OS X :: Alum Macbook And Mac Mini Won't Boot Off USB HDD
Aug 16, 2009
I've set up bootable external hard drives at least 100 times or more. Recently I purchased a Mac Mini and a Alum Macbook Late 2008, I had a WD 500GB portable passport that had two interfaces (USB/Firewire 800).
The portable drive was set up with four partitions, Leopard Installer, Leopard Server Installer, Intel Leopard OS, and Back Up. The drive had a partition scheme GUID which works best with Intel macs. Now here's the hickup, I managed to use this drive to install and troubleshoot Leopard on tons of different models. The weird thing is that when I tried to re-image my new Mac Mini with the drive via USB cable it would see the partition but fail to boot from it, but I was able to boot from the Intel Leopard OS partition with no issues.
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Oct 9, 2009
where is the fan exhaust located on my uMB and how do I clean it out?
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Apr 25, 2009
here's a pic of my screen after a weird rainbow like freeze. After it does this, I can't do anything, and have to restart the computer. This has now happened 4-5 times over the past 2 weeks. Do you think it's a bad video card, bad memory, or what? I can't figure it out.
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Dec 18, 2008
There's plenty of opinions on whether to cover your new Alum MB or let it go naked. My question is about the New Speck See Thru Cases for the new Alum MB... See Thru Satin and Hardshell Clear... If you have recently purchased one would you tell us how it fits on the new notebook. Particularly can you still tilt the lid all the way back like they claim? InCase claimed to be redesigning one for the Alum but nothing is out yet. Does anyone know anything about that? Are they really making a case for the Alum? I know the old Incase Hardshell's restricted the tilt on the lid. Anyone have experience with both, the new Speck and the old InCase? And what about all the claims about the Speck products scratching the notebooks? We're concerned here with the "New" ones. So who has bought one?
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Apr 10, 2009
i have a 2.4 ghz alum macbook and i was wondering at what temperatures does your fans start to actually spin up. i'm at 70C right now and it still hovers at +/- 2000 rpm just wondering if this is normal i used smc fan controller for a little bit but i decided that i would just leave it to apples default and use a laptop cooler if i really need the extra disccipation.
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Jan 22, 2009
I noticed the fans are right next to the hinge on the aluminum macbooks and it looks like the airflow is blocked if its shut. Right now i have a monitor hooked up, is it fine leaving my screen shut while using another keyboard without warping my screen or overheating my computer?
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Jan 19, 2009
Has anyone had this happen to them yet? I've had my macbook aluminum for about a month and it just happened randomly.
I didn't write down the error but I can probably check the log files. Where do I find the log files? If this keeps happening I'm sure Apple will want to know as well as other users. We havent heard of kernel panics out of macbooks for a while. Im not even sure what caused/causes them.
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Oct 21, 2008
I am hoping that when they refresh the new Mac Pro that they refresh the apple keyboard to have black keys. I would love to pick one of these up,and maybe an all alum mouse ,i really don't know about the mouse but do you like to see black keys or keep the white?
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Apr 30, 2008
First off, is this even possible? I can't figure out if my internal wireless "card" is a removable piece like it was on the iBooks of the same generation. I know that wireless G was standard on the Alum Powerbooks, but does that mean it was soldered in somehow? When I replaced my HD last year I don't recall seeing one...
If it wasn't soldered, and it's a replaceable card, does anyone make a compatible N card that I can drop in it's place? Times are changing and both my house and my work will have N routers, and I would like to take advantage.
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Jul 1, 2009
Another frustrating problem started occuring in the past two days with my apple wireless alum keyboard. I lose all the F button functions like volume up/down, mute, forward track reverse and eject. This occurs if i restart the comp or come put of hibernation (there still the problem with the mouse sometimes freezing when comin from hibernation) or when i switch from mac os to windows. This problem occurs in windows (XP). Im not sure what happened but i recall windows had an update a couple of days ago!!
I checked if there is an update to sort out the bluetooth issue but nothing new.nyone having the same problem. Really annoying to shutdown and turn on the comp again just to get the buttons working again. Comp is iMac 24" Alum 2007 sep build.
