktop, it appear something and disappear and like appear and disappear every ten sec. but all other stuff work from the dock, and i can see all the file or the folders the disappear on the parallels desktop, just not on the mac.
I accidentally removed my HD from under the Devices folder in Finder when I was trying to drag and drop songs into iTunes. I assume there must be an easy way to get it to show up there again, I just am not sure what that is. It got dragged into whatever folder I was in in Finder and just kinda poof it was gone...
(Running 10.4.6 on an eMac btw) As I type this in a Firefox window, I am unable to type ANYTHING in Finder. I created a new folder and tried to rename it - nothing's happening. Typing won't work in Finder Search, or Folder Info either. Nor folders i create on the Desktop. I tried closing Finder and re-opening. No luck. I can type in every other program.
I'm having a slight problem with Finder, and it's quite annoying. When I right-click and select new folder, it doesn't let me rename it immediately. I have to press enter first.
The strange thing is, it only does this in List view.
All of the other views let me rename the folder immediately after I select 'new folder' on the context menu.
Well ok, lets not get off-topic, I was replacing some files on my mac, when the program which replaces or copies or what ever stopped responding when i was replacing some files. I tried to close it but it wouldn't close. I went to the force quit menu and saw there was no copier or anything just Finder. The finder was selected and im used to click cancel and i force quitted finder accedently. Everything went wrong and i can't see my desktop, the finder doesn't work and my mouse lags... I can't relaunch finder i have tried really much.
I've used Seagate FreeAgent Pro 500 Gb. It has been divided into 2 partitions. one is used for time machine, another is used for keeping my important data. I think that the Finder should show both partitions on the left, but it shows only Time machine .
I regularly run software update. As I can remember, it has ever shown two partitions. I don't know whether this is related to software updating or not. If it is 'yes', how can I solve it?
So I'm seriously enjoying my "new" BlackBook, but I'm having a bit of an issue. Sometimes after shutting it down, it doesn't want to start back up. I know that it's going to happen if I plug in the MagSafe connector and the light immediately turns bright green. The only way I've found to fix this is to take out the (non-functional) battery, let it sit for a minute or two, and then plug the connector back in. This always makes it work.
If the LED on the connector turns a very dark (or dim) green, and then turns bright green, I know it's going to work fine. I believe I've tried an SMC reset and it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas on what the issue could be? Since my battery doesn't work (and I'm suspecting that the faulty battery is part of the issue) I am often turning on and off the computer to move from one place to another. I'm getting a new battery soon, but I just don't have the funds for it right now.
When i start my macbook air, its suddenly came out a question mark with a folder ( seems that it doesn't recognise the hardisk). I try many time to restart and its the same. Then i try to restart using macbook air install disk and press C button to reinstall the leopard but when installation , it cant recognise my hardisk.
After booting in safe mode, my MacBook Pro doesn't load the desktop/applications properly. Whenever I enter the password it asks me for the password again. Series of events: I connected external drives for the first time in Apple Bootcamp/Windows. They did not mount and Windows froze whenever I connected the drives. I tried it a few times, each time using the power button for turning the computer off. After a couple of trials the screen color was very weird (psychedelic) and I noticed that the computer had gotten hot (in Windows my fans don't work as they should) and I restarted the in OSX 10.4. The psychedelic colors were still present and the temperature reading was 71 degrees (smc control software). Searching forums in a panic that I might have fried my video card partially I found and followed a description on how to change the screen from "color" to "grey" under System Preferences>Universal access. This did not help as the psychedelic color/pixelness still persisted. Even worse, when I restarted the computer, the above mentioned problem occured (not getting the proper desktop, I can't run any application or shut the computer down, it always tries to reload the desktop after a couple of seconds). What I tried so far: -I resetted the PRAM using the Command, Option, P, and R keys and waiting for two additional startup sounds. Result: the psychedelic color is gone, it looks normal. But still cycles between grey and color during the desktop stall.-I repaired my startup disk with the OSX installation disk...no repairs were necessary -I repaired permissions with the installation disk...lots of repairs were made, but no success upon reboot -I started the computer in safe mode...result: I don't get past the password screen. As soon as I enter the password it asks me for it again.
I have set safari 5.0 to open when i turn my mac on which it does (kind of). The bar at the top says Safari but to get the main window open i have to go to File>New Window.
If a want to download a file with safari or firefox on my macbook, then I have to click on the link with my "right mouse button" and click on "download linked file" to download the file.
Normally I had to click on the link and the download started automaticaly.
my DVD Player doesn't start anymore. Along with some other applications(iChat, iCal, Expose, Automator) it all of a sudden is only displayed with the default application icon - the thing with the ruler and the brush and stuff.
The other applications seem to work fine except of the wrong icon thing.
When I try to start my DVD Player a popup comes up that says in bold letters ?? and underneath that ??10.
I can not start my macbook air because it doesnt allow me to put in full password. Just 4 digits. It worked few times when I was setting the system up but now it doesn't. What shall I do?
After several years of working properly, my display suddenly doesn't recognize the mac when starting up. If I turn off the power strip, turn back on and restart, the computer it works fine.
I was messing around with the ownership & permissions on my external HD and I think I may have switched it to no read & write.
Now when I plug the HD in, it shows up in Disk Utility and System Profiler but not in Finder. I've verified and repaired and neither of those things seem to help.
I'm not sure if what I did screwed it up or not.
I have some pretty important stuff on the HD. Do I have to reformat? Is there any terminal command or somthing that I can do to get into the HD?
I have SL and I've just installed Dropbox. According to this page I should be able to see a contexual menu in Finder but I don't. Do you know how to enable it ?
I'm running 10.9.4 on a Macbook Pro 2.9 Ghz Intel Core i7 with 8GB RAM. Finder has stopped drawing windows correctly. If I am in Finder and chose New Window in the Archive Meny, a new Window opens, but I don't see anything. Well, I can see something, I see the outlines of the window, the icons at the top and stuff in at the left of the window like favorites, drives, shared network drives, but the I don't see the actual files in the newly opened window.
The windows opens, but I only see what's behind the Finder window. For instance, If I open a new Finder window (like Documents) on top of Safari where I write this post, I'll not see documents but this text I'm writing. I've tried restarting the computer to no avail. I have tried resetting NVRAM/PRAM without success. Thinking if there perhaps is a plist file for this, but I don't know.
I have an iMac and am running OS X 10.8.5. I am trying to re-install my HP desk jet software but when I put the disc in, it doesn't pop up on the desktop and I can't find it in Finder. There's nothing in Devices. I've looked at all the settings and cannot understand why it's so difficult to run the disc. In System Preferences > CDs & DVDs, I have tried both all options including open in Finder and "Ask what to do". Nothing happens.
I have a problem...my 12" Powerbook G4 doesn't start up properly at the moment. I turn it on, I can hear the chime, and the screen goes grey but then does nothing...I've tried holding down C while starting up too, but still nothing happens, just the grey screen.
My friend's MacBook Air crashed. It blacked out, and turned off. Now, when he presses the power button, he gets a beep, and that's it. the white LED light also doesn't flash. It's a short, soft beep.