IMac :: Time Machine - How To Get Back Deleted Files

Jul 28, 2010

If you remove a file from your mac, will time machine update it self and also remove it from the external drive? Or does it save and keep everything?

Also if it saves everything is there a way to go back and delete something, for instance some files that you don't need on your desktop.

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IMac (Intel) :: Back Up Files On Trash And No Access To Time Machine?

Jun 20, 2014

When I mounted the external hard disk I see the trash full with the files and I have no access to time machine.  

How can I repair that.

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MacBook Pro :: Recover A Back Up That Time Machine Has Deleted?

Apr 16, 2012

Time machine deleted a back up, that I need as it was the only place that had some files and as my hard drive became full it deleted this back up (I didn't realise it was going to do this ) and now I want to get it back. Is there any way I can without having to pay loads for a recovery?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: ITunes 10 Deleted Library - How To Get Back (Time Machine)

Sep 5, 2010

I just updated my iTunes but it appears it deleted my library. This sucks because I have spent hours upon hours sorting it, renaming crooked song titles, finding covers and all that stuff. I used time machine to back up my computer like 5 days ago, but I can't figure out how to use it. I wish I could just select that given day (when I made my last backup) and make it turn everything back to what it was back then. How do I do this exactly? I don't care at all if I have to go back to the old iTunes (obviously they will fix this eventually!) - I just want it to look like it did a few days ago.

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Applications :: Deleted Backup Files From Time Machine?

Mar 2, 2010

(Using Snow Leopard 10.6.2). Over the last 12 months or so, I've managed to fill up the "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD to about 400GB. I'm pretty confident that I have all these files safely backed-up (in other other files) on the same external HD. So, I thought I'd have a clear-out and get rid of the contents of this "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD. I followed the instructions on this page: [URL]

So, I could see (after I did it), that when I entered into Time Machine (with the timeline and universe landscape backdrop) all the files had gone. But when I looked into the "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD, the files were still there, so I highlighted them all, and placed them into the Trash. I've not emptied the trash yet, but before I do, I just wanted to ask, was is this ok to do, or can it cause problems to just delete the files from the "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Deleted Files After Backup Also Gone From Time Machine?

May 23, 2012

After I backup my computer onto a Hard drive using time machine, I delete certain folders off my computer, then assuming my files are on the HDD, I go back to the HDD to see the files, but the files on the Time machine back up are gone! What is happening? and how do i prevent this from happening?

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OS X :: Time Machine Restore System Language Files Deleted By "monolingual'?

Jun 14, 2010

I've tried getting some answers to this from Apple support forums and my local mac forum but didn't get much info... I've removed some important language files while using monolingual (namely -English (American) -English (British) not realizing these are subset and required). I should've read the FAQ first... now some programs are appearing in weird character formats. Can I restore these language files with my Time Machine back ups? Which folder would I need to replace back with previous file? Since I did this only late last night, I should be able to just replace a certain system file folder, without causing much headache

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Access Time Machine Files If The User Account Is Deleted?

Apr 25, 2012

I just made a TM backup of two user accounts (A & B) on one iMac.I now want to delete the files and accounts from the iMac and create a new user account.(A & B shared this computer and it is now going to be used by a third person alone. I don't want all the additional unused A & B account data clogging the hard drive.) If I delete the original A & B user accounts, will I still be able to access the backed up files? How?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), iBook G4/iMacFP/G4Tower/Bondi/3400/165/SE/Plus

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OS X :: Store Files On Same Drive As Time Machine Back Up?

Jun 15, 2009

When I ran TIME MACHINE for the first time, it reformatted my external hard drive. TIME MACHINE then backed up my system. Is it possible for me to store misc other files and what not on the same drive as the TIME MACHINE back up? Also, will these files be accessible from a PC also? I want to make sure I am not going to corrupt anything before trying this.

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OS X :: Can't Go Back In Time Machine To Restore Leopard Files?

Sep 27, 2009

I'm trying to go back in time machine to when I had Leopard, but it won't let me, all those options are listed, but are grayed out. I can choose to go back in time to the days TM has backed up SL though?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup / Get My Files Back With Windows?

Mar 20, 2010

My macbook pro was stolen a few days ago. I plan on getting a replacement in the near future, but I don't think the current macbook pros are worth it at their prices... I don't know when an update is coming (like everyone else). I may have jumped the gun and bought a windows laptop if all my files weren't saved via time machine.

Is there anyway to get my stuff off time machine and onto windows short of buying a second mac and restoring to and then transfering off to windows laptop?

