MacBook :: Screen Goes To Sleep And Won't Wakeup?
Apr 9, 2012
13" macbook screen goes to sleep but won't wakeup reliably. I can see a faint dark screen and I hear the computer working but can't see anything. If I press the screen light keys it will flash a view and almost seems to fix the problem. Closing / opening clamshell a number of times eventually causes it to work. The sleep light on the front sometimes stays solid instead of throbbing. I can even plug a remote monitor in and it will display on the remote. Using 10.6.8
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Apr 30, 2012
I am having a strange problem with my Macbook Pro (puurchased September 2010).Â
When I open the cover to wake it up from sleep the display turns on for about 1 second and goes black. If I hit one of the buttons to adjust the screen brightmess the display turns on as normal. Â
Is this a problem with my settings or should I bring it in for service?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Sep 4, 2006
Tonight I came into my office and my PowerBook was sleeping. I have an external display and I usually turn my display on and wiggle the mouse (after I turn that on) and nothing happened. I looked and my display was still in standby mode, my wacom and eye tv had the same behavior. The powerbook light stopped blinking (I heard the drive wake) and then nothing. Nothing happened still. I opened the lid, hit the power button and still nothing. Held it down, and nothing. I ended up having to take the battery out and then I started the machine. Since then I've rebooted twice just for fun and since then the below screenshot shows that the "Jessica's Computer" window keeps popping up.
Two questions:
#1 What could have happened or what does it mean when the powerbook is sleeping, then wakes but never really wakes and just shuts off?
#2 What is up with that window opening as though this is some sort of start up program you'd find in windows?
Specs: Powerbook 1.67 ghz second to last rev...rev D I think. 1.5 gig ram. os 10.4.7
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Oct 30, 2008
Ok the patient here is a new 2.0 Ghz Macbook. I just woke it up- or tried to. the sleep light was on solid, not pulsing with as it does when sleeping. It didn't respond to key presses of track pad presses. It did power back on after pressing and holding the power key. The desktop was greyed out and a metered progress bar came up and it slowly booted bakc up then resumed as normal. Is this that deep sleep mode, or is this something else?
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Aug 21, 2014
my mid-2012 Macbook Pro Retina laptop is having Retina screen problems at startup, bootup and wakeup modes. The main failure mode is, during reboot or wakeup the laptop's Retina display screen does not work, a blank Retina screen results, and the keyboard does not light up. Also, at random times the laptop will just crash and self reboot, but then during reboot the Retina screen does not work but the computer reboots. Additionally, this laptop, compared to my work's PC laptops is lightly used, mostly for web browsing, photo viewing and email. At first this problem was only intermittent, but now the Retina displace screen failure mode has become a chronic repeating failure mode and is happening almost everyday and stays in this Retina display failure mode for a longer period of time. Additionally, this 2012 Macbook Pro Retina laptop had a failed graphics card within its first 4 months of light use, the failed graphics card had to be replaced.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Sep 7, 2009
It happens when the MBP wakes up from sleep. The longer it sleeps, the louder it's. Listen for it after the 1st 10 second.
MBP Whine.m4a
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Apr 6, 2009
When I start or wake up my imac g5 (Tiger) and open safari the system seems to hang for about a minute or so (beachball when curson is on desktop, but app names show when cursor is over the dock). Does not happen when I start other applications first, but even these stop when I start safari immediately after. System runs normally once safari is running. Permissions repair and other usual maintenance task performed (I use onyx), but problem persists.
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Jun 17, 2012
With Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on my MacBook Pro-13" (mid 2012) I could wake my sleeping Mac by just pushing the mouse or sliding my finger on the trackpad - this is connected to an external monitor mouse is a Logitech wireless (via USB connector to the sensor).I did NOT have to push the spacebar or click the mouse to wake the Mac BUT WITH LION I DO-- I cannot simply slide the mouse a bit this doesn't cause my MBP to wake.Is this something new with LION or do I have to set something to permit easier waking?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Also a Mac SE running 6.0.4 - not upgrading that!
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Sep 10, 2007
I just got a mac mini on thursday, went on a small trip on friday-sunday. When i came home to my sleeping mac mini and woke it, it made a TERRIBLY loud fan clicking noise. My old PB 12" made this noise after I had dropped it on floor from about 3 feet. I didnt drop my mac mini, i barely used it for 2 hours before i had to leave on my trip. The sound eventually goes away though, once the mini heats up a little i guess. So i'm pretty convinced it's the fan, but why would it suddenly do this?
