OS X :: Changed Home Name, Files Disappear - How To Change Back
Apr 8, 2010
Last night I changed my home's name from "totoduong" to "Home" and it made seem like I lost everything.Currently "totoduong" has nothing, and "Home" has everything but in a folder.I checked another thread back in 2006, that said to change the name back to what it was. I am not clear how to do that in order to fix it.
i changed the dock on my mac and now i cant change it back. I got the files for original dock and changed it in the Macintosh/System/library/dock/resources. It still wont change back
I have no idea what happened but somehow the function of some of the keys on the top row on my Macbook Pro keyboard changed. For instance the dashboard key does nothing while the F12 key now shows the dashboard, F11 shows the desktop while F9 does what F3 did before etc.
I'm certain no fluids were spilt on the keys.
After I restarted and tried to change them back to the default function in the system preferences window, nothing happened.
I have several files in my trash that cannot be permanently deleted due to permissions errors, but when I click 'Get Info', the file disappears, only to reappear when I close and reopen the trash. It's very frustrating! My main goal is to just get these files off my external drive and be done with them! Super Empty Trash does nothing.
Stupid I know, but I saw my 'home' file was named root and for some reason thought it should be Home so I tried to change it.Meanwhile about half an hour later I had a power cut. On rebooting the computer, it logs me in to a default user with default settings.I know many people have done this before and I've been searching the net all day trying to do everything they say. The main difference is, the name wasn't changed and is still root therefore there is no 'old' file somewhere called home with all my files in that I can just swap over or change the name back to what it was before as most people seem to have been able to do.
I went into root account and changed the name on my home file and now when I open all my files file in finder it is blank everything else seems to be ok don't know what to do about it
Have a 2nd internal hard drive on my Mac Pro work station and os 10.5.2 on it. I did a restart to start up on this hd and found the Home Folder in users titled "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP". How can I rename it back to what it was originally so I can do the updates on it ? Had this prob. a year or so ago and can't remember how I corrected it.
I have a new iMac that backs up regularly with Time Machine. I find that the Time Machine backups are for more data than my iMac hard drive changes. For example, yesterday it did three backups that I noticed. One was for about 300MB and the other for about 700MB and one for 2 MB. Right now it is doing a 1GB backup. The only changes I did to the iMac between yesterday and today were a few e-mail downloads (not more than 2MB) and a few pictures were imported (about 30MB).
Does anybody know why Time Machine is backing up so much data when nothing is changing on my Mac? My entire hard drive is about 62GB right now and it started at about 58GB. My Time Capsule hard drive that hosts the TM backups has used about 130GB of data. It had only used about 60GB of data after the initial backup about a month ago.
I have five different excel files on the dock (they appear below the line, along with the trash icon). When I click on them a question mark appears on top of the excel symbol, and "help" says this means they have been deleted. None of them were saved anywhere but on the dock. But I have not opened three of them for weeks, and cannot find any of them with "finder". I always save when prompted before closing the Excel application, and would never knowingly delete them, as they represent hundreds of hours of work.
I changed my macs desktop background to my screen saver with this in terminal /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background How do I go back? i fail EDIT! SOLVED I used a program called visage to shut it off it
My finder icon changed to a weird appearance. I didn't do anything for this. In other account its still normal, but I don't find any solution to put it back to normal.
I deleted a bunch of MP3 files from my hard disc, but they will not disappear from my iPhone and iPod, even after synchronizing. I think I know why: I deleted the MP3s from my hard disc but not from my iTunes Library. I don't want all the hassle of figuring out which songs I deleted and deleting them from my iTunes Library, I just want them to disappear from the iPhone/iPod and free up the space.
I am thinking of deleting ALL the songs on my iPhone/iPod and then syncing it again. Is there an easier way?
All the documents, files and icons displayed on my desktop keep disappearing and then reappearing whenever I do anything - though especially when I save or update something, create a new folder or rename a document/file. Sometimes they don't reappear at all and I am forced to restart the system.
I use a Mac Mini Power PC G4 (1.2) with OS X 10.4.11 and I have an external hard drive which I use to save most of my files and documents onto.
1. Whenever I try to open files on my Mac such as Firefox and Windows Messenger for Mac, they appear on the Dock for 2 seconds, bouncing up and down like if you open a program, then disappear off the Dock and nothing happens. How can I open these programs?
2. I'm trying to install Yahoo Messenger as an alternative, but whenever I try to install it it says Error-95 No-Mountable-Systems. What does this mean and how do I stop it?
