MacBook :: Installing Transmission To Download Torrents - Is It Safe
Apr 21, 2009guys i was thinking of installing transmission because i need a program for downloading torrents. is it safe enough ?
View 5 Repliesguys i was thinking of installing transmission because i need a program for downloading torrents. is it safe enough ?
View 5 RepliesBasically, I want to know -- what is a port?
Sorry for the stupid question, but I looked and I couldn't find anything that explains it to me. I looked in the Network settings, and couldn't find it...
Basically, I am trying to troubleshoot a slow Transmission torrent download, and the one thing I can't do is 'check the ports' -- because I don't even know what that means.
I have a MBP and am running OS 10.4.11...
I use Transmission for downloading torrents and it's been going really slowly lately and I can't figure out why. When I check on Transmission it says that it's using port 51413, as per the picture below. So I go into my BT Homehub set up page and set up an application sharing option for Transmission like so: I have this forwarded to the MAC address of my Airport card. Am I doing something wrong here? Right now I'm downloading something and I'm apparently using 15 of 23 peers and it's going at 3.0 KB/s....
View 2 Replies View Relatedi installed transmission but the torrents never start downloading ?!?! they just stay there on 0%!?
View 11 Replies View RelatedUsing transmission and an old airport extreme. All of a sudden I can't download any torrents at all. I didn't change any settings or anything. I have tried changing the port mapping to different various ports and none of those made it work. My original port which worked was 31337 I have tried 4040, 6984, and 6999; none of those new ports made any difference.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to set the app preferences so that it downloads better(faster)?
View 13 Replies View RelatedOut of no where, I can no longer download or upload anything utilizing Transmission or BitTorrent clients. Also, I decided to try the and it will not connect to either of my email servers (which are fine, setup just fine on other computers). Also, I tried thunderbird thinking it was a problem, but won't work there either. I thought perhaps I needed to check my airport extreme, but the utility app can not find it? Something surely is odd. I do have little snitch installed, but looks to be OK, but perhaps I'm missing a setting. Leopard 10.5.8.
View 1 Replies View Relateddoes the transmission torrent app let anyone download my files on my mac?
without my permission?
I am running the latest version of Transmission. When I open a torrent and de-select several files (except for one album) the download will not start. It is almost like the tracker will not update.
There are no Seeds, Peers or anything. It says "Time Remaining Unknown"
I have attached the torrent files as TXT files if you are willing to rename the file to a .torrent file.
I am only downloading one album from each of these torrents. Pinkerton, by Weezer and Double Fantasy by John Lennon.
These torrents are healthy. Not sure why this would happen.
where are the system alert sounds located. for example i want to extract the alert sound played when transmission finishes completing a download. does anyone know where those alert sounds are located?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was researching the best way to clean up my mac and I came across onyx. I have over 16 gb which is full of "other" data and don't know how to get rid of it. So I came across onyx is it safe to download?
MacBook Pro
I have pre-ordered snow leopard. If i install it over leopard will i lose all my documents and music etc or will it just install over leopard and not affect them? Should i back up my hard drive before i install snow leopard?
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View 6 Replies View RelatedSo, I don't like torrents, I generally associate viruses, malware, and spyware with torrent programs, is Vuze safe to download? I want to download Jolicloud and it's only available by torrent. Am I at risk in anyway by installing Vuze?
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Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
[URL] Don't know what to make of this. I use torrents all the time. Without getting into the legal implications or torrenting, can we have a discussion as to what this means for P2P or Torrent downloads?
View 11 Replies View Related im having a problem with really slow download speeds on utorrent.ive only just started using my mac for downloading torrents since my PC died, and im only getting about 6kbs from anything i try to download, my PC was connected to my router (BT Home Hub) through an ethernet cable, and it worked fine, so all i can think of its my Airport blocking access to Utorrent.
i read up on something called port fowarding, but i want to be sure about what im doing before i start poking around my mac
As ( I am told , you don't need anti virus etc ) on a imac. is it safe to down load some games from site such as bigfishgames ?
They are advertising some new awesome looking games for the ipads in their emails, I do like to relax by playing games such as scrabble or doing crosswords, also I like to download you tube video's that instruct you on craft subjects. I suppose the question is , Is it safe to download anything really?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This already happened twice. I installed torrent downloader, downloaded a movie then turned off my macpro so I can continue the download the next day. However, every time I start my macpro, I can't find the torrent downloader anymore. Is is being deleted automatically my OS? I tried to search everywhere - apps, docs, downloads etc.
MacBook Pro
i am trying to download some music using torrents, but the download stops every 20 seconds, telling me the startup disk is almost full, but when i check my harddisk, i got like 96 gb free, so is there something wrong with my computer or am i just using a corrupt torrent file or something?
View 21 Replies View RelatedDon't Worry, Me and my friends use bittorrent to share large files, not pirate software...But anyways my new ibook, will not load transmission, either directly by clicking on it or indirectly by opening a file with it....I have tried the newest version 1.51, and everything
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a torrent going that is being saved to a FAT32 partition (so I can get to it from windows easily) and it is downloading ungodly slow on leopard. It has a few hundred seeders but I cant get download speeds over 20k/s and most of the time it is just uploading and not downloading at all. My ports are forwarded properly so that isnt the issue. When I boot into vista, however, my speeds are much better. I was seeding at 20k/s and downloading at 130+k/s. What would make it so much slower on leo?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a 15inch Macbook Pro from Late 2007; well it worked just fine yesterday, but as of this morning the display will not work! It makes the Chime when you power it up, but no screen display; you can adjust the volume buttons and hear that it is on and the volume can be adjusted. The screen brightener and dimmer does nothing, as well as the keys brightener and dimmer. The apple website said to reset the PRAM which I did and then if that didn't work to reset the SMC which I did and got no change in my problem. And now the part that boggles my mind is I have the cables to hook up the MBP to my TV so I figured I'd atleast be able see it on the TV if the display has crapped out but its doesn't transmit the image to there either. Is it possible I caught a virus that kills displaying ability?
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It'll have a file with all sorts of pieces to the program but nothing that brings it together to run it. If there is it's only an autorun- I try the autorun(.inf) and it says there's no application specified to run it.
I have run across these types of applications more times than I can count. Every time I can't find how to make them work, and so I have to give up on them. These programs I download ARE made for Macs, so it's very frustrating- I don't understand. My husband said those types simply can't be run on a mac.
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I am unable to download pdf files after installing lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have DL much stuff from torrents. ALL of my DLs are infected with a trojan purporting to be from Demonoid. Pirate Bay warns about. How do I get rid of this thing? I'm running Norton Internet Security & MacScan on a MacBook 4.1, Intel 2.4 GHz 2 GB RAM, yet it persists.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install this device on my iMac (OS x V10.5.8) so I can use MacAXEpad to program my PICAXE MCUs.
I have loaded the driver - apparently successfully - as I have an entry in System Prefs>Network called 'AVE02...XE USB' 'Not Connected'.
Now the interesting bit. No matter what I do, I cannot get the Status 'Not connected' to change to 'Connected' and consequently the MacAXEpad can't use the USB cable to program the MCUs.
I assume that I need to fill in one or more of the 'Configuration', 'Tel. Number', 'Account Name' or 'Password' fields with something intelligent, but WHAT?