I've restarted my Powerbook G4, but it's still doing the same thing: it's not displaying part of the top menubar (regardless of whether I'm on Firefox or the Finder or whatever app) so I can't see the time, battery/charge status, wireless, etc. I can see everything on the left half just fine (the part where it's specific for each app: File, Edit, View, History, etc). But the right half is blank, *except* for the blue circle icon with a white magnifier icon inside -- that thing is flashing...
Another thing is that I can't open excel files. Weirdly, I can open MS Word just fine. It tells me "not enough memory", but these excel files are pretty small. The thing is, I had Office 2004, and a couple of months ago I installed Office 2008. Yesterday morning, I got an "Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.5 Update" and I just clicked "Update" like I usually do... but I was running late and had to take my laptop with me so I canceled it when it was like 80% done. Could that be causing problems?
BUT I remember the night before, I had the DVD player on, set a timer to *shut down* in 20 minutes, and I remember the morning after (the morning of this Update), I saw that my laptop was (still) ON, and it had a pop-up window to say that some stuff on my computer may run erraneously because my date on the laptop was set for before 1965 or something. So then I had to go fix the clock on my laptop which was set to like 1960 January or something.
PS - there are additional weirdness going on, like when I change the volume using the keys on the keyboard, the transparent little box that's supposed to show up on the screen with the corresponding number of bars --- that's now showing up as just a big block of white box... And on things like Finder Windows, the top portion of the window where I should be seeing a back-arrow button and stuff, they are not showing up...
My bluetooth icon has all of a sudden stopped showing up in the menu bar, and it isn't visible in system preferences either. I have tried a restart with no luck.
I'm struggling with my Safari bookmarks in OS X Lion.Since upgrading to Lion and activating iCloud for bookmark sync, when I add a new bookmark or bookmark folder, it doesn't show in the bookmark menu. if I open show all bookmarks it is there in the 'Bookmarks' part of the tree, but they are not showing through in the Bookmarks menu part. I think that the problem is that iCloud is interfering, because they do show up on my iOS devices. It seems to me that iCloud is putting all new bookmarks in the portion of the database which relates to iOS/iCloud and is not keeping these in sync with the ones on my local mac.At the moment I have to remeber to open two windows, both open at the Show All Bookmarks page and manually copy the new iOS-friendly bookmarks into the local menu so that they appear there in the futiure, which is a pain to put it mildly.
I just noticed today that the left menu column is not showing on iPhoto. You know the one that says Library, devices, last import, things of that sort. I've checked in preferences and all over the internet and I can't find anything on this issue. I even called apple and they didnt have a fix either. I am using iLife 08' as well if that information is important.
I calibrated my monitor today and now my menu bar is completely black. If I put the mouse there then I can see the items in white. Also, the titles above the icons in the dock are black. In addition, all the menus from the different programs are black also. How to get the normal menu bar, etc. back.
My mid-2014 15" Macbook Pro randomly "loses" its retina display at the top menu (becomes pixel-y), where the battery, sound, and wifi logos are (on the top right side of the screen). A restart fixes the issue, but I want to know if this is an issue that can be fixed?
I have just a few scripts that I keep in my Scripts menu for iTunes, but recently I've noticed that they aren't there. I'm pretty sure I installed them, but I don't know if they got replaced when I upgraded iTunes to 9.0.2.
Anyway, I tried to reinstall one, and it goes to the folder, it'll even launch if I click it. However, it won't show up in the menu. Anyone ever have similar problems or thoughts about what I could be doing wrong?
I've realized that sometimes I "lose" my wireless signal. I am not using an AirPort router (I'm using Linksys, if that's at all helpful). I've noticed that suddenly all of the wireless signals disappear from the AirPort menu up on the menu bar, except the network that I am connected to (i.e., I only see my router's name there). It also becomes impossible for me to browse the internet, so what I've done to troubleshoot this is disable the AirPort, put the computer to sleep, and disconnect/reconnect my router. When I turn it on, it seems to work. I've also tried simply disabling and then re-enabling AirPort, but it doesn't work after that.
my "services" menu has disappeared as an option in finder. When I try to access it by right-clicking a finder item (folder or file), it's just plain missing. However if I look for it under the finder menu bar, the arrow beside service says 'building'. But I've been waiting for hours and it doesn't look like anything's happening.
Just today it began that when I try and open iChat from the Menu Bar icon, the whole right side of the menu bar reboots. Anyone else experienced this or have an idea of steps I can take to fix it?
