OS X :: Deleted Files Not Give Space Back On External HD
Mar 19, 2010
I have a 500GB external Seagate HD that I have in two partitions, one for Time Machine and one for random media stuff. I was cleaning it out today and realized that when I delete things, it doesn't give me the space back on the hard drive. I've experienced this same problem with a USB drive that I use to transfer files from one computer to another, and it doesn't work unless I use disk utility to "Erase" the drive, then add what I need. I can't afford to erase the drive (not enough room to put it all on the MBP) and am starting to need my space back from the deleted files, how can I do this without ruining the files already on my partition?
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Mar 21, 2012
For some reason, when I try to delete files from my flash drive, the file disappears but I don't get any space back on the flash drive. This is ruining my 32 GB flash drive.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jan 9, 2009
I have 2 thumb drives. I believe one if formatted Fat32 and the other specifically for the mac. When I delete files from them the available space does not increase, the only way to get the memory back is to format them. If I check the info it still shows space used after I delete every file, and not a little used space it shows the amount of space before I delete anything. How to fix this without reformatting whenever I need more space?
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Dec 10, 2014
When I delete files there is no more free space. I ran a Disk Utility repair in Safe Mode and it said some files were corrupt and some had the wrong size but it didnt fix anything. It said to backup and restore/erase my mac. I dont really trust the saftey of my files in a backup because I have had lots of trouble with apple. Last time I was there they said my computer was to old (I got it in 2012). They also said they dont know whats is wrong with it and a bunch of other stuff, they just tried to get me to buy a new computer.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 23, 2014
I had a folder with about 11.5 gb worth of files in it. I copied this file to an external hard drive, and deleted the copy on my desktop.
I emptied the recycle bin and could see no trace of this file, yet the space is still being taken on my hard drive (only 2 gb available).
How can I delete the stupid file so that my space is back?? I have already disabled time machine, as this was the only solution I could find. I have restarted my rMBP multiple times, and even started in safe mode to see if the files would appear there for emptying in the trash bin. Nothing was there in the trash bin. I have run out of solutions. I have Cleanmymac2 and have run the automated system cleaner with the external attached and without it attached. (This external BTW is NOT the one that I do backups with time machine to). I have also verified my mac partition as well as the internal hard drive with disk utility and show no errors.
I know this has nothing to do with time machine, as I moved the folder to my hard drive this morning, watched it take 11.5 gb of space, then moved it, and saw the space remained the same.
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Dec 22, 2009
How do i get all my files back on to my computer after i have had a system restore done?
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Oct 4, 2009
I setup a 40gb partition for window's vista. Since vista is such a hog, I only had about 15gb left. Well, I used all but 2 gb on space for games and MsOffice. So I need to give more space to the partition. My specs are as follows: 160gb hard drive. 2GHz intel core 2 duo. 2gb 1067 MHz DDR3. My startup disk is Macintosh HD. give me a detailed set of instructions or the website you may have gotten it from.
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May 29, 2009
Apple support is closed now so I cant contackt them but in teminal I entered
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Jun 17, 2012
I have just realized that I have deleted some files that i didn't back up before. I wonder if there is a way on how to get them back???
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 17, 2014
My air is saying my start up disk is full. How do I delete files from it? Is there a specific location I'm supposed to delete from, or is it just general files from everywhere--email, etc.
MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.1
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Apr 4, 2010
I have had my Simple Drive 500GB External Hard Drive for some time now but I have noticed recently that whenever I delete a file from it the hard drive doesn't give the space back.
For Example: I Have 143.95GB on the External Hard Drive free but when I delete a 20gig file it doesn't give the space back on the External Hard Drive, it stays at 143.95GB. Also, this happens with many of my flash drives etc.
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Jun 6, 2009
I just don't want to waste too much of my 1TB storage; that my iMac 24" will have - for Windows Boot Camp.
I guess I'll run Vista 32-bit and plan to install three to five games, maybe Unreal Tournament III, Bioshock.. Bioshock 2 when it's released.
So it's basically a Windows Boot Camp for gaming and I plan to uninstall games after I've finished with them.
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Jul 28, 2010
If you remove a file from your mac, will time machine update it self and also remove it from the external drive? Or does it save and keep everything?
Also if it saves everything is there a way to go back and delete something, for instance some files that you don't need on your desktop.
