Software :: Cannot Import Mail Messages Into Entourage
Jan 10, 2010
I searched archives for a similar question, found one or two but no answer that helps me. I exported all my email accounts in Mail, as text files AND as raw message source files. Now I want to use Entourage and import the messages, but Entourage does not recognize these files. Why? They are all grayed out.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a dead PC and have since pulled the hard drive (which works fine). Any ideas how to get the old Outlook messages off the drive and import them into Entourage on my Mac?
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Jul 5, 2006
I am getting tired of using Microsoft Entourage for my POP3 email and I want to move over to the Mail app. Is there a way in Entourage to export all my mail into a format that Mail can import all of my old/existing emails?
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Apr 2, 2007
I have 2 (Apple Mail and Entourage) clients storing 3 months of emails each and I want to merge them into Gmail. The messages no longer exist on the web-based servers and I heard IMAP might be in handy for transfering the messages to an online acct then transfering to gmail.
Any idea of how to do this with Entourage or Apple Mail?
BTW, they're both from the same email address, I just changed providors (hosting/email) during the 6 month period.
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Feb 12, 2009
I am moving from my exchange server... and use entourage 2008... since i dont have exchange any more theres no need to use the buggy entourage... so in entourage i copied all my folders (mail) from exchange to local.
then i set up apple mail - added all my imap accounts (which are in addition to to my old exchange account).
If apple mail supported exchange i would simply connect to it and move my folders local - but alas its not supported yet - and i cant wait for the update.
so i imported from the import menu (using the entourage option).
It all looked good (i have a lot of mail - so it took several hours).... I clicked on a random message on of the imported folders... its blank... subject, from etc are there in the columns - but the message is blank -- tried another - blank..
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May 16, 2009
I am expecting delivery of my first Mac on Wednesday. I have been using Outlook 2003 for years and wish to move my files to the iMac. I already have the Office 2008 software. Can I simply import the .pst files into Entourage?
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Jan 27, 2010
I just got entourage for my IMac. I am trying to import my work email (microsoft exchange server). I inputted the information correctly, because all of my folders are now showing. But none of my mail is loading. I am guessing the size is to big? I emptied the cache, and that did nothing.
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Mar 7, 2010
So my sister got a new macbook pro upgrading from a white macbook. She uses microsoft entourage (its terrible) for work, 2004 edition. Anyways she wants to keep her emails- I exported everything alright, then imported on the new mac but the dates are screwed up. Even had an email from 1969. wow im confused, anybody got a fix or any ideas?
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Sep 2, 2009
I have saved the MS User Data from Office X prior to whiping my HD clean for a rebuild ... A new install of Office X creates a new MS User Data folder automatically when opened. When I choose the import option in Entourage X there is no listing for the current version and when I select another version, Entourage 2004, for example, only the new "Main Identity" shows with today's date. I can hit "browse" so it will "see" the original "Main Identity" and select it but after clicking OK, only the new "Main Identity" shows with today's date is shown and defeats the import.
I have also tried Office 2008 > File > Import >"Entourage information from an archive or earlier version "> and tried either option Entourage 2004 or Entourge X and have the same experience: only the new identity shows with the new installs' date. I can hit "browse" so it will "see" the original and select it but after clicking OK, only the new identity shows with today's date is shown and defeats the import."
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Dec 14, 2007
I'm not changing back to a Windows user, it's just that I *need* to get my contacts onto Outlook 2007 as well. My contacts in Entourage are organized nicely, with each contact's name and e-mail address. Really simple information. I then go to "Export", and choose to export the contacts to a "tab-delimited text" file (it's my only choice). Basically, I get this .txt file. I then go to my Outlook 2007, and have tried importing both "Comma Separated Values" and "Tab Separated Values" with my .txt file. Unfortunately, while each contact's name and e-mail DO get imported, the format is completely messed up. I get this "map field" window when I choose to import by Tab Separated Values, but I've tried all different combinations, and every time, the names and e-mails simply jumble up altogether. Has anyone tried importing Entourage contacts into Outlook 2007? And if so, can you please give me some instructions on how to do so?
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Jan 25, 2010
I try to send & receive my mail on entourage, I am able to receive all of the messages, but I get an error message that says "Entourage cannot connect to the server. Verify that your computer is connected to the network."I know I am connected because I am searching the internet on Safari and Firefox and I am about to receive messages and I can log onto yahoo chat.I am assuming it has something to do with my preferences, but it was working before and I haven't changed any of my preferences. My email provider is yahoo.I was told to switch my SMTP (out-going mail) port from 25 to 567.