I recently bought myself a Macbook Pro 13-inch model and I've been loving it so far. One thing that really bugs me is how bad the menu navigation is in OS X. I just read this on Macrumors and the only way to access menu from keyboard is by using ctrl+F2 key for which I have to press ctrl+fn+f2 key since F2 is a secondary function. Also, there is no way of going directly to the middle of the menu by keyboard shortcuts, right? If that is true, Mac OS X is still not polished enough for laptops. is there are a better way to control the menu items?
My safari menu bar is missing. The menu bar for desktop, HD, and apps appears, but when I click on Safari, it disappears, so I can no longer see my buttons for History, etc. I think my husband (pc user) clicked it away when borrowing my computer.
I just plugged headphones into the headphone port on my iMac(dual core 2.4) I went to system preferences, sound, then output and only the internal speakers show up. I rebooted the machine and still, same thing.
I tried the same headphones on the eMac sitting next to it, and it worked just fine. Still confused about the iMac
I run Windows-only programs on my Mac via Wine and I was wondering if there is a way to move the menu toolbar of the windows up to the menu bar to make it somewhat more Mac-looking.
After a day of installing and trying/deleting new apps as well as trying terminal tricks from UsingMac.com like these and these, i went up to my apple menu in the menu bar for the first time since i started fiddling around, and it looks like what you see below in the attachment. I have absolutely no idea what made it happen; I'm just wondering if there is a way to reset the menu alone. because instead of having just what it says in the "system services" section in the menu, it has all that other stuff as well (Calculator, FruitMenu, etc.).
P.S.: Fruitmenu isn't even installed. i uninstalled it after i found out it was only a demo.
So basically: 1) how do i restore the main menu in the menu bar back to its original settings? and 2) I need to do it in a way that wont screw up the rest of my computer or settings
The plastic part connecting the screen and the keyboard in my MBP has a crack! i don't know were it comes from, i have never droped it or mishandled my computer in any way. Will a repair be covered by the warranty?
I have had this quad g5 (dualcore 2.5ghz X 2) laying around for about a year that I purchased for $100 without a hard drive, super drive or a power cord. I was told that it was non working in the manner that ONE of the dual core cpu's had gone bad. I will be receiving my power cord this week to make sure that it still powers on but what the problem is.
My question is: If only one of the cpu's are bad, what is the part number I will be looking at? I am not wanting to spend a fortune on this to fix it, but If I do get it working I would like to drop 8-16gb ram in it, and setup a raid with 2 raptors.
My powerbook G4 aluminum was dropped about 18 inches. The display is now hosed. Thus far I have found *nothing* wrong with the laptop except for the internal display only shows gray horizontal lines with black snow/static intermixed (still in horizontal lines).
What I'm thinking is that the display is probably actually fine and there is some little logic board in the display casing that is bad.
Here is what I've proven:
1. external monitor still works fine (means vid card is fine?)
2. swapped internal displays with another powerbook and was fully functional (means it's something in my display casing or my display itself)
3. backlight works fine (on my munged display)
4. i can see movement in the grayness when i move the mouse pointer around almost like the pointer was as wide as the screen and 90% translucent (i.e. there is a horizontal shaded bar i can move up and down with the trackpad)
I've already thought about upgrading to the 1440x960 display and being done with it. But then I started thinking it is probably a $40-50 part if I could just narrow it down.... And that would be the smart thing, rather than spending $300+
The OVERTEMP red LED keeps lighting up on the system board of my Power Mac G5 2.3GHz. Obviously something is overheating. I called Apple Support and he asked my how long it has been since I turned off my Power Mac. I told him its been 2 years (since I bought it). He said that I need to turn it off once in a while for some time. I use it to serve files so I can't turn it off. Sounds kind of ridiculous if you ask me.
He said that if it continues to happen I need to take it in for servicing because a fan could be broken, etc.
I've got a powermac G5 dual 2ghz and 3 gigs of RAM that has a dead logic board. I don't really want to pay the $900 to have it replaced, so I'm thinking about just parting out the rest of the machine.
My Mac Pro arrived today and of the six or so times I've restarted this has happened three times:
I get the normal grey Apple logo screen then as it switches to the login screen the screen goes black. The monitor doesn't go into sleep mode, it thinks its getting a signal. If I hit the power button and put the Mac to sleep then wake it up the login screen appears.