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Sep 3, 2009
I've recently purchased a broken 1GHz Alum PowerBook G4 12", and the display isn't working. I have a total of two 12" PowerBook displays, and I've tested both. They've worked perfectly fine. Then I've tried reseting the PMU and PRAM, no luck, but they've attempted to work. Tried the Mini-DVI to VGA adapter with my display, still no luck. The keyboard, optical drive, and hard drive works as if it was booting, and there was always a clear chime, even when I've reset the PRAM and PMU (the beep sound when PRAM also attempted). I've inserted a Leopard install disk, and it sounded like it was working perfectly fine. Hopefully it's not a motherboard issue
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Mar 18, 2012
I have an older intel Mini running Lion. This morning my son told me it was displaying the screen that says you need to reboot.I told him to reboot it and let me know how it went. He came back and said it just brings up the reboot screen again.I rebooted it again, and again got the reboot message screen.I didn't start writing down the error messages because I assumed I would be able to get it fixed eventually.I rebooted with the option key pressed and selected the recovery disk. Again, I got the reboot screen.I then used my wife's macbook to create a USB recovery disk, booted the mini again, and selected the USB disk.I got the gray screen with the apple and the spinning symbol....it stayed on that screen for over half an hour.At that point, I noted that the indicator light on the USB drive was showing no activity, so I shut the mini down and tried again to boot from the USB drive.This time I got the reboot screen again.At this point I wrote down the following error message: [code] At this point I wondered if I had corrupted something on the USB recovery disk by stopping it earlier.I rebooted with the option key pressed and selected the recovery partition on the HD, hoping to see if it provided the same error message.I got the gray screen with the spinning logo and it just hung there. After 20 minutes, I rebooted and just let it follow its normal boot procedure. Again, I got the gray screen with the spinning logo and it's been sitting there for the last half hour.
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Jul 2, 2009
Having problems with the Audio, Brightness and eject button keys after windows xp automatic update. Buttons sometimes work after a shutdown and restart, sometimes not. Tried the Bootcamp 2.1 reinstall but didnt help much. Where the heck can i get drivers for the bloody thing?
Apologies for the lingo but im quite frustrated. it takes apple yrs to fix one problem but only for another to appear.
I already gave up on Realtek doing something about their crappy sound quality (despite releasing a new driver every two weeks) and the mighty mouse freezing after hibernation unless u press the left button like a man possesed!!
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Jul 31, 2010
I have a 2009 Mac Mini 2ghz that I was trying to install Leopard Server on. I have tried by booting from DVD, a second partition with the ISO burned to it, and even an external USB drive that has a full install of Leopard Server on it that successfully boots up a 2007 iMac. I have also tried to boot from 10.5 DVDs without any luck. The symptom is consistent - it attempts to boot and then reboots about 10 seconds later. This happens regardless of whether it is a physical DVD or an external USB drive. All DVD drives and USB drives are capable of booting the iMac.
I've reset PRAM, held down option keys to select boot drives, etc. I can't try target disk mode as I don't have a firewire cable handy. Booting into diagnostic mode detects no problems for both the short or long test. The machine is just out of warranty but did have a weird problem with network where it wouldn't recognize the network connected to a Netgear 716GS switch, no matter which port. 10 other computers connected to the switch without problem. I had brought it to the genius bar who couldn't determine any hardware problems and it worked with their network just fine.
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Feb 14, 2012
I have a Mac Mini with Lion OS. When I power it on I can hear a chime and presented with a login screen. After login, it looks like it is trying to boot from the internal hard drive but it seems to stuck with a white screen and animated circle (hour glass in windows). Is there a way to boot into a safe mode or re-install OS from DVD. Note: I am using PC keyboard for my mac. My mini mac is 1.5 year old so it is out of warranty. Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 5, 2012
Can I boot from a USB drive from a mac mini 2007 OSX 10.6 with a SATA drive? I want to install a Linux OS from a CD onto the USB then be able to select the bootable USB (linux) on startup. I understand that I can boot from the CD by holding down C when retarting the computer. I have also read I can use rEFIt as a boot loader to select whcih bootable drive I want at startup. Unfortuately, I have also read that there may be a problem actually booting from an external device in Mac. IS anyone actually booting form a USB on the mac mini?
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Mar 13, 2012
I have a new MacMini without the optiocal drive. This is a computer that someone tried to put Linux on and left it was a 100gb partition for the MacOS and the rest for the Linux installation. I want to get it back to one large partition.Â
I know that I need to get the computer to boot from something else because the Recovery partition is on the HDD. To that end I have tried to boot this from an external USB DVD-RW drive and when it starts to boot from the disk it reads the DVD and then goes to the 'circle/slash' screen. I then made a USB drive bootable and restored the dmg file for my Lion disk to it and tried to boot from that. It shows in the options and then immediately goes to the 'circle/slash' screen. I tried to flash the PRAM and got the same result. I tested both items on another MacMini and they work. The test computer was a previous model with the optical drive.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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May 21, 2012
I just recently bought 8gs of Corsair Mac RAM, links at the bottom.So they I changed the RAM sticks, not the first time I've upgraded RAM, just like I have every other time.But after switching the RAM the mac won't boot. Tried swapping back the old ones and still nothing.
