Macbook Pro Hangs During Start Up And Boots Off By Itself

Jun 1, 2012

my Macbook pro hangs during start up and boots off by itself. I cannot even logged in.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011)

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MacBook Pro :: Will Not Start Up / Boots Half Way Then Shuts Down?

Jun 2, 2014

Mac Pro will not start up, boots half way then shuts down?

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Intel Mac :: 10.7 Safe Boots At Each Start Up?

Feb 21, 2012

... and once started I then have to do a restart as the screen misbehaves by erratically scrolling between the desktop and the Launchpad. A real time waster!

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: In Safe Mode Works Normal But Usually Start After A While Leopard Hangs?

Apr 4, 2012

in safe mode works normal, but usually start after a while leopard hangs, I've done hardware test dvd and normal passes through the test okay what do I do

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: IMac Won't Start Up - Finder Hangs Up

Sep 28, 2010

I was working on my iMac (last year's model) today and the finder hung up (beach ball spinning). I force quit the finder, but it then refused to relaunch (although I could use other programs as before). I then tried to restart the computer but couldn't, and had to force the power off by holding the power button for a few seconds. Now when the computer starts up, it gets to the point where the "loading wheel" (with external spokes) starts turning, but then this "wheel" freezes. I put in my TechTool Pro 5 disc to start it up from that, but the same thing happens (yes, I have been holding down "C" when it starts to make sure that it uses it as a start-up disc). I am at a total loss, and live far from any computer repair store.

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Applications :: Safari Hangs And Quits On Start Up

Jan 27, 2009

10.5.6 - Safari just hangs when I start it up. Bounces for about a minute and quits. Any ideas on what I can do? Trash prefs or something?

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OS X :: ITunes Unable To Start - It Bounces And Then Hangs

Jun 15, 2009

It bounces, and then hangs.

i trashed the prefs, the library, and reinstalled. any ideas?

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Software :: IBook G3 Not Start Up - Hangs Up At Blue Screen

Feb 10, 2006

My IBook G3 will not start up. I can get the gray apple screen with pinwheel and then after a really long time it will go to a blank blue screen. A couple times it went to the login screen instead but in the user id it says "other" and when I try to enter my username and password it won't recognize me. I am a college student and one of the Apple geniuses here did a check of my hard drive and it checked out okay. We were not able to get it to start up in safe mode; it seemed like it was starting in safe mode but then it came to the login screen and would not allow me to login with my usual information. I was able to start up in single user mode and run fsck which found a couple things and after another fsck it said everthing was fine. But, it still gets hung up at startup. When I try to boot from the OS X installation CD it doesn't seem to be booting up with it, it only goes to the screen to install OS X. According to the directions on the Apple support site when I insert the CD and start up holding down the "c" key it should start up and then I should be able to repair permissions but I can't get that far.

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MacBook :: Boots Fine But Not From CD

Jun 2, 2014

I have a white macbook that has been starting to act a little slow.  I put avast on it and found some old files that were windows files received in emails that had never been deleted (i.e. so these weren't issues and so viruses were not the problem). 

I did a repair disk permissions and it gave the usual long list of java changes. I did a verify disk, and it found errors.  So I put the CD that came with the macbook into the drive in order to start from it and run disk utility. 

The macbook will not boot from the cd.  The drive is fine and the computer boots up fine using the HDD.  I did try running the hardware test but it said the version is not compatible (maybe these aren't the disks that came with the macbook??)  So I booted up normally and tried even to run disk utility from the CD and it said it was the wrong version as well. 

I researched the internet and saw target disk mode but this old white macbook doesn't have a firewire port.  So I just hooked up a carbon copy clone of my desktop from a USB harddrive and was able to boot from that and run disk utility to fix the errors.  So the disk errors are fixed and disk verify shows no errors. 

However, my only outstanding issue is that I cannot boot from the CD drive.  If I'm on the road and don't have the usb drive and have trouble with regular boot I will not be able to boot until I get home. I have upgraded the OS since I purchased the macbook but only to 10.6.  Do I need a 10.6 startup CD as opposed to the one that originally came with the mac? 