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Sep 11, 2014
I have a 27" iMac purchased in July 2011. I never had any issues with the trackpad before upgrading to Mavericks. I upgraded a few months ago and started having sporadic issues with the trackpad. When the iMac woke up, everything seemed fine at first. About once or twice a week, after it had been working for about a minute (just enough time to start web browsing), the trackpad would suddenly stop responding. It then progressed to being more consistent (every other day). The cursor was still visible and the keyboard still worked. The trackpad was still on but apparently not connected. I thought it was the batteries, but new batteries didn't work. I could get the trackpad to work again by using Spotlight to open the Bluetooth System Preferences. The trackpad worked immediately when Bluetooth preferences were opened (nothing needed to be changed; it would just start working).Â
However, it would stop responding after about ten minutes. It was interesting because even if I left the Bluetooth System Preferences open, it would still stop responding after about ten minutes. I could use the keyboard to make the preferences window active and it would immediately work again. It would then work again for a few minutes and then stop. I found that removing the trackpad and re-connecting it would cause the trackpad to start working again more consistently. It would only stop if the iMac went back to sleep for an extended period (overnight). Â
The useful keyboard shortcuts are cmd + spacebar to open Spotlight, type bluetooth, use the arrow keys to go to Bluetooth system preferences (hit enter), use the arrow keys to go down to the trackpad, press spacebar to unconnect, again to confirm, and then after the trackpad is automatically rediscovered, press spacebar again to pair it.Â
This went on for about a month, when I had what I suspect was an unrelated problem. The trackpad started acting as if it was being held down (left click was always being pressed). I took it into the Apple Store and they confirmed it was broken. At that point I had a brand new trackpad. Â
The issue had gone back to happening every other week or so. I thought it might be interference, but I've since physically moved apartments and all the objects around it. It's been a couple months now and it's back to happening every couple of days or so. Since the trackpad is brand new, I have to think this is a software issue. I've noticed the following consistently:Â
1) It only stops responding if I've put it to sleep (I usually do so with a hot corner, but I don't have any reason to believe that's related) and haven't used the computer for more than 12 hours.
2) It'll always work right when it wakes up. It'll stop fairly consistently 1 - 2 minutes after waking up.
3) Time Machine seems to be busy doing something when the trackpad stops (the little icon is spinning in a circle if I have a Finder window open). Uncertain if it's always doing something or if it's coincidence that I've noticed it more recently.
4) As mentioned above, opening the Bluetooth System Preferences will always get the trackpad to respond, but then it'll stop after a few minutes. Unpairing and reestablishing the pairing will fix the issue for awhile (at the very least until the next time the iMac sleeps).
5) I may be imagining this, but before upgrading to Mavericks, I think it used to show the message that the trackpad was connected when the iMac woke up. I no longer see that message unless I remove the connection and setup the pairing again.Â
I've seen lots of people with various issues with Bluetooth connectivity and Mavericks. I'm on 10.9.4.Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Magic trackpad, Bluetooth
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm having a regular problem with my MacBook screen. Every time I put it to sleep, when it starts back up again the screen stays blank / black. The way to remedy this issue is to close the lid and open it again immediately. Then the screen comes on and no further problems.
Serial: W8905MCX1AQ
It's a 2008 aluminum 13" MacBook with snow leopard 10.6.4
2Ghz Intel core 2 duo with 4gb of ddr3 RAM.
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Jan 8, 2008
Is there any way to put the screen to sleep prior to the given time in energy saver? I have it set to 10 minutes there but there are times when i want the screen to sleep right away.
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Sep 22, 2010
I wanted to use a screen saver which is a cool clock since I do not have any alarm clock or anything in my room, and being that my MBP is always on, why not make it a clock when im not using it? I was wondering if it would be detrimental to my screen if I never let the display sleep and leave the black and white clock screen saver on all the time? Would it really make THAT much of a difference to the life of my screen?
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Jun 20, 2010
Is there a way on the older MacBooks to make the display fade down to the low setting before it sleeps? On my Pro right now, it just snaps down. Does anyone know of an application or something?
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Feb 4, 2012
When resuming from sleep, the login screen is black. When I move the mouse, areas of the screen that the cursor hovers over will clear.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 3, 2012
since last night (monday) i have opened my mac book pro up for sleeping because i never shut my computer off....well last night i opened my computer up, typed in my password and then all of a sudden my screen went black....i called apple support and got it fixed but then again it happened again to me this morning? why is this?
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Apr 30, 2012
My macbook pro is only a month old, and I've done nothing to it besides write documents and use facebook. Every time I close the lid so the computer can "sleep" it does, but when I open the lid back up, it refuses to wake up. My friend has the same computer and automatically her screen lights up when she opens the lid from sleep. My screen will stay black up to 10 minutes sometimes. Why is this happening? Should I bring it in to Apple? Also, when I shut my computer down, starting it up is another hassel in itself. The screen goes white like it's suppose to, but only for a split second. The apple in the center never shows up, and the screen just goes black. It's very aggravating and I feel like I'm the one with the only messed up mac.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 28, 2012
Macbook pro 15 wakes from sleep mode with a blank white screen and no cursor, I can hear the computer is awake in the background as programs start up?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 29, 2012
What should I do to solve this? It's really annoying. I need my computer available immeditely after I open it and I don't have the time to wait until it starts again.
