MacBook :: Download Photos And Short Videos From Memory Card To Computer?
Apr 27, 2012
I am trying to transfer some pics and short videos from my camera. When I plug in the memory card with the card reader into the USB nothing happens. I cannot find what tab on this computer to get downloads started.
Recently Aperture has a problem reading all the photos on my 4GB Sandisk memory cards (2 cards, same problem).
When importing pictures from Aperture (RAW) - it only reads about 10 pictures, displays the thumbnail and then stops reading from the card (when there is still hundreds more pictures to be imported).
What I have to do is import with iPhoto and then drag them into Aperture. This is a pain though. I happens on both my memory cards and is a recent thing. It used to work.
iPhoto reads the memory cards in the camera very quickly, but Aperture consistently fails on more than one memory card which leads me to exclude the cards as the point of failure.
i cant seem to upload photos straight from my memory card to auction sites like i used to with windows,( i have to upload them to the mac first.) plus it wont let me view photos on the card in full screen mode.. everything else is just fine and dandy ( at the moment)
Installed Yosemite a couple of weeks ago. No problems. Yesterday unable to download photos from SD card. First I was able to download the old photos from the card but not the newer images. Now nothing will download into Aperture or iPhoto. I turned off the computer and tried again.
I've got a stack (about 10-12) of short videos that I want to play with Quick Time over HDMI on my wide screen tv. Is there a way of starting the first of the series and expecting it to play them all in sequence?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I want to import photos from my Sony memory stick pro duo to iMac. My imac has SD card reader but not sure whether it reads photos from memory stick pro..
i bought this iMac in May 2011. I believe this model doesn't support Memory stick pro.
which is faster & more efficient? to download photo & or video content from a memory card directly to an external hard drive? or to the computers main drive & then move to the external hard drive?
I am after faster transfer/download speeds with less hang ups
I don't know if this has been discussed here but all of a sudden my iMac, running Snow Leopard, 10.6.1) keeps waking up all on it's own. I believe this started after the latest update of Java and Super drive firmware (I believe these were the latest updates).
Is there anything I can do short of shutting the computer down.
My macbook is reading my SD card and importing my pictures but not my videos. The videos are AVI. I tried reformatting my card but it still didn't work and some formats won't work with my camera. When I called Apple, I was told to download a codec, which hasn't helped. I downloaded DivX and when I open a video in DivX, it plays a blank, white, soundless screen.
This morning, I had to print off some pictures from my digital camera for my art class, so I stuck my memory card (1 GB) into the slot, and it worked just fine. The other day, I plugged my LG Lotus into my MBP via USB and it also worked normally. Tonight, I tried to connect my phone once again, and it didn't mount. So, I tried the memory card in an adapter and it didn't mount either! My MBP isn't old at all (got it at the end of November '09)!
An SD memory card 32GB that used work well, when inserted into the MacBook Pro reader slot is no longer being recognized by the computer at all:
it is not visible in Finder or Image Capture or iPhoto, now nothing/nada/zip…
I am away from home, travelling - not anywhere near an Apple store/Apple Genius or even my old external card reader or a camera wire - so can not try these either!
Have a MacBook Pro, 2 years old, running OS X 10.8.5...
So I was importing all of my videos onto final cut from my sd card when my friend asked if he could have the sd card. i started to safely eject the sd card but it was still loading.(it was still importing the rest of the videos into final cut). He then took the sd card out without all the videos importing over and deleted them off the camera. What do i do!!!! Some of the videos did transfer across but some didn't, the rest just say missing camera.
Note: I have already tried to use a sd card recovery application, they recover all the photos fine but all the videos come down with a black screen when played and scarcely audio.
I have just moved from a windows 7 based laptop to Macbook Pro with OSxLion.
1: I put my 2gb brand new SD Card in the slot and up it comes as a crd icon with the label No Name.I try and transfer photos from my MacBook to the card so that I may take them to the shop and put the card in thier machine and print them off.No Joy! I cannot drag or paste anything to the card!I have been to disc utilities to format to what I do not know but anyway the only thing I can do is verify, everything else is grayed out.
2: I did manage to transfer some of my photos to a USB stick, but when I went to the shop and put said USB into the machine the stick was not recognized!
I have a MBP and I want to upload pics onto it from my SDcard from my camera. I put it into the memory card slot and i dont think it is recognizing it? Im not really sure what to do
I am thinking about getting a 15 inch MBP and a Sony Bloggie Video Camera. I was wondering if the sony bloggie takes sd or if the MBP recognizes Memory Stick in the SD Card Slot?
I've been having the same 'no-write' problems with my card reader but now it won't work at all! I've checked the system profiler which states: 'This computer doesn't contain any Apple Internal Memory Card Readers.'
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I need to download my photos from my phone but my sync never transfers my photos to the computer. the only photo thing I see is photo booth and I can't make that work either. Do I need to get download iphoto?
that doesn't cause sleep issues? I just bought a Startech 12-in-1 because it said it was mac compatible and couldn't find any reports of interfering with sleep, and yet on my 2009 MBP it does the apparently usual trick of starting to sleep then blipping the super drive and waking up again asking for a password. Are there cards out there that work flawlessly, or is it just a problem with the expresscard slot as a whole?