Mac Pro :: Blank Screen Part Way Through Start-up
Aug 23, 2010
My Mac Pro arrived today and of the six or so times I've restarted this has happened three times:
I get the normal grey Apple logo screen then as it switches to the login screen the screen goes black. The monitor doesn't go into sleep mode, it thinks its getting a signal. If I hit the power button and put the Mac to sleep then wake it up the login screen appears.
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Jun 2, 2012
I am currently running OS X Lion. There are no system updates. My macbook pro JUST started doing this. It never did it before. When I shut my computer and let it sit for however long and then open my computer, the screen comes on, and then about 5 seconds after that, the screen goes blank. In order to turn my screen on, I have to adjust the brightness on my keyboard EVERY single time.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 16, 2009
my macbook was almost dead on power when I shut it down. I couldn't charge it because I was on a plane. Anyway, I plugged it in recently and tried starting it up, it makes the start up sound but won't get passed a blank white screen. Is there anyway to fix this? I've heard reinstalling the startup cd might work, but will I lose my files on it? All the pictures of my dog that just passed away on it, and I don't want to lose these. I just got the right cds to back them up and was going to.
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Jun 4, 2014
My MacBook Air just started messing up yesterday and I'm not sure why? When I turn the power on, it will make the startup sound and go to the log in screen as it should but after my password is entered the screen goes white and it never loads.
MacBook Air
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Aug 14, 2006
I have had my g4 for about two years and all of a sudden the thing decided that it's not going to turn on anymore. Power is getting to the machine and a certain amount of whirring is heard but not the signature! as it starts. The screen remains blank and would stay like that all night if I let it. The only thing I did differently before this appeared was to take it to work in a different bag a few times. Rucksack before, Side bag (more vibration).
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Feb 7, 2012
In the last few days, when I hit a key to start up the computer, all I will get is a blank screen with the small, multi-colored, rotating disk icon. I can't get out of this unless I hold the power key down for about 5 seconds, which I know is probably not the right way to shut down.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 11, 2014
At start up, my computer shows grey apple screen and then goes blank. Why?
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.2
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Jul 1, 2012
My daughter's old I Mac won't start. It is not backed up. We want to get some things off of it if we can. When we turn it on, we get the Apple logo with spinning wheel for awhile, then a question mark briefly and then a sky blue blank screen. Is there any hope of getting this to work? This computer is out of warranty. Does it seem that if we reinstall the Operating System we might find old data?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.4)
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May 30, 2010
Is it just me or the macbook air has a problem with backlight? it's very very bright compare to my mbp 13.3 but it seems like the left part of the screen receive a lot more light than the bottom right of the screen. I notice that on the mbp pro but its worse on the mba. I have a rev2 1.86 with a 9400. In this review (in spanish) they check the brightness levels on the screen, and there is a difference between center and bottom right corner (340cd/m2 vs 215cd/m2)
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May 27, 2009
when I do a screen grab - how do I obliterate part of the image? Example, a serial number etc, that I wish to not show in the image
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Mar 29, 2012
the top part of my screen is doing like an electric gig not sure whats wrong.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 9, 2012
I have a small video (about a minute or less) with the problem I have with my MacBook Pro 13" screen start up, I would like to submited to the forum, I have call Apple Support and trying to splain the problem, but it is hard to splain, since they have never seen that problem, I have suggested to them if I could send them the small video for them to see, what was the problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jul 22, 2009
I did a search and could only find information about the last rendition of mbps, and I see they had problems with bleeding along the bottom part of the screen. I just got my umbp a week ago, but I've been so busy finding a place to live for grad school that I haven't had the chance to use it. I looked at it in the dark yesterday, and I'm super anal. I saw a small amount of backlight bleeding on the bottom left corner of the screen, perhaps half an inch on the left side of the screen, just in one area (not along the entire left side).I wish I could take a picture, but my digital camera is nowhere to be found. Is a small amount of backlight bleeding acceptable, or should I exchange for a new umbp?
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Sep 5, 2014
I have recently migrated to an SSD as the system drive.
I am now finding the an "EFI available" and "Google Earth Available" notifications are blocking upper right corner of my
screen. I cant close them or remove them.
MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 26, 2009
With the new Quicktime, the control bar on the bottom of the screen blocks part of the video.
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May 11, 2012
how do I stop microsoft blank doucments from opening when I start my mac?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Oct 21, 2008
My father owns one of the original G5s, so its power pc not intel. Today while browsing an excel spreadsheet he says part of the screen turned black, then the monitor shut off, then the monitor came back on but not video. Mean while the fans started spinning out of control. Now when he tries to turn it on, he gets power, but all that happens is the fans spinning faster and faster and faster until he turns it off. No video or anything. Just speeding fans. He fears the CPUs died since they control the fans. Any suggestions? He also says the fans were spinning unusually fast these last few days.
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Jul 3, 2012
New to Mac computers. When trying to open computer after being in sleep mode, I clicked the mouse to open the password screen, & a blank blue/black screen appeared & the mouse timer( colored circle) appeared, as if to be waiting. I had to unplug the computer to reboot it. This has happened twice in 2 days.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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Apr 14, 2012
My computer won't turn on. Earlier today while playin music it just paused itself. I minute later it resumed. Then tonight it just shut off instead of sleeping and now it won't start. All I can get if I'm lucky is the start up chime and a super quick flash of a white screen.
