OS X :: Change Home Space User Name?
Jan 6, 2010
I've got my current name as "JoeDuffy" (As seen here: [URL]). My username/login ETC is "JosephDuffy"/"Joseph Duffy". I'd like to change my home area name to "JosephDuffy", is this at all possible? It's just when using my Contact Card, it never finds me, and creates a new card, a tad annoying, it's also just inconsistency, and I have a bit of a Mac OCD about it.
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Nov 28, 2009
See the pic so you know what I mean.
I wanna change the folder named "josh" to a different name.
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Mar 16, 2012
I bought a used Macbook Air (Lion) and would like to change the filename of the "Home" user.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 15, 2012
I've a user who has been given a company shared MacBook Air. The account name was previously our company name, but I've sucessfully followed the guide [URL] to change this. Thus, the username is now now his firstname & lastname. The home folder is firstnamelastname. However, the old username (our company name) is still showing up as the username for some email recipients and airdrop.I'm guessing the email name might be saved localy on a few of the users contacts since he's been sending a few emails before the user name was updated. Can this be confirmed in any way?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 20, 2012
I have renamed my home directory using the root then I restarted the computer. Then, I logged on with the same account that I have and I found that all the old folders have been moved to a new folder in the new directory under the old directory name.How to get back!I tried to rename it again by replacing the new name with the old name but it didn't work.. is there anyway to undo the change!! Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 23, 2012
iMac OS X 10.6.8. previously migrated account -- need to rename the account at the destination. Step 6 in the support page does not occur. I never get a chance to hit OK to this: 6. Click OK when "A folder in the Users folder already has the name 'account name'. Would you like to use that folder as the Home folder for this user account?" appears. Note: This will correct the ownership of all files in the Home folder, and avoid permissions issues with the contents. A red flag appears in the field that conflicts (either the short name or the full name). The name(s) cannot be changed! must cancel out.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Previously migrated account
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Sep 3, 2009
I have tried very hard to find the answer to my transferring question, but nowhere do I find my answer nor does Apple offer free help or even help by email.
So here is my issue. I want to transfer all my personal data from my HOME user account on my MacBook to a NEW user account on the SAME MacBook. The reason is that my Microsoft Office has a certain issue that is only solvable by starting up in a new user. So now I want to transfer all the personality, data, files, and all that from my home user to the new user on the same computer. After that, I want to delete the old Home user and make the new user the default home user account.
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May 31, 2012
How do I change from Yahoo home page to Google home page?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.8), novice user
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Mar 15, 2012
How do I change the home name on my mac? And will it mess anything up?
iMac 24' (black), Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo/ 3 GM 667 Mhz
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Aug 14, 2010
I am on an intel 20" imac with a 250GB HD using iLife 09. I am back from a vacation with the family and realize that I can't import any video to my imac because the HD has no more space. To get some space back I am currently doing the following: Going through old video footage and trashing all video I never used in a project. If I attach an external HD can I can I download raw footage on this and then edit with imovie through the external? s there anything anyone else suggests? I MRoogled this and found some ways to save space but couldn't find much on the above two questions that weren't over my experience level as I just want to do home movies for memories.
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Sep 4, 2009
I am going to install a SSD in my MacPro, probably will re-install SL from scratch. I will move my user folder to another drive, since the SSD is too small. Is moving the user folder 100% safe? Should I look out for any issues after/before I move it?
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May 23, 2012
On my Mac Mini, I have set up a new user because of problems with the OS. So far, it is working fine. I also have a G5 running OS 10.4.11. There is an account on both machines with the same name. However, the new account on the Mini is a different name. The G5 does not offer the "login as" (at least that I can see, so my access to the new account on the Mini is limited to a dropbox. To simplify: A is the account on both the Mini and the G5, B is the account only on the Mini. I tried extending the permissions on B's home directory, but that did not work. Using get info, I unlocked the file then tried to add A to the list of users. For some reason, nothing happened.Â
How can I give user A permission to access user B's home directory on the Mini?
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 9, 2012
Is it possible to upload home video to icloud to free up space on my mac?
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Aug 25, 2014
IMAC 13.3..Can not use mail, because I do not have space on my home folder.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 23, 2010
Sometime in the past couple of days I lost write permission to my own home directory (/Users/yalla) - The attributes for my homedirectory are correct, but there are extended attributes as well, and I believe this is where the problem lies.
For Documents, Downloads etc, I am allowed to create/modify/delete files and directories, but under my pure homedirectory ~yalla I am all of a sudden unable to write, meaning I cannot create for instance a new .bashrc (not that I need to since I already have one), or create new catalogues.
I have tried both from Terminal and from Finder, and I am not allowed to create new directories under ny homedir. By going to Finder and going under "Get Info" for my homedir, I have gone to Sharing & Permissions and changed from Read Only to Read & Write which seems to fix it. I have however not been there before and made any changes, and I am therefore worried that by changing this to R&W I am fixing a symptom and not the core problem.
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Jan 17, 2008
Is it possible to store the user home directory on a Mac OSX Server? Such as how windows user can have roaming profiles stored on a Windows Server. I am planning to setup about 3 Macs and each user can use any machines and have there profile / home directory roam with him/her.
