OS X :: Deleted Heavy Folder But Gained No Disk Space
Sep 13, 2010
I deleted a folder that nearly summed up to be 50 GB worth of files. I simply dragged the folder over the trash can. Now, the trash can shows empty (I never emptied it and it never even showed full) and the folder isn't where it used to be. I searched for the folder in Spotlight and it apparently doesn't exist. But my hard drive's memory sure thinks so. I didn't get the 50 GB back. What happened?
I tried yesterday to make a Boot Camp partition on my MacBook Pro 17"s 500GB hard drive, but something seems to have gone wrong while installing Windows 7. And the new partition was inaccessible from Disk Utility, so I deleted it by booting from the Windows 7 disk. But now the unallocated space from the deleted partition isn't showing up in disk utility, and I have now idea how to remerge it with my main Snow Leopard partition.
My air is saying my start up disk is full. How do I delete files from it? Is there a specific location I'm supposed to delete from, or is it just general files from everywhere--email, etc.
Long story short I accidentally deleted my dashboard from the applications folder and emptied the trash. I don't have the original restoration disks so I was hoping that someone could host the file for me.
whenever I run Time Machine on my PowerBook G4 (1.5 Ghz / 1Gb RAM / OSX 10.5.8) it will eat up GB's of hard disk space while 'preparing the backup'. After that it finishes the backup, but I don't get the space back. I'm talking about the internal HD, not the external target disk of course. Does Time Machine use the space to generate some temporary files? Any ideas how I can get my disk space back
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.
I have been running out of hard drive space and have deleted a whole bunch of files... even deleted all the languages i didn't need from all my applications... about a week ago i freed up around 2GB.... but without saving and downloading anything my free space is now 70MB!! All I have been doing is watching streamed videos and I notice this reduces the drive space as I'm watching it!! Even opening firefox and some websites drops my memory by 0.1MB. I can't find anywhere where temporary files might be so i can delete them.
I never used to have this problem but I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I now use wireless internet through a phone provider and a USB modem rather than my previous WiFi via cable broadband.
Can anybody shed some light on what is stealing my memory when browsing?
Can anyone explain to me why, on my iMac's 500GB hard drive, the displayed size of the only 4 items on it is 207GB, that the info box on the HD itself says 393GB used? Unless I failed grade 1 math, 500GB - 207GB = 293GB, right? So where's the missing ~100GB? That's a lot of space I know I haven't filled up.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Im getting an error message "running out of disk space please delete files on startup" Im importing movie files to the imovie projects, but im getting this message come up. Ive deleted the trash, but is there anything else i can do to make some disk space and if so where do i do that ?
I have a sparse disk image and inside of it I deleted a folder with 7 gig in it. I emptied the trash. However the used size did not change! It was 22 gig before and now after deletion it's still 22 gig. If I add up the file sizes in my head it's 15 gig used as expected but Finder etc. still claims 22 gig is used as if my 7 gig not delete!
Okay so I don't know what happened but before I reformatted my OS X, I deleted my 50GB Boot Camp partition, but when I reformat I notice that it says I only have "200GB" available on my HD instead of "250GB", I'm not sure what happened to the partition I "deleted"I'm still new to a Mac, is there a way to check how much space is used already and etc? I really don't know what happened to the 50GB.
I have 2 thumb drives. I believe one if formatted Fat32 and the other specifically for the mac. When I delete files from them the available space does not increase, the only way to get the memory back is to format them. If I check the info it still shows space used after I delete every file, and not a little used space it shows the amount of space before I delete anything. How to fix this without reformatting whenever I need more space?
When I delete files there is no more free space. I ran a Disk Utility repair in Safe Mode and it said some files were corrupt and some had the wrong size but it didnt fix anything. It said to backup and restore/erase my mac. I dont really trust the saftey of my files in a backup because I have had lots of trouble with apple. Last time I was there they said my computer was to old (I got it in 2012). They also said they dont know whats is wrong with it and a bunch of other stuff, they just tried to get me to buy a new computer.
I had a folder with about 11.5 gb worth of files in it. I copied this file to an external hard drive, and deleted the copy on my desktop.
I emptied the recycle bin and could see no trace of this file, yet the space is still being taken on my hard drive (only 2 gb available).
How can I delete the stupid file so that my space is back?? I have already disabled time machine, as this was the only solution I could find. I have restarted my rMBP multiple times, and even started in safe mode to see if the files would appear there for emptying in the trash bin. Nothing was there in the trash bin. I have run out of solutions. I have Cleanmymac2 and have run the automated system cleaner with the external attached and without it attached. (This external BTW is NOT the one that I do backups with time machine to). I have also verified my mac partition as well as the internal hard drive with disk utility and show no errors.
I know this has nothing to do with time machine, as I moved the folder to my hard drive this morning, watched it take 11.5 gb of space, then moved it, and saw the space remained the same.
I have a 500GB external Seagate HD that I have in two partitions, one for Time Machine and one for random media stuff. I was cleaning it out today and realized that when I delete things, it doesn't give me the space back on the hard drive. I've experienced this same problem with a USB drive that I use to transfer files from one computer to another, and it doesn't work unless I use disk utility to "Erase" the drive, then add what I need. I can't afford to erase the drive (not enough room to put it all on the MBP) and am starting to need my space back from the deleted files, how can I do this without ruining the files already on my partition?
