OS X :: Why Doesn't Finder Show All Partitions Of External Hdd
Mar 14, 2010
I've used Seagate FreeAgent Pro 500 Gb. It has been divided into 2 partitions. one is used for time machine, another is used for keeping my important data. I think that the Finder should show both partitions on the left, but it shows only Time machine .
I regularly run software update. As I can remember, it has ever shown two partitions. I don't know whether this is related to software updating or not. If it is 'yes', how can I solve it?
So, basically, ever since Lion, my external harddrive has had trouble being found while using the USB slot in the Airport Extreme. Anyway, so the HDD can be seen in the Airport Utility under Disks but I actually cannot access it through Finder. I have ticked the boxes to show External Harddrives in Finder and all that, so I am pretty connfused. All I use it for is watching movies off and TV shwos so I can save space on my MacBook Pro. So yeah, no Time Machine stuff which I usally see about this topic Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Have got an Ipod touch, so when i plug it in it opens up itunes as you would expect but it doesn't show up in finder. I have ticked the box in preferences to allow it to and it still wont show up.
I accidentally removed my HD from under the Devices folder in Finder when I was trying to drag and drop songs into iTunes. I assume there must be an easy way to get it to show up there again, I just am not sure what that is. It got dragged into whatever folder I was in in Finder and just kinda poof it was gone...
I have SL and I've just installed Dropbox. According to this page I should be able to see a contexual menu in Finder but I don't. Do you know how to enable it ?
Since the AEBS firmware update I've been trying to access my usb-disk, connected to my Airport Extreme, through the internet using MobileMe, without success. My iMac and Powerbook show up in Finder under the 'Shared' tab but my airport-disk doesn't. Back to my Mac is giving a green light ... MobileMe registration in the Airport utility sticks and all settings seem to be OK. What's wrong?
ISP also provided a router (Philips) which is NAT and UPnP enabled ... AEBS is connected to the Philips with ethernet (Bridge Mode). Disk is HFS+ formatted ...
Anybody got the same problem? Anybody got a solution ...?
why does my digial camera not show up in Finder? (camera is Nikon D7000)Â
there are situtions when you don't want to download photos, sometimes I'm just doing tests, and want to see photos in the camera instead of downloading them first.. ( at any rate this should be my choice to make, not Apple's....;-)
and: I want to see the camera in the FINDER (not iPhoto or any other program where you have to "import" the photos.. I don't like those programs and never use them..)Â
it doesn't even show up in Adobe Bridge, for pete's sake.. this is ABSURD..
but on the pc you see it right away in Windows Explorer... no reason whatsoever why the mac shouldn't do this also...
I transferred about 400 gigs of data from my MacBook Pro to my new iMac using Migration Assistant, but can't find any of my data on Finder. I'm thinking that the data got transferred but not cataloged. Finder shows about 400 gigs of my hard drive being used, but the files it shows don't come anywhere close to 400 gigs. How can I find out what is really on the hard drive and how can I access my MacBook files I transferred?
I'm having trouble seeing an external firewire drive on the desktop.I've tried restarting with it on and then off, and turning it on after the boot is complete.I've reset the PRAM, still without success.The drive has a USB port which I tried, but when I connect via USB it still doesn't show up.If I leave the drive on whille connected via USB the computer does not boot, the screen remains a blank white.Outside of trying another firewire cable, are there any suggestions available that I can try?
I copied some file from one external drive to another and the folders doesn't show an arrow which I could click to show the contents of the folder. When I do get info it doesn't show the size of the folder but the hard drive that I copied from does. How do you make it show the arrow and size?
I was messing around with the ownership & permissions on my external HD and I think I may have switched it to no read & write.
Now when I plug the HD in, it shows up in Disk Utility and System Profiler but not in Finder. I've verified and repaired and neither of those things seem to help.
I'm not sure if what I did screwed it up or not.
I have some pretty important stuff on the HD. Do I have to reformat? Is there any terminal command or somthing that I can do to get into the HD?
I have had a seagate hybrid for a semester of school. I recently open disk utility to realize there's a big chunk of the hard drive allocated as "free space."I never partitioned the drive yet in utility it show's the drive as 2 partitions. is this normal?.
I noticed that one my my partitions didn't show up on my new (its been used for only 2 weeks) western digital My Book home edition didn't show up. I used Disk Utility to do a simple "Repair Drive", and that did the trick. However, its been a bit noisy and its started to make a grinding sound. Time to replace, or am I just getting paranoid?
I have 2 versions of OS X running on my mid-2012 MacBook pro. They're on separate partitions. I want to put everything into Mavericks and just use Mavericks exclusively.Â
Can I simply open the 'disk' (which contains the partition with the other OS X installed on it) in Finder, locate what data I want to copy and put it straight back in to the Mavericks partition (copy and paste) or do I have to put it on a removable hard drive while booted in to the other partition and do it that way? Â
Ideally I want to get rid of the other partition with the other version of OS X on it. Can I safely destroy that and re-allocate that 100GB back in to my Mavericks partition without any issues or will it have an effect e.g. loss of data/settings even though all my data and applications with the exception of anything I created while using the other version of OS X on the other partition... which I understand would be lost if I formatted the disk or deleted the partition without saving a copy of that elsewhere first. Â
I have three Hard Drives installed in my Mac Pro. The original one and two aftermarket. They total around 850 GiB. I have them divvied up into 5 partitions. If I wanted to Mirror them onto ONE external 1TiB Drive, what are my options? Is it a backup only type of thing, or are there options to do a real time mirror like RAID-1?
