OS X :: ITunes Unable To Start - It Bounces And Then Hangs
Jun 15, 2009It bounces, and then hangs.
i trashed the prefs, the library, and reinstalled. any ideas?
It bounces, and then hangs.
i trashed the prefs, the library, and reinstalled. any ideas?
When i click the itunes icon from the dock it bounces once then stops and doesn't open at all. Even from applications it won't open. Ive just done an archive and install on my computer today becuase my safari was like that and now my it works. Only problem now is itunes, ive tried uninstalling and deleting every itunes folder(no worries i backed it up)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI suspect a software extension and to test this I tried going into my Administrator Account to see if the problem still occurred. However I find that iTunes refuses to open in my Admin Account. I get an error message instead saying "The folder "iTunes" is on a locked disk or you do not have write permissions for this folder." iTunes is in my Applcations folder on mi iMac's hard drive that as far as I know isn't locked.
I have examined the Permissions. Only the last one (Everyone) was Read only. The other two were both Read/write. Changng the last to Read/write also makes no difference. I have run Disk Utility to repair permissions. No change, still this error message and iTunes refusing to open.
I don't know if this is connected to the crash I get in my User Account. Both the iPod Nano and Color appear on the desktop and both make iTunes boot as soon as they are plugged in. With both machines iTunes crashes imediately and generates a report to Apple.Both machines display "Do not disconnect" until I eject them via the desktop. I have done a hard reset of the Nano several times to no avail. I've not done this with the Color yet. The iPod Touch has been behaving itself. However I have just plugged it in and it now neither appears on the iMac desktop nor does it fire up iTunes anymore.
iPod touch, iOS 5.0.1
I was working on my iMac (last year's model) today and the finder hung up (beach ball spinning). I force quit the finder, but it then refused to relaunch (although I could use other programs as before). I then tried to restart the computer but couldn't, and had to force the power off by holding the power button for a few seconds. Now when the computer starts up, it gets to the point where the "loading wheel" (with external spokes) starts turning, but then this "wheel" freezes. I put in my TechTool Pro 5 disc to start it up from that, but the same thing happens (yes, I have been holding down "C" when it starts to make sure that it uses it as a start-up disc). I am at a total loss, and live far from any computer repair store.
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy Macbook pro hangs during start up and boots off by itself. I cannot even logged in.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011)
10.5.6 - Safari just hangs when I start it up. Bounces for about a minute and quits. Any ideas on what I can do? Trash prefs or something?
View 18 Replies View RelatedMy IBook G3 will not start up. I can get the gray apple screen with pinwheel and then after a really long time it will go to a blank blue screen. A couple times it went to the login screen instead but in the user id it says "other" and when I try to enter my username and password it won't recognize me. I am a college student and one of the Apple geniuses here did a check of my hard drive and it checked out okay. We were not able to get it to start up in safe mode; it seemed like it was starting in safe mode but then it came to the login screen and would not allow me to login with my usual information. I was able to start up in single user mode and run fsck which found a couple things and after another fsck it said everthing was fine. But, it still gets hung up at startup. When I try to boot from the OS X installation CD it doesn't seem to be booting up with it, it only goes to the screen to install OS X. According to the directions on the Apple support site when I insert the CD and start up holding down the "c" key it should start up and then I should be able to repair permissions but I can't get that far.
View 5 Replies View Relatedin safe mode works normal, but usually start after a while leopard hangs, I've done hardware test dvd and normal passes through the test okay what do I do
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I just used Senuti to transfer songs, I tried to close it but it looks like it's frozen. I can't turn my computer off or actually open the Senuti window through the dock but I can see it when I minimize Safari. How can I close Senuti seeing as I can't actually click anything on it (the red X in the corner isn't there, just a circle)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am not able to install anything, from an Acrobat update to Apple Motion. The installer always hangs around 3/4 of the way through.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to install Final Cut Studio (6.0.1) on a C2D MBP running Snow Leopard (10.6).
This is my third attempt, after restarting and then shutting down and resetting PRAM, and the install keeps getting hung up on "Running package scripts..."
