Still a new mac user and have been playing around getting to know os x. The other day I was modifying my dock settings and have got it to a place which I'm happy with, apart from one problem. I was experimenting with different trash icons but decided to stick with the original so changed them back. Now, every time I shutdown and reboot, the trash icon is showing up as one of the trash icons I was experimenting, regardless of whether or not there is anything in the trash. If the trash has something in it, the wrong icon will be displayed before automatically switching to the correct one. However, if the trash is empty on startup, I have to put something in it, then empty the trash before the correct icon shows up. I have checked that I have deleted all the icons I was experimenting with but it seems like it the unwanted icon has been saved somewhere in memory and is the default trash icon on startup? Any ideas on what's going on or how to fix the problem?
My 24" iMac (2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, running OSX 10.6.1) crashed during a normal shutdown sequence and had to be closed down by holding in the power button. This resulted in three zero kB alias files with random names such as "." in the trash.
I cannot empty these files from the trash by any normal means and the trash icon permanently shows full. The files can be selected but cannot be dragged to the desktop or renamed. Other files put in the trash can be deleted normally.
Despite having several files in the trash, its icon never changes (always shows an empty trash) and the "Empty Trash" option is dimmed (that is, cannot be used). OnyX ws the only solution but it's temporary. What's the fix I should apply to Mac OS X? Also, why is it that every time I want to move a file to trash I must enter my password? It's annoying to say the least.Please help me as I don't want to go through the royal pains of installing everything again, Windows-style. I think Mac OS X should be better than that.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I click and drag a file or folder to the trash icon, the file is deleted, however, the icon does not display any trash and when right clicking, the "Empty Trash" option is grayed out.
The trash folder does exists and all deleted files appear when the following command is entered into Terminal.
I can easily change the icon of my HD, or any other application using CandyBar or LiteIcon but these prgrams do not allow me to change standard folders and that's mainly what I want to change.
CandyBar & LiteIcon even allow me to change the "applications" folder, "Documents" and "Downloads", etc... but I havent had any luck with the cliche standard blue folders.
I am trying to find a way to have my computer automatically boot into the Startup Manager by default. Right know I know you can set it to boot into Verbose, Debug, Single User and Safe mode with the nvram. But is there an option to set it to the Startup Manager.
I have had this proble for awhile and I can not figure it out. The Trash Icon does not change when the trash icon is full or empty, appears to be full at all times even after a secure trash empty. Open up trash and there are no files inside and the file count is zero but the icon on dock remains the full icon.
Tried a search but not be lucky so hoping someone out there has solved this one before.....
Been trying to change some of the default icons Apple provide with third party .icns files by opening the folder info window in finder by using the 'get info' command, then clicking the icon in the top left hand corner (so it is has the tiny blue halo) and then edit-paste in the new icon. Sometimes it works (have changed some successfully) but now when I try, instead of the pasted icon displaying the icon image, I get the generic or default icon image for an icns icon displayed, see the screen grab attachment for what I mean
Can anyone advise me as to whats not working correctly?
I have a problem with a new installation of Lion. When I shutdown my computer, all the applications are launched by default. I have unchecked the option "Reopen windows when logging back in". When I go to my login items in the preferences system, any application is present and when I click right and go to the options tab, the option "Open at login" is unchecked. The applications who are launched are Mail, NetNewsWire, Chrome and iTunes.Â
The trash icon on the left side of the Mail window (under inbox, drafts, etc) disappeared a week ago. I have tried all the pref combos under mail pref>accounts>mailbox behaviour>trash
I empty the trash every few days so there is nothing big in there. When I empty the trash the icon still shows that there is trash in there. Opening the trash shows that it is empty. I fixed permissions and rebooted but it never helped. This has been going on for about a week so now I just sit here. I have an early 2008 MacPro with 10 gigs of ram and 4 HDD in it.
And when I went to find the Lib plist file to delete it, I had no Library Folder in my user folder. This was repaired with Disk Utility. Aren't I supposed to have a Lib Folder in my User Fole
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm running MacOS 10.9.3 on a late 2013 MacBook Pro.On a few instances I've spotted that the icon on the dock is not changing to show that there are contents waiting to be zapped. On clicking on the icon the finder window does show the files, but the state change doesn't happen.Â
I use change my icons, at least the dock ones to make them look uniform. I usually manually change them, (copy, ctrl+i, paste) but for ical I had a problem. I did the normal routine and it did work. It changed the icon to what I wanted, until I opened the program. Then it changed it back to the default icon. So I used Candybar to do the samething, and the same thing happened. I did this for about 20 icons or so, and they all changed, except for ical. Well it did change initally but when I opened it, it reverted.
At some point I changed the appearance of my PDF icons from the default red and white Adobe PDF image to where the PDF icons show a little image of the front cover of the PDF. Now I would like to change all of my PDF icons back to the default red and white Adobe Reader icon. Does anyone know how to do that please? I have Googled this and see instructions for how to change from the Adobe default to custom but can't figure out how to reverse that.
i'm new to Mac and im just learning all the features. I bought the 15" mid macbook pro and this laptop is awesome. However, i accidentally deleted the last 2 icons next to the trash icon. I know that you can retrieve icons by going to the application and dragging them to the dock. But the last 2 icons i believe is something different. I forgot the name of the icons as well but i know it has something to do with recent activities or some sort.
i just got my macbook about a month ago and today i tried to do some customizing things with icons and i found the "trash empty" icon and accidentally deleted it and emptied the trash... so i only have the "trash full icon" and i cant find the "trash empty" icon
I purposely deleted the Mail application from my Macbook. Went into Finder and moved the app icon to trash can. I thought this would do the trick, but now it randomly shows up on the toolbar but won't open. How do I get rid of this thing?