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Apr 15, 2009
so i downloaded the new 3.0 beta 3 software the CD wouldn't eject from the drive so I pressed down both mouse buttons while rebooting... tried to boot back up again and all i get is this?
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Jul 31, 2009
i've been having some serious problem with my mac mini. Im trying to install a copy of leopard in my new hard drive and every time i try to boot the dvd holding the "c" key, the computer restart.
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Aug 20, 2009
Long story short, I wanted my Mini to dual boot Ubuntu 9.04 and OSX, and the guides I was finding said to use rEFIt. This worked fine until I allowed Ubuntu to install a bunch of updates, which must have done something to my partition table, as now I can no longer boot OSX or Ubuntu, and the CD I stuck in there won't eject either (so I can't get my OSX install disc to even load). Is there a rEFIt command from the shell I can run to eject the disc and try getting my OSX install disc in there?
Really stuck - When I cold boot, rEFIt gives me choices of OSX or Ubuntu, both just spin and die during boot. Tried holding space bar, c key, option key, left mouse, all on cold boot and upon selecting OSX option from rEFIt menu, no luck getting disc to eject. I followed the guide here: [URL] Did I do something wrong when I let Ubuntu 9.04 self-update? It REALLY seems to have screwed up my partition setup.
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Oct 31, 2009
I have boot camp installed, and when I hold the Option key down at startup, I see the Windows Vista drive (but can't select it). After about a minute, the Mac OSX drive shows up. I can select the Mac drive, but then I get stuck at the grey screen again.
I tried starting up in Single User mode and at the command prompt, ran /sbin/fsck -fy but got a couple "disk0s2: I/O errors" followed by "Invalid node structure" and "The volume Macintosh HD could not be repaired." (see attached photo of exact message).
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Nov 9, 2009
My Mini powers itself down before it finishes booting.
It's a 1.25Ghz G4 Mini, so it's a few years old. As of the last few days the computer turns itself off. So I push the power button and I get as far as the grey screen and I see the circle logo rotate and I can hear the disk heads seeking if I place my ear near the Mini. But before the OS boots, while the screen is still grey the Mini powers off. It does this with the recovery DVD in the drive too. Either way it never boots
Is there a way to diagnose this?
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Feb 26, 2012
I'm trying to install boot camp and I can't install until I update the BOOT ROM. I've downloaded the package macmini2011efiupdate.pkg and this corresponds with my 5.2 model identifier. I have already updated lion to 10.7.3 and I seem to think that maybe the boot rom update was intended for 10.7.2 and it won't let me install on 10.7.3 because it thinks it isn't compatible? The message I get when I try to install the Boot ROM update is this software is not supported by your system.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 22, 2012
I had to reinstall Snow Leopard Server on my Mac Mini Server. I did it via a firewire connection to my MBP. Everything runs fine when I boot in target disk mode from my MBP. Problem is when I disconnect the MBP and boot just mini it gives me an error message that says I need to restart the computer. I have the two 500gb drives on the mini configured in a raid array.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Mar 25, 2012
I have a Mac Mini (mid 2010) with only Windows 7 installed on it. No OS X is installed. Is there a way to auto boot the Mini, like with a regular PC's BIOS?
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Apr 21, 2012
When some usb devices are connected on my mac mini, all boot option aren't work...for exemple, when i have connected my external Hard Disque or my usb key or a usb device on my mac mini, i want to selecte Windows partition for the boot, BUT the OPTION Key DONT WORK!!!!! And its only want to work if i Unplug all those usb devices, when my mac mini has no usb plugged in, option key work good !! What is the problem ? please help because at the moment the only way if i want to swich between OSX and Windows is to use the boot device selector in the system menu panel, but i want to be able to use Option key even if plugged.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 16, 2012
When booting my Mac Mini with OS Lion 10.7.3 it crashes everytime. The programs starts up then i get the screen that says i need to power off and power on.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a new Mac Mini connected to an older VGA monitor using the Apple brand VGA adapter. The mini is fully up to date and runs perfectly when booted. However, if I reboot the mini with the VGA monitor connected, it fails to boot. I just hear the faint chime sound every other second. There is no output to the monitor and the only way I can get it to boot is to disconnect the monitor and then power cycle the mini. I can reconnect the monitor just seconds after powering back on and it finishes booting properly.Â
I've also tested with an HDMI connected monitor (without the VGA adapter) and it boots just fine and the display works properly. Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 31, 2010
I have a macmini late 09 and I upgraded the RAM and HDD 2 weeks ago. Suddenly today the mini froze coming out of sleep. O left it for a few minutes but still no luck. Held down the power button and it rebooted. It goes to the apple screen and stays there. I checked the hardware and there are no problems. I then booted in from the older HDD and had no problems. I checked the permissions and repaired them.
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