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Jun 6, 2014
i've a macbook pro late 2013 mavericks.i have tried safe boot but still same problem.i can see notifications and the cursor only ....
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), script
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Aug 29, 2010
Sometimes when I open the MBP after it's been in sleep mode, the screen won't turn back on. I hear the disc drive power up, but nothing on the monitor. I have to turn the computer off and restart it.
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Mar 3, 2010
I woke up this morning and my Macbook Pro won't turn on. The sleep mode light is just constantly on but there is nothing on the screen. I've tried shutting down and booting back up. Removing the battery and putting it back on and rebooting. I've tried rebooting without the battery and plugged into the power adapter. I've reset the PRAM. I've took the battery out and held down the power button for 5 seconds. Nothing seems to work.
Also, the last week the battery said "replace soon" and then the other day it said "replace now". I've checked the battery level and it seems to be fine. And wouldn't it just start up from the power cord? I would love for it to just be a battery issue. But it not starting up with the power cord and the sleep mode light being constantly on makes me thing otherwise.
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Feb 18, 2012
I've got pretty old MB that was bought back in 2007, and it's been working ok up until today. All of a sudden I can not boot it, the screen stays black. Whenever I turn it on the screen flashs for ~100ms and then remains black, at the same time the sleep mode light is on and off not gredually fading in and out like when it is in sleep mode but sharply. Safe boot didn't help, PRAM reset didn't help, booting into the firmware (CMD-OPT-O-F) didn't work as the screen stays black. . I can hear hard drive working but other then that I see no signs of life (even caps lock and num lock keys don't get highlighted when I press them)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 15, 2012
I am on a 17" macbook pro using lion and my laptop wont go to sleep. I shut the lid and the screen turns off but I hear it still going and the light in the front doesn't begin to blink like it is suppose to. I have reset the pram and the smc and its still not working
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Apr 26, 2012
Many of my applications are in trouble when i close the screen due to the auto sleep mode when the screen is closed.
How can i force my MacBook pro to don't take in account the closed screen ?Â
It's easy under windows but on mac os it look complicated.
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Aug 22, 2014
when my macbook pro go to sleep mode and after i try to started it - I got black screen and have a loading cursor mode, If I close my macbook and after 3 minutes open - all working fine!
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 22, 2014
I just purchased a brand new macbook air this past week. I noticed within the first day of using that if my machine went into sleep mode, and I hit a key to take it out of sleep mode, it would go to a black screen with my cursor for about 30 seconds.Â
It does not do it every time but enough that it is annoying. I am coming from a mid 2011 mac air that did not have any issues. (only replaced for all day battery)Â
Do you think this a hardware or software issue? If i swap this mac out do you think I will just encounter the same thing?Â
I have read numerous posts regarding waking from sleep issues but they all seem to be affecting MacBooks purchased between 2012 and 2013.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 9, 2008
I was using my MacBook this evening and navigated to a webpage that wouldn't load (perhaps due to excessive load) when my screen turned off and refused to turn back on. The white "sleep" light remained constant. I shut the screen and the light started to blink after the optical drive made it's noise and then I opened the screen again. The display turned on for a few seconds turning back off and the light on the front reverted to it's constant state.
I repeated pressing keys, the mouse and closing and opening the screen a few times before holding the power button down and forcing it to shut down. It's working fine now. I am wondering what caused this sudden behaviour though and how to best stop it from happening again, if I was working on something that needed to be saved, I'd be buggered. Perhaps it's an issue Apple needs to service, but how do I reproduce the effect then?
At the time I had a few applications open:
Mercury Messenger
iTunes (not playing) helper app (but no songs were currently playing)
I was thinking it could possibly be related to the app, but why would it turn my screen off and then cause it to continue to not respond/turn off? Should I be looking in the Console for a log before shutting down tonight, would that reveal something?
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Jan 2, 2009
if anyone else is having problems with their unibody Macbook pro screen getting washed out after a while - especially if the computer has been put into and woken from sleep. I run a 24 inch dell monitor along side my MBP in dual monitor mode, the MBP the slave monitor, with the Dell the main monitor. After a while of use, approx 2 hours, the macbook pro screen fades out/appears washed out. It seems to settle after either a restart or dimming the MBP screen to black for a few minutes. My MBP is not on a cooling stand but I'm going to get one Is this a heat thing, a firmware thing or a defective hardware? I'm running 10.5.6 and have updated the firmware/efi as per apple updates.
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May 22, 2009
Something weird has happened twice in the last week or so - I close my MacBook (black), open it later (I think both times I moved it somewhere), and when I re-open the screen is black and I have to restart using the power button.
What I noticed this time is that I could barely make out text on the screen, and although I couldn't read the whole thing, it was definitely a kernel panic "grey screen of death":
I'm wondering why this could be happening - both times it definitely had to do with closing and re-opening the laptop, and I'm wondering what the dimmed screen (I could barely make out the words) says about the issue.
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