MacBook :: Spilled Rubbing Alcohol On Screen?
Jan 15, 2009
I was cleaning my wireless mighty mouse with a lil' bit of rubbing alcohol when like a dumb ass i spilled the bottle and it splashed on my screen. I dried it up right away and i didn't see any damage but a few minutes later i saw this:When i tilt it back it sorta dissapears:What do i do now? I searched and i couldn't find any rubbing alcohol damage threads. Damn, i am so bummed i don't want it to be permanently damaged. I worked my ass off to save to get this and it's only about a year old.
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Mar 29, 2008
I bought my MBP about 2 weeks ago and thought I should put a cover on the wrist pad and whatnot...Please recommend me a good case so that my MBP does not have fingerprints, weird marks on the aluminum, and looks good... I want those clear ones..Also, can I use those rubbing alcohol to clean off my MBP before applying those wrist cover pads?And anyone got some 1440x900 wallpaper that looks good on a MBP?
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Oct 18, 2010
I spilled a little water on my macbook screen and I just got a paper towl and wiped it off at first but then I realizewd a little later than it had a spot and if you tilt it you can see like a scratch on the screen.Right now I have it turned off and titled upside down. Should I do this? If yes, how long should I keep it like this? PLEASE HELP ME! I am a nervous wreck and on the verge of tears because my mom will KILL ME if she finds out and I dont want it to be messed up.
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May 4, 2010
i didn't spill the tea exactly on my macbook pro. I spilled it in a bag, where the macbook was in its case.The case got all wet on one side and so did the mac. Non of the liquid got anywhere near the keyboard, mostly it was on the cover and a bit on the side where the CD-rom is. I opened the mac - it worked (and still works) fine. However, somehow the liquid got into the screen - under the glass. I now see stains over my screen. About half of them dried really quickly, but the rest a still there (about two hours have passed). I wait for it to go away? Do I blow-dry it? Or am I forever stuck with a stained screen?I checked the "i-spilled-stuff-on-mac" guide, but it doesn't mention any screen problems.
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Oct 16, 2009
I spilled water on my Macbook and now it's splotchy, bright in some places, dark in others. It's an early 2008 model white Macbook. I have an older one that's not in use. It's a white Macbook also, same size.RM5510L8U9B is the serial number. Can i swap out the screens? Will they be compatible?
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Mar 13, 2009
Just had my air replaced by customer relations following three faults in the first 5 weeks of owning - the new one's great - had it for 4 days but i've just noticed that the bezel is getting scratched where the trackpad button sits (at either side) surely this isn't normal?It's not a biggy at the moment - the left side is noticeable - the right is if the light shines on it in the right way.Is this just "how they are"? My white macbook wrist rest broke for a similar reason, but after almost 2 years of daily service, 4 days and marking?I really feel that Apple must be thinking i'm a constant moaner! I really am not it just seems to be bad luck.
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Nov 6, 2010
my friend got red halloween hair dye over her white macbook. tried to clean it with wipes and that didnt work. I used rubbing alcohol on a paper towel and tried to clean it. her keys are now pink.but now it wont turn on.did i just ruin it ?can the alcohol seep through the keys and get on the logic board and fry it?
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Nov 6, 2009
I recently spilled a small amount(tblspn at most) of milk into my g4 PowerBook. After the spill, I kept it on for a few hours (I now know to remove battery and powerdown immediately). When I came home it was not working. I've let it sit for two days w no luck. I have heard that I could possibly clean the logicboard w alcohol as a last resort. Anyone familiar w this process? I'm also curious about USB enclsoures to retrieve info from assumingly undamaged hard drive.
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Aug 13, 2008
The last two days I have woken up and started my G4, and I hear an odd noise. I hear my drives spin up, but it takes probably 15 seconds for the Apple to show up on the grey bootscreen, after the first Chime I hear a 2nd noise from the internal speaker that I can't really describe? I can also hear a weird noise that sounds like rubbing or something if I listen very closely. Maybe this is a dust build up on the fan. Disk Utility says both of my drives are fine, and my computer is running fine. I'm just kind of confused here.. Should I pick up some canned air and clean out the computer a bit?
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Jan 17, 2009
would it be alright to clean the aluminum on the mac pro and keyboard with rubbing alcohol?
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Dec 9, 2008
I got a phone call from my friend, and a bunch of cryptic emails from her. This is the same friend who tried to mix apple and oranges, litterally by putting her 2 month old macbook in a bag with orange juice, which now resides in her CD drive. She was cleaning her computer with rubbing alcohol and some how she managed to get a small amount in the keyboard. Now the following keys no longer work 7 u j and m. The left arrow gives a " and the track pad mouse constantly drifts left. Clicks are weird, and there is a sound effect that goes pop. Its not a bad, static pop, its an intentional notification pop but I dont know what it is for, most likely saying hey, you cant click there.
