MacBook :: Transfer All Stuff From Old Hd To New One?
Apr 27, 2009
i have a macbook 2.0 unibody. i just bought 500Gb internal hard drive and i want to replace the stock 160Gb with it. how do i move all my stuff from my old drive to the new one? i don't have the cash to buy an external hard drive just so i can move my stuff back and forth, i will have no need for an external right now since i have a 500Gb internal. someone told me to get an HDD caddy and use the stock drive as an external. what i am wondering is, will i be able to transfer all my applications without having the install files (i deleted all my install files as soon as i installed them). is it going to be a simple "drag and drop" kind of deal and every file knows exactly where to go? i just don't know what complications might come about.
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May 2, 2012
I already tried transferring all my files using the Internet, but my laptops can't find each other to be able to do the transfer. What am I doing wrong?
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Nov 22, 2010
I am looking to erase everything on my mac and put it on an external hard drive. How do I do this?
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Apr 6, 2012
I have a old macbook and bought a new macbook pro, I don't know how to transfer my itunes song, videos ect onto my new laptop
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), bad battery
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Aug 11, 2009
How do i transfer my stuff from one internal hard drive to another harddrive in my macbook pro?
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Mar 28, 2010
I'm in the "waiting for Arrandale" camp and am considering one of the intel SSD's. All of the reviews suggest updating the firmware. I'm not too experienced with computers and would like some information on what that process involves. Aside from that, I would also like to know the easiest way to transfer the files on the default HDD to the SSD. I will likely use the SSD as the main drive (i don't use too many files), and the HDD for additional storage. So questions...1. If anyone knows of any walkthroughs of how to update the firmware and get the SSD up and running, could you give me some links?2. What is the best way to transfer all of the default stuff on the HDD to the SSD? I've heard this being referred to as "cloning" the HDD and would appreciate the best ways to do it, any necessary programs, etc.
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Feb 2, 2012
I have dvd's for studying that I wish to put on my computer rather than always carrying around all the discs. How do I do this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 25, 2010
This might be a dumb question, but I will be selling my current 13" 2.4 GHz MacBook for the new 13" MBP. How can I transfer all of my pictures onto the new computer? Do I need an external hard drive or something, since I will be selling this computer?
Also, all of my iTunes stuff won't get deleted, will it?
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Aug 25, 2014
My Seagate hard rive is saying that it is formatted NTFS when I plug it into my new mac. I have only ever used it on a mac and it didn't ever say this when i used it on my old computer.. Im not quite sure what to do because I have no where to put all my stuff to reformat it?
Also I made sure when I bought the hard drive that it was both windows and mac compatible...
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 19, 2012
I have just bought my first iMac. Superb - even though I'm only scratching the surface of what it can do at this stage. Is it possible to record stuff from a VCR onto the Mac? I've got some family videos from 20 years ago I need to get on DVD's eventually - but first need to get them transferred onto the Mac. If it possible - how do I do it?
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Jun 23, 2012
I just noticed that I cant bring up my music/tvshows/movies from my itunes library (from my mac) on my ipad. I checked all the home sharing setting on the mac and on the ipad, restarted everything, to no avail! My apple tv works fine! I recently updated my OS on the iMac to 10.7.4, would this cause the issue? I am running 5.1.1 on the ipad.
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1
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Mar 4, 2009
Is it bad for Macs to leave them on a long time when you're not using it?
My nephew once told me he puts his PC off when he goes to school for example, because it would be better for his pc.
Does this count for...
- My PowerBook, running on cable (not battery, whatever)?
- My (to buy) 24'' iMac?
Reason is I sometimes want to leave my stuff on to upload or download stuff...
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Dec 27, 2010
My 2007 MBP won't boot up, or at least the screen won't turn on. The genius diagnosed it as an issue with the logic board. I'm not quite two months out of warranty, so it's $310 to fix -- but I spilled water on it three years ago, and if damage is detected, my repair options start to get pretty pricey. I'm now the proud owner of the base-model 13" MBP, which is great, though it hasn't been 24 hours yet. I'm still planning to send the old MBP out to attempt the $310 repair, and we'll keep it as a backup if they'll fix it. However, I'd really like to get my data off the hard drive before I ship it out. I keep hoping it will magically boot up -- it's come back to life a couple of times since I started having this problem -- but I can't expect it to.
What is the easiest way to get my info off the hard drive so I can load everything onto my new MBP? I don't want to do anything more that would give Apple reason to say they can't do the repair. I know I should've backed up, but I didn't, and I can assure you I've learned my lesson ... the hard way.
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Nov 2, 2008
all these languages and stuff that takes up so much room that is unneeded. How do you delete these things to free up some space. Is this a major ordeal or just a quick file delete kind of thing.
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Mar 26, 2009
I've not yet decided on iWork or Office Mac... is iWork now fully compatible with Office? If it is I'm gonna download the trial version ASAP. But beyond that what else should I be looking for? My brain has gone dead after all the file transfers, so I've literally just installed MSN Messenger, Football Manager and VLC player + codecs. Do I need any antivirus software as well?
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May 11, 2010
Raid 0 is really cool. Can I ask where i could buy that thing? I mean the cd-rom model.