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Jun 2, 2014
I deleted my startup and recovery drives. I still have every thing on external hard drive but cannot get my drives back on internal drive. Is there anyway to get those drives back and get all my info from my external drive back on my computer?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 17, 2010
So I ran Disk Utility and ran the disk repair on my Western Digital external hard drive. After I did this all my files have disappeared, but it still shows that all the space that was taken up before is still being occupied. Is there any way I can recover my files? I am getting really distressed about it because I have almost 500 gbs of data that I don't know if I can get back or not.
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Jan 2, 2010
I just recieved an external hard drive for Christmas, and so far have only put my videos and some other folders on the drive. I would like to put my itunes library on there, but have NO idea how to go about doing this.
I have an ipod (8g) and want to be able to still sync and not lose any of my songs during transfer. I actually have more APPS than I do music, but I just want to move all those files to the external drive to clear up space on my mac (Powerbook G4, 10.4.11).
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Jun 14, 2012
I need to get more space on my start up disk. How do I free up space by transferring to one of my back up drives?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 3, 2012
the mid-2012 MBA is my first mac ever and I'm learning something new everyday. Today, I tried transferring a document from my desktop to my external hard drive and was not able to. Now transferring files from the HD to the mba, totally doable. Vice versa? No dice. A bit of google searching led me to conclude that I can't backup files on my current HD... which is a pity since it's a 1 TB, had it for almost a year, and was hoping to ride this thing for a few more years.
So what do I do now? Does this also mean that I can no longer use my tiny 4/8gb flashdrives to save things on the go? Are there any softwares that would allow me to write files onto my current external HD and flash drives?
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012)
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Oct 12, 2010
Could any one please give me how can I give the permeation number 777 to the files?
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Feb 28, 2012
I have a 750GB internal HD but film a lot of movies. To free up space, I have moved my iMovie clips off to a secondary hard drive, but I have not seen my free disk space free up on my Macbook pro. Why is this? I moved, not copied the files. They only show now on the external hard drive. I am looking at the free space in Finder > Get Info. I have easily moved a few hundred GB off to the new drive, but my internal HD still shows as over 500Gb used.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 21, 2014
need to free up space on my hard drive wanted to move just my movie files to my external hard drive and leave my music on computer
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Sep 2, 2014
My 500gb iMac (purchased April 2010) is about at capacity. 350gb of space is taken up by home movies (.mov) in iMovie. I bought an external hard drive and have moved about 200gb over to that drive.
After transfer, I deleted the original Events off iMovie and emptied the trash. I checked in both iMovie and in Finder and no longer see those files present on the Mac.
I thought this was going smooth and everything worked perfectly, but….when i went to check how much storage space i created on the Mac, the amount of available space barely budged (i moved 200gb of data to the new drive and i created about 30gb of space on the Mac).
Are these "deleted" files hidden somewhere and I need to go delete from somewhere else? How do I make sure I get back the storage that i need?
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Dec 5, 2014
My Macbook Pro (2010) hangs up at the grey startup screen. The icon keeps spinning. I believe this may be because the laptop ran out of power during critical software updates. I have been able to reach disk utility by starting up with the original installation cd and holding 'c'. When I verify the disk, I get an error:
"The volume could not be verified completely.
Error: The disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk."
When I click repair disk, I get the following message:
"Verify and Repair volume "disk0s2"
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Invalid node structure
The volume could not be verified completely.
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
Error: Disk Utility can't repair this disk.. disk, and restore your backed-up files."
My hard drive isn't fully backed up and I would like to retrieve as many files as possible before reformatting the hard drive.
I have heard of being able to access the hard drive through other means (connecting the drive to another computer and/or another external) and being able to salvage files. Should I get Diskwarrior?
similar issue: [URL] ....
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Jul 9, 2009
My dear baby, a 3 year old macbook pro died last week (way to young). Fried logicboard. Apple wants 1.550 dollars to fix it, so I guess it is gone for good.
My question is, is it possible to take out the harddisk, put it in an external enclosure and plug it in to another mac to get the files?? If so, what enclosure should I buy?It is a summer 2007 macbook pro.