Sooo apple care expires in january, could/should she get apple care and have them fix it, or should she shun our $180 for a new upper case? Is there a chance I could fix it? If I could figure out how to disable the track pad, she could use an external mouse/keyboard for now as a temporary fix. Its a PITA to use the track pad to get to preferences > mouse to click a box, the track pad acts wild! I do know that the local apple store doesnt fix the computer, they have another place called CIT fix it. And the people at CIT..well, they are (insert bad word here)holes. They are the sterotypical computer shop that charge you for the tinyest things. "we can polish your screen for $50 extra!" type.
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Nov 22, 2006
I had a bad experience.
I tried to install Alcohol 120% and when it tries to make the fake dvd-drive, Vista crashes and you get the blue screen. It does that everytime I boot Vista with alcohol 120%. It craches on and on again.
Why is that?
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Sep 24, 2009
. A few weeks ago I spilled coffee on my rev A MBA and fried it. Apple wanted $750 to repair it, so I
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May 19, 2012
Last night i spilled 7up on my Macbook White. I wiped it off and let it dry during the night.
I started it this morning and it booted nice and all keys were working (i think). The problem is that when i type in my password which i know is perfectly correct, it wont log me in. All of the keys are pressable and will leave a dot or * in the passwordbox, but it just wont let me in. The Enter-button leaves a dot aswell i dont think it should but anyways...Dont know what to do! Since i only see dots im not sure if some keys have swapped place or something but arrghhh i dont know what to do?
I dont have a Mac-disc and i have tried the Single User-option but when i try to type the commands there nothing shows up?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 18, 2008
I showed no emotion and people were asking me why lol. I really had it bottled up. The guy smacked his soft drink with his hand and it spilled onto my closed MBA. Thankfully it only made a puddle on top (like 30% of the surface of the top) of the MBA near the apple logo. Couple drops spilled off to the front right of the MBA, so just along the edges did the coke touch. Nothing inside on the screen, keys, or trackpad.
I went straight to the closest bathroom and found this foam soap and paper towel. I wanted to get any remnants of the coke off, so it wouldn't get sticky or do something to the aluminum.
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Dec 1, 2008
Almost had a heart attack. I was in the other room and she screamed that she spilled water on it. I ran over, grabbed it, flipped it upside down, turned it off, used an air compressor and paper towels to get whatever water out. Let it off an open overnight and everything appears fine.
She can go back to using her 5 yr old hp brick of a laptop. My MBA is off limits.
And 2 months ago she broke her ipod (gift from me) running on a treadmill.
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Sep 23, 2009
Well it wasn't actually spilled. My friend was crying on it. Its hasn't been a good today, but anyways I got a fan on it and a hot halogen lamp on it. So far its doing well. Should I leave the fan and light on the night? I have a 3 year warranty. And I would pry out the battery but I don't have a screwdriver in my dorm!
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Jan 23, 2010
I brought a new pc and external hard drive and i want to get the contents of the hard drive and push then to my external.
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Apr 4, 2010
Title says it all. lol Spilled coffee on my late 2008 Unibody MacBook. Thankfully, I had a keyboard cover. Some coffee still got underneath it though, and a few keys are sticky.
However, it still works. But I'm just wondering if I should still disassemble it to clean. I'm scared the sugar and coffee will start rotting at some point...
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Jun 4, 2009
My son spilled a diet coke on my macbook. It mostly got on the keyboard and monitor. I removed the power chord, turned it off, and wiped off the soda immediately. But of course it's liquid so it is probably moved under the keys right? I turned it back on a few hours later and there doesn't seem to be any problems. Is it possible there was no damage?
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Sep 20, 2009
So all of a sudden, my Macbook Pro's down arrow stopped working. This appears to be the only key that is broken. I might have spilled a splash of coffee in the area several weeks ago, but it only recently stopped working. I took the key off and wiped it with a q-tip and water, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I also used compressed air, also with no positive results.
I run:
Model Name:MacBook Pro
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.4 GHz
Memory:4 GB
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Jan 1, 2010
Yesterday at around 3 PM i spilled a small amount of slightly sweetened coffee onto the upper left corner of my new 15 " Macbook Pro. The coffee barely got onto the keys and the speaker, but pretty much drenched all of the ports on the left side. The notebook immediately turned off, and in panic mode i tried switching it back on to see if any serious damage had been done. The notebook turned on, but the screen was blank. While i was wiping off the excess on the outer case, i realized this was a dumb move to make (because it probably shorted something) so i turned it off after a minute or so. I took it home and unscrewed the back case, there was very little coffee on what i think is the upper right hand side (when overturned) of the logic board, so i soaked it up as best i could, blew on it for around an hour, and set it on its side with a pretty hot lamp shining on it overnight. I put it back together this morning more than half expecting for it to just not work, but to my surprise it seems to be working fine. No keys are sticking, the battery is charging well, and on the internet with it right now.
