Don't Worry, Me and my friends use bittorrent to share large files, not pirate software...But anyways my new ibook, will not load transmission, either directly by clicking on it or indirectly by opening a file with it....I have tried the newest version 1.51, and everything
So jar launcher wasn't working for me so I decided to restart my computer but when I did there was a loading bar under the apple logo and it goes half way then freezes I am running os x yosemite 10.10 I found like a download of this online and no it wasn't torrent. So I turned it off again and tried it again and something happened what do I do right now its turned off.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 10.10 yosemite new mac version
When I try to play a game on facebook, it only loads half of the screen like so... I've tried clearing out my browser, updating adobe, resetting safari, clearing out cache and cookies. Nothing seems to be working.
I was trying to install windows on my pro, and i had bootcamp chop the hard disk in half, but then my disk drive didnt read the cd so i had to download and install some file. and after i restarted i could no longer access the windows side, it just i cannot reset my hard disk, cant erase it, and i cant reinstall OS X because there is no memory left..
I have a MacBook Pro with the 9600gt in it. Since updating to 10.6.4 this morning 2 times while playing java games i've had the bottom half of my screen go black and most of the top half flicker. I've had to hold in the power button and reset both times. The second time I closed the screen and reopened it, the screen was black but no mouse and nothing moved.
Any advice? Would this be something to do with my graphics card or possibly some error in 10.6.4?Edit:: This is software related to 10.6.4 update and only happens when I open up a java game in a browser.
At the beginning of last year I bought a 3.2GHz 27" iMac. About a month ago I noticed that, within about 5 minutes of starting my computer back up from sleep the left half of the screen would flick and become darker than the lower half (about 4 clicks of the light button lower). Sometimes the screen will flick to become even darker than this (but usually it returns to the 4 clicks darker after a short while), and sometimes it returns to normal only to go darker again.
I started up iTunes, checked my email, and looked up to see the top half of my display drop about 15 shades darker than the bottom half! I called Apple Care who told me they had never heard of something like this before and advised me to call the nearest Apple Store. I did, and like Apple Care, they had never heard of this happening.
I am Having some issues with Safari (I am using 4.0.5), if I open up a website the screen stays white like it normally does for a sec to load a web page but the loading icon keeps spinning and spinning and spinning....... until I click the "X" stop icon and reload the web page. As soon as I click the reload icon the webpage loads up instantly, it is getting really annoying and would be great if anyone has a fix. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently and then be fine for a few web pages and then start up again.
I have a 15inch Macbook Pro from Late 2007; well it worked just fine yesterday, but as of this morning the display will not work! It makes the Chime when you power it up, but no screen display; you can adjust the volume buttons and hear that it is on and the volume can be adjusted. The screen brightener and dimmer does nothing, as well as the keys brightener and dimmer. The apple website said to reset the PRAM which I did and then if that didn't work to reset the SMC which I did and got no change in my problem. And now the part that boggles my mind is I have the cables to hook up the MBP to my TV so I figured I'd atleast be able see it on the TV if the display has crapped out but its doesn't transmit the image to there either. Is it possible I caught a virus that kills displaying ability?
As the new MBA has an accessory (Thunderbolt ethernet adapter), will its transmission speed be significantly faster than using an old USB ethernet adapter in one of the new MBA's USB ports?
a few days ago my mac osx tiger burnt out its hard drive,
before it did i used vuze and it worked fine, after taking my mac to the apple store to get a free new hard drive, it came back all other applications installed fine msn etc
I got a new iMac on the weekend, so i transferred all my stuff over (by hand, not time machine cause i wanted a fresh install), I have a folder that i store my Transmission downloads in, so i put it back in the same place as it was on the old mac, and i kept all my old .torrent files. Now before if i deleted a torrent from the list but not the file, it would just check if the file was there and continue, but now it's not doing that, it's just overwriting them, because i had a few that weren't fully complete yet. So i'm wondering, is there a way to make Transmission check and see if the file exists first and continue instead of redownloading it all? i clicked Verify Local Data and that did nothing.
ok, so i have a bt homehub, and i want to download things on transmission, but recently it has slowed to a crawling pace, despite having many seeders.
So, i heard that to speed it up you can forward ports, and whereas i am a good gamer, i have no practical skills with computers besides a few mainly showy bits of knowledge.