Installer is responsive, it's just getting stuck for some reason.
Anyone else having this issue?
I tried to move a load of unwanted iTunes files to the recycling bin, but missed! They duly loaded onto the desktop, then the computer hung (there were only about 3,000 of them, by the way!) What can I do to put my little baby's desktop right? On a related issue, my recently purchased G5 dual desktop refuses to acknowledge my G4 (which is in firewire 'target disk' mode') I have connected 6 pin to 6 pin.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMacbook Pro, running current iTunes and OS X 10.9.3, iTunes library on an external hard drive.
Whenever I try to update my podcasts, I get the spinning beach ball, iTunes stops responding. All other aspects of iTunes work flawlessly. I've called support numerous times - no solution. Only thing that is strange is the kernel tasks go sky high...and other programs stop running due to running out of memory.
Since a few days ago I am unable to sync my iphone 5s with itunes on Macbook pro.
As soon as I open itunes, it hangs. it doesn't give me the opportunity to disable or enable the syncing, it hangs immediately. I have also tried removing itunes from Mac to re-install, but it does allow me to remove itiunes as "OSx requires itunes".
Over the past fortnight, iTunes Match has gone from working seamlessly, to hanging at the first step - Gathering Information about your iTunes Library. I am-running the laters version of iTunes - Ver. 10.6.1.
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have downloaded a song and when I go to play it...it bounces off of the song and will not play. I have iTunes 10.6.1......Apple charged me for the song already. I went to Support but could not find a solution specific to my issue. I have downloaded over 2500 songs and this has not happened before. This song was one of nine other songs I downloaded that evening...all others came through successfully.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince upgarding to itunes 11.2 When ever I plug my iphone in to sync or even have it on the same netwrok to auto sync via wifi. My itunes crashes and I have to force quit the application. I have tried reinstalling itunes but this hasnt worked. I get this script in my console
03/06/2014 06:40:14.480 SyncServer[37207]: [0x7f9b7940bc90] |SQLite|Error| Detected out-of-space situation: 0 (Undefined error: 0). 56576303104 bytes free in davidcolbert.
03/06/2014 06:40:14.482 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[208]: (com.apple.syncservices.SyncServer[37207])
When I log onto my MAIL icon it just bounces once and does not open. Same goes for Safari HOWEVER the Firefox, Excel, Word icons open. I have tried re-booting but no luck. As a back up I am using Entourage for my email but prefer to use MAIL, as well would like to use Safari again! What do I need to do to get these working again?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCivilization IV just started acting up. It bounces for a few seconds and then just quits without any error. I am using OS X 10.4.11.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAlright, so every time I try to open iMovie '09 (8.0.5) on Snow Leopard (10.6.2) all it does is bounce in the dock never to open no matter how long I wait. I deleted EVERY possible file related to iMovie, repaired disk permissions, scoured through my quicktime codecs to see if there is anything unusual, inserted my applications dvd, re-installed iMovie entirely and it still bounces endlessly. Glad I wasted my time. I'm on the verge of doing a clean install of Snow Leopard since this is really starting to piss me off and I just want to get the problem resolved. Am I missing something here? Why is this not opening even after I clear every cache/plist/whatever file related to iMovie? Every other iLife program I have is opening perfectly fine. Someone please make some sense of this. Also keep in mind that it was working perfectly fine the day prior.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I first purchased my Macbook (around 5 months ago) Safari would load in 3 bounces or less. But now when I try to use it I have to wait around as it takes 20-27 bounces before it finally starts up and begins loading a home page. My OSX version is v10.5.6 Safari is v3.2.1 So far I have RSS set to never update and have used the "reset Safari" option in the main Safari menu. But sadly I'm seeing no results in start up speed increase.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have done some searches, but from the nature of my internet I hope you can understand if this question is a repeat, if so please point me in the right direction. I am using a August 2007 black macbook with airport extreme using 10.4.11 I am using a neighbors wireless network that is WPA. I live in Senegal and my computer is American, and I have heard that this might cause problems because of hardware. But the wifi connection works, it just bounces from full bars to no bars, spends a lot of time at 1 bar, and then when the connection drops and I try to rejoin the network, it says that there was an error. Sometimes, the network won't even show up. After long stretches of time trying to rejoin the network only to find an error, it will suddenly work. I have tried using interference robustness and relocating my computer. The router is just one floor above me, and when it was being installed (before they applied the pw) I had full bars. I think this is a mac problem because my host sister's PC does not seem to be experiencing problems. Also, due to the nature of the wifi (it belongs to my moroccan neighbors).