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Jun 19, 2009
My entourage program downloaded all my old, deleted messages, which was over 5,000 approx. 2 months ago!! I just opened entourage and it started doing it again. Why is it doing this and how can I stop it?
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May 14, 2010
I have a MacBookPro (Mac OS X) running Entourage 2008 12.2.4. How do I get rid of messages that won't send? Weeks ago I tried to send a couple of video files attached to an email. They wouldn't send and now every time I use entourage I see.
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Mar 12, 2007
I keep getting the rainbow swirl whenever I open Entourage. There are two messages sitting in my Outbox. I use a hotmail account to connect thru Entourage on my Macbook.
I have gone to Home/Library/Mail and deleted messages in the Outbox, but am still having the same problem. I've also restarted my computer, but that hasn't worked, either.
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Aug 16, 2009
I work for a small business that relies a lot on consistent email communication. We are using a GoDaddy email account that we have set up through our Microsoft Entourage programs on all of our Mac computers (all four of us work on Macs).
We have been bombarded by error messages on Entourage. For example just today I have received two error messages: Internal error (-17900) saying "Mail could not be sent" and Sorry, over your relay limit (-17099) saying "Mail could not be sent."
Over the past few weeks we have gotten Error -3259, Error -2171, Error -17895.
It is becoming extremely frustrating!
I have tried researching some of these problems on line but have not found a whole lot of helpful information. I spoke with a rep at GoDaddy to see if it had to do with our email server itself. He said that everything seemed to be set up properly and that it was either a problem with the Microsoft program or with the Internet Service Providers.
why we are receiving so many error messages, and how we can ensure that we wont receive anymore and that our emails will be sent properly.
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Dec 31, 2009
I installed Entourage 2008 on my MBP 10.6.2 and updated it to the latest version. Everything worked fine until today. I can't grab and drag individual messages to put them into folders anymore (the move-to tool still works). I also can't grab folders and drag them onto my desktop (for archiving, e.g.) anymore. I believe it worked initially. The only thing I can think of that I did since the first installation of Entourage was create a backup of my system on another partition using SuperDuper and since then Entourage upon startup asked for permission to use an obscure font on that backup partition, which is weird in its own right. After getting that message a few times (and denying access every time) I chose the option for Entourage not asking me again, so I don't know the exact name of the font it was asking. But I'm sure it was one of the WarnockPro incarnations. Is there a way to get Entourage to ask me again for that font?
But more importantly, addressing the main issue re. drag and drop of messages and folders: has anybody heard of such behavior and knows of a fix?
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Mar 21, 2009
I used to use an old version of Outlook Express on my Powerbook 1400 running OS 9.2. Before I switched to my PB G4 (which a few months ago was replaced by a new MB Pro) in 2003, I archived my Outlook identity as a Stuffit file. The other day I discovered this old archive and thought I'd try to retrieve the message from it. I unstuffed it and the result was an "Entourage Database." Okay, but Entourage will not let me import from it. When I try to use it as the database for Entourage, it needs to be rebuilt, but when it is rebuilt, the file size is reduced from 190 MB to 18 MB and the content is apparently cleaned out. Does anyone know how I can get these old email messages out of this file and into either Entourage or Apple Mail?
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Aug 23, 2009
I just spent an hour Googling how to do import my Outlook 2007 email messages to Entourage 2008. Everyone kept recommending O2M by Little Machines. And while that seems like a bargain for $10, I wanted a free solution.
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May 28, 2010
I am getting unwanted emails - I know I can get them to move into deleted items, but ideally I would just like them bounce back.
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Jun 30, 2012
The Apple Mail on my son's iMac 5, running OS X 10.6.8, shows the number of unread messages (9), but if I click on InBox, the messages themselves don't show up in the main window. This suddenly happened, and none of his old, read messages show up either. But he can access them just fine from his iPod, or through his Network Solutions web mail interface. Also, in Mail we can search part of his email address, and all the messages show up, read and unread! He has no rules set up. The connection doctor shows the connection is fine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 18, 2010
I am running mac os X version 10.5.8 and I find that mail will download not all my mail and will not send from any of my mailboxes.
