I am trying to find a way to have my computer automatically boot into the Startup Manager by default. Right know I know you can set it to boot into Verbose, Debug, Single User and Safe mode with the nvram. But is there an option to set it to the Startup Manager.
Is there anyway to make it always boot to the startup manager. Then maybe after 30 seconds or so it would default to os x. I'm constantly having to switch between OS's and it would be nice if I could make it so that it would auto pop up startup manager rather an me have to hold down the option key every time.
I am attempting to select a different startup volume. I restarted my Mac Pro while holding the Option key. The Startup Manager screen never appearded for me to make a selection. I have two bootable volumes on separate internal disks available. I see them displayed in Disk Utilities.Â
If I let the system boot normally, it boots as fast as usual. And no problems during work, either. But if I boot holding the "Option" key pressed, the startup manager screen takes about 3 minutes to show up. When it does show up, however, it works as expected. This happens even if I have no external devices connected at all.
I'm trying to sort out a problem with a mid-2007 iMac. When trying to start it up normally it would get past the Apple screen, then go onto a blue screen with a cursor and stay there.Â
I made a bootable Snow Leopard USB drive to try and repair the disk / re-install the OS. Plugged in the USB drive, and tried to boot the iMac into startup manager by holding down the option key. But instead of showing the volumes to launch startup manager, it keeps bringing up a grey screen with the Firewire logo on, which I believe is what happens when launching into Target Disk Mode.
I was surprised yesterday to find that holding down option key during restart did NOT bring up the Startup Manager screen.Usign Lion, wireless Appple Keyboard and external HD connected with FireWire. Is the isue the wireless keyboard? The Firewire connected drive?I was able to go to System Preferences and choose my startup volume but I much prefer the more temporary state pressing option key when rebooting to choose which volume for startup
Info: MacbookPro (Unibody) 2.8 Ghz 4 Gig Ram; 24, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Hubby'siMac 20" 2009 ,10.6.6. 2 Gig RAM
Is there a way to make the Boot Camp menu the default boot screen, as opposed to holding Alt? This is the latest SL release, if that matters.
I know this is possible in some manner, our networked iMacs all do it; they start up and give the option to boot OS X or Windows, with a countdown to boot the default OS. I'd just like the same thing to happen on my MBP.
Still a new mac user and have been playing around getting to know os x. The other day I was modifying my dock settings and have got it to a place which I'm happy with, apart from one problem. I was experimenting with different trash icons but decided to stick with the original so changed them back. Now, every time I shutdown and reboot, the trash icon is showing up as one of the trash icons I was experimenting, regardless of whether or not there is anything in the trash. If the trash has something in it, the wrong icon will be displayed before automatically switching to the correct one. However, if the trash is empty on startup, I have to put something in it, then empty the trash before the correct icon shows up. I have checked that I have deleted all the icons I was experimenting with but it seems like it the unwanted icon has been saved somewhere in memory and is the default trash icon on startup? Any ideas on what's going on or how to fix the problem?
I have a problem with a new installation of Lion. When I shutdown my computer, all the applications are launched by default. I have unchecked the option "Reopen windows when logging back in". When I go to my login items in the preferences system, any application is present and when I click right and go to the options tab, the option "Open at login" is unchecked. The applications who are launched are Mail, NetNewsWire, Chrome and iTunes.Â
Im trying to reinstall osx from my flash drive. The problem im having is after i hold option and click on the flash drive icon to boot it, nothing happens the arrow icon greys out like its being click, but it does nothing.
I also tried installing from the dvd with the same result. Im posting here because I searched google far and wide and have come up with nothing. Anyone know whats going on here?
how I can disable one of my video cards in my MacBook pro. The better of the two recently crapped out, or at least if am able to get it to turn on and can login to switch to the other video card it works fine.
Basically the screen glitches up and freezes the computer. I think it could have potentially taken damage from possible prolonged over heating from high temperature spaces, and a lot of dirty air over time blocking the vents. (after multiple cleanings)
The screen of my MBP A1226 running 10.6.8 just broke.
I am running clamshell now, but wondering if it's possible to boot clamshell by default without opening the laptop and removing the screen completely.
I'm asking this as I want to boot from an external optical so that I can run some HD utils, and I'm not sure I'll be able to do both at boot without a default screen that works.Â
Info: Macbook Pro 2.4 Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I've recently dual-booted Mac with Ubuntu and now when I reload the router it boots up with Ubuntu's grub loader where i see an entry for Mac for both 32-bit and 64-bit. Both options,however, don't work. I have to press option key on bootup to select the HDD containing Mac OS to boot into it. I want to know if there's a way of restoring the default boot loader for Mac OS which currently is being replaced by that of Ubuntu's?Â
I have a MBP with OSX 10.5.7 and Windows 7 RC installed (created the partition with bootcamp, then installed 7 manually).When I boot, I can hold down the option key to select which partition I want to boot. But if I forget, it always boots into Windows.Is there a way to change the default partition to boot OSX instead of Windows by default?