I'm using Transmission 1.75, Leopard 10.5.8, BT Home Hub with UPnP enabled and I've tested that it's working (my PS3 had no problems getting online and playing games).
I'm having trouble seeding. It seems that people aren't able to see/connect to my computer. I've set my firewall to allow connections to Transmission (I've also tried using other clients), I've set my router and Transmission to UPnP, I've also tried using a static IP but that knocked me offline, I've tried port forwarding but that didn't work either. I'm not sure what else to try. Has anyone had a similar problem, if so how did you fix it?
Sorry for the stupid question, but I looked and I couldn't find anything that explains it to me. I looked in the Network settings, and couldn't find it...
Basically, I am trying to troubleshoot a slow Transmission torrent download, and the one thing I can't do is 'check the ports' -- because I don't even know what that means.
There's a bug in Transmission (the torrent program) that causes Macs to slowly crash and die. But it's really sneaky because it doesn't appear to be caused by Transmission, even though it actually is. I thought this was important enough that everyone here needs to know about it because I'm an expert Mac user and even I didn't figure out that Transmission was the culprit for quite some time. I thought the problem was a sign of my Mac breaking. What happens is your net connection stops working and you stop being able to switch open programs and/or you can't quit applications and you can't restart you computer without resorting to holding down the power button until it restarts, or other similar nuclear problems.
Check it out:
Out of no where, I can no longer download or upload anything utilizing Transmission or BitTorrent clients. Also, I decided to try the and it will not connect to either of my email servers (which are fine, setup just fine on other computers). Also, I tried thunderbird thinking it was a problem, but won't work there either. I thought perhaps I needed to check my airport extreme, but the utility app can not find it? Something surely is odd. I do have little snitch installed, but looks to be OK, but perhaps I'm missing a setting. Leopard 10.5.8.
Ive noticed today, when i went to torrent some movies that when i add them, its not creating the file on my desktop, or anywhere on my mac But it still says its downloading? at the moment ive downloaded 62mb of a torrent and still no file has been created for it?
I have a new Mac Pro and have installed Transmission as a bittorrent client (not sure if this is related but it was open on all occasions the spinning wheel appeared). Just before the spinning wheel appears I notice that my internet connection drops to 0kbps up and down. Then if I click on a program (seems to be any program, ichat, itunes, safari, etc) sometimes the wheel appears and never goes away.
I got my first iMac last week so I'm a newbie to OSx, however I've come across something.I've not been able to find an answer to via a search engine.I have a port open for the program 'Transmission' in my router's settings. I've tried several, and I've followed several different guides on how to do this, and yet it always tells me that the port is closed. Now, I know Mac has like infinitely better security than Windows does, but does it also mean that all the ports are going to be closed all the time? I have no idea, so I thought I'd ask here. It's a Netgear router, and I've followed a specific guide on it via. I've allowed the program to go through the Firewall too.
I am running the latest version of Transmission. When I open a torrent and de-select several files (except for one album) the download will not start. It is almost like the tracker will not update.
There are no Seeds, Peers or anything. It says "Time Remaining Unknown"
I have attached the torrent files as TXT files if you are willing to rename the file to a .torrent file.
I am only downloading one album from each of these torrents. Pinkerton, by Weezer and Double Fantasy by John Lennon.
These torrents are healthy. Not sure why this would happen.
I use Transmission for downloading torrents and it's been going really slowly lately and I can't figure out why. When I check on Transmission it says that it's using port 51413, as per the picture below. So I go into my BT Homehub set up page and set up an application sharing option for Transmission like so: I have this forwarded to the MAC address of my Airport card. Am I doing something wrong here? Right now I'm downloading something and I'm apparently using 15 of 23 peers and it's going at 3.0 KB/s....
I currently use transmission but it doesn't like to play well with VLC. When I run anything at all on VLC (mp3, movie, anything) the files playing will constantly skip or lag. I turn off transmission, and viola, it works. Anyway, I do love Transmission but a buddy of mine says Vuze has been working great on his mac. Anyone have any experience on both of these programs and why you choose to use that certain one over the other?
I used "Force Quit" on my Transmission (4 downloading, 19 uploading torrents) and when I opened it again, the downloading torrents were stuck on "Checking existing data" and the % wouldn't move any higher. I did what some other people said and paused all of them, resuming one until the % went higher but nothing really happened. Any suggestions on how to fix this?