I've lost all status information on my menu bar. No battery status, airport status, time, spotlight magnifying glass, etc. Restarted a couple of times but no luck. My mac is a '06 macbook pro core duo 2.16 (1,1). Anyone else having problems? Lost screen capture functionality as well, so I can't show you.
Installed an update for WePrint Server APP which popped up onscreen. Downloaded update, installer program loaded, selected drive, and install was successful. Closed the install program window (Safari open in background along with other programs running in dock, but not on screen), but the Installer menu bar remained on the top of the screen. Lost the OSX Lion Status / menu bar, the Apple icon, time, user, etc. Was able to use Safari, but not without hesitation.
The Safari menu bar at the top of the screen never appeared while in Safari, the Install Program menu did not disappear, even thought there was no evidence that the program was still running. No icon in dock, no hidden screen page or window. Closed all the running programs in the docks, and checked Force Quit, (ctrl+alt+esc) and no installer program remained. Unable to shut off or restart the computer without using the on / off button on the back of the intel mac monitor. Once rebooted all seems well.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), All software up to date...
I am trying to remove a status icon for an application I uninstalled. When I try to drag it, nothing happens, so removing it by the "command"key & drag method isn't effective. Is there another way I can get rid of it?
I have a Mac 10.6.8 running Snow Leopard. My battery won't charge: all I get is "Not Charging" in the menu bar battery status; the power adapter doesn't light up either. It's not a problem with the battery—when I put my battery in my friend's MacBook, it worked just fine. His battery, however, wouldn't charge either when it was in my computer. I have tried resetting the SMC several times, following the instructions exactly. I've reset the PRAM, run disk repair, and fixed disk permissions. I don't have the money to take it to a repairman—even if I did, I need my computer every day for work. Â
I've realized that sometimes I "lose" my wireless signal. I am not using an AirPort router (I'm using Linksys, if that's at all helpful). I've noticed that suddenly all of the wireless signals disappear from the AirPort menu up on the menu bar, except the network that I am connected to (i.e., I only see my router's name there). It also becomes impossible for me to browse the internet, so what I've done to troubleshoot this is disable the AirPort, put the computer to sleep, and disconnect/reconnect my router. When I turn it on, it seems to work. I've also tried simply disabling and then re-enabling AirPort, but it doesn't work after that.
my "services" menu has disappeared as an option in finder. When I try to access it by right-clicking a finder item (folder or file), it's just plain missing. However if I look for it under the finder menu bar, the arrow beside service says 'building'. But I've been waiting for hours and it doesn't look like anything's happening.
Just today it began that when I try and open iChat from the Menu Bar icon, the whole right side of the menu bar reboots. Anyone else experienced this or have an idea of steps I can take to fix it?
I recently bought myself a Macbook Pro 13-inch model and I've been loving it so far. One thing that really bugs me is how bad the menu navigation is in OS X. I just read this on Macrumors and the only way to access menu from keyboard is by using ctrl+F2 key for which I have to press ctrl+fn+f2 key since F2 is a secondary function. Also, there is no way of going directly to the middle of the menu by keyboard shortcuts, right? If that is true, Mac OS X is still not polished enough for laptops. is there are a better way to control the menu items?
My safari menu bar is missing. The menu bar for desktop, HD, and apps appears, but when I click on Safari, it disappears, so I can no longer see my buttons for History, etc. I think my husband (pc user) clicked it away when borrowing my computer.Â
I run Windows-only programs on my Mac via Wine and I was wondering if there is a way to move the menu toolbar of the windows up to the menu bar to make it somewhat more Mac-looking.
After a day of installing and trying/deleting new apps as well as trying terminal tricks from UsingMac.com like these and these, i went up to my apple menu in the menu bar for the first time since i started fiddling around, and it looks like what you see below in the attachment. I have absolutely no idea what made it happen; I'm just wondering if there is a way to reset the menu alone. because instead of having just what it says in the "system services" section in the menu, it has all that other stuff as well (Calculator, FruitMenu, etc.).
P.S.: Fruitmenu isn't even installed. i uninstalled it after i found out it was only a demo.
