my friend got red halloween hair dye over her white macbook. tried to clean it with wipes and that didnt work. I used rubbing alcohol on a paper towel and tried to clean it. her keys are now pink.but now it wont turn on.did i just ruin it ?can the alcohol seep through the keys and get on the logic board and fry it?
I recently spilled a small amount(tblspn at most) of milk into my g4 PowerBook. After the spill, I kept it on for a few hours (I now know to remove battery and powerdown immediately). When I came home it was not working. I've let it sit for two days w no luck. I have heard that I could possibly clean the logicboard w alcohol as a last resort. Anyone familiar w this process? I'm also curious about USB enclsoures to retrieve info from assumingly undamaged hard drive.
I was cleaning my wireless mighty mouse with a lil' bit of rubbing alcohol when like a dumb ass i spilled the bottle and it splashed on my screen. I dried it up right away and i didn't see any damage but a few minutes later i saw this:When i tilt it back it sorta dissapears:What do i do now? I searched and i couldn't find any rubbing alcohol damage threads. Damn, i am so bummed i don't want it to be permanently damaged. I worked my ass off to save to get this and it's only about a year old.
I bought my MBP about 2 weeks ago and thought I should put a cover on the wrist pad and whatnot...Please recommend me a good case so that my MBP does not have fingerprints, weird marks on the aluminum, and looks good... I want those clear ones..Also, can I use those rubbing alcohol to clean off my MBP before applying those wrist cover pads?And anyone got some 1440x900 wallpaper that looks good on a MBP?
After I executed automation and default clean up function with Onyx. After reboot Finder doesn't open anymore on the menu bar there are only three options: finder, files, help. I have to click on the finder menu and choose run full finder to get it back to work.
Launchpad simply doesn't show anything anymore
spotlight just disappeared...
Im able to create a new account and everything works fine. I have keychain in the current account so it will be better if I can fix this.
I got a phone call from my friend, and a bunch of cryptic emails from her. This is the same friend who tried to mix apple and oranges, litterally by putting her 2 month old macbook in a bag with orange juice, which now resides in her CD drive. She was cleaning her computer with rubbing alcohol and some how she managed to get a small amount in the keyboard. Now the following keys no longer work 7 u j and m. The left arrow gives a " and the track pad mouse constantly drifts left. Clicks are weird, and there is a sound effect that goes pop. Its not a bad, static pop, its an intentional notification pop but I dont know what it is for, most likely saying hey, you cant click there.
Sooo apple care expires in january, could/should she get apple care and have them fix it, or should she shun our $180 for a new upper case? Is there a chance I could fix it? If I could figure out how to disable the track pad, she could use an external mouse/keyboard for now as a temporary fix. Its a PITA to use the track pad to get to preferences > mouse to click a box, the track pad acts wild! I do know that the local apple store doesnt fix the computer, they have another place called CIT fix it. And the people at CIT..well, they are (insert bad word here)holes. They are the sterotypical computer shop that charge you for the tinyest things. "we can polish your screen for $50 extra!" type.
I tried to install Alcohol 120% and when it tries to make the fake dvd-drive, Vista crashes and you get the blue screen. It does that everytime I boot Vista with alcohol 120%. It craches on and on again.
So my USB KB was looking pretty grungy so got the bright (or not so bright) idea of cleaning it with windex. I sprayed a little on a paper towel and tried to gently clean the grunge off the keys. It is now clean, but the "D" and "E" keys do not work. Its been three days also so I figure if some liquid did spill under the keys they would be dry by now. Is this a good excuse to buy a new imac?
Before I opened it and cleaned it, it was going into safe boot, and even upon disconnecting everything except power and video, it still went into safe boot. It was then I decided I might as well clean it anyways. I cleaned off all the dust inside, down to the heatsinks, graphics card and everything. Reapplied new thermal grease to the CPUs and put everything back together. Now when I boot it nothing shows up on my screen and the fan for the graphics card runs at full speed, though everything else sounds normal. I booted it with just the power and video cable attached and got the same result.
Specs are as follows: Early 2006 Mac Pro 2.66 Dual Core Xeons (x2) 6GB Ram ATI x1900XT graphics card 250GB HDD Single super drive.
Maybe i'm the only one that's tired of my "nipple" scroll wheel not working but i'm sick and tired of moving that confounded thing only to find NOTHING SCROLLING! AND NO,... i don't use my mouse while eating a handful of doritos. My solution? DIY breakdown, disassemble, and clean. Mind you,.. i had one extra piece when it was all said and done, but who's counting, this aint a cesarian for crying out loud. It turns out that in order to take it apart, you'll have to "break" the seal on the bottom which in turn leaves it so you can't put the bottom seal back on when your done. I didn't notice a difference in performance/usage though.
1) Using a small paperclip, i gently tore off the light gray ring around the bottom of the mouse - starting at the side buttons and working my way around like one would seal a tupperware 2) Using a medium paperclip (still folded) i gently pryed the front part of the bottom of the mouse away from the top carriage. The back of the mouse sorta hinges so don't go yanking the back our you'll do some damage. 3) Using a teeny tiny Philips, i removed the 3 screws holding in the "nipple". 4) Once the black cage is removed, i find the ball incased in an ingenius little contraption. A small white plastic top gently holds the ball in place so i remove that. Once removed it reveals 4 small "spindles" about 1/2 a cm long that formed a square around where the ball was sitting. These spindles were magnetic on the ends and were gently held in place by magnetizing to a small piece of metal at each of the four sides of the square. 5) I removed each spindel and scraped the "gunk" using a teeny tiny flat head. 6) Once clean, i reassembled and whola.