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MacBook Pro :: Boots Into Sleep Mode

Sep 6, 2009

I have an older style MBP, 2.2, running 10.4.3, and the other day after using it about an hour I put it to sleep. After another hour or so I opened it to use it again. Usually just opening it will wake it from sleep. It didnt so I tried pressing any buttons, no luck. Held the power button til it turned off. Tried to boot up but the screen stayed black and the sleep light went on, but did not pulsate. Tried that a few times with the same result. I also tried hooking up an external monitor, just got "no signal".

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MacBook :: Boots To Blue Screen Only

Jul 1, 2010

A few days ago my macbook froze, when I did a hard reboot it boots to bluescreen. I've even left it up overnight just in case it was talking awhile.

Here is what I've tried so far:
-boot into safemode, holding in shift does nothing.
-Tried to run disk utility, it said something like it couldn't be done (forgot the exact message)
-reinstall the OS from cd, but holding in c causes it to reboot.
-holding option and clicking the cd to boot from causes a reboot also
-command-option-shift-delete does nothing
-Gone into single user mode done the fsck thing, also tried this [URL]

Starting to think the HDD is shot. Just noticed an error when I type in /sbin/fsck -fy it says "Incorrect block count for file it should be 16 instead of 17. Not sure if that means anything. Was able to run disk utility now, no errors were found however it still will only boot to blue screen.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Boots With A Black Screen?

Aug 8, 2010

Just about 2 hour ago I put my mac on standby because I had to do some homework, but after I finished my work and opened up my computer, the screen was black. I then resetted the computer by holding the power button down but still nothing.

The computer makes all the sounds like it normally does, it does the chime aswell. However, when I close the computer up the front light isn't pulsating, its just glowing. While my computer's screen is black I can adjust the sound (it makes the noises) and I can adjust the backlit keyboard brightness, but it doesnt respond to trying to light up the desktop. I've tried to shine a light to the desktop but can't see anything.

I've tried looking at some similar posts, tried to reset it up by holding cmd+opt+p+r.. nothing works. I can't understand this... it was working just fine only hours ago

EDIT: after leaving it for 10 minutes, the front light started pulsating as normal again, but when I open it up, black screen still.

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MacBook Air :: Only Boots In Safe Mode?

May 23, 2012

Macbook air only boots in safe mode, and if I PRAM, the password for the mac does not work

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work / Only Boots Into Safe Mode

Jun 3, 2010

Soda was spilled on the side of the notebook. It was never powered on. I opened up the notebook and cleaned all the components. Now the MBP only boots into safe mode.

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MacBook Air :: When Close The Lid It Boots Up, When Open It Shuts Off

Jul 6, 2012

When close the lid it boots up, When open it shuts off

MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Laptop Boots To A Grey Screen

Jun 2, 2014

13” MacBook Air laptop boots to a gray screen

MacBook Air, Windows 8

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MacBook Pro :: Boots Up At Grey Screen And Then Turns Off

Aug 21, 2014

My 3 month old macbook pro suddenly has problems booting up. I press power and it goes to the gray screen with the apple logo, the gears start spinning, and then it just shuts off!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Boot After Restart But Boots After Shutdown

Jun 23, 2014

I have an issue with my 13" Macbook pro mid 2010 OSX 10.9.3. It won't boot after restart, but boots normaly after shutdown and start again. 

Few months ago my primary sdd Corsair hard disk (I have 2 hdds. Replaced the original with the CD-rom) which I installed 2 years ago, stopped working. Gave the macbook to authorised service provider in my country and they said I need a new hdd and a new hard drive cable. The ssd was still under warranty, so Corsair replaced it with a new one. They gave me SATA3 instead of SATA2 (which at first I didn't noticed). Later they said they don't have SATA2 anymore. Also replaced  the broken cabel. 

