My white MB is 4 weeks old, everything is great. Earlier I play movie online & suddenly I heard the fan running, istat shows 4500rpm, is it normal? Normally the fan runs at 2000-2200rmp.
I've just replaced the hard drive in my macbook, and obviously that meant reinstalling Snow Leopard on my machine. Now I seem to be getting issues with my battery that I didn't before with SL, so I'm not entirely sure that's the root of the problem. Yesterday (day SL was installed) I noticed that my battery showed 0% and wouldn't charge, but I was still able to use my computer, and it was in fact on without being plugged in and absolutely fine for a good hour or so. Eventually the battery seemed to go back to normal, would charge, and showed a real percentage of battery life (i.e. 65%).
This morning I turn on my laptop, realise I'd had it plugged in all night, which I never do, and the light on the lead was still orange. Now my battery icon just shows a cross and says there are no batteries available, though again I'm working without my macbook being plugged in to the mains. Is this just a bug that will eventually be fixed? I seriously doubt it's my battery, that was replaced around April time and though I use my laptop a LOT not enough to screw it up that quickly.
I have a status Item app andI am using a custom view. My image in the status item has been showing and working until recently. Is it something I have changed or maybe it was a bug that it was showing and now it fix.
Last Night after installing a new hard drive into my mac pro. I reset the system to format the drive. However when i turned it on, Straight from bootup the fan was running extremely fast and sounded like a jet engine. This did not stop through the system fully loading so figured I would turn off the machine for the night and see if the problem would be fixed in the morning. But the same thing just happened again. Does anyone have any idea what this may be, or how to fix it?
I have a MBA: Model Name: MacBook Air Model Identifier: MacBookAir2,1 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 1.86 GHz
Recently I have noticed that the fan is now running far more than it ever used to. I only have to call up a couple of web pages and off it goes. The fan almost never used to come on, unless I have really using the processor, so wondering what the likely problem is.
My G5 fan is running loud and hot a lot of the time. Very loud. My Power Mac G5 Quad is the last one made before Intel came along. I've downloaded Temperature Monitor software, but I can't fine out what normal temperature ranges are. If any one can help me find out more, please email me
More info: version: 10.5.8 processor: 4 x 2.5 GHz PowerPC G5 memory: 16 GB DDR2 SDRAM
recently my MacBook has been running very loud when i only have like, 2 applications open. This started maybe 3 days ago. The 2 applications were iTunes and Firefox. on iTunes i just play music and on Firefox im on Youtube or RuneScape. It's been running fine ever since i bought it just over an year ago (playing the same applications) but now its started to get loud when i use it.
I've just purchased a new Macbook. I'm very happy with it aside from the fan noise, which seems a little loud to me. Now, before I bring it into the Apple Store to have it looked at I just want to check and see if maybe I'm just being overly picky. I downloaded iStat, based on some Google searching I did on the subject and my fans are running around 2000 rpm, which I understand is normal. But in my apartment, which is admittedly quiet, I can hear my fan running constantly. It isn't extremely loud, but it isn't totally quiet either. I'm just wondering what level of noise I should reasonably expect out of my Macbook.
I just bought my new IMac on friday. Worked great for a day and then I had a problem. The fan came on really loud for about a good 10 secs and the screen turned off. I hit the power button and the screen came back on quickly like it had went to sleep. However, the fan came right back on very loud and the screen went black. I did this a couple times until I just let it shut down for an hour because I thought it overheated.
The next time I turned it on it worked fine for about 3 hours and suddenly the fan came on super loud. This time the screen didn't shut off and I was able to continue but it was abnormally loud. This morning I turned it on again and within a minute the fan came on AGAIN. I have to mention that I'm not using any intensive application or anything. The last time I think I only had safari up. Also, this is my first mac and it's not looking promising...
Why does my computer start running loud at different times of using it? It is random and not always when it is getting hot. Is this normal or do i need to call Apple to replace my computer?
So I got my macbook pro yesterday and I've been doing some basic stuff on it. While I was installing World of Warcraft, the computer jumped up about 101 degrees celcius. I know I shouldn't trust istat pro 100% but still, my fans are running super loud and the computer is very hot to touch. I'm not running any heavy programs or doing any gaming. I had Aol Instant Messenger on, and WoW instaling in the background. I'd like to also add that when opening various programs I get the spinning beachball very often.
