MacBook :: Computer Keeps Turning On When In Sleep
Apr 11, 2009
My macbook, 3 years of age, always turns on whenever I put it into sleep mode. It gets REALLY annoying. So I close the lid, and a few seconds later, you hear the macbook turn on, then a few seconds later, it goes back to sleep mode. This happens endlessly and it gets really annoying.
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm having a regular problem with my MacBook screen. Every time I put it to sleep, when it starts back up again the screen stays blank / black. The way to remedy this issue is to close the lid and open it again immediately. Then the screen comes on and no further problems.
Serial: W8905MCX1AQ
It's a 2008 aluminum 13" MacBook with snow leopard 10.6.4
2Ghz Intel core 2 duo with 4gb of ddr3 RAM.
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Jul 31, 2010
I'm a Mac Pro guy and this is my first Mac laptop. How do I make it so nothing happens when I close the lid? Not using external display or anything. Sometimes it's just nice to be able to close the laptop when moving from place to place, I just don't see the need to sleep the machine when I do so. I do this on my Acer laptop all the time.
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Aug 8, 2010
I bought a new unibody Macbook around 4-5 months ago and I've generally been very impressed with it. It's my first Mac and considering all the problems I'd had before with Windows PC's, it's quite a relief.Anyway, here's the issue. When hooked up to my 24 inch Dell monitor there are numerous problems. Originally it just started with the screen intermittently turning itself off and on, and there being a sleep/wake issue. I did some research then and discovered that this was by no means a problem confined to me. Knowing this I was prepared to wait until Apple fixed it with a firmware update or something, as the problem was annoying but not devastating.
However since then the problem has got significantly worse. Not only are the screen flickering, sleep wake/issues occuring much more frequently, but there are other problems. For instance, the menu bar and the dock sometimes fail to show, and I've been having a very weird problem with the Logitech mouse I use. Even though I can move the cursor generally I can't click, and when I can, only the right mouse button works.The same is true with the trackpad, so it's not a problem with the mouse.
When these problems occur the system generally seems to be very slow. I've checked the 'activity monitor' and the use of 'system memory' seems to be very high. For instance, at the moment (I'm using my Macbook by itself) I'm running a few applications (Mail, iCal etc.) and I've got 1.09 gb of free memory. Last night I was running exactly the same applications and I must have had less than 0.4 gb of free memory. The pageout numbers were fairly high as well.
It's strange because when disconnected from the external monitor the Macbook seems to work seamlessly. I just don't understand how some of the problems I've experienced (such as the mouse issue) can arise from problems relating to the external monitor setup. What do you think? Should I be worried that these issues are perhaps indicative of a greater problem? Either way, the problems are becoming hard to deal with. Very disappointing.
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May 28, 2012
Every single time I turn on my computer, I usually log on and it works fine. But, for the past two days every-time I turn on my computer, I log in, and then it just stays as the screen saver and nothing comes up. It's just a blank screen with the purplish login screensaver. I have tried to shut it down, restart it, but nothing is working and I am unable to go on my computer..
MacBook, system: MAC OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 1, 2010
I have an older generation Macbook Pro (the all-silver two-part body style that came out before the current Macbook Pro) that I got approximately two years ago. I do use it quite heavily but have always taken good care of it.
About a week ago, I was using it as normal, then put it into sleep mode and went away from it for an hour. When I came back to it and opened it back up, there was nothing. I tried closing it and re-opening it, still nothing. I did a hard shut-down by pressing the power button until the power light went off, and then restarted it. Even though the computer turned on and the power light lit up, the screen remained black, and the Apple symbol on the lid remained unlit.
I called technical support and they ran me through a list of fixes including holding several keys down and turning on the computer, etc. None of them did anything to the computer as far as I was able to tell. I was not getting any sound, either--whether from having my computer muted or from the computer not working, I'm not sure.