I went ahead and disassembled my wireless mighty mouse, unscrewed the scroll ball from the lid of the mouse and found a ton of lint and cr@p that has been living in here for quite some time. cleaned it all up, put it together, now all of the little rollers spin freely, great.
I go to put everything together, including the 2 ribbon cables, mouse snaps together, fire it up, mouse works fine, i can click, side buttons work, but the scroll does not work at all now. left to right use to be fine, it was just up and down. now nothing works.
any idea what could have gone wrong? did i forget something?
I have an i7 MBP and this morning I discovered that its fan is turning on and off at about 2 second intervals. It only occurs when the lid is closed and (seemingly) when the battery is at full charge (i.e., the mag safe is green). As soon as I open the lid the fan comes on and stays on for 30 seconds or so then shuts off as if the system has cooled. Any ideas what this is about?
i'm having a small issue with my computer... Its not turning on
1) If i just press on the power button i just hear the optical drive shifting and then nothing.
2) If i hold down on the power button, the optical drive starts up, the hard drive starts up, the sleep light turns on.. glows a little then faints and nothing.
The screen never turns on in either case and i never hear the start up sound.I had this problem twice already and solved it by reseting the Pram and by trying to turn it on and off a few times ( eventually it just turned on.. ) . But this time i guess that just won't do.
My macbook pro late 20011 keep turning itself off, I will be in the middle of using it and the screen goes black and I cant get it to start up again for a few mins!
I have an external hard drive attached to my MacBook Pro. Today my MacBoor Pro freezed and I had to turn it off pressing and holding the power button. After turning it on the external hard drive didn't appear in desktop. I checked the disk utility that comes with mac and it shows the HD but I can't mount it.
He has a stock white 2.2GHz MacBook, the 2.2GHz SR, with 1GB RAM. Now, recently, he noticed that the green indicator light next to his iSight camera, is always on, even if he just started up his 'Book. If he tries to open Photo Booth, all he gets is not a picture on the Photo Booth window, but in fact, just plain black inside the window, with no error message. Does anyone know what is going on?
i turned off my macbook yesterday around 3:30amwoke up around 9am and took macbook to my work.i have PC at work so i didnt turned it on until my hand reach to the bag, i felt little hotness.hen i grab my macbook and it was hot.i was thinking.....did i not turn off the machine?i DID turn it off for about 9 hrs. i was shocked.i was trying to turn it on it didnt work.i was stunned again. so i took out the batteryand it worked.pee yew!but im kinda scary if this will happen againlittle note for my macbookrecently i upgrade my OS system from 10.4.11 to 10.5.6also memory from 512mb to 2gb.and hard drive from 50gb to 250gb.i always check the temperature with Temperature Monitor.and after those upgrades my macbook was getting hotter than before.when i had 10.4.11 highest temp was around 69c right now highest temp that i saw was 80c. (especially when i do ichat video) and i have labtop cooling fan.i just installed the 10.5.6 so its pretty much empty no photoshop or anythingjust basic apps and couple of apps that i downloaded from internet (which is legal programs)
My MB shuts on and off....on and off at random intervals. I should start up my computer using Disk utility CD that came with my MB when I bought it, except I managed to misplace it.
my screen keeps turning off if i play with the brightness the screen will come back on i think this is a inverter problem were can i get a inverter for a white plastic macbook
Every single time I turn on my computer, I usually log on and it works fine. But, for the past two days every-time I turn on my computer, I log in, and then it just stays as the screen saver and nothing comes up. It's just a blank screen with the purplish login screensaver. I have tried to shut it down, restart it, but nothing is working and I am unable to go on my computer..
The battery has been taken out and reinserted. The little LED on the charger will not turn on while it's plugged in but isn't charging. I only have this problem if my Macbook has been running off of the battery for more than 7-8 hours and the battery percentage does not seem to make any difference.
Health Information: Cycle count:958 Condition:Normal
I'm having a regular problem with my MacBook screen. Every time I put it to sleep, when it starts back up again the screen stays blank / black. The way to remedy this issue is to close the lid and open it again immediately. Then the screen comes on and no further problems. Serial: W8905MCX1AQ It's a 2008 aluminum 13" MacBook with snow leopard 10.6.4 2Ghz Intel core 2 duo with 4gb of ddr3 RAM.
I've run into a very nasty problem with my macbook (late 2007 normal macbook model I think). Whenever it closes, the monitor goes black. This is normal. What isn't normal is this: whenever I open it and then either start it/awaken it, it gives me the screen... and then the monitor turns the brightness off again! This happens randomly, I have to close and open my screen quite a few times to get it to work-even if I restart the computer. I don't what's causing this, or how to fix it, although I have a hunch that it's the hinge on the back; it started shortly (but not directly) after I replaced my CD drive... I have the tools and instructions needed to open my machine up if it's a fairly simple fix, but I need to know what's going on first.
My isight camera (as indicated by the green light) on the macbook turns on by itself during startup. Funnily enough, no applications are open that utilizes the camera (eg. skype, ichat, photobooth). The only way I can turn it off is by shutting the macbook off and turning it on again. Not even a restart will do, as the green light is still on after a restart.
My macbook, 3 years of age, always turns on whenever I put it into sleep mode. It gets REALLY annoying. So I close the lid, and a few seconds later, you hear the macbook turn on, then a few seconds later, it goes back to sleep mode. This happens endlessly and it gets really annoying.