I want to share one external drive with both my PC and Mac. I do not want to share the data. I want to use the PC partition to backup my Vista OS and want to use the Mac partition to backup my Mac OS. what is the best way to configure this?
I had created an NTFS partition using my Vista machine, but when I plugged in the external drive into my Mac and tried to create a Mac OS Extended partition, I lost my NTFS partion.
I'm having a problem with my external RAID that I use between my G4 Laptop (10.5.x) and G4 tower (10.4.x). I downgraded the G4 laptop to 10.4.x so I can run Classic (kids educational software), and gain some speed. I backed everything up to my external RAID (two HD's RAID together). The downgrade install onto the laptop went perfectly. I went to restore some files from the RAID backup, and I got this error when trying to mount the external RAID: "the disk you inserted is not readable by this computer".
I just ignored the error and did not touch the RAID. I then re-connected the RAID to my G4 tower that had previously mounted successfully, and same error: "the disk you inserted is not readable by this computer". This time I started Disk Utility, and it sees the RAID and it's volume set, but it is "Locked" (see attached pics). I think I need to first mount it to change any "access control list" or permissions, but I can't figure out how to mount, and then change permissions/ACL.
I realized Mac OS X 10.7.4 will only read NTFS partitions (can't write to it). I could install a third party driver or use FAT32. I decided to split the external Seagate HDD into two partitions (NTFS and Mac OS Extended FS). Â
I went to Mac OS X's Disk Utility, but there was no way to partition the current single 500 GB NTFS partition with my existing data. It seems like I have to erase it with my data, and then partition into two. Is that how it supposed to work? This was on a new Mac Mini with all updates.
I use a 250GB external HD for most of my working files. It has five equal partitions. In one of the partitions--Cedar Mill (see attached images) --another partition (CM News) shows up in Finder. Inside CM News is another copy of itself ad infinitum...Â
I am reluctant to delete them without knowing what I'm doing. How they got this way.Â
I haven't noticed any particular problems, except possibly slow search times for opening/finding files...Â
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I have an iMac 2.4ghz with a 320g hd, that I partitioned 50/270 when I installed Leopard. I read somewhere to have the opp system partitioned and I have been kicking myself in the rear ever since. Too many apps and files want to run next to the opp system, so I'm starting over.I used time machine for a backup of the system (both partitions are showing) on my 1 TB iomega external hard drive (minimax). I partitioned the external 500/500, time machine/additional storage.So that is what I'm working with, now for the question:With my backup complete, if I do a clean install to the internal hard drive (320g) in order to remove the 50g opp/sys partition and just have one 320g internal hd; will my time machine be able to restore to a clean 320 without having the 50/270gig partition setup? If so will this be a somewhat simple process?
I've just ordered a Seagate 500gb portable hard drive. I want it for backing up my 250gb Macbook, storing films and also for exchanging files between computers (Mac and Windows).
After reading various posts on the forums I'm planning on making 3 partitions:
1) 300gb for time machine backup. Mac OS X Extended (Is this the same format as HFS+ just a different name?)
2) 15gb for exchanging files. FAT32
3) The remainder for storing films. Mac OS X Extended.
Have i got these formats correct and are they suitable?
Also, i read that FAT32 is fragile and data can get wiped off it. If this did happen to the FAT32 partition, would it jsut affect that partition or could it damage data in all the partitions?
I have still another EHD/TM question and I can't quite figure out where to ask for the help I need. I have a Mac Pro OS 10.5.8 with 2 internal drives and a large EHD that I was using solely for Time Machine Back Up. After a recent conversation with tech support at Apple, I've decided that I should have still one more full copy of stuff that is critical to me--my original photographs. I currently only have the backup copy on TM.
So, I want to take my large LaCie EHD and partition it. I want to store things as follows: 1. Internal HD #1-primary HD containing all data except original photos 2. Internal HD #2-HD that contains nothing but original photos 3. EHD (LaCie): a. Partition #1: Second copy of original photos b. Partition #2: Time Machine back up of HD #1 and HD #2.
It seems as if it is easy enough to do the partition but I'm wondering if there is a way to get my original photos to go into both HD #2 and Partition #1 of the EHD at the same time that I import them via a card reader.
If not, I'm wondering how I can set this up so that I don't have to remember to copy the photos from HD #2 to the EHD. Do I have to use another back up program? If so, any recommendations? Will using another program mess up Time Machine? What am I not thinking about?
How does one go about using an external HD for backing up on both Mac and Windows machines?
I would ideally like to use Time Machine on the mac side. I have a 1TB Western Digital. Plenty of space, because i dont have that much stuff to back up.
I have an external hard drive with 2 partitions: One for my video and music files (named jukebox) and another for time machine (named time machine). The external hard drive itself is a 1TB WD Elements. If I open up disk utility I can see the name "1TB WD Elements 1023" with 2 subpartitions as above named. Similarly when I plug it in to my playstation the drive is displayed as "USB WD Elements 1023". How do I change the name "1TB WD Elements 1023" to something else? I can find it in finder and I can seem to find any command to change it within disk utility. I really like to change it as I sometimes have another WD Elements drive plugged in to the playstation as well and they both have the same name which is confusing.