I then tried putting the MBP into Target Disk Mode by connecting it to my sister's MB--no response. Still, the screen remained black on the MBP and no icon for the MBP Disk appeared on the MB. Even though the computer powers up, runs the fan and everything, it appears to be dead for all intents and purposes.
I have two main questions here:
1) What is going on here? Is it as simple as a screen problem, or has my motherboard gone? This is the very first problem I've ever had with my MBP; nothing has led up to this.
2) Is there any chance that my files are safe? I'm currently on vacation and backed up my files prior to leaving, but have done a lot of work since being on the trip and am not too keen to lose what I've done.
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Mar 23, 2012
My screensaver keeps turning on very quickly, even when I'm in the middle of using it. I can be typing a sentence in Word and it'll try to go to the screensaver. The screen will go black, but as soon as I type something it goes back to a regular screen. The preferences have the screensaver coming on after 15 minutes. I don't understand what's going on. The only thing I can think of is that I recently installed Air Display which is used to make my ipad an extra monitor, but turning the application off doesn't solve the problem. Also, there's nothing in the preferences for the application about screensavers.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 8 GB RAM
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Dec 11, 2014
I have a macbook pro 13" early 2011 and I'm se as shown in the pictures (since i upgraded to os x yosemite) . It happens after display sleep or computer sleep on login not on boot up .I've noticed that i run out of ram when the problem appears (only 15MB RAM available out of 4GB), though i doesn't happen every time . I've talked to service and told me its either motherboard replacement or because the ram isn't enough (gpu shares with main ram) so maybe i should try upgrading ram. URL....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 20, 2010
I am working with a macbook pro, 13 inch. So I do not have an external mouse, I use the trackpad. Recently, it tends to freeze on occasion. If I leave it alone for a minute or so, it will unfreeze. Also, if I apply some force where the click button is, that seems to speed up the unfreezing process. When my trackpad freezes, the whole keyboard is frozen, Caps Lock won't work, control+apple+escape doesn't work, the only button that works is the power button if I feel I need to emergency shut down the computer.
Also, When I turn my computer off at night for the past two nights, I take out the power source. When I go to turn it on again, it won't turn on? The first day I freaked out, thought I would have to bring it in, but like 10 minutes later it turned on. Same happened this morning. Also, I more and more frequently am getting that signal that comes up in a couple different languages that tells me my computer froze and I must hold down the power button to power off my computer and turn it on again. Do I have a virus or something? What is happening to my mac?!
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Jul 12, 2009
I have torrents going all the time. If the computer goes to sleep, the internet disconnects, so they stop. Display sleep wouldn't disconnect though. Is it OK to have computer sleep on "never" but keep display on "15 minutes"? I don't usually even leave the computer on overnight.
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Dec 2, 2014
The light doesn't on my computer charger is not turning on and not charging.
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Apr 1, 2012
When I try to shut down the computer, I get an error message that the mail application is preventing the shutdown. I have tried to manually close the mail application, but it won't close.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 17, 2012
i don't know whether i should turn my firewall on? it doesn't hurt so i think i should but want confirmation does it restrict me doing anything or slow my mbp down?
MacBook Pro
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Apr 6, 2009
how do i turn sleep mode off on my powermac g4?
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Sep 7, 2008
When I turn on my ibook G4 it does the start up chime and it goes to the start up screen and begins to load with the blue background and the gray box in the middle, every time though, it only gets to the "Waiting for network initialization" then it goes right into sleep mode, the white glowing button comes on, and I can't get it out of sleep mode.
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Mar 7, 2012
Why is my ADC monitor not turning on after I put my G5 to sleep? I am running an adaptor to my G5 from the ADC monitor (DVI to ADC).The screen usually runs fine when I reset the monitor or turn it off but as for when I put it to sleep, no such luck..This has happened once before and last time I just waited and randomly turned it on a couple days later and boom, the screen booted up.I have tried basic options, like resetting the computer several times, pulling the power cable out of the G5 for several minutes and even a PRAM reset but nothing seems to have made it work as of yet.I assume it's within the G5 as it has happened a few times and the monitor works fine when I test it on other computers..Also as I mentioned before this is not the first time it occured and it just randomly seems to come on whenever.