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow long does it take to load your guys' firefox on the unibody? For some reason mine takes around EIGHT bounces. I think somethings wrong. This is after doing a clean up w/ onyx too. But even before cleanup, its been around 8 bounces... on my white imac, safari takes only 2 bounces from a fresh load up. Why, could this have to do with anything with the graphics drivers? My HD is half full and I have 2 gb of ram.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI think it has all the latest updates. And when they are loaded they are laggy and slow. Any fixes or is this just rubbish from Microsoft?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI really need help with this; I've searched "iphoto won't open" and many other variations of that, but I haven't found anything the same as my situation. When I click the iPhoto icon on the dock, it bounces once... and then stops, without opening or doing anything else. It does the same if I open it through finder->applications. It's driving me crazy!! I have a MacBook with Tiger OS X 10.4.11, iPhoto 7.1.5 and NO tech experience.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAn iPhoto question .When I try to email several photos, an error message shows saying they are too large. My older Mac had 3 sizes to pick in sending photos. Is there a way to send my pics in a smaller size?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Safari suddenly won't launch on my 10.5.8 system on my Powermac G5. The dock icon bounces for a few seconds then gives up. I haven't installed any new software recently.I've tried deleting all caches, preferences and plugins, repaired permissions, etc. It doesn't work when logged in on my spare account either.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded a Mac Pro from Leopard to Snow Leopard, and now Safari doesn't open. I can double click the icon in the tray, and it 'bounces' like it opens, and the bar at the top of the screen says 'Safari', but no windows ever open..
Mac Pro
My iMAC is about 18 month old, and I had a software upgrade notification for my Safari browser.When I clicked on it to upload, a program from dll.ultimatesoft was seen on the screen, and asked me to approve and install. That message will not go away. The drop down box bounces up and down the screen. I re-booted, but it is locked. I tried typing in a different web address, and was semi-successful, till the ultimatesoft screen took over again in 60 seconds.
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
I have a much loved ibook G4 14" (late 2004??). It has just died. Well, in so much as it won't boot up. The ibook either gets as far as the apple grey screen and hangs, gets to the login screen and hangs, actually loads up finder etc and hangs or none of the above. Sometimes flashing red, blue green black.
After lots of research online over the past few days I tried the following: I have tried safe mode (not working), starting the command prompt screen (single user and verbose modes), started open firmware, and tried booting from a CD. Nothing works as the boot gets so far then hangs. I have flashed the PRam, resetted the NVRam, and have stopped short of opening up the case to dismantle it!
I just really want to access the hard drive now. I have tried Target disk mode and linked the ibook (pressing T) via firewire to a PowerPC G5, but the G5 doesn't recognise the ibook. System profiler on the G5 shows the target mode connected and working fine via firewire, just the icon for the ibook/target doesnt mount on the G5 desktop so I cant access it.Currently the boot freezes within a couple of minutes.I tried the hardware test CD that came with the ibook years ago, I have also tried booting from an OSX Panther CD. I'm assuming they would be bootable.
I forgot to mention that in linking with the G5 in target mode, a disk that I put in the ibook drive appeared on the G5 desktop as an external drive, therefore I wonder why i cannot see the actual ibook drive mounted. The CD drive works as it mounted on the G5.Does the ibook have an actual PRam battery that can be replaced? Maybe this is an issue?Am I able to actually remove the hard-drive and access it as an external drive somehow?