After searching the internet for a couple of hours I've given up and I'll bother you all with a question.
I've been using Time Machine since around december when I got a 1TB external LaCie. I've partitioned 250gb of it to back up the 180gb OS X partition on my mbp (yes I know it's not a ton of space for backup). It's been working wonderfully for 6 months. Even saved me once, found a file I had accidentally deleted.
I've had absolutely no trouble until yesterday.
I plugged in my Time Machine drive after 3 or 4 days of running around with my mbp and doing some light work. A few minutes go by and Time Machine has calculated that 85gb (usually it's at most 1-2 gigs for a full day backup, no idea how it went up to 85) and that there are only 74gb available, so the backup fails.
That's odd, so I try again. Same thing. So I enter Time Machine and I find that only one backup date is available, June 10th. Apparently the last time it was plugged in. So I exit Time Machine and browse through the drive itself via Finder and find that, sure enough, there is only one backup folder in existence. It seems like Time Machine deleted all my previous backups in order to fit this massive 85gb 4 days backup.
So does this mean everything is really gone, and that's why it wants to backup 85gb (just over half of the used space on my drive)? I'm pretty confused as to why this would happen, and what it means.
Any other options other than wiping and starting over?
I just love my new MBP that came with Apple SSD in it. However, I have only 128GB SSD so I don't want to fill it up too quickly. Today, I deleted tons of old emails in the Mail app since I remember that doing so can free up some space in HDD in my iMac. Surprisingly, I found that after I deleted those emails and emptied the trash, the used space of SSD went from 40.45GB up to 40.51GB . That was not the end of the story because 10 minutes after that the used space came down to 40.48GB . I monitored the used space of SSD by istat pro, if that matters.
My entire iPhoto Library is gone, inaccessible, doesn't show up in finder. I tried to restore my last Time Machine back up but it says that I don't have enough space on my startup disk. In order to create space I deleted everything nonessential and moved all of my essential folders such as documents, photos, videos, everything, etc. to my external drive, then deleted them from my hard drive. I emptied the trash to make sure that everything was wiped.
I tried to do the Time Machine back up of my iPhoto Library again and is still says I don't have enough space. I looked at my storage under About this Mac, and it says that 120.35 GB of my current computer storage are photos, however, I don't have ANY photos on my hard drive at all. I don't know what to do because I can't delete applications and there is literally nothing else I can delete from my computer, so I don't understand how 135 GBs of storage is being used up.
Could there be somewhere my photos are hiding? I just don't understand why my library got deleted in the first place for that matter.
I get this question mark along with a folder when starting up. I tried holding down the option key when turning on the power and then I get an internet recovery along with a globe. I click on the arrow below it and it takes maybe 15 minutes to start up. Then i get this disk utilities screen. I'm now unable to do anything. When going into disk utility, disk 0 shows with Mac OS X base system underneath it. All the clickable buttons are faded out. Is there something wrong with the hardrive? and where could i get this fixed? There isn't a warranty on it.
I have accidentally deleted the Private folder in the root of the HD. Now OSX will not boot. The folder is still sitting in my Trash folder and I would like from the Boot CD Terminal to copy back from the trash to the Macintosh HD/ location.
I recently deleted and threw out the trash a folder on my Macbook titled "untitled". I didn't think it was anything important so I put it in the trash and emptied it. This was a few days ago. My wife today is asking me for that folder. It contained some pictures.
I just wanted to rename an account ,then I made a new one according to the tips,but I forgot to drag the content to the new named one and accidentally choose to delete the home folder in account pane.operating in root account,er why the deleted folder not in the trash ,almost 100g lost ,any good idea to recover it?using a software named stellar phoenix scanning and recovering. Operating in Leopard
I was about to move a folder to another but then, when I let go of it, there was a small poof and it was gone! I looked in every other folder, but it wasn't in any of them.
A folder appeared on my desktop called "Skype 2" and I cannot delete it. When I try to drag it to trash, it just shows an eject symbol and the folder remains there. I am thinking it may be a virus... is there any way to delete it?
I deleted my /Private folder. I'm not sure how I was able to but I think I deleted some random little files in my Mac HD before that and I do recall entering my password (the administrative / master password) to authorize the deletion. So that's how I got into this situation. I'd just also like to say that I do not have my information backed up.
What I Have Tried: - Rebooting in Single-User mode following some code I found off a forum for someone who had only deleted their /var folder- Failed! - Rebooting in SU mode following code off Apple Support website- Failed! - Called 1-800-MY-APPLE - was told I could only reinstall everything- Failed! - Went into the Genius Bar to talk to a Genius. He tried to start up remotely with an External HD- Failed! - Was told by the Genius to take a firewire cable and hook up my computer to another Mac and start in Target Disk mode, move all my data onto there (or an external HD attached to computer 2) and then reinstall - Failed! (Reason: The second computer could not detect my computer? Indexing was taking forever but I couldn't stop Spotlight from indexing because I could not find it... My disk / the icon does not appear on the desktop. BUT, it was detected through Time Machine.)