Now it's working. If you start it after normal shutdown, it boots normally. But if you restart it it won't boot at all. The apple keep spinning and the forbidden sign appears. I tried PRAM and SMC reset. Nothing

What should I do? Can the use of SATA3 instead of SATA2 hdd lead to some issues with my macbook? I can try to find and buy new SATA2 sdd hdd but they are expensive and I'm not sure it will fix the restarting issue.

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OS X :: Apple Grey Screen And Hangs, Gets To The Login Screen And Hangs?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a much loved ibook G4 14" (late 2004??). It has just died. Well, in so much as it won't boot up. The ibook either gets as far as the apple grey screen and hangs, gets to the login screen and hangs, actually loads up finder etc and hangs or none of the above. Sometimes flashing red, blue green black.

After lots of research online over the past few days I tried the following: I have tried safe mode (not working), starting the command prompt screen (single user and verbose modes), started open firmware, and tried booting from a CD. Nothing works as the boot gets so far then hangs. I have flashed the PRam, resetted the NVRam, and have stopped short of opening up the case to dismantle it!

I just really want to access the hard drive now. I have tried Target disk mode and linked the ibook (pressing T) via firewire to a PowerPC G5, but the G5 doesn't recognise the ibook. System profiler on the G5 shows the target mode connected and working fine via firewire, just the icon for the ibook/target doesnt mount on the G5 desktop so I cant access it.Currently the boot freezes within a couple of minutes.I tried the hardware test CD that came with the ibook years ago, I have also tried booting from an OSX Panther CD. I'm assuming they would be bootable.

I forgot to mention that in linking with the G5 in target mode, a disk that I put in the ibook drive appeared on the G5 desktop as an external drive, therefore I wonder why i cannot see the actual ibook drive mounted. The CD drive works as it mounted on the G5.Does the ibook have an actual PRam battery that can be replaced? Maybe this is an issue?Am I able to actually remove the hard-drive and access it as an external drive somehow?

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work / Automatically Boots To Safe Mode

Sep 3, 2010

Today, my Macbook Pro 15" started to automatically boot up in Safe Boot / Safe Mode. So every time I boot up, I have to wait 5-10 minutes and stuff. It's not normal.

I tried: Restarting, Shutting down and booting.

Resetting PRAM, NVRAM

Verifying and repairing Hard Disk in Disk Utility (it fails). Tried in Mac OS and OS Installation Disk. etc. I got this computer 6 days ago, and there is already this problem. Is there a way without reinstalling the OS? I have Windows installed on it for gaming, but I don't see anything else that could be causing the problem.

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MacBook Pro :: Early 2008 Boots To Black Screen?

Oct 4, 2010

I left my laptop on in my room while I went to the bathroom, and when I came out, I saw the message that told me I must restart the computer. The message froze the computer, so I shut it off by holding the power button and tried to turn it back on again, but it only boots to a black screen. I don't hear the loud hard drive noise, but I hear the fans. Without AC power but with the charged battery, the computer shuts down after a few seconds. The light on the button that opens the lid is dim-to-none when the lid is open and bright when the lid is closed.

I tried many troubleshooting methods discussed on this site, like removing and reseating the RAM and draining the battery, along with the things that the Apple website suggested, like resetting the SMC and PRAM, but nothing works.

I brought the computer into an Apple Store, and after the NVIDIA test was negative, the technician told me that the problem is most likely the logic board. I also took the computer into an Apple Authorized Service Provider, and the technician there said it could be the logic board, hard drive, or boot connector. He also said that there is a very slight chance that the graphics card could have caused the logic board to fail. He tried my computer with another battery and concluded that it's not the battery's fault.

The Apple Store is charging me about $330 for a flat-rate repair. Should I troubleshoot further using suggestions you may have or pay Apple for repairs? If I decide to have Apple repair my laptop, do I need to take it back into the store to pay the repair charges, or can I do it over the phone and mail the computer to Apple?

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MacBook :: Stuck On Apple Logo For 10 Minutes And Then Boots

Apr 26, 2012

I have a white macbook which has a dead battery it only works plugged in. One night i left it downloading the updates and after that the machine kepts like 10 minutes on the apple logo and the she boot to the os. I reinstalled the os but still the same. I tried to replace the ram but now flases five times and does not start. I am assuming the new ram is bad. My question is replacing the ram and the hd will solve my issue. What are the specs of the ram and how much ram could be installed? It has to be on pairs? What is the meaning ofnthe flashing light?

iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Macbook Runs And Boots Slow/won't Fully Open Applications?