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Mar 20, 2012
I want to sync my MacBook Pro w/ my iMac (both running Lion).I want to be able to come home from a business trip and have all of the new / edited info on my MacBook (new photos (organized & edited), changes to various folders in "documents", random files/folders added to desktop, changes made in iTunes, etc) show up on my iMac, which I work off of while at home. And of course the reverse - sync the changes on my iMac to my MacBook before I travel again.Wouldn't it be possible to copy a User's Home Folder on Machine 1 to an external drive, and then use that to replace / update the Home Folder on Machine 2? Or possibly do a complete Disc Clone (i.e. Super Duper) of Machine 1, and then use that to "restore" Machine 2? What are the pros and cons?And any better solutions? I realize that my proposals may be over simplified, but also that my goal must be a common one.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz i5, 8GB ram
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Mar 6, 2012
When I purchased my iMac a few years ago, I created one user account and just started using my computer. I am trying to implement a few Safe Computing practices by creating a new Admin user account and changing my original user account to a Standard user. Â
For some reason, I cannot change either of the accounts to a standard user after I type in the password. I've logged in as both and tried to change the other user profile to a standard user, but the checkbox is greyed out on both of the Admin User accounts.  Â
I can create a new standard user, but I have everyting set the way I like it on my current Admin user account. It would be much easier to have a new Admin User account and "Downgrade" my original Admin account to a standard user account. Â
why the option to change from an Admin user to a standard user would be "Greyed Out"? The support articles walk me through, what should be a few simple steps, but I can not change the settings because the checkbox is greyed out. Â
iMac 24", Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Feb 17, 2009
Is it possible to install the Windows Vista home premium Lite OS on a MacBook? Think it would be nice to save some precious HD space for other purposes.
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Apr 5, 2012
I am trying to write /Users/xxx to a Lexar 8g flash drive. Its size is under 1g. I can easily put subfolders onto the drive, but if I try to feed it the entire home folder it tosses it out again. I don't know how to use Finder to reach the /Users folder, where xxx is just a subfolder, but I can do this from the terminal command line; however, then I got stuck on how to proceed: I tried to mount /dev/disk1 [which diskutil shows as its name]; each variation I'v tried runs into some problem: disk busy, not found, etc. I was using sudo commands, so I don't think it's a permissions problem.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 1, 2012
I am manually moving files from a Time Machine backup. How do I view the user's home Library files that are in the backup? I need to move over some of their preferences and bookmarks.
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Apr 27, 2012
We are using Mac OS X 10.6.8 in a classroom. Hard drive has two partitions, one for OS and apps, the other for student's files. Computers are bind to the Active Directory. Unfortunately, local home folders are on the boot parition. Over a time when apps FCP and Avid are frequently used, the boot partition gets filled with files and finally it's full. With zero kb available, users cannot even login anymore. Manually deleting files by admin is cumbersome and time-consuming task.Â
I'm looking for a way to keep /Users folder clean. Putting user's home folders to server is not an option, because of latency issues etc. Unfortunately the local home folder is the default saving place when user issues the Save As command. I've tried to tinker with the User Template to lock the Documents folder but apps like Microsoft Word and Final Cut Pro go crazy when they cannot save there. Forwarding /Users to other partition does not solve the problem, it just moves the problem to another place. Logout Hook to automatically purging the files could be an solution, but there's always one hapless soul who saves his or hers files to wrong place and loses them. Or maybe a script which looks at the modfication date and deletes old files.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2), ARD 3.5.1
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Sep 7, 2009
So I've read the forums and searched on the net for the last few days and found one user which was able to compress his apps to save space just like SL does and saved some GB and was wondering how this could be done.
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Apr 8, 2012
How do I delete a user account I am not using to regain the space on the HD?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 31, 2012
My home page on MacBook Pro is NY Times. The home page does not fill the space. There are white space margins of approximately 1 inch on both sides of the page. Shouldn't the home page fill the entire space with no white empty margins? How to correct?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 21, 2010
I am aware that there are plenty of other threads asking this question, and that there is even a page in Apple Support regarding the solution to this. The reason I've come here is because nothing I've come across has worked so far. Apple Support, and various replies to threads, have all told me that I must enable the root user, log in as the root user, and then navigate to the Users folder, at which point I could then re-name my home folder as I would normally do with any other folder, and then create a new account with the same name as the folder.
What I did was enable the root, log in as the root, and then go to the Users folder. That's where I was forced to stop, as I was still unable to edit the Home folder's name. I normally change folder names by right-clicking on the folder, selecting Get Info, and then just editing name in the little window that pops up. I know that you can also click on the folder and press enter, which is much faster. Neither of these methods worked; I'm still unable to edit the Home folder. My account is the first and only account to have been made on the computer, obviously making me an administrator, so there shouldn't be a problem there. I have a Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard.
I recently tried to edit it after reading another thread on this forum by going to the Account Preferences and right-clicking my user to access the Advanced Options. I changed my user's name to what I'd wanted it to be known as, and it did nothing to the Home folder. So I went back to change it back to what it was, and I'm unable to unlock the Lock button. I haven't logged out, and am unsure as to whether or not I'll be able to log back in again. I tried unlocking it with my account name, the name I'd changed when I was last able to access that area (which is the same as my account name), and the name it used to be, and none of them are working. This worries me greatly, as I'm now unable to log out, in case I'd be restricted from logging back in.
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Jul 14, 2010
On my old MBP, my home folder (/Users/username) was just my first name, with a capital first letter. On my new MBP, it is firstnamelastname, all one word, all lower case. How can I change it?
I tried this, but I still can't edit the name.
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May 10, 2012
The apple Support documebt has a link that suggests that Legacy FileVault is FileVault 2.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 8, 2012
I have moved and would like to know how to change my home address. My old address always prefills the boxes when i buy online or pay bills.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 19, 2012
I was trying to change the name of my home folder, I thought I did tis but when I restarted I lost all my photos in iPhoto and my songs in iTunes. How can I restore to the way it was before???
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