I have set up mail with my googlemail account my mobileme account and my yahoo accounts. all are set up as stp and I have set them up according to all the online help lines. I have had mail set up for many months now, and have been trying to fix this problem for a long time now off and on.
One thing that I have tried is changing the outgoing port number from the default to 587, but still no joy.
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Nov 23, 2009
I have decided to use Entourage over Mail due to it's robustness and more features than I can possibly ever use. Here the question:I am coming from a PC using Outlook 2007. I have done my research on how to get my mail off my Outlook and importing it into Entourage.Fine, great and dandy. I haven't performed it yet but I have a couple of questions before running with this.1. I have MobileMe account. Installing that into Entourage was relatively easy. Done.2. Installing a new "mail" account (POP or IMAP), I'm going to assume is the same way BUT if I install this, will it mix with my MobileME? What I am expecting to see is that it would store separately in it's own section. What is right?
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Jan 31, 2010
Is there away to import mail account settings from Thunderbird and/or Outlook Express into Mail? [that is, to help any one searching later on as Mail is too common a word to search for]. I've imported all my messages correctly but don't know how or if it's possible to import my account settings. Also: I'm in the process of migrating all my e-mails / mail accounts / settings and mail rules from Outlook Express to Mail []. I have successfully got all my e-mails across. I have also managed to convert all the e-mail addresses in the 50+ mail rules, as stored in the Windows registry, from hex into text.
Some of my rules have tens of e-mail addresses which if I had to add in each address separately would be a nightmare. Is there away of block adding in e-mail addresses to Mail? Also is it possible to manually edit the mail rules preference file(s) and insert the e-mail addresses into that? I'm aware I have to manually recreate the rules themselves but that's not so difficult. It's the adding back in of all the e-mail addresses that might be, given the large number that exist.
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Jun 6, 2014
How do I set up a mail server and SMTP server to send messages to other mail servers at mavericks
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Mar 3, 2009
I use an IMAP email account (provided by AOL) and every time I send an email it then comes in to my AOL sent items folder and displays an unread count on It's infuriating.
I think imap stores the sent mail on it's server and I think I'm subscribed to all these folders so when it receives my sent mail, it sends a copy back to me.
I have tried creating a rule that mark all messages from me as read, but to no avail, it still does it anyway.
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May 8, 2010
In an effort to make Mail more gmail-like, I selected the "View>Organize by thread" option. However, this only seems to group messages in my inbox and doesn't include my sent messages within the same conversation.
Is this how threaded messages are supposed to work? Just one side of a conversation? Or is there a setting to get my sent messages to show up in the threaded conversation?
I am using Mac Mail to check my gmail acct via IMAP. I am using the settings specified by google. I have selected the appropriate folders and mapped them using the "Use this folder for..." menu item. My sent messages are both in the Sent folder (for a while, then they disappear) and below in my Gmail>Sent Mail folder (always current). I have the option selected to store them on the server.
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Aug 27, 2009
On entourage, I used my username, pw, domain, exchange server, ldap, and public folders server. This worked to allow me to get contacts, sync perfectly etc.
However, when I try to enter my username, pw, and put the incoming/outgoing server from the 1 exchange sever in entourage, I get an error that says it can't connect to the server. Is there a way to find out how to find where the info is that I need from entourage? My school isn't supporting mail, only entourage.
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Nov 9, 2009
Just purchased new 17" MBP and am wondering what e-mail program you all prefer??? We are coming off many years with Outlook.
I set up Mail and it seems "OK" but I then discovered that Office 2008 has Entourage (I thought it was only in the Business version) and I am contemplating moving to Entourage before I invesnt more time in Mail.
We have two e-mail addresses and two different homes that we use our laptop at...with different ISPs...thus need a couple of different configurations.
From past reading I have heard not too positive comments on both Mail and Entourage...what are the issues with each
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Jan 14, 2011
My wife runs all her emails through entourage. This is a HUGE memory hog and just generally a big and bulky mail client. She has an 07 black macbook running snow leopard. Is there an easy way to simply import ALL her mail to a apple MAIL. I get that I would have to reconfigured where her email accounts dump their mail in the future. But I'm just wondering how I would get her THOUSANDS of emails over to MAIL, and if it is even possible.
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Apr 14, 2009
Recently we brought a new mac and have set up entourage 2008.
We want a mail alert sound for all my incoming mail. We do not want the default ones that they have.
We downloaded a set of sounds for this.
What is the rule that we need to use to make these sounds work?
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