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May 18, 2010
I have a MacPro (Intel), and I had my Music folder on a second (non-boot) internal drive. That drive was getting full, so I bought yet another internal drive to put in one of the other bays, thinking to copy the folders to the new, larger-capacity drive. So I bought a 2 Tb drive and transferred all my MOVIES to the new drive, but then went back and deleted my MUSIC folder and emptied the trash. I knew immediately that I'd made a mistake.
I haven't written anything to that drive whatsoever from that moment on, so absolutely nothing should have been over-written. I have plenty of room on the new drive to which I can recover the deleted files. Unfortunately the folder/directory was very large, with over 20,000 files, mostly of podcasts/spoken word stuff, much of which is no longer available or would represent thousands of hours of download time, plus all my digitized folk music from long out-of-print LP records.
You'd think I'd be more responsible with >600 Gb of data! However, fortunately the drive is in good working order, it just requires a good recovery strategy. I know that services that do recovery charge a fortune, and because I haven't written anything to that drive and it still mounts without problems, I'm hoping I can do this myself with a good data recovery software package. Because I am talking about literally thousands of files, it is just too painful to think about editing all the metadata about each file (name, artist, album, etc.), and ideally I would like to recover the files and the file structure so podcasts are recovered as such, etc.
Is this at all possible?
If so, what are the relative merits of File Salvage vs. Data Rescue vs. Kernel for Macintosh (Nucleus Data Recovery) vs. VirtualLab Data Recovery vs. Stellar Phoenix? Is there something better than these--these are the only ones I found on a Web search. Are there any head-to-head reviews of which someone is aware?
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Mar 14, 2012
I've bought a 1 TB iomega ego mac edition II external fire wire drive. Once connected it asked whether i want to create a password and whether i want my data encrypted, to which i answered yes. Then a time machine backup started and failed after backing up 5.25 GB out of 39 GB of my data with the following error: "The backup disk ran out of space unexpectedly. Time Machine will try to make more space available by removing expired backups during the next scheduled backup". When i look at time machine it shows there is 994.29 GB available on iomega ego drive. The drive then went into: "Encrypting Backup Disk" message and it takes forever.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 24, 2009
I have a sparse disk image and inside of it I deleted a folder with 7 gig in it. I emptied the trash. However the used size did not change! It was 22 gig before and now after deletion it's still 22 gig. If I add up the file sizes in my head it's 15 gig used as expected but Finder etc. still claims 22 gig is used as if my 7 gig not delete!
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Dec 8, 2010
Okay so I don't know what happened but before I reformatted my OS X, I deleted my 50GB Boot Camp partition, but when I reformat I notice that it says I only have "200GB" available on my HD instead of "250GB", I'm not sure what happened to the partition I "deleted"I'm still new to a Mac, is there a way to check how much space is used already and etc? I really don't know what happened to the 50GB.
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Sep 13, 2010
I deleted a folder that nearly summed up to be 50 GB worth of files. I simply dragged the folder over the trash can. Now, the trash can shows empty (I never emptied it and it never even showed full) and the folder isn't where it used to be. I searched for the folder in Spotlight and it apparently doesn't exist. But my hard drive's memory sure thinks so. I didn't get the 50 GB back. What happened?
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Jun 14, 2010
After searching the internet for a couple of hours I've given up and I'll bother you all with a question.
I've been using Time Machine since around december when I got a 1TB external LaCie. I've partitioned 250gb of it to back up the 180gb OS X partition on my mbp (yes I know it's not a ton of space for backup). It's been working wonderfully for 6 months. Even saved me once, found a file I had accidentally deleted.
I've had absolutely no trouble until yesterday.
I plugged in my Time Machine drive after 3 or 4 days of running around with my mbp and doing some light work. A few minutes go by and Time Machine has calculated that 85gb (usually it's at most 1-2 gigs for a full day backup, no idea how it went up to 85) and that there are only 74gb available, so the backup fails.
That's odd, so I try again. Same thing. So I enter Time Machine and I find that only one backup date is available, June 10th. Apparently the last time it was plugged in. So I exit Time Machine and browse through the drive itself via Finder and find that, sure enough, there is only one backup folder in existence. It seems like Time Machine deleted all my previous backups in order to fit this massive 85gb 4 days backup.
So does this mean everything is really gone, and that's why it wants to backup 85gb (just over half of the used space on my drive)? I'm pretty confused as to why this would happen, and what it means.
Any other options other than wiping and starting over?
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