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Sep 21, 2010
I have recently upgraded from 10.4 to 10.5, everything has been fine apart from I now cannot seem to be able to download anything. When I click on a link to download, the page loads for a second and then gets stuck on a grey screen and the download window doesn't open. I have tried different browsers and all of my updates are current but still nothing.
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May 5, 2010
My MacBook HDD crashed and I just had some questions. This is still in the middle of the quarter and thankfully my midterms are already over so I'm free till finals, besides papers. The problem is I was walking around my apartment and tripped over my chair, which caused the macbook to fall and the hdd to fail. I took it over to the bookstore for them to check it out and they said they could see the hdd but not the partition. I'm not exactly sure what this means but I need 3-5 folders out of my documents folder and the entirety of my pictures folder (completely forgot to back it up). I also needs my bookmarks from firefox and calendar/mail stuff (not sure if that's possible) What are the chances of this happening? I'm giving my mac to a buddy of mine who has a good friend that's a genius at the apple store in OC. I'm just wondering if I can get my information back... or I'm screwed for finals pretty much? On a side note I did order a new MBP so I guess I'll have half the quarter's notes.
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May 13, 2010
I was wondering if theres a way to see what exactly is on your hard drive? I want to see what exactly is taking up the "used space" on my hard drive. To be more detailed, I want to see if anything I never downloaded or installed is on my hard drive. Like spyware etc., that maybe taking extra space.
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Jun 17, 2012
I finally bought a mini DVI to HDMI converter cable, connected the HDMI cable to my TV, but the only display I get is the Apple supernova or whatever it is. Please help! btw, I DID put my TV on the correct input, in this case, it's HDMI 2
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jul 7, 2009
What happened was that I just booted my mac up. And suddenly, all the controls and stuff were screwed. What's happening on my mac is that the computer itself just keeps hold either the command or space key and I wasn't even touching anything. So basically, when I try typing in something, it keeps holding the spacebar, so it comes out like t h i s. Just an example. And sometimes, it would just hold the command key, and sometimes drag off menu-bars that I don't want to.
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Dec 6, 2009
I just discovered the Remote app which controls iTunes and I was wondering if there were any more apps with similar functionality that control other things on the MacBook Pro, and if you happen to know, also what is the cost? I'm really loving this new MacBook Pro of mine and discovering all of the cool things it can do.
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Apr 22, 2010
I'm moving from my old Intel Macbook Pro to a new Intel Macbook Pro. I've read a lot of the migration threads out there, but couldn't find any definite answer as to whether use Migration Assistant or just reinstall all apps and manually move all documents. My main concern is this: Will Migration Assistant work flawlessly for migrating everything at first boot? Is there an advantage to clean install everything on a Mac like there is on a PC?
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Feb 29, 2012
I have a 2011 Macbook Pro and an older (5 year old) Western Digital external hard drive. I have always used this hard drive for both mac and windows. Recently, however, whenever I go to transfer a file from the mac to the WD hard drive, the little transfer window pops up and it appears to initiate the transfer. However, it never fully starts it. It appears to "get stuck" in that initiating stage, showing zero of 3.16 gb transferred and shows an unknown transfer time. This happens no matter how long I leave it open. Again, I have used this external hard drive with my macs for the past 5 years without any problems until now. I haven't moved or modified the WD hard drive
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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Sep 2, 2010
Dont know what's going on but my trackpad is really weird... Im having sensitivity problems.. extra sensitivity when I drag stuff or select ( even when I do not want to ) and extra low sensitivity in the bottom part of the trackpad.
Should I contact apple? Or just a software problem.
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Feb 14, 2010
Going to buy a new internal hdd, I have mac os x and windows installed on my stock internal. Any program that will allow me to transfer everything to my new hdd (obviously I'll put the backup on a external hdd) and then not have to install all the programs again?
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Nov 5, 2009
I'm trying to sync my iPod to my newly-acquired MacBook Pro. I find that, after following the support page Apple has on it [URL], I can't seem to drag the iTunes music into my iPod (the "Copy iTunes Folder to iPod step). This is on Vista. When I try to just skip that and plug in my iPod, it won't transfer the music, videos, apps, and all the other stuff.
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Mar 30, 2012
Will cancelling a migration and then restarting it destroy what has already been migrated?
MacBook Pro
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Jan 7, 2009
I ordered something from RadTech for my MB and when it came, there was a free trial for Stuff Bak included with the documentation. It has a sticker that I'm supposed to place on my MB (or any device I want protected), register at their website for free [URL], and when my MB goes missing the sticker will provide whoever finds it a way to return it to me (plus $20 reward and any additional reward I might offer). Two questions: Has anybody tried this and does this service actually work? I'm kind of curious, but I'm also thinking that the reward might not be enough to deter them from just scraping the sticker off and keeping the MB...
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Feb 27, 2009
had my macbook for about a year and a half and recently it just stopped working. Literally it was fine one minute and the next the screen was just black. I tried turning it on and off and now it stays at the boot screen for like 30 minutes and then just goes to a blue screen. I can move the cursor around the blue screen and stuff but there are no icons and there is no finder or anything. everytime i turn it off and back on the same thing, bootscreen and then bluescreen.
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