OK, so my email has been changed to a new account. Told to keep old account and settings on computer as to not lose old emails on mac. Â
Set up new account with same email (some password security errors side) but now cannot change to new account to sent emails as mail only lets me select the email address to send from and not the mail account.
I'm having serious issue on my MacPro 10.7.4, as I can't log in any more. My setup: System 10.7.4 on MacPro SSD (internal SSD)Data on my software RAID0 on 2 internal HD. Unfortunately I had the bad idea to move my home folder on the RAID0 cluster. One of the 2 hard drives just died, making impossible to reach any data on this side! So now, I just get an error trying to log back, as I guess the system can't find my home folder.
I just set up a second partition on my SSD, installed lion again and boot from here. So I can have access to the original SSD file system. I'd like to modify some files to update the path to a new home folder. (not on the RAID obviously but still on SSD). Could be done by terminal / command line. I used to know how to do that on linux by modify /etc/password, but I can't find the same files on OSX. How to modify / update the system user path, so I could boot again from by previous partition?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), QuadCore Xeon 2x2.8Ghz
I have an iMac with two accounts (say A and B), where A is Admin and B isn't.
I have a MacBook Air with one account (say C), where C is Admin.
Both iMac(A) and Macbook Air(C) share the same iCloud userID, but iMac(B) does not.Â
By using the built in screensharing service of Mountain Lion (not Apple Remote Login), can I use "Back to my Mac" to remotely log in iMac(A) from Macbook Air(C) when outside of my home network? In particular, can I "log in" iMac(A) when it's not already logged in on my iMac or iMac(B) is using the machine?
I am aware that there are plenty of other threads asking this question, and that there is even a page in Apple Support regarding the solution to this. The reason I've come here is because nothing I've come across has worked so far. Apple Support, and various replies to threads, have all told me that I must enable the root user, log in as the root user, and then navigate to the Users folder, at which point I could then re-name my home folder as I would normally do with any other folder, and then create a new account with the same name as the folder.
What I did was enable the root, log in as the root, and then go to the Users folder. That's where I was forced to stop, as I was still unable to edit the Home folder's name. I normally change folder names by right-clicking on the folder, selecting Get Info, and then just editing name in the little window that pops up. I know that you can also click on the folder and press enter, which is much faster. Neither of these methods worked; I'm still unable to edit the Home folder. My account is the first and only account to have been made on the computer, obviously making me an administrator, so there shouldn't be a problem there. I have a Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard.
I recently tried to edit it after reading another thread on this forum by going to the Account Preferences and right-clicking my user to access the Advanced Options. I changed my user's name to what I'd wanted it to be known as, and it did nothing to the Home folder. So I went back to change it back to what it was, and I'm unable to unlock the Lock button. I haven't logged out, and am unsure as to whether or not I'll be able to log back in again. I tried unlocking it with my account name, the name I'd changed when I was last able to access that area (which is the same as my account name), and the name it used to be, and none of them are working. This worries me greatly, as I'm now unable to log out, in case I'd be restricted from logging back in.
On my old MBP, my home folder (/Users/username) was just my first name, with a capital first letter. On my new MBP, it is firstnamelastname, all one word, all lower case. How can I change it?
On the Get Info tab of my Applications folder I changed the permissions so that I have all the read and write rights of the whole folder. The it somehow changed to Name: system, and the Privilege: Read and Write. I didn't know that I was NEVER supposed to do that until I googled the issue. I googled a lot, and most of the solutions says that I need my mac DVD. I am currently in North Africa visiting my parents, and my Disks are back home. I tried many things, but the more I try, the more I seem to mess up my macbook. I have a macbook white with Mac OS X 10.5.8. Some suggest to go to Terminal, and use chown -R, but as soon as I open Terminal, i get the following:
------- login: PAM Error (line 400): System error login: Could not determine audit condition
[Process exited - exit code 1] -------
I tried many suggestions, namely: "http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=804099&highlight=application+folder+-permissions But I can't use Terminal.......................
I've got my current name as "JoeDuffy" (As seen here: [URL]). My username/login ETC is "JosephDuffy"/"Joseph Duffy". I'd like to change my home area name to "JosephDuffy", is this at all possible? It's just when using my Contact Card, it never finds me, and creates a new card, a tad annoying, it's also just inconsistency, and I have a bit of a Mac OCD about it.
I was trying to change the name of my home folder, I thought I did tis but when I restarted I lost all my photos in iPhoto and my songs in iTunes. How can I restore to the way it was before???