I was out of town so this description was second hand but the computer has been running a little weird for a while. When I have too many apps open or on a website that has a lot going on...the computer starts revving up until I quit out of everything and let it slow down. I guess while I was gone, this happened but nobody quit out the apps and it eventually turned the screen black. When I tried restarting it sounds like the computer is working but the screen is black so I can't see if it is booting up or not. I took the monitor into the apple store yesterday and it started up right away for them. It's a cinema 23" I think.
lately my macbook has been getting a bit noisy and hot the fans seem to kick on alot 3500-4500rpm range and @idle my CPU is ranging 68-75C (iStat), right now as im typing this she's at 77-80C. Functionality aside everything is pretty stable, including playing the occasional WoW.
Anyone else have any issues like this? I've booked a Genius Bar appointment just in case.
I just bought my MacBook Pro last week. When I power it up, it makes a loud noise for about a second and a half. I think it's the hard drive starting up or the disc drive. I'm not sure which one, but it's pretty loud, so I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this and if it is normal.
I just brought a brand new IMAC 21.5" the base model (NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics) with 4 gb RAM. I downloaded the trial version of adobe cs5 to check if it runs ok but when I am starting things from scratch like just creating things from a blank canvas it runs so slow like trying to paint stuff and render it comes up with a loading screen it just doesn�t do it straight away. But when I am working on photos it seems to run ok. Is there away to solve this issue? Do I need to updated my RAM to make it run smooth?
If I 'command tab' and display the running programmes and then tab to address book and command 'Q' the programme 'Address Book' does quit but the icon does not disappear from the row of running applications.
I have an imac, intel 2 duo. OS 10.6.8. Suddenly my desktop is showing two thin lines running from top to bottom, each about 2" from either side. How can I get rid ofthem?
I just plugged headphones into the headphone port on my iMac(dual core 2.4) I went to system preferences, sound, then output and only the internal speakers show up. I rebooted the machine and still, same thing.
I tried the same headphones on the eMac sitting next to it, and it worked just fine. Still confused about the iMac
My email messages for one Google account no longer show up in my OS X Mail client.Case info:This may have occurred after I enabled the 'All Mail' to Apple Mail for the account, then removed it once I saw it was adding every single message I deleted since the beginning of time. Still, that doesn't explain the following...My email messages for another Google account does show up in my OS X Mail client. They have exactly the same IMAP settings other than username and password.My email messages for the account that doesn't work, shows up fine on my iPhone/iOS and of the messages in the inbox or folders/labels show up. The count is zero. However they all show up fine in folders in iOS and on is an indicator for one new message in the inbox, but none show.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Mid-2010
I've lost all status information on my menu bar. No battery status, airport status, time, spotlight magnifying glass, etc. Restarted a couple of times but no luck. My mac is a '06 macbook pro core duo 2.16 (1,1). Anyone else having problems? Lost screen capture functionality as well, so I can't show you.
This has happened about three or four times now in which I'll wake my MacBook (unibody) from sleep (ie. open it up), and it'll have a frozen clock at some random time, renders spotlight unable to function, freezes battery status (even says it's plugged in at 100% even though it's sitting in my lap unplugged (has been unplugged since las night).
Even a weird wifi indicator next to the CPU menu Meters. I dunno what's going on. Has happened randomly when I leave it off over night. Just a minor inconvenience since it requires a restart. Just wondering if you guys know what's going on and/or how to fix it.
I have a Mac Pro 3.1..Sometimes (most of the times, actually) the Mac Pro doesn't boot and just stops after the chime (just as it was powered off). But what I found strange is that the white status light is always on (not blinking, always on) from the moment I connect the power strip.
I've run multiple times the Apple Service Diagnostic tests (running then again at this moment) and there´s absolutely no error reported. I've changed memory, video card slot position, everything I could think off, but still haven't found a solution.
When I connect my MacBook to my iMac to transfer files over (using target disk mode), a sparsebundle of my macbook files shows up as a mounted disk image, along with the yellow external hard drive icon on my desktop. The yellow icon says I have about 80GB total, but the mounted disk image (white) says I have 120GB total on it. Does that mean I have more space than I originally thought? (I thought it had 80GB on it)
I just bought an iMac 24" base model and love it. I'm quickly learning the OS, but there is still a lot that is foreign to me.
Wireless was easy to setup, however I can't find any type of connection status (as in signal strength). Am I just missing it, or do I need a 3rd party program?
Another quick question while we're here, what OS do I have? It's OS X 10.5.6, would that be Leopard? All these code names are new to me
Another question I see a lot of people talking about using different browsers. Is Safari considered the Internet Explorer of the MAC? Or is Safari a good browser and people just like to try different things?
after updating to 10.5.7, the battery icon doesn't seem to want to update. info is set to show battery icon and percentage.
after unplugging the mag connector, battery status indicates 100% after 1.75 hours. anyone seen this before? did not notice this happen prior to update.