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OS X :: Can I Manually Drag Back Files From Time Machine

Jun 1, 2010

I'm planning to reinstall Snow Leopard. I'm using Time Machine. I want to avoid automatic solutions like "Restore from Time Machine backup" and the Migration Assistant because I want to make sure my system stays clean.

This is how I imagine it:I boot my freshly installed system, plug in my Time Machine external drive, open it with Finder and start dragging back all the stuff I need (Photos, Music and Documents) just as if it were a regular external hard drive with files on it. Then I will reinstall all applications manually.

Will this work? Please tell me if you have ever tried this and whether it worked. Will this not cause problems with permissions or anything like that?

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MacBook Air :: How To Extract Individual Files From Time Machine Back Up

Jun 19, 2014

So two months ago my mac's internal hard disk had a problem, it was "ejecting" itself by itself. It was frozen. Problem: I was gonna do a backup the day it happened, so I didn't have a back up. I went to a centre of data recuperation. They managed to get a lot out of the internal hard disk and put it in a new external hard drive. Apple then replaced my SSD, and I restored (from the external hard drive) what had been recuperated back on my computer with a new SSD. Now I realise that a lot of things are missing - especially pictures- which is quite annoying. I do have a very old back up that I did with Time Machine on another external hard drive. My question is: how can I restore only the pictures from that back up? I can't go back on time machine because this is a new SSD, and I don't wanna restore everything from that back up as I have more data on my computer as it is now.

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OS X :: Restoring Files Back Via Time Machine / System Requires Format

Feb 18, 2010

i'm planning to format my mac book pro, as in, reinstalling leopard and erasing all the files and applications since my mac is getting really slow. I was wondering if the applications ( adobe photoshop, illustrator, final cut etc.) that i backed-up in my time machine will still work on a formatted mac.

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Won't Back Up And Files Won't Open When Double Clicked

Dec 11, 2014

I have a 13in MacBook Pro Mid 2012 model with a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 processor and 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory. I've got it new in the summer of 2012, and haven't had any real problems until now. I have a 1TB Hitachi external hard drive with over 600GB left of storage. I'm running Yosemite. 

Lately, as in the past few weeks but more noticeably the past few days, I can't open files if I just double click on them from my desktop or from searching them outside of the application. For instance, if I click on a word document on my desktop, it will cause the work icon to bounce for a while, pretending to open, but it never does. If the application is already running, the file just won't open. If I search from the "open" selection within the application, it works fine. This is true for all of my Microsoft Office apps, Photoshop, Preview, iTunes, and everything in between, all of which I had never had a problem with before. 

Next, anytime I try to backup my system using Time Machine, it simply shows the "Preparing Backup" status and never starts. I've had the hard drive and used it as a Time Machine since I got the computer, and have had zero problems at all. 

I've tried CleanMyMac2, Memory Clean, and I've always kept my Mac very clean and organized, as in no duplicate files, moving my biggest files onto my hard drive, and deleting any of my unnecessary files.  I know I don't have a ton of RAM left, but I'm honestly not completely sure what to do about that, as this model apparently doesn't have RAM updates available.  

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Old Time Machine Back-Ups On New IMac?

Mar 22, 2012

I restored the new machine from the most recent back up of my old iMac which has worked great and looks just like my previous computer. However..when I enter Time Machine it only goes back as far as today and when I try to do a back up it says there is not enough room. I would have hoped that my new iMac would recognise the back up as it's own and reinstate it as normal..but this doesn't seem to be the case. 

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IMac (Intel) :: Will Time Machine Get Photos Back

Dec 2, 2014

i deleted the wrong folders in Lightroom and this has stopped me from viewing some photos in iPhoto,the thumbnail is there but when i click on it there is no image,can i use time machine to get the photos back and how do i do it as i have never used time machine before.

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OS X :: How To Get Back Files That Have Been Deleted

Dec 22, 2009

How do i get all my files back on to my computer after i have had a system restore done?

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IMac :: Restoring Individual Files From Time Machine?

Jul 2, 2010

Has anyone heard of some third party software used to help simplify the process of restoring or retrieving individual files via TIME MACHINE?

I have some trouble sorting out the navigation window, when it offers choices between KEEP BOTH or RESTORE ORIGINAL. I seem to end up not finding the earlier file.Then a friend said he had heard of software that simplifies this process. I've tried Forum search but no luck yet.

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OS X :: Accidently Trashed My Time Machine Back Up Folder - How Can I Transfer It Back?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm an idiot, pleased to meet you.I had 2 external drives connected to my Macbook Pro, both had time machine back ups on...I meant to delete one of these but deleted the wrong one, and dragged it into Trash. On realising my mistake I tried to drag it back out of Trash, as you would normally but after "preparing to copy" for four hours it told me the drive was full...It's a 500gb drive, and the Time Machine back up is the only thing on it, so presumably it's just trying to copy itself when the back up is still present on the drive, albeit in the Trash.