ADC Monitor and G5 Power PC, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 28, 2012
I've been using Pc's for the past 30 odd years so am totally new to Mac. I'm doing my best to adapt to this new different OS and so far have found some things more user friendly but others ? I've more or less given up on those as Mac doesn't seem to do those things. These are probably Windows based and I'm assuming Mac has its own alternatives that I haven't discovered yet. Anyway, my immediate problem is this goddamned frustrating situation when I try to re-activate the comp' after waking it from 'sleep'. Sometimes its fine but others, it comes back on but freezes and the only option I have is to turn it off at the switch and do a re-boot!
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
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Nov 10, 2009
When turning on the computer (from a completely off state) it takes very long to get all my log-in apps started. Safari pages don't just appear anymore, there is actually some loading time.... some apps just aren't as snappy....
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Mar 14, 2012
How do I stop several applications opening when I turn my mac on?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 12, 2012
On occasion, my MBP does not "wake up". My only alternative is to restart, Anyone else have this happen? Is there a way to wake up from sleep mode beside a restart?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 4, 2012
i received message that I needed to free up space on the start up, can you tell me how to do that.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Aug 20, 2009
I posted something up a little while ago.. Just got this Refurb MBP 15.4" 2.66Ghz 320GB HD 9600 512MB And when my computer dies (0%) it doesn't go into regular sleep, so when I plug it back in I can't just hit the spacebar. I don't like this and want to be able to turn this off?
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Jun 3, 2010
For the MBP will putting it to sleep cool the hardware down?
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May 9, 2012
In the past week, my computer has gone to sleep several times while being charged. I'll be working in Word or Safari and my computer will randomly go to sleep and come back on when I click the power button.Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 29, 2012
What should I do to solve this? It's really annoying. I need my computer available immeditely after I open it and I don't have the time to wait until it starts again.
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Dec 6, 2014
Before and since i had upgraded to Yosemite my macbook pro mid 2012 15" has not gone to sleep when i shut my lid i have tried to reset to default in the power settings but that didn't do anything any thing els i could do?.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jul 3, 2009
PROPOSITION: Turn the sleep indicator light to a power indicator light.
I just noticed, the sleep indicator light pulses when my MBP is in sleep, but is always completely off when it's in use. This is actually a little frustrating, as sometimes I leave my MBP idle with the screen off and the backlit keyboard off as well, and I can't tell if the thing is on or not since it's dead silent.
Also, I noticed that when I leave my MBP plugged in, idle overnight, the sleep indicator light is solid in the morning. It's definitely not indicating sleep, since the unit is on, so I'm not sure what it means.
Anyway, anyone else think the sleep indicator light should be solid when the computer is in use? How would you tell the difference between an MBP that is powered off, and closed and slipped into a backpack, from an MBP that is simply powered on but fails to enter sleep for some reason?
Is there a way to keep the light on forever, sort of like a power indicator? ALL my previous laptops have some sort of power LED just so you can at least tell it's on. It just doesn't make sense to me.
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Feb 28, 2012
Anyway, sometimes I'll leave my MacBook Air on without the power adaptor attached, and the battery will drain.That's all fine and dandy.The problem is, is that instead of going to sleep LIKE IT SHOULD, it will completely turn off, and everything I had up (web pages, anything and everything) will be GONE when it starts back up.
13-inch MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.6), M-Audio Keystation 61es
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Oct 28, 2008
If I put my comp on sleep mode, could I put it in my backpack and move around? OR is the hard drive still actively on and it may dmg my cpu/hard drive?
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May 14, 2012
I recently brought my computer to the Apple store to repair dents on the outside of my laptop.Ever since I received it back it does not go into sleep mode when I close the screen.
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