The problem is that there was a what looked to be a little bit of a singe on one of the black rectangular transistor prongs. The melted metal easily blew away and most of the prongs are still attached. also, i haven't taken out the logic board to see what kind of damage (if any) has been done to the hidden side (not the side that shows when you take off the back case). I'm planning on doing this as soon as i can get a torx driver. I guess what I want to know is if i should take my chances with bringing it in to the apple store to see what the real damage is even though it still works, or if i should just hold out and use it till it breaks.
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Apr 3, 2010
I recently spilled water on my macbook pro and found that my left, right arrow and shift keys no longer worked. What I didn't realize is that my power button was affected as well (I tried shutting off my computer a week ago and it wouldn't). So, it usually rests on my desk, charged. Last night, however, I took it off and it discharged. I charged it and found that I couldn't turn it on anymore.
Is there any way to remotely turn on the computer? I was looking into something like a USB keyboard or remote, but can't decide for sure what to do.
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Jan 11, 2011
I just spilled literally about four drops of water on my trackpad. However it was in the bottom left corner and some may have got through. When I rebooted (I know I panicked should not have turned it on 10 minutes later) It worked briefly and then I could not scroll or click. I have applecare, but I don't think it covers this.
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Nov 3, 2009
I recently spilled close to a tablespoon of milk onto the keyboard. Most of this landed on the keys themselves. I thought nothing of this and continued working for 4 hours. I left for 6 hours and came home to a non working Powerbook G4. The green powerlight does come on. I let sit for one day. Still nothing.
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Mar 16, 2012
Spilled liquid on my Macbook Pro and before the optical drive failed. In the technical service invalidate the warranty? If the optical drive is not damaged by stroke.THE service changes also Housing, Top Case, with keyboard, backlit, W / O-WesternTrackpad Spanish. This change is for the sensors of spills?
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May 4, 2008
Brand new macbook air. Got a coffee spill on it.
Immediately shut it off and cleaned what I could up, but some coffee got in the keys on the right hand side.
So now, when booting, there is no 'BONG' start up. It asks for a password to login, but it won't accept the right password (like the keys are pressing the wrong buttons) - pressing the 'enter' key during this process puts a character up in the password screen like a different key is being pressed.
Can't log into it. Haven't disassembled it yet to see what I can see, but looking for advice. My wife just bought this for her business (first nice thing she's ever bought herself) and is mortified to have spilled coffee in it after only 4 days.
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Oct 8, 2009
My turn for this situation. I spilled coffee on myself the other day. I was using my MacBook at the time. About 15mL got on the trackpad and I think it fell in the crack. The trackpad still clicks down, it just doesn't respond. is there anything I can do? it's a Unibody MacBook 2GHz.
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Mar 7, 2010
Last summer my wife and I purchased a Macbook Pro that supposedly had milk spilled on it. I'm technologically inclined enough to know that it was a very good deal. So we bought it to be used as her main computer because she doesn't do much beyond managing her iPhone, Facebook, and word processing, like most College Students. At the time I thought my Macbook was more than adequate but I've come to realize that there is a substantial difference between the two machines. I'm going to college as well for video production and I've not noticed the difference until I edited on hers while mine was in the shop. Anyway, long story short, I want to really get her computer repaired and trade her, which she's fine with she thinks my Mac is 'cuter' anyway... So I now realize this whole first little bit was unnecessary but nonetheless I'll leave it.
It has a few issues but functions perfectly as a desktop computer, we have a bluetooth keyboard & mouse for it. I really want to make it more mobile. But here's the list of the issues:
1) The 'o' and the '0' button do not work at all.
2) When you first turn it on sometimes it makes the tone that button is being held down and if you put the cursor in a text box it continuously types ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo until you hit backspace on the computer then it's totally fine.
3) It doesn't totally go to sleep. Even if it's closed you can still blatantly hear the hard drive clicking back on like you just opened it every minute or so and if you tell it to go to sleep while it's open it'll wake itself up within a minute.
4) When it's unplugged and not off the battery lasts less than 2 hours at best with an average of about an hour.
5) and the back lit keyboard only really glows in the middle of the keyboard supposedly where the spill occurred. The other keys do glow but not nearly as bright.
I think that's about it. I've taken it to the local Apple Store and they said that I can get just the keyboard replaced for about $150 then if there's no major damage we can send it off to get the other issues fixed because it's still under warranty until next July. However with the liquid spill that voids it which I'm sure you know. But if they crack it open and it's all nasty then they won't do anything and it could cost up to $1,200 to fix which is still a much cheaper deal for a machine with the same specs. I also have a 500 GB hard drive waiting to go in this bad boy. It's a Late 2008 15" MacBook Pro Model A1260, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB Memory, GeForce 8600 at 256 MB. Hope my descriptions where good enough I have a feeling that the milk spill has affected the logic board which is a hefty fee. And I plan on taking to to the Mac Authorized dealers here in town, like Mac Authority, to see if they'd be cheaper.
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Jun 14, 2012
I spilled a small amount of liquid on the key board, but I quickly dried it and everything works fine except the keyboard. Some keys are brighter than others, what should I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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