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OS X :: Accidentally Deleted A Lot Of Files - How To Get Back

May 29, 2009

Apple support is closed now so I cant contackt them but in teminal I entered

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MacBook Pro :: Get Back Files When Deleted Them?

Jun 17, 2012

I have just realized that I have deleted some files that i didn't back up before. I wonder if there is a way on how to get them back??? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: Lost All Files And Folders On The Desktop And Also In Time Machine

Dec 4, 2014

All files and folders on the desktop disappeared, I checked time machine and even there are no longer present, even going back months.

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Deleted Files Not Give Space Back On External HD

Mar 19, 2010

I have a 500GB external Seagate HD that I have in two partitions, one for Time Machine and one for random media stuff. I was cleaning it out today and realized that when I delete things, it doesn't give me the space back on the hard drive. I've experienced this same problem with a USB drive that I use to transfer files from one computer to another, and it doesn't work unless I use disk utility to "Erase" the drive, then add what I need. I can't afford to erase the drive (not enough room to put it all on the MBP) and am starting to need my space back from the deleted files, how can I do this without ruining the files already on my partition?

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IMac (Intel) :: Can Upgrade To 10.6 Snow Leopard Then Restore Files With Time Machine?

Sep 4, 2014

I have an early 2006 iMac with 10.5.8, and I am having hard drive problems.  I want to reformat my drive, then install 10.6.  Can I do that, then restore my files with Time Machine?  Will it restore applications?

iMac 17" Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz 2Gb Mem, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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OS X :: Time Machine Deleted Itself Entirely?

Sep 7, 2010

I know time machine deletes old backups when full, but in the last hour my Time Machine (without warning) deleted its entire history of backups to make space for one stupid hourly backup. So i've gone from 6 weeks of backup info to one hours worth!Only after this did it tell me (the following hour I presume) that there was not enough space to perform a backup. So my reckoning if your backup gets anywhere near half the size of the backup drive you loose the lot.

In my case I was trying to sort some permissions errors and working on new network accounts so had to duplicate some files to fix permissions and temporarily doubled up on a lot of data.Amongst all that I needed a fresh copy of some system files and went to TM to grab them to discover everything gone.I had two HD's (250GB and mostly empty 500GB) backing up to a 1TB drive. I guess all this has happened 'by design' to make it consumer friendly(!), but the lack of options in TM is really to its own downfall.(Marks my second major disappointment of Apple software - after lame iOS multitasking interface/concept)

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OS X :: Time Machine Just Deleted All But 1 Of The Backups?

Feb 15, 2009

I noticed today that Time Machine was taking an awful long time to do a backup, but I didn't think much of it until an alert popped up that said it was 150GB short of space. There's no change I gone near 150GB of changes to anything today, since the last hourly backup.I looked at the Time Machine HD, and there is only one folder left inside the backup.backupdb/Mac Pro/ folder, and in Time Machine there is only 'Today' left in the time bar thing. So it seems months of valuable backups have just vanished for no good reason!Is there any way to find out what Time Machine is trying to backup, and why?And I assume there's not much hope of restoring my lost backups?

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OS X :: Time Machine Has Deleted All Backups?

Jun 2, 2009

I got home from work today to see a message about needing 232.79GB to backup but only having ~100GB.Firstly that makes no sense because I "only" have 200GB of files on my hard drive (although obviously the backup would need more), but more importantly there is no way they have all changed since yesterday.I opened the time machine backup and noticed it had deleted every single backup apart from one from last night.From late last night (don't know how far back it goes, doesn't show much further back) until the time when I got home.Has anyone got any idea why it has done this, there is no reason for it that i can work out and now I'm a bit worried it is going to start screwing up backups in the future.

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OS X :: ITunes Deleted Music - Should Have Used Time Machine..

Feb 9, 2009

I added a few new albums to different artist folders, and instead of adding each folder to the library individually [using "Add to Library" from the File menu], I decided to take a shortcut and add my entire Music folder to the Library.

Now, a load of stuff is missing, and I have a massive collection, so I don't know exactly what's there and exactly what has gone. Searching using Finder confirms that the files are completely gone from my hard drive.

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OS X :: Accidently Deleted Mail W / Time Machine?

Jul 24, 2009

Either I accidently deleted an email in my apple mail inbox or my computer deleted it (because it was in my inbox for several months) but now I can no longer find this important email. Though, I do have time machine running always, so I was wondering if the email had been saved to anywhere on the hard drive where time machine may still have it.

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