Aug 31, 2010

I was talking on skype. I attempted to open microsoft messenger for mac. It froze up the video on skype, but I could still hear the person I was talking to. Microsoft messenger failed to open, so I clicked okay on the error box.

A few minutes later skype froze up and I could no longer hear or see the person I was talking to. My mac was unresponsive and I could not get anything to close so I held the power button and shut it down. I waited for a few minutes and tried to re-boot. It took a few minutes and was still trying to boot, so I went and took a shower. I came back and it was fully booted, yet running very slow. Every application I tried to open would not open fully, I had to force quit anything I tried to open. Even "Finder" wasn't responding and had to be re-launched. As it stands now, I can't stand to try to even use my Mac because it runs so slow, and will not open any applications.

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Died - Apple Logo - Nothing Boots

Jan 4, 2011

On Christmas Eve my 6 month old MBP 13" hard drive packed up - got the apple logo and nothing else on boot up. Apple Care phone support couldn't fix so had to send it off for repair (due back this week). I know there are more important things in life, but to have spent a month's wage on a computer and to be let down like this was really disappointing. My last backup was a month ago, so everything since has been lost, and I was without a computer for two weeks. Is this a common fault? What bugged me most was that at no stage did anyone from Apple offer any glimpse of an apology for the floored (and very expensive equipment). I switched from Dell to this and love the computer, and had heard a lot about Apple's amazing customer service. Not what I've experienced.

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MacBook Pro :: OSX 10.4.11 Boots Up To Frozen Blue Screen With Little Pixelated Squares

Apr 27, 2012

My MBPro, OSX 10.4.11 boots up to frozen blue screen with little pixelated squares.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: Retina Boots Up With No Desktop / Just Gray Screen And Mouse

Sep 11, 2014

macbook pro with latest software update, retina, boots up to a gray screen. The appearance of a screen opening up after the apple disappears with a border opens to another gray screen.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook :: Snow Leopard Boots To Flashing Question Mark Folder

Sep 15, 2009

Over the weekend I install Snow Leopard on my MacBook and all went fine and it rebooted automatically after Snow Leopard was installed. However on Sunday when I turned on the MacBook it booted and all I had was a flashing folder with a question mark. I have read several suggestion and so far have tried:

1)Holding down different keys (C, D & X) to specify the disk but it doesn't seem to find the hard drive at this points
2)Booting from a flash drive & Install DVD and use Disk Utility to verify/repair the disk
3) re-install Snow Leopard
4) re-install Leopard
5) Erase hard drive and re-install Leopard
6) Reset PARM (?) Think that's what it was called...
7) remove hardward and re-install (memory & Hard Drive)

The hard drive appears and shows as verified in DU and repair does not give any errors but if I try to boot using the hard drive, I get the flashing "?" I've tried re-installs of the OS but once it's done and reboots I get the flashing "?" I just can't seem to get by the problem but the hard drive appears "OK" when verified or repaired.

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MacBook Air :: System Boots And Gets Stuck At Gray Screen With Apple Logo / Resolve This?

Mar 6, 2010

I am trying to install windows 7 on macbook air, through an external DVD drive, since USB didnt work for me. The DVD is detected and ounce I click start windows installation, the system boots and gets stuck at the gray boot screen with the apple logo. What is causing this? how can I solve this?

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MacBook :: It Boots With Blank White Screen No Logo Startup Disks - Wont Load Either

Jun 7, 2012

Holding option doesn't work, taking out the battery doesn't work, running out of ideas.

MacBook, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Repaired Hard Drive Afterward Computer Boots But Won't Recognize Usual Pasword?

Jun 27, 2012

Had to "repair" my Hard drive afterward computor boots but won't recognize my usual pasword what to do_know Password is correct

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