I am wondering if there is a way to have my iMac boot up in OS/X by default and if I want to use windows then use the hold down option method. So when I also come out of windows that it will go to OS/X without having to hold down the option key while I boot. Is this possible? If so how do I configure it?
I recently reinstalled a clean Tiger on my old MDD G4 with the intent on giving it to a friend of mine in Oregon. Everything was smooth here in Los Angeles. Got the OS on and running sweet... 10.4.11 combo update... all's well.
I drive up to Oregon, set it up in his office using his old CRT monitor and power it on. It chimes and manages to find the Tech Tool eDrive recovery partition, but not the OS on the boot drive. Then, seconds later, screen of death/kernel panic and no boots or startup chimes thereafter.
Steps I've taken: I have reset the PMU I have removed all peripherals, including viddy, SATA adapter and all but on stick of RAM Tried every stick of RAM by itself No startup chime -- just a fan for a few seconds then a super fan kicks in... no signal to monitor at all.
Strange symptom: at times power was making it to the drives, and other times not. (determined by me putting my hand on the drive to feel its vibration or lack thereof during boot).
Do I need a new PSU? And if so where to buy?
------------------------------ Dual 867 MDD G4 SATA adapter/w 300GB Tiger boot drive and 200GB data drive (w/ Panther still installed) 120GB data drive on IDE 66 bus w/Tech Tool recovery / restore partition ------------------------------
Whenever I try to load up boot camp, so that I can do basic functions, like change the brightness/volume, AND RIGHT CLICK (which is vital for gaming in tight spaces like I so often enjoy doing), it immediately closes, with Windows giving me the error that is shown in the photograph that I have provided.
i was using my imac with lion and the machine froze up. i powered it off and now it will not reboot. the apple logo comes on like normal and the "wheel" turns, but it wont load. I also have windows 7 through boot camp and it loads and runs correctly?
I have a Mid 2011 13-inch MacBook Air. My speakers chime perfectly at boot up, but then when Lion 10.7.4 loads, it won't load whatever driver is needed to run the speakers.Â
The really weird thing is that I have the speaker icon on my top bar and "Internal Speakers" are not only listed in the Outputs of my Sound tab in System Preferences but even selected. Both the volume bar in the Sound tab and on the top bar are grayed out and non-adjustable. But whenever I reboot, I get a lovely chime sound again.Â
This seems to be purely a software problem, but I didn't even know Mac OSX could recognize the internal speaker hardware without loading a driver for it!
We have an older model G5 Dual (no Intel Core) at the office that we tried to install CS3 on. I told them that first we would need to upgrade from 10.3.8 to 10.4.10, which they did, and then installed CS3. But they did it without running the disk utility repair permissions after the OS software installation, as I have routinely done with my Mac Mini at home, after the horror I experienced with the 10.4.9 upgrade. For a couple of days, the computer ran fine, but I noticed an increase in the fan spinning up yesterday afternoon, then quirky keyboard things -- like I'd select an item with point and click, and it would highlight everything else near it, I'd go to quit an application and it would ask if I wanted to quit all applications.
After backing up my current InDesign work files on a flash drive (but not the whole darn art folder), I rebooted and it came up in Safe Boot mode 6 times without holding any key down. Attempts to boot from disk have failed, even with holding down the "C" key. It's also not allowing us to type out full passwords at the log-in screen... you start typing and after you hit four digits, it clears, then only allows two digits. How we can: 1.) Force boot from disk, and, 2.) Hopefully fix with disk utility whatever wonkiness is occurring?
Information: Mac Mini, Intel Core & G5 Dual (not Intel) Mac OS X (10.4.10)
I need your help please. It all started when I was trying to install Windows XP under Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro (Leopard). I followed the manual and made the partition for Windows (32GB), but when I inserted Windows XP Install CD and had to choose partition to install it on, there was just one that seemed to be my Leopard startup disc (it had some 120GB). I did not know what to do, so I just left the installation process and the notebook restarted. When it loaded, it was trying to boot from the Windows CD so I tried to install it, but same problem appeared -> restart. I tried to load Leopard by holding Option key while loading, but only options for windows and windows cd appeared, no Leopard -> Shut down. While booting, I force-ejected the CD by holding down trackpad button -> blinking underscore on black screen appeared. I shut the MBP down by holding power button and inserted Leopard Install CD. When it loaded, I booted from the CD by holding Option key. This time I was ready to even re-install Leopard just to make it work but when I had to chose the harddisk to install Leopard on, there was none. It seems to me that somehow nobody can see the harddisk and I have no idea what to do with it.
I have an iMac that I bought in October 2007. All of a sudden, when I try to boot up my computer, I get a kernel panic. Can't get any further than the kernel panic even though I keep on re-booting.