So basically: 1) how do i restore the main menu in the menu bar back to its original settings? and 2) I need to do it in a way that wont screw up the rest of my computer or settings
This has happened about three or four times now in which I'll wake my MacBook (unibody) from sleep (ie. open it up), and it'll have a frozen clock at some random time, renders spotlight unable to function, freezes battery status (even says it's plugged in at 100% even though it's sitting in my lap unplugged (has been unplugged since las night).
Even a weird wifi indicator next to the CPU menu Meters. I dunno what's going on. Has happened randomly when I leave it off over night. Just a minor inconvenience since it requires a restart. Just wondering if you guys know what's going on and/or how to fix it.
I have a Mac Pro 3.1..Sometimes (most of the times, actually) the Mac Pro doesn't boot and just stops after the chime (just as it was powered off). But what I found strange is that the white status light is always on (not blinking, always on) from the moment I connect the power strip.Â
I've run multiple times the Apple Service Diagnostic tests (running then again at this moment) and there´s absolutely no error reported. I've changed memory, video card slot position, everything I could think off, but still haven't found a solution. Â
When I connect my MacBook to my iMac to transfer files over (using target disk mode), a sparsebundle of my macbook files shows up as a mounted disk image, along with the yellow external hard drive icon on my desktop. The yellow icon says I have about 80GB total, but the mounted disk image (white) says I have 120GB total on it. Does that mean I have more space than I originally thought? (I thought it had 80GB on it)
I just bought an iMac 24" base model and love it. I'm quickly learning the OS, but there is still a lot that is foreign to me.
Wireless was easy to setup, however I can't find any type of connection status (as in signal strength). Am I just missing it, or do I need a 3rd party program?
Another quick question while we're here, what OS do I have? It's OS X 10.5.6, would that be Leopard? All these code names are new to me
Another question I see a lot of people talking about using different browsers. Is Safari considered the Internet Explorer of the MAC? Or is Safari a good browser and people just like to try different things?
after updating to 10.5.7, the battery icon doesn't seem to want to update. info is set to show battery icon and percentage.
after unplugging the mag connector, battery status indicates 100% after 1.75 hours. anyone seen this before? did not notice this happen prior to update.
When I select a file in my Finder, I want to be able to see the file size. I've googled and googled but found nothing. don't tell me to hit the spacebar. There must be some little app or script to enable this right ?
In the past, on Itunes 11.0, when I opened the program, there would be a bar on top that would read, "File, Edit, View, Controls, Store, Help" and below , a status bar that would tell me the number of tracks in a playlist and duration, "7 Songs, 28:20 Total Time, 51 MB"..Those controls/status bars are gone in the new 11.4 edition of iTunes. Â
I'm new to Apple Mac so apologize in advance for using incorrect terminology. Since yesterday when I signed on to OkCupid, I'm getting what I believe is Apple's "hourglass" icon (round various colored circle) which I can't get rid of (and can't do anything) until I shut down and restart computer. It's happened today on other sites as well. It takes over my computer. Is this a virus? Does anyone know, and if so, how can I get rid of it?
I have a hot corner set up on my computer so when I place my mouse in the top left corner, my computer goes to its screensaver. However, when I do this, my ichat status automatically goes to "Away". How can I make it so I stay "Available" so it looks like I'm still online?
Any way to really check for hardware failure on an external FW800 drive. I'm interested in being able to check for bad/pending sectors. SMART status on external drives is not supported in disk utility or SmartCTL
iChat was updated to 4.0.8 in 10.5.7 and I have a question regarding that. I searched and could not find any information. In 4.0.7, when I restart iChat it would log me in the status I quit the application in (say idle with my status text). Now in 4.0.8 when I open the App it always signs me in Available mode. Do you guys see this too? Is there a away to change this? I have chax and growl iChat installed, does it have anything to do with it?
Without MobileMe, and using gmail, is there anyway I can have Mail on OS X, Mail on iPhone and Gmail on web stay "in sync"? As in, I read an email on iPhone, gmail and Mail on OS X mark it as read.