MacBook Pro
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Aug 23, 2014
Macbook Pro can't start up beyond the grey start up screen. There's a spinning wheel and bar that moves to 1/4 before Macbook Pro shuts down automatically.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 15, 2009
When finished, I normally put my mac into standby mode instead of turning the power off. Last night, I did the same. When I tried to power on today it seems like my mac is working (the buttons beep when pressed and hear the hardrive), however, the screen is blank (never turned on). I believe if I can actually turn my mac off and on again it may fix it, however, I have already tried taking the battery out and putting back in to no avail and I think everytime I try by pressing the power button it goes into standby mode. Is there a way i can force my mac to turn off instead of going into stanby mode by pressing certain buttons since I can't see the screen?
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Feb 5, 2012
what does a blank screen mean?
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Jun 11, 2009
I have an Intel IMAC, which is now out of warranty as I have had it for 16 months (and I was dumb enough not to get AppleCare). A few days back, my computer would not startup and everytime I hit the power button, I would hear some spinning noise but no chime from the iMAC. Yesterday, I tried it again and this time I heard the chime but the monitor did not start. I was then able to SSH into the MAC and see that it is indeed connected to the network and booted up, but the screen is still dead. Any ideas what I should do before the painful trip to the apple store ?
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Dec 21, 2010
Got this mac friday but haven't really played with it before yesterday. My problem is:
1) Yesterday I went for logging in to facebook, but suddenly the screen went green? Had to close the mac down and start it again.
2) After I had turned it on and was on the desktop the screen (with me doing nothing) went white, and I had to do the same again.
3) This morning when I wanted to turn the mac on, it wouldn't! But few hours later I tried again and there I could turn it on by pressing esc + start button.
Should I call for a replacement? (Already had two - 1 with dead pixel and 1 with creaking).
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Dec 21, 2010
1 month past warranty expiration and now my screen goes blank when I adjust the angle. Is this usually something major or just loose connection?
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Jan 1, 2011
I was using it in my bedroom, it was plugged in. I went to make some food, and upon my return I am greeted by a blank screen, probably just a hiccup right? So I held the power button down expecting it to spring back in to life. But it didn't. It wouldn't turn back on. At all. Luckily, I thought, I have my old 2006 Macbook that I keep as a back up just for times like this. As it hasn't been turned on for a while, the low battery warning comes on, so I plug it in. 10 seconds later, it hibernates. I switch it back on, but it keeps hibernating for no good reason. So I think restarting it will solve the problem. It didn't. It too, now wouldn't turn back on. At all.
In the space of a few minutes, they both completely died. I've tried resetting SMC, PRAM, everything I've found on Apple's support page and forums like this. Nothing has worked. The light on the power cable glows orange when plugged in, so it is still charging, and the battery indicator lights on the side of the MBP work fine. Aside from that, they are both completely lifeless...........
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Sep 30, 2006
I've got a 15in aluminium powerbook, a couple of years old. So far I've had nearly everything go wrong with it. replaced screen, knackered hd, ram port failiure, and a battery that lasts 10 minutes.
I recently replaced the harddrive, as the standard issue one packed up a few times. I followed the instructions on website. To my delight I actually managed to do it, and the pb worked well for a few weeks. Then suddenly, the screen froze and faded to white. So far I've tried everything -
Resetting the pmu. Resetting the pram and nvram. Opened it up to check I reconnected everything.
and checked to see if the hd is still working starting it up from another computer, and it works fine. Everythings still there. Someone also said if you hold 'R' key down on start up it resets the lcd.
The screen still seems to turn black after a little while, indicating the energy saver is still on. I'm thinking I may have dislodged an lcd connection or something?
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Feb 10, 2009
I have a problem with my mini/quicktime setup and i was hoping for some help from you all at macrumors...
Here is the setup
This system is setup for a admissions office in which we have a mac mini set up to a LCD screen that is all mounted on a wall.
we have the mini on timer to come on from 1230-5pm and when the mini comes on, quicktime is set to automatically open and play the admissions video.
Now here is the problem:
when I turn on the LCD every day, the screen is blank but Ican still hear the video, I figured it was in hibernation so i move the mouse and hit the keyboard and nothing. i need to push the power button and hold it for a couple seconds then the movie comes on but the video is choppy.
here are the specs on the mini: 1.25 power pc G4, 512 Ram.
its old but its only function is to play this video...
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Jul 2, 2009
when I turn on my computer there is a blank screen. You can still hear the normal noises coming from the computer like any normal boot-up. But if I let my computer sit for a while without turning it on, it will turn on with weird almost static noises. If I force shut down then try again, I get the normal boot-up noises. I tried the safe boot-up method,holding down the shift button while turning the computer on, but no dice. I actually tried this method on both the good and static noise boot-up.
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Jul 25, 2009
Yesterday I was working with my MBP in one of my client's office and the computer went blank. The screen turn to black and it was still ON. I had